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Inversion (倒 装 句),Out _.,A. rushed the children B. did the children rush C. the children rushed D. rushed the children did,A,On the bed _.,A. lay a poor old lady B. a poor old lady lay C. did a poor old lady lie D. a poor old lady did lie,A,Round the corner _.,A. a large policeman walked B. walked a large policeman C. did a large policeman walk D. did walk a large policeman,B,Only after the New China_, _ to go to school. A. was founded; he was able B. was found; was he able C. was founded; was he able D. was found; he was able,C,Only by practising a few hours every day _ be able to master the language.,A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you,D,A. so does Dave B. so is Dave C. so goes Dave D. Dave is so,Im going to the meeting, and _.,B,A. So do I B. I do so C. So I do D. So do you,I see you enjoy music very much. _. Im a music fan.,C,A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have,David has made great progress recently. _ and _.,B,Tom couldnt go to school, _find a job.,A. either he could B. either could he C. neither he could D. neither could he,D,Ms. Jones does not like shopping, _.,A. and she does like gardening B. nor she does like gardening C. or does she like gardening D. nor does she like gardening,D,A. so didnt I B. Nor I didnt C. Neither did I D. I didnt so,I didnt invite Susan to my party. _.,C,A. neither he will B. neither wont he C. neither will he D. he wont neither,If Bobs wife doesnt agree to sign the paper, _.,C,A. so doesnt Molly B. so Molly doesnt C. neither does Molly D. neither Molly does,Barry never eats potatoes and _.,C,A. I dont too B. neither did I C. neither I did D. I didnt also,Ann didnt like our new roommate, and _.,B,_that even people in the next room could hear him.,A. So loudly did he speak B. Such loudly did he speak C. So loudly he spoke D. Such loudly he spoke,A,So loudly _their lessons that people could hear them out in the street.,A. the students read B. the students did read C. read the students D. did the students read,D,A. we returned; and B. did we return; when C. after we returned; and D. had we returned; than,We are lucky, for no sooner _home _it rained.,D,A. had the plane landed when B. had the plane landed than C. the plane had landed when D. the plane was landing than,Hardly _the police ran towards it.,A,A. he had gone; than B. had he went; when C. he had gone; when D. had he gone; than,No sooner _to bed _he fell asleep.,D,A. had he got B. he had got C. did he get D. he got,Hardly _to the cinema when the film began.,A,_got on the train when it started to move.,A. Scarcely I had B. Scarcely had I C. No sooner I had D. No sooner had I,B,No sooner had the bell rung _.,A. when the class began B. while the class was beginning C. then the class was going to being D. than the class began,D,_, he doesnt study well.,A. As he is clever B. He is as clever C. Clever as he is D. As clever he is,C,_it rain, the crops would be saved.,A. Were to B. Would C. Should D. Could,C,书客吧/书客吧 hoq362egk 乐起来,心头更是光明一片,感觉共产主义就在前头了。马启明心中畅想了一下未来,更充满了感激和希望,下定决心一定要在花开啤酒厂充分发挥自己的才能,他以为,只要自己努力地工作,就可以赢得厂里的辉煌,也绝不辜负厂领导的期望。饭后谷仕昊说道:“这两天你们先休息一下,熟悉熟悉周围的情况,准备一下再开始工作。”他扭头问道:“张科长,宿舍安排好了吗?”“还没有。先住在厂里的招待所,等宿舍盖好以后,马上搬过去。”“好,你让吴科长安排一下,下个星期一就正式报到上班吧。生活上有什么要求可以和张科长讲,他会帮你解决的。”领导在生活方面的关心使马启明心里热乎乎的。吴科长名叫吴明,是生产科科长,这些都是后来才知道的。当天下午,马启明和刘丽娟到啤酒厂周围转了转。啤酒厂西隔壁正在建一座幼儿园,已经破土动工。再往北、往东走便是商业街,商业街是典型南方小镇的特色。街道很窄,陈旧不堪,地面上铺着的青石板早已被踩得凹凸不平,两边是一间挤着一间青砖青瓦木制门面的小店,大多破旧低矮、幽暗。有的房屋上面竟然长了许多的蒿草、青苔,甚至还有小树长在房顶上,很明显这些房屋都有些年头了。透满古老和沧桑,陈旧得已跟不上城市日新月异变化的节奏,像是走进了电影中民国时期的镜头中。这种被本地人称作五架梁的小店面,全都门对门开着,矮小的门面,缺少阳光和通风,大多昏暗。有的甚至只开着小半扇门面,仅允许一个人进出,而就是在这些挨挨挤挤的小店中,卖家电、卖衣服、卖日杂百货、卖油面大米、饭馆应有尽有丰富着人们的生活,小镇上不知多少代人的日常生活都溶入了这条小街,如今人们仍旧依赖着它,惠顾着它。街道上的行人络绎不绝,店主们忙着接待顾客,用马启明听得不太懂的“鸟语”招揽着生意,相互谈话。如:啊成好呢?赤格样住啊咧,去哪哇Wa?恩滴堵在堵笑饿疼其来儿来,到冷角耍儿仔还有乌死,乌需,听得马启明雾里云里的。前面小店前围了一堆人,马启明和刘丽娟凑上前一看,原来是几个老头老奶奶在悠闲地打麻将。“以前没见过他们,外地人吧?哪里的?”一位慈眉善目的老奶奶询问道。马启明友好地笑了笑,其余的人目光像扫描仪一样


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