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,目录,公司简介 公司的客户及服务项目 公司的作品案例 公司的导演资源,天下和,中 国 玺,Contents,Company Profile Customers and Services Samples of Productions Directors,盛世天玺传播机构成立于北京。是一家致力于政府文化活动交流与发展、城市品牌形象包装与建设、企业品牌营销的专业设计策划机构;是由多名政界、商界精英顾问团和年轻满腹创意的专业精英组成的团队。,公司简介,Company Profile,Based in Beijing, Prosperous Impression is a specialized design and planning organization which devoted to the exchange and development of cultural events of governmental agencies, the packaging and creation of cities brands and images, and the marketing of corporate brands. The company boasts a team consisting of a consultancy group of political and business elites and a professional specialists group featuring youthfulness and creativity.,网站运营 要想进行网络营销首先要有一个网站,但是并非一个随意制作的网站就能够起到良好效果,为网络营销打好了基础,服务项目,Event Plan The company has cumulated rich working and operational experience in event planning and organization, and will help you organize your events in an easy and convenient manner,Website Operation To launch online marketing, a project needs a website first. However, A website that is casually built cannot produce any good effect or build any solid foundation for online marketing,Film and Video Programs The company maintains cooperation with a few film and television production companies and performance companies, including China Film Group Corporation and Orange Sky Entertainment Group (International) Holdings Ltd., and provides one-stop services from preliminary topic selection to post processing,Graphic Design Our artistic designs and perfect materials help enterprises create high-standard and high-quality brands at reasonable prices. We sincerely offer high-level services at medium-level prices,Services,盛世案例,Cases of Prosperous Impression,【TVC 作品】,客户:LEXUS 导演:黄茂森,【TVC 作品】,客户:NISSAN 导演:黄荣开,【TVC 作品】,客户:联想 导演: Micheal Zhu,导演资源,我们拥有实力超群的国内外导演作为后盾与来自德国、韩国、香港、台湾、大陆的优秀导演都有长期及愉快的合作。凭借他们丰富的拍摄经验,源源不断地把国外的经验和优质元素带进我们的广告片中,为产品塑造出崭新的面貌与形象。,The company is endorsed by domestic and international directors that have outstanding capacities, and maintains a long-term and pleasant cooperative relationship with excellent directors from Germany, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese mainland. Based on their rich shooting experience, these directors have kept introducing their international experience and quality elements to our advertisement films, creating brand-new appearances and images for our customers products.,Directors,李蔚然 毕业于北京电影学院导演系。作品多次获得国内外大奖。 主要作品: 社会网络三部、别人的孩子篇、中国电信重要时刻篇、摩托罗拉 、可口可乐主场篇、中国移动、雅虎中毒篇迪厅篇。,丁晟 山东青岛人,毕业于北京电影学院美术系美术设计专业本科 主要作品:动感地带周杰伦篇、恒胜摩托周润发篇、劲隆摩托成龙篇、东方银座粱家辉篇、嘉爵摩托章子怡篇、华润啤酒、东风汽车、重庆城市形象片等。,吴杰 毕业于北京电影学院 代表作品:北方的面统一面篇、雪花啤酒男人篇、你今天洗头了吗?汤包篇等。