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范存智 英语学科专家,北京大学附属中学 中国教育报招生、考试、就业专家组成员高考编委(月刊)全国科协教育专家委员会成员 中国高校招生高考与教学研究专家组成员高考命题研究专家,全国远程宽带视讯教育平台英语高考考前辅导讲座纲要,北大附中 范存智,二0 0三年高考英语科考前备要 It is only a little more than two weeks before you take the nations entrance exams. 不要再无休止地做题,而应总结、分析前段时间所做过的模拟卷中的问题及成功的经验。如时间允许,可再对某些项目做一点针对性练习。 一、听力 强调理解口头英语的能力 1、 15题注意点及训练方法1)常见词、短语要知道,靠不断听、读解决;,考纲样题之5中对话用see sb. off ,题的选项则用say good bye to sb .; 02之5中用check in 作题干,对话用check out 作干扰;2)绝不是简单意义上的5个W(what 、who 、when 、where、why )或5个H(how many 、how much、how often 、how soon 、how long ),要捕捉主流信息词或短语,第二步才是与W.H相关的内容。将你近期听过的对话进行梳理,再选几组新题。(01之1 Where did the conversation most probably take place? )但对话是通过品评音乐,花及食物来暗示;02之5 When is the man checking in ? 对话则透过check out 暗示;,2、620题注意点及训练方法1)1) 读懂题干、辨清男女所讲的内容; 多出现于多轮次对话中02之17 What was the purpose of Mrs Whitefields visits to Kew Gardens?指的是女士对Kew Gardens的参现,对话中W说: I also used to visit Kew Gardens 2)若一组对话或独白含34道题,分二步进行,第一遍解决12题,第二遍再解决另12道题,在听第二遍时可把主流信息记下来备用.,02之17题干问的是女士做的事,听第二遍时同时记下要点,女士说I was always interested in wild flowers 进而说到I also used to visit gardens .这样对解题会起到很大定向作用.单 二、 单选 重在动词,兼顾各项;综合性, ,语境化;1、1、 时态、非谓语动词和各种从句梳理,分析并再选做一点 1)时态,中英文化差异,易错点多。(1) Oh , Its you ,Mr White . I didnt know you were still here .,(2) -Ive just bought a box of chocolates for our daughter .-What a good dad ! But our daughter does not like sweet things .Didnt you know that ? (3)I hear he was writing a book about China last year .I dont know whether hes finished it now . (4)-You look tired .-I am tired . I have been painting the living room all day . (5) I play ping pong quite well ,but I havent played it since the new year .,2)非谓语动词靠练,不靠讲(1)The managers discussed the plan they would like to see carried out the next year . (2)Having suffered such heavy pollution already ,it may be too late to clean up the river .(3)The research is so designed that once begun nothing can be done to change it .(4)Having a trip abroad is very good for the old couple ,but it remains to be seen whether they will enjoy it .(5)Which do you enjoy ,to spend your spare time ,staying at home or going shopping?,3)各种从句 相当程度上靠细心(1)He was told many fines ,but he still didnt understand.(2)Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment ,one I will always treasure .(3)As is know to everybody ,the moon travels round the earth once every month .(而不是It)(4)The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that far-away village .(而不是that),1、2、 代词、理解句意 (1)The mother didnt know who to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out .(而不是how)(2)I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.(而不是them )(3)European football is played in 80 countries ,making it the most popular game in the world .(4)The Parkers bought a new house but it will need a lot of work before they can move in .,3、动词、名、形、副词,分析完形有很大帮助4、情态动词,掌握基本概念5、冠词,宜粗不宜细6、交际,找语感 三、完形 重点动、名、形、副。上下求索寻信息; 左顾右盼找搭配 ;思前想后通全文四、阅读 加大信息含量,加大文章和句子难度,适当增加生词,更多用原计原味的原文。,1、Whats the best tittle ?拟题目要读文,从选项中找适合自己想法选择 01 有2题, 02 有 3题。 2、段落大意:读懂段意合理推测 3、句子意思 (1) 长难句含题 He found out that Kit Williams had spent his childhood near Ampthill, in Bedfordshire , and thought that he must have buried the hare in a place he knew well ,but he still couldnt see the connection with Katherine of Aragon ,until one day he came across two stone crosses in Ampthill,park and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773 .第68题 What is the most important clue in the story to help Ken Roberts find the hare ? (02 )(2) Excused from recycling because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute ?You wont be for long .第68题When he says “You wont be for long ” the writer means that _. (00),(3) Even when a man is said to be a best friend ,the two share little about their innermost feelings ,whereas a womans closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage ,it wasnt unusual to hear a man say he didnt know his friends marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa .第73题 According to the text ,which type of behavior is not expected of a man by society ?,4、学会识词1)具派生意识(1)Decision thinking is not unlike poker . (00)(2) as an inexpensive way of taking to the roads (01)(3) unmistakable (01) (4)mislead (02)(5) wilderness (02)2) 排除单选干扰(1)I could hardly make you out . (2) Why does peoples interest in football almost become a disadvantage ?,五、短文改错1、 要领1) 通读全文辨时态; 2) 记准人称识形式;3) 整句阅读挑毛病;2、 步骤 1)考前集中训练 2)听力结束即刻做此题六、书面表达1、影响成绩的几个因素内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量、准确性及上下文连贯;单词拼写,标点符号的使用及书写也在一定程度上影响考生成绩;,2、常见毛病1)中文式英文(1)I am writing to tell you about the discuss we have just had .I want to tell you about the discuss we have just had .2) Although we felt tired ,we still managed to set up the camp .Although we felt tired ,but we still managed to set up the camp .2) 句子结构不正确,Where can we get money to pay the workers if the parks dont get entrance fee ?From where to get money to pay the garde


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