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课 时 作 业 30.阅读理解(2019银川一中高三模拟)During lunch all my friends were talking about their families plans for winter break, and I was a little jealous since my parents couldnt take a vacation during Christmas week.I came home from school that day to find a newsletter from the Jewish Community Center, which contained an ad for an “alternative vacation” communityservice trip to New Orleans during Christmas week. I wondered whether cleaning neighborhoods destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag were really the way I wanted to spend Christmas vacation. I sent in an application anyway, went for an interview, and was actually very excited when I was accepted into the program.We arrived in New Orleans on December 23. First, we had dinner at a pizza place that had been destroyed by the hurricane. The owners told us about what they had gone through to rebuild their homes.On Christmas Eve, we spent the day removing garbage as part of a beautification project in the Lower Ninth Ward, which was most heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina.On Christmas Day, we worked at a center for homeless people. The people really appreciated our work, and we felt like we had made Christmas a little more special for them. My favorite project was helping at an animal rescue center. We walked the animals, cleaned their places, and fed them. Six thousand dogs and cats, separated from their owners, were rescued by that shelter after the hurricane.When I returned to New York and told my friends about my trip, I realized how ridiculous I had been to be jealous of their Christmas plans. I looked around at my house, my dog, my family and everything I owned and felt really spoiled. All the things I saw in New Orleans, all the amazing people I met and the small ways l was able to contribute to the rebuilding of the city made that week the most memorable vacation I can imagine.本文是一篇故事,讲述的是作者去飓风灾区过了一个不同寻常的圣诞节假期的故事。1What was the authors first reaction to the communityservice trip?AHe felt upset.BHe was excited.CHe felt hopeful.DHe was doubtful.答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的I wondered whether cleaning neighborhoods destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag were really the way I wanted to spend Christmas vacation.可知,作者看到社区服务之旅时,不知道旅游活动和条件是不是自己真正想要的假期。作者是怀疑的态度,故选D。2Which did the author like most?ARemoving garbage.BHelping the homeless.CWorking with animals.DDining with survivors.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第五段My favorite project was helping at an animal rescue center. We walked the animals, cleaned their places, and fed them.可知,作者最喜欢的工作是在动物救助中心工作,照顾动物。故选C。3What can be the best title for the text?AThe Most Memorable DayBMy Special Christmas VacationCPostDisaster ReconstructionDA Big Contribution to Society答案:B解析:标题判断题。本文主要讲述的是作者去飓风灾区过圣诞节假期的故事,这是一个不同寻常的假期。My Special Christmas Vacation概括了全文内容,适合作为标题。故选B。.七选五(2019陕西省榆林市第一中学高三检测)As is known to all, we are always consuming various foods. We have to spend large parts of our days finding, buying, cooking and eating our food. Did you ever think it might be nice to be able to make your own food like plants do? _1_ They perform a process called photosynthesis (光合作用) using light from the sun, water and carbon dioxide. The end result of this chemical reaction is sugar for the plant to eat. The plant gives off water and oxygen. _2_ Plants have special structures called chloroplasts (叶绿体) that animals dont have. These structures are filled with chlorophyll, which gives leafy green plants their green color. Their main job is to absorb light from the sun. Chloroplasts can absorb every color except green. Light makes chlorophyll active. It creates an energy that separates water out into hydrogen and oxygen._3_ Hydrogen from the water combines with carbon from the carbon dioxide we breathe out. Oxygen is sent out into the air._4_ Plants rely on the carbon dioxide that we