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中国地质大学长城学院  本科毕业设计外文资料翻译  系     别: 工程技术系               专     业: 机械设计制造及其自动化   姓     名: 夏昕                     学     号: 05211417               2015年 4月 5日  外文资料翻译译文  农业车间的设计  介绍  我设计的是新布局的土著学校的农业部大楼。目前 ,该地区的学校超过 40年的历史 ,所有的房子类的部门的设施是旧的和过时的,和新学校是不同的 ,教室将是最先进的 ,较另一个 40 年的 。 我的项目将给设计部门用于建设的思路 , 给老师一个设备清单和设计。他们会知道每台机器应放置在 哪个 空间教室 ,保持教室对学生安全 。 建造设计商店前让老师知道机器将被放置在什么房间,可以允许多少学生和教师走动 ,使空间并不过于紧密 ,而没有工作空间。这种设计将使教室的设计更完美。  文献综述  农业商店在高中是一个有多重目的 设计 。它将教学生从叫工具到先进制造和设计。商店 为 学生提供了一个做任何事情 ,包括使用地方机械设计和制造产品所使用的 东西 。在困难时期技术和职业技能变得越来越重要 ,因为人们无法支付 ,由 人来解决一切。这家商店还提 供一个中心位置存储和跟踪工具。新商店 ,高校农业部门将有能力修复和建设几乎任何他们 的 欲望 。  工厂设置  重要方面在规划一个商店空间需求 ,设备布局和访问所有地区的商店、仓储、电气、通风和其他设施。商店的大小将调节机器的数量就可以了购买和放置。室外区域也将提供一个更大的工作区域不仅仅是在商店。工具和设备需要在一个地方容易达到方便 ,让它更容易在商店工作 。  电气方面的商店将是非常复杂的和精心策划的。一个电子服务 200 安培 ,240 伏特是最低推荐 , 电霍夫曼说 ,此服务将提供机器和力量 给 运行的工具。使用单独的电路对 马力 ,没有 汽车两个以上的汽车电路。焊工需要 50 安培或更大的 240 伏插座 , 因为有许多焊工会有 240 家分店。接地故障阻断者需要在任何地方可以弄湿或建筑物的外面。这些媒体阻止用户大仇。照明在商店里计划提供足够的照明在整个商店 ,随时可以做一天的工作还是夜晚。电工和电子核查人员将任何前检查接线最终确定。通风的商店将会需要它自己的计划和焊接区域提供足够的排气 , 排气罩焊接气体和烟雾从创建焊接 。 工具长椅和存储部分是非常重要的保持组织和工具访问。组织工具的一个简单方法是开挂在墙板和概述个人工具。这样你可以看一眼董事会 ,看看什么是失踪的 很快。分组似的工具将发现更容易当寻找一个特定的工具工具。胶合板或木栓板可以用来挂在墙上的工具。这些将提供足够的厚度将螺丝旋进或钉子挂的工具。工作台应该是 34 - 38 英寸高和调整的主要用户的高度。板凳上深度通常是 24 - 30 英寸 ,应该安全地固定。这些长凳将覆盖着钢铁的耐久性独立工具应放置在焊接区域附近和制造部分的商店。他们不能被放置在角落里 ,因为它限制了工作的能力大块的材料。这些工具应该稳定基地但不应该被锚定在地上提供机放置在处理的灵活性超大块材料 ,不适合在空间范围内。将会有许多存储区域周围的商店 ,并将组 织的风格材料或工具。他们必须搁置和抽屉用于类似的零件和材料。这些领域需要保持清洁和有组织的 ,所以每一天学生需要干净 ,把东西放在该放的地方 。  安全  购物安全是头等大事 ,当在商店工作。特别是在高学校水平 ,必须创建并遵循规则。危害是特殊的和需要特殊的安全考虑。 ASABE 标准文章谈论安全为教育和培训实验室颜色代码。论述了颜色编码地区所以人们知道什么样的危害或危险存在。它说 ,不同的工具和危害 ,应该 ,应该使用什么颜色这些地区。这些颜色会告诉人们使用的工具,确保不会受到伤害。  购物安全  遵循这些指导方针对于一般商店安全 : 1.知道与你的工作相关的危害。确保你完全会任何工具的正确使用和操作之前开始再工作。  2.总是穿适当的安全装置和防护服。  3.氮化穿手套清洗和脱脂剂或氯化铁 (乳胶手套不能提供足够的保护 )。  4.确保有足够的通风 ,以防止接触蒸汽的胶水 ,涂料 ,油漆 ,灰尘和烟雾。  5.维护好管家的标准。保持工作区域无滑动 /绊倒的危险 (石油、绳索、碎片 ,等等 )。清洗所有的泄漏立即定期清除锯末、木屑和金属芯片建议电线拉滑轮的开销而不是躺在地板上。  6.离开的工具和设备警卫。  7.知道灭火器在哪里以及如何使用。  8.确保所有工具和设备 妥善接地的良好状态。双重绝缘工具或那些三线绳子是必不可少的安全使用延长线 ,足够大的负载和距离  9.保障所有压缩气体钢瓶。不要使用压缩气体清洁衣服或皮肤。  10.总是使用倒叙避雷器切割 /焊接火把。  11.采取措施预防中暑。  12.穿红外安全护目镜在适当的时候。  一般手工具安全  1.佩戴安全眼镜只要锤或减少 ,特别是在处理表面芯片或分裂。  2.不要使用螺丝刀凿。该工具可以滑动 ,导致深穿刺伤口。  3.不要使用凿螺丝刀。凿的技巧可能会破坏而引起的受伤。  4.不要使用螺丝刀一把刀。刀片可以提前 ,导致受伤。  5.从未在你 的口袋里携带一把螺丝刀或凿。如果你失败了 ,该工具造成严重伤害。相反 ,使用工具腰带。  6.取代宽松、分裂或有裂缝的处理。松散锤子、斧子、或粗暴对待会飞的缺陷处理。  7.使用合适的扳手收紧或放松坚果。钳可以咀嚼角落了螺母。  8.当使用一个凿子 ,总是芯片或削减远离自己。  9.不要使用扳手如果下巴。  10.工具不使用的影响 ,如凿子 ,楔形 ,或漂移拳如果他们的头呢蘑菇形状的。头可以粉碎的影响。  11.直接锯片、刀子和其他工具远离通道和其他领域员工。  12.把刀和剪刀锋利。无聊的工具比锋利的工具更危险。  13.钢铁手工具 可能会引起火花 ,这是危险的易燃物质。使用 spark-resistant 工具由铜、塑料、铝、木工作时周围易燃危。  刀库  不当的工具存储会使商店事故发生。遵循这些指导方针 ,确保适当的工具存储 : 1.为每个工具有一个特定的地方。  2.不要大意的把刀具放在抽屉里。许多手受伤是翻抽屉引起的 ,包含一个乱七八糟的各式各样的锋利的工具。  3.商店刀鞘或凿子。  4.刀片锯远离,人够不到的地方。  5.提供坚固的钩子挂工具。  6.商店沉重的工具 ,如轴和雪橇。  电动工具的安全  1.使用正确的工具来完成工作。不要使用一个工具或附件的 东西吗这不是做设计的。  2.选择正确的钻头、刀片、刀、磨床砂轮的材料。这预防措施将会减少意外的机会 ,提高质量工作。  3.保持所有的警卫。覆盖暴露的腰带 ,滑轮 ,齿轮和轴可能会导致受伤。  4.总是在正确的操作工具速度手头的工作。工作得太慢可能导致事故一样轻松工作太快。  5.看你的工作当操作电动工具。如果停止工作拦住你的去路。  6.不依靠力量来执行操作。正确的工具 ,叶片 ,方法应该不需要过度使用武力。如果过度的武力是必要的 ,你可以使用错误的工具或钝刀片。  7.清理堵塞或堵塞在电动工具之前 ,断开电源。不要用你的手清理 堵塞或堵塞 ,使用合适的工具。  8.永远不会超过设备运行的时候。  9.从来没有禁用或篡改安全版本或其他自动开关。  10.当操作员受伤的机会很 大 ,用一个棍子材料通过一个机器。  11.断开电动工具之前执行维护或改变组件。  12.牢牢控制便携式电动工具。这些工具往往会 “ 离开 ” 运营商和难以控制。  13.不要把你卡盘钥匙夹头。  14.让旁观者远离移动机器。  15.不操作电动工具当你生病 ,疲劳 ,或服用强力药物治疗。  16.在可能的情况下 ,保证工件与夹或虎钳手和自由减少受伤的机会。使用夹具 ,不稳定或不说谎  焊接与切割  金 属焊接与切割两种形式的热工作需要特别的安全考虑。除非他们完成在指定商店区 ,焊接与切割严格禁止没有适当的授权。进行焊接或切割操作之前 ,检查你的设备后 : 1.焊接必须完全绝缘和状况良好。  2.切割工具必须注射和配备合适的配件 ,仪表 ,监管机构和闪回设备。  3.氧气和乙炔坦克必须获得一个安全的地方。此外 ,大多数焊接与切割过程遵循这些指导方针 :在指定区域进行焊接和切割操作易燃材料。当焊接或切割向或危险是必要的区域 ,附近有人充当服务员 ; 定期检查焊接与切割可燃大气领域 ; 注意防止火花开始火 ; 删除未使用的气瓶焊接与切割区 ; 使 软管门口 ,远离其他人。扁平的软管可以导致闪回 ; 马克热金属或其他警告信号时焊接或切割操作是完整的。  程序和方法  程序设计商店开始 要知道 影响设计的重要因素 。 如建筑的面积 ,面积的地区用于存储、工作区域、学习区域 ,办公区域 ,清理工作区域 ,和所有其他将建成 的 地区。下一步是找出部门在大楼里。