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附 录 带式输送机自动维护系统方法 概要 本文论述了带式输送机系统维修自动化,特别是托辊。 自动维护是一种很有前 途的 护方法,这种维护方法能够大大提高维护的效率,维护精度,并能够降低维护成本。为了更有效优化自动维护工作,维修供电的台车,能够 在一个 自主带式输送机的结构是作为维护系统平台调整 。在这台上安装 振动分析的数据采集设备 ,台车可以通过自动维修系统,在台车上或者电脑中央板收集数据。最优化维修方法是视逻辑模拟模型而定,模拟模型是带式输送机设计布局的本身。通过模拟模型也能得出带式输送机其他组成部件精确的剩余寿命 信息。 引言 现在,越来越多公司为了平衡预算,通过长期接收训练有素经验丰富的人员,减少长期外包维修专业工作人员人数。但现实上难以实现,很多公司与外部企业没有足够的维修经验。 一般来说,在皮带输送系统的维修,可分为条件检查或整个系统的监测和更换 和 /或赔偿(简称服务的组成部分)。与外包维修工程遇到检查或状况的系统检测大多问题一样。这些 问题不是不值得探讨,有时移动带式输送机组件的状态。有同样经验的人应该进行定期检查机器,以避免同样问题出现。 为了克服由外 包 维修人员经验不足所造成的运作问题,对 带式 输送机组件可以 自动 检查。 这样的知识,例如磨损率和更换的时间表可以建立在数据基础制度。 外包 维修人员则可以用来代替消减组件。另外, 也可以自动 更换组件 。 本文讨论的皮带输送系统自动维护的 方法 和技巧。 第 2部分是 智能 维修的概念 ,第 3 部分是研究现有应用于智能维修系统的检查系统,第 4 部分讨论评估带式输送机旋转部件基于振动的检测概念的地位,第 5部分提出一个研究案例,第 6部分是结论和建议。 智能维修 带式 输送系统的维修,可分为条件和整个系统及其组成部分的监测服务。 状态监测的定义是连续或定期测量和解释数据显示组件的条件,以决定是否需要更换或 维修 ,因此,检测状态处理获得(数据采集或从传感器采集)的数据,同时解释该数据,并采取纠正行动,从而防住系统故障的发展和普及。检测状态的基本概念是确定微妙的变化,例如:振动水平的增长表明机械(或电器)问题开始出现,这些早期信息为我们提供更多停机和维修计划时间。 有四种典型的维修类型: 预防性维修:日程安排为基础,即 根据活动计划在工作时间或在一定的时间间隔(定期维修),它可以观察到的部分恶化为基础 并 没有被修复的部分, 这样就算 预防工作完成 。 随机维修:机会为基础,即 在维护工作机会时,决定维持对机会为基础的组件可能会或可能不会受到组件的条件触发。 纠正维修:即组件出现故障时维修,这可能导致整体系统的失败,修复动作事先没有计划。 预测性维护:根据条件,即 进行 部件监测,当发现不正常的因素,等直到维修机会时 维修 ,它是有计划和矫正维修。 从以上的有 4 种保养很 明显得出 只有预测维修资格的概念应用在智能维护系统, 才能 使维护自动化。 这里情报定义为作出决定的能力基于 设备传感器收集或者 总运输系统的控制系统提供 的信息。 应用于带式输送机是个别组件的预期寿命信息,例如放映 托辊 预期寿命信息。这些信息导致系统作出对某个 托辊 检查和频繁更新 或者 更改为一个新的 滚轮的决定。事实上,修理在这里意思是把滚轮更换未另外一个。一个滚轮是否可以修复和影响带式输送机的工作状况不是本文研究范围。 自动检测方法是如何受到收集的精确数据影响是这里研究的主要问题。理论上预测性维修有两个外在制约因素。首先,根本没有关于滚筒可利用的精确信息,基本上意味着就是对剩余寿命的评估 就由轧辊和轴承制造商提供的( 纯粹 预测维修历史数据统计为基础)。 其次,检查滚筒各部分非常准确的信息能够生成对单独滚筒剩余寿命的准确评估(预测性维修基于收集数据)。逻辑模拟模型对通过自动检测方法系统获得精 确数据的影响作出决定。这种模拟模型将在第 5部分讨论。 现有的检测系统 检查或检测带式输送机各部件状况遇到一个麻烦,包括转动皮带、滑轮和托辊。因为各种部件像滚筒和滑轮只能在它们运转时评估,并且状态检测系统基于振动分析和声学检测的应用。皮带正好与之相反,皮带状况只有在带式输送机系统停住工作情况下才能够被检测。无论那种情况,相关连的麻烦要么是各个部件相离太远或是输送机过长,这样给检测带来不少麻烦,为了减少这些麻烦,可以电动维修车来方便检测。 维修电动车的概念不再新鲜。早在 70年代就有过关于维修电动车应用在带式输送 机维修系统,该带式输送系统从 从内部西撒哈拉 沙漠穿过到布满石头的海岸 横跨 Phosboucraa 的大陆,长达 100km。带式系统组成与中心相距 6.8km 到11.7km。下图 1我们可以看到电动式台车概念。 克虏伯设计 原来 是偶尔不稳定 。图 2显示的是改良版维修电动车。这台相当强劲和稳定的台车由南非 CKIT公司构想、设计和发展出来。 它已经安装在 南非国内外很多的 管道输送系统。它有三个检测平台,并支持 6方向 (纵向和横向)。当前的系统的 动力主要 来自燃烧 主要 平台 的内燃机 。 当今的电动台车像强健男人一样稳健的操作、检测和服务工作。 作为发达国家的 CKIT维修小车的概念,使其符合这一作为一个完全自动化的维修设施,进一步开发平台的研究。这一发展分为三个阶段。 第一阶段将是一台车的维修上的机器人的发展,使这两个自动检查及维修。 这种机器人,它是一个研究项目,开展在交通工程和代尔夫特技术大学后勤组进行设计, 这里不作研究。 第二阶段是自动检测,这将在第 5部分 中描述程序的执行情况。第三阶段是在总系统的控制系统自动维护 电动台车 充分 展开讨论 。 状态检测技术大体包括一个或者多个报警器,当一个工作点超出偏离值或者一个有超出 时间的预期值 趋势时 报警器作出报警。参 考工作重点信号是为基于知识系统提供而不是模拟模型相比较得出结果提供。 数据收集技术 选择合适的数据采集技术,对 具有效率 维修 方法 产生很大的影响 。良好可靠的测量以及正确分析这些测量结果,是维修系统可靠运行必不可少的。多数旋转部件是以信号为基础的状态检测系统,这种系统 应用基于振动和 /或声学测量技术。 另外一个选择是运用力和扭矩测量为状态检测提供基础。 但是对于旋转部件,无线扭矩测量仪器的应用是必需的 ,虽然这种仪器昂贵 。 这仪器 它适合作为临时监测系统,但今天仍然不适合大规模的长期监测系统。 光谱分析是一种重要工具,它是以 振动状态检测为基础。一般来说,基于振动检测就是 加速度水平测量用三维加速度计 。信号从传感器获得,因此是加速度作为时间函数。 在频谱分析这个信号是从时域到频域运用快速傅立叶变换技术( FFT)的转化。 运用频域信号,信号的根源可以很容易地确定。该光谱 内容涉及在振动信号能量特定的频率 ,对光谱密度分析 是在错误的时间提前确定一个很好的方法。 振动分析是对状态监测的主要形式, 一般来说,这种分析往往是在行业运用。 在一个良好的工作组件振动水平谱密度一般都较低。当磨损发生超时,或者当负载出现在特定的成分,便有些小,但值得注意的变化 将发生在组件的动力学行为。通过使这些变化和分析 可对这个问题判断。 检测技术在实际应用中可分为两大类: 信号有效值(均方根)的检测 详细的信号频谱的检测 声学分析和振动分析十分相似。 采集数据之后才是数据的挖掘。 数据挖掘的三个主要步骤组成。 第一步是检测缺陷,检测缺陷是对部件认知为基础的动态检测;第二步是数据处理,把获得的数据转换成更适合分析的数据;第三步对数据本身实际分析,作出需要的决定,采取某些行动 。 