breathe out, and we rely on the oxygen that they breathe out. This is one good reason for protecting plant life on Earth. Many plants can produce a constant supply of oxygen for us. We need plants in order to survive.Conservation (保护) projects around the globe are aimed at protecting our natural resources, including numerous species of plants. _5_APlants are producers.BChemical reactions take place.CAnimals cant live without water.DPeople and plants make perfect partners.ESo how do plants do it, and why cant we?FThere would be too much carbon dioxide in the air.GOur quality of life and the fresh air we breathe depend upon our green plant partners.本文主要讲了人类和植物是非常完美的合作者,我们的生活质量和我们所呼吸的新鲜空气都依赖于我们的植物伙伴,所以我们要保护自然资源和各种各样的植物。1A解析:语义理解题。由They perform a process called photosynthesis (光合作用) using light from the sun, water and carbon dioxide. The end result of this chemical reaction is sugar for the plant to eat. The plant gives off water and oxygen.可知,这里意思是植物是生产者,选A。2E解析:语义理解题。由Plants have special structures called chloroplasts (叶绿体) that animals dont have. 可知这里意思是植物是如何做的,为什么我们就不能?选E。3B解析:语义理解题。由Hydrogen from the water combines with carbon from the carbon dioxide we breathe out. Oxygen is sent out into the air. 可知,这里意思是发生化学反应,选B。4D解析:语义理解题。由Plants rely on the carbon dioxide that we breathe out, and we rely on the oxygen that they breathe out. 可知,这里意思是人类和植物是非常完美的合作者,选D。5G解析:语义理解题。由Conservation (保护) projects around the globe are aimed at protecting our natural resources, including numerous species of plants. 可知,这里意思是我们的生活质量和我们所呼吸的新鲜空气都依赖于我们的植物伙伴,选G。.语法填空(2019大庆市中学教学质量评估)It was 1978, I was 10 years old and lived in Calcutta, a city of East India with my family. I could not forget _1_ year as this city faced a disaster. A heavy flood in Ganges river prevented the people _2_ (live) the normal city life.At that time, our school remained closed. One of school friends Sandhya used to stay in Subhas Nagar, _3_ was situated in a little _4_ (low) area across the railway line. The area _5_ (cover) with water, just then my friends grandfather became sick. The outer city connection with this area was cut _6_, so my friends father crossed the watery path with the help of bamboo based boat in order to call a doctor. Going out to attend hospital _7_ (be) impossible for the aged grandfather, because it rained heavily and _8_ (end), and no doctor dared to visit the area at that moment. Finally my friends father built a tent typed shade on the boat and _9_ (take) my friends grandfather to the hospital.If we are determined and have great confidence in our _10_ (able), we can overcome any obstacle to reach our goals.本文叙述的是1978年在印度东部的城市Calcutta发生的一次灾难洪水泛滥。1the解析:句意:我不会忘记这一年,因为这个城市面临了一场灾难。此处表示特指,故填the。2living解析:句意:一场来自恒河的洪水阻止了过着正常城市生活的人们。此处是现在分词作后置定语,故答案为living。3which解析:此处Subhas Nagar作先行词,指物,在后面的定语从句中作主语,可知答案为which。4lower解析:句意:它坐落在穿过铁路更低的地区。a little修饰形容词比较级,根据句意可知答案为lower。5was_covered解析:句意:这个地区被水覆盖。根据句意可知句子用一般过去时态的被动语态,故答案为was covered。6off解析:句意:外面与这个地区的联系被切断了。cut off切断,根据句意可知答案为off。7was解析:动名词作主语后面的谓语动词用单数形式,句子是一般过去时态,故答案为was。8endlessly解析:句意:因为大雨在无休止地下着,医生不敢来这个地区。副词修饰动词,根据句意可知答案为endlessly。9took解析:句意:最后我朋友的父亲在船上建了一个帐篷类型的阴凉并带我朋友的爷爷去医院。根据句意可知此处是and连接的并列谓语,句子用一般过去时态,答案为took。10abilities解析:句意:如果我们有决心并对自己的能力充满信心,我们可以克服任何障碍,达到我们的目标。our是形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,根据句意可知用名词复数形式,故答案为abilities。.短文改错(2019洛阳市高三统考)In my spare time, I often read some books written by famous writers in or abroad. I ever read Chinas Four Great Classical novel such as Journey to the West. Beside, I enjoy reading Poetry of the Tang Dynasty.I have been veiling from I was nine years old. I am remember the first time my parents and I talked about my dream of becoming writer. They laughed out happy when they read the short story I write about robots. They think that my story is well worth read and that I am good at writing. I believe I will achieve their dream.答案.书面表达(2019湖南省长郡中学高三质检)假如你是李华,随着共享单车逐渐进入


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