,Li Weiran Graduated from the Direction Department of the Beijing Film Academy, Mr. Li has directed advertisement films and videos for many international brands, including IBM, Motorola and Coca Cola. His works won many domestic and overseas awards.,Ding Sheng Mr. Ding has directed advertisement films and videos for many domestic and international brands, including China Mobile, Panasonic and Haier. He studied arts design at the Arts Department of the Beijing Film Academy and received his bachelor degree there.,Wu Jie After his graduation from the Beijing Film Academy, Mr. Wu has directed advertisement films and videos for many renowned domestic brands, including Snow Beer.,许端仁 台湾 Taiwan 来自台湾的一线汽车类顶尖导演,他服务过的客户有【BMW】【Nissan】【Mazda】和【KIA】等多年的经验使他和本地摄影师、美术及优秀的制作团队有着非常好的合作关系。除此之外,在后期的画面及讲故事上有自己独有的优势。 作品: 【Mazda6】系列【BMW7】系列 【Nissan】【兰鸟】系列 【骐达】系列【大众途安】系列,Xu Duanren Taiwan, China Mr. Xu is a leading director working in the automobile advertisement sector. He shot films for such customers as BMW, Nissan and Mazda.,黄茂森 台湾 Taiwan 曾任台湾广告制片,是近年来较有创造性的导演。对艺术及商业性的影片都把握得得心应手,拍摄广告影片亦十分多元化。今年在拍摄车方面更有新意,作品更在近年多次获得奖项。目前,希望在两岸三地满足日益精进的消费者及客户,广告作品包括:【奥迪A6汽车】 【Mazda】【MPV】【三菱汽车】 【灵治430】【西门子洗衣机】 【麦当劳】企业形象及纽约人寿等。,Huang Maosen Taiwan, China Mr. Huang has shot diversified advertisement films for various customers, including Audi, Mazda and Mitsubishi.,叶东升 台湾 Taiwan 二零零四是报广告将佳作剪接类 二零零三亚洲广告奖银奖汽车类 二零零三时报广告奖金奖汽车类 二零零三时报广告奖金将特效类 广告影片的本质是商业的,但我仍希望透过自己的手跟脑,让影片更具渲染力,并添加其影像美学的深度;让观看者有被触动的共鸣。这是扮演导演这个角色的动力。透过视觉呈现,影片已成为多数人接收讯息最直接的方式。但往往,一支影片的任务,不但是清楚表现商品特色,将创意人员的想法演绎出来,更重要的是触动观看这对于讯息的认同与了解。,Ye Dongsheng Taiwan, China Mr. Ye won multiple domestic and Asian awards in the advertisement sector due to his unique understanding of advertisement films.,平面设计,Graphic Design,首都机场集团,中国建设银行,,Capital Airport Holding Company,NetEase (),China Construction Bank,Company Brochures,企业宣传画册,2007年“俄罗斯中国文化年”活动挂历,Calendar for the Year of the Chinese Culture in Russia (2007),赤壁2首映式:盛世天玺承接的电影赤壁2首映式活动,为配合首映式的举行,策划、安排了一系列相关活动及电视节目。本节目将于08年12月正式播出.,感恩中国大型纪录片展播活动:盛世天玺结合专业的策划能力和强势资源,配合国家精神文明办,为纪念改革开放30周年、纪录中国企业经历的历史风雨,举办感恩中国纪录片展播活动,于2008年9月.,活动策划,Event Plan,China Gratification Documentary Show,Red Cliff 2 Premier Ceremony,网站营销,Web Marketing,盛世天玺文化传媒有限公司与国务院国有资产投资管理委员会下辖相关单位有着紧密的合作关系,具有较大的社会影响力,同时,盛世天玺还拥有由多名政界、商界精英组成顾问团和年轻积极、满腹创意的专业精英组成的团队。 我们旨在为盛世年代中企、事业单位的发展服务,量身打造出专署定制性的电子商务和网站运营模式。今天,盛世天玺与多个国家机关部门、社会知名企业保持着良好的合作关系,为其的网络信息化发展提供了优秀的技术支持。,We aim at developing services for both enterprises and other organizations and building tailored e-business and website operation models. By now, we have built good cooperative relationships with many state organs and renowned enterprises and provided them with excellent technical support in respect of information-oriented development on the Internet.,中国美术馆政府网站 NATIONAL ART MUSEUM CHINA 我公司自2006年起一直帮助中国美术馆解决其网站界面设计策划和内容结构相关的问题。并得到了客户极大肯定。2007年底于招标改版方案中再次胜出,第二次为美术馆信息部门服务,据需求为其增加“视频”、“购物”等频道,并为已有频道中增加二级分类。任务中包括上百个页面的处理众多Flash的制作。,中国人寿会议中心官方网站 CHINA LIFE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE C


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