Strategies for Automated Maintenance of Belt Conveyor Systems SUMMARY This paper discusses automation of maintenance of belt conveyor systems, in particular of idler rolls. Automation of maintenance is a promising alternative for outsourcing maintenance, in particular when looking at the efficiency, accuracy, and costs. In order to optimise maintenance efforts, the concept of intelligent maintenance is introduced. The powered maintenance trolley that can travel autonomously over the structure of a belt conveyor is adapted as a platform of the maintenance system. On this trolley, data acquisition equipment for vibration analysis is installed. Data mining can be done either on board of the trolley or in a central computer depending on the maintenance strategy. The optimum maintenance strategy is determined by a logistic simulation model that accounts for the lay-out of the belt conveyor itself and the accuracy of the information on the remaining lifetime of its components. INTRODUCTION Today more and more companies outsource maintenance in an attempt to balance the budget and reduce the number of permanent staff members. Outsourcing maintenance however only works if the company that takes over maintenance employs well-trained and experienced personnel that stays on a specific job for a considerable time. Unfortunately, reality is different and many companies have poor experiences with external companies performing maintenance. In general, maintenance on belt conveyor systems can be divided into inspection or condition monitoring of the total system and replacement and/or reparation (in short servicing) of its components. Most problems experienced with outsourcement of maintenance are associated with the inspection or condition monitoring of a system. It is not trivial to access the status of sometimes moving components of a belt conveyor. The same experienced person should therefore carry out inspections on a regular basis. To overcome operational problems caused by a lack of experience of external maintenance personnel, the inspection of belt conveyor components can be automated. In this way knowledge of for example wear rates and replacement schedules can be built up in a data base system. The external maintenance crew then can be used to replace the worn off components. Alternatively, replacement of components can be automated as well. This paper discusses strategies and techniques for automated maintenance of belt conveyor systems. Section 2 defines the concept of intelligent maintenance, Section 3 discusses existing inspection systems that can be used in automated maintenance systems. Section 4 discusses means of assessing the status of rotating components of belt conveyors based on vibration based monitoring concepts. Section 5 presents a case study and section 6 finally lists the conclusions and recommendations. INTELLIGENT MAINTENANCE Maintenance on belt conveyor systems can be divided in condition monitoring of the total system and servicing of its components. Condition monitoring is defined as the continuous or periodic measurement and interpretation of data to indicate the condition of a component to determine the need for replacement or servicing. Condition monitoring therefore deals with the acquirement of data (data acquisition or DAQ) from sensors, the interpretation of that data (data mining or DAM) and with taking corrective actions (ACT) on components that are to fail, thus preventing fail systems from developing