什么类型的设施需要什么类型的设备和其他工具需要什么。在当前建设作为构建块 /基础新建筑 ,所有设施当前的建筑需要被包括最低的新建筑。  外文原文  DESIGN OF INDIO HIGH SCHOOL AGRICULTURE SHOP INTRODUCTION I designed the layout and organization of the new agriculture shop for Indio High School s agriculture department building . Currently the high school is the oldest high, school in the district, over 40 years old, and is two different classrooms that house all the classes in the department . The facilities are old and outdated and with the new school, all classrooms will be state-of-the-art and be built to teach in for another 40 years . My project will give the department a design that will be used for ideas for construction. and give the teachers an equipment list made from the design. They will know where each machine should be placed in order to have the most available space in the classrooms and keep the classroom safe for students . Designing the shop before it is built gives the teacher a great advantage of knowing where machines will be placed and how much walking room will be available for students and faculty to move around so things are not placed too tightly together with no room to work . This design will also be approved by the department head and will give the teachers an idea of what the shop will look like when completed. LITERATURE REVIEW The agricultural shop will be one that serves multiple purposes at the high school . It will teach students everything from what to call tools to advanced classes in welding, fabrication and design . A shop provides a place to do anything that involves using machinery to design and build a product used by the student . Technical and vocational skills are becoming more important in hard times because people cannot afford to pay someone to fix everything that breaks . The shop will also provide a central location to store and keep track of tools used throughout classes taken . With the new shop, the high school agriculture department will have the ability to fix and build almost anything they desire . Shop Setup Important aspects when planning a shop are space requirements, equipment layout and access to all parts of the shop, storage, electrical, ventilation and other amenities needed .The size of the shop will regulate the number of machines that will be able to be purchased and placed . An outdoor area will also provide for a bigger working area other than just inside the shop . Tools and equipment need to be in a place easy to reach and convenient to make it easier to work in the shop Setup The electrical aspect of the shop is going to be very intricate and carefully planned . An electrical service of 200 amps, 240 volts is the minimum recommended electrical for a shop says Hofman and Hellevang . This service will provide for the machines and power tools that will be running . Use separate circuits for motors over horsepower and no more than two motors on a circuit . The welders need a 50 amp or larger 240 volt outlet and since there is many welders there will be many 240 outlets . Ground fault interrupters are needed around anywhere that can get wet or along the outside of the building . These outlets prevent the user from electrocuting themselves . Lighting in the shop will be planned to provide enough lighting throughout the shop so work can be done anytime day or night . Electricians and electrical inspectors will inspect the wiring before anything is finalized . Ventilation of the shop will be planned and the welding area will need its own exhaust hood to provide adequate exhaust of the welding gases and fumes created from welding . Tool benches and part storage is very important to keep tools organized and easy to access . An easy way of organizing tools is hanging them on a wallboard and outlining the individual tools . This way you can glance at a board and see what is missing very quick . Grouping alike tools will make finding tools easier when looking for a specific tool . Plywood or pegboard can be used to hang the tools on the wall . These will provide enough thickness to screw screws into or have nails to hang the tools on . Workbenches should be 34 to 38 inches high and adjusted to the principal user s height . The bench depth is normally 24 to 30 inches and should be anchored securely (Hofman, Hellevang) . These benches will be covered with steel for durability  The large, freestanding tools should be placed near the welding area and fabrication part of the shop . They cannot be placed in the corner because it limits the ability to work on large pieces of material . These tools should have stable bases but should not be anchored to the floor to provide flexibility of the machine placement when dealing with an oversized piece of material that does not fit within the space boundaries . There will be many storage areas around the shop and will be organized by style of material or tool . They will have shelving and drawers to be used for similar parts and materials . These areas will need to be kept clean and organized, so every day the students will need to clean and put everything away where they got it from . Safety Shop safety is the number one priority when working in the shop . Especially at a high school level, rules have to be created and followed . The hazards are special and require special safety considerations . The ASABE standards article talk about having a safety color code for educational and training laboratories . It discusses having color coded areas so people know what kind of hazards or dangers are present in that area . It says the different tools and hazards that should be marked and what colors should be used for those areas . These colors will tell the people using the tools exactly what to watch for not to get hurt . Shop Safety Follow these guidelines for general shop safety: 1. Know the hazards associated with your work . Be sure you are fully educated on the proper use and operation of any tool before beginning a job . 2. Always wear appropriate safety gear and protective clothing . 3. Wear nitride gloves when cleaning with degreasers or ferric chloride (latex gloves do not provide adequate protection . ) 4. Ensure that there is adequate ventilation to prevent exposure from vapors of glues, lacquers, paints, and from dust and fumes . 5. Maintain good housekeeping standards . Keep the work area free from slipping/tripping hazards (oil, cords, debris, etc . ) Clean all spills immediately Remove sawdust, wood chips, and metal chips regularly It is recommended that electrical cords pull down from an overhead pulley rather than lying on the floor . 6. Leave tool and equipment guards in place . 7. Know where fire extinguishers are located and how to us them . 8. Make sure all tools and equipment are properly grounded and that cords are in good condition . Double insulated tools or those with three wire cords are essential for safety Use extension cords that are large enough for the load and distance. 9. Secure all compressed gas cylinders . Never use compressed gas to clean clothing or skin . 10. Always use flashback arresters on cutting/welding torches . 11. Take precautions against heat stroke and heat exhaustion . 12. Wear infrared safety goggles when appropriate . General hand tool safety 1. Wear safety glasses whenever you hammer or cut, especially when working with surfaces that chip or splinter . 2. Do not use a screwdriver as a chisel . The tool can slip and cause a deep puncture wound . 3. Do not use a chisel as a screwdriver . The tip of the chisel may break and cause an injury . 