and propagating. The basic concept of condition monitoring is to identify subtle changes in operation, such as increased vibration levels, that indicate a mechanical (or electrical) problem is starting to develop. These early messages provide more time to plan for machine downtime and repair. There are four typical types of maintenance: preventive maintenance: calendar based, i.e. activities are planned depending on working hours or at certain time intervals (scheduled maintenance); it may be based on observed deterioration of components; nothing is repaired but preventive jobs are done. random maintenance: opportunity based, i.e. maintenance is done when the opportunity arises; the decision to maintain a component based on opportunities may or may not be triggered by the condition of a component. corrective maintenance: emergency based, i.e. repairing when a component malfunctions; this may cause a general shutdown of the system; the repair activity was not scheduled beforehand. predictive maintenance: condition based, i.e. components are being monitored and when irregular factors are discovered, one waits until a maintenance opportunity arises; it is a planned and corrective maintenance. From the above given four types of maintenance it is clear that only a predictive maintenance concept qualifies for application in an intelligent maintenance system that enables maintenance automation. Intelligence here is defined as the ability to make decisions based on information gathered through sensors in the equipment or provided by the control system of the total transport system. Applied to belt conveyor systems the information gathered from a system is information on the life expectancy of individual components as for example idler rolls. This information leads to a decision either to inspect a certain idler station and its rolls more frequently or to change a roll for a new roll. Repairing in fact here means changing one roll for another. Whether or not a roll can be repaired and the effect of that on the belt conveyors performance is outside the scope of this study. The main issue in this study is the question how an automated inspection strategy is affected by the accuracy of the data acquired. In theory there are two outer limits in predictive maintenance. The first is that no accurate information of the rolls is available at all, basically meaning that an assessment of the remaining lifetime is made purely on the basis of historical data provided by the roll or bearing manufacturers (predictive maintenance based on statistics). The second is that during inspection very accurate information on the status of rolls is generated enabling an accurate assessment of the remaining lifetime of an individual roll (predictive maintenance based on data). A logistic simulation model is made to determine the effect of the accuracy of data acquired on automated inspection strategies. This model is discussed in Section 5. EXISTING INSPECTION SYSTEMS One problem faced with inspection or condition monitoring of components of belt conveyors, including the belt, pulleys and idler rolls, is that they rotate. Since the condition of components like rolls and pulleys can only be assessed when they are rotating, only condition monitoring systems based on vibra


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