4. Do not use a knife as a screwdriver . The blade can snap and cause an injury . 5. Never carry a screwdriver or chisel in your pocket . If you fall, the tool could cause a serious injury . Instead, use a tool belt . 6. Replace loose, splintered, or cracked handles . Loose hammer, axe, or maul heads  can fly off defective handles . 7. Use the proper wrench to tighten or loosen nuts . Pliers can chew the corners off a nut . 8. When using a chisel, always chip or cut away from yourself . 9. Do not use a wrench if the jaws are sprung . 10. Do not use impact tools, such as chisels, wedges, or drift punches if their heads are mushroom shaped . The heads may shatter upon impact . 11. Direct saw blades, knives, and other tools away from aisle areas and other employees . 12. Keep knives and scissors sharp . Dull tools are more dangerous than sharp tools . 13. Iron and steel hand tools may cause sparks, which are hazardous around flammable substances . Use spark-resistant tools made from brass, plastic, aluminum, or wood when working around flammable hazards . Tool Storage Improper tool storage is responsible for many shop accidents . Follow these guidelines to ensure proper tool storage: 1. Have a specific place for each tool . 2. Do not place unguarded cutting tools in a drawer . Many hand injuries are caused by rummaging through drawers that contain a jumbled assortment of sharp-edged tools . 3. Store knives or chisels in their scabbards . 4. Hang saws with the blades away from someone's reach . 5. Provide sturdy hooks to hang tools on . 6. Store heavy tools, such as axes and sledges, with the heavy end down  Power Tool Safety 1. Use the correct tool for the job . Do not use a tool or an attachment for something it was not designed to do . 2. Select the correct bit, blade, cutter, or grinder wheel for the material at hand . This precaution will reduce the chance for an accident and improve the quality of your work . 3. Keep all guards in place . Cover exposed belts, pulleys, gears, and shafts that could cause injury . 4. Always operate tools at the correct speed for the job at hand . Working too slowly can cause an accident just as easily as working too fast . 5. Watch your work when operating power tools . Stop working if something distracts you . 6. Do not rely on strength to perform an operation . The correct tool, blade, and method should not require excessive force . If undue force is necessary, you may be using the wrong tool or have a dull blade . 7. Before clearing jams or blockages on power tools, disconnect from power source . Do not use your hand to clear jams or blockages, use an appropriate tool . 8. Never reach over equipment while it is running . 9. Never disable or tamper with safety releases or other automatic switches . 10. When the chance for operator injury is great, use a push stick to move material through a machine . 11. Disconnect power tools before performing maintenance or changing components . 12. Keep a firm grip on portable power tools . These tools tend to "get away" from operators and can be difficult to control . 13. Never leave chuck key in chuck . 14. Keep bystanders away from moving machinery . 15. Do not operate power tools when you are sick, fatigued, or taking strong medication . 16. When possible, secure work pieces with a clamp or vise to free the hands and minimize the chance of injury . Use a jig for pieces that are unstable or do not lie flat . Welding and Cutting Welding and cutting are two forms of hot metal work that require special safety considerations . Unless they are done in a designated shop area, welding and cutting are strictly prohibited without proper authorization . Before conductin


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