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Do you have a soccer ball?,Unit 5,2. - Do you/ they have? 你/他们有? - Yes, I/they do. 是的,我/他们有。或- No, I /they dont. 不,我/他们没有。3. - Does he/she have? 他/她有.? - Yes, he/she does. 是的, 他/她有。或- No, he/she doesnt. 不,他/她没有。,本课时重点,1.一些体育运动英语名称(尤其是球类),Whats this in English?,racket 5rAkit,Whats this in English?,tennis racket 5tenis 5rAkit,Whats this in English?,bat bAt,Whats this in English?,ping-pong table tennis 5teibl 5tenis,Whats this in English?,baseball 5beisbC:l,Whats this in English?,ball bC:l,Whats this in English?,volleyball 5vB:lIbC:l 5vClIbC:l,Whats this in English?,basketball 5bAskitbC:l 5bB:skitbC:l,Whats this in English?,soccer 5sB:kE 5sCkE soccer ball,soccer ball,tennis,volleyball,basketball,baseball,tennis racket,ping-pong ball,ping-pong bat,A: Whats this in English?B:A: Do you have a basketball?B:,Its a basketball.,Yes, I do.,篮球,有, 拥有,Do you have a basketball ?,Yes , I do .I have a basketball .,baseball,Do you have a baseball ?,No , I dont .I dont have a baseball.,?,?,Ask and answer,Pairwork(同桌小组活动),拿出纸和笔,用Do you have ?句型询问同桌拥有哪些体育用品,并记录下来备用。,部分新词参考:badminton羽毛球,skipping rope跳绳, yo-yo溜溜球,frisbee飞盘, skates溜冰鞋,shuttlecock毽子,scooter滑板,Does she have a tennis ?,Yes , she does .She has a tennis.,Does he have a tennis racket ?,No , he doesnt .He doesnt have a tennis racket.,Ask and answer,?,?,Group work(四人小组活动),用刚才记录的同桌拥有物,使用Does he/she have ?句型询问你前后同学的同桌拥有哪些体育用品。,部分新词参考:badminton羽毛球,skipping rope跳绳, yo-yo溜溜球,frisbee飞盘, skates溜冰鞋,shuttlecock毽子,scooter滑板,Listening (1b:P25),ping-pong bat soccer ballvolleyballcomputer game,3,1,4,2,Listening(2a:P26),Listen again (2b:P26),1.Do you have a TV?,2. Do they have a computer?,3. Does he have a tennis racket?,4. Does she have a soccer ball?,5. Does Miss Wang have a baseball?,Yes, they do. No, they dont.,Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.,Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.,Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.,Yes, I do. No, I dont.,Grammar Focus(语法聚焦),Exercises(课堂练习)请根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限1. Sally_(有) a tennis racket.2. They_ (没有) baseballs. 3. My sister _(没有) a beautiful hat. 4. _you _(有) a pen? Yes, I _.5. _he_(有) a volleyball? No, he_.,doesnt have,has,dont have,doesnt,Do,have,do,Does,have,【运用】根据括号内的提示完成各题。I have a computer. (变为一般疑问句) _Jim has a soccer ball.(变为一般疑问句) _2.They have lots of school things.(变为否定句) _3. His uncle has a soccer ball.(变为否定句) _,His uncle doesnt have a soccer ball.,Do you have a computer?,They dont have lots of school things.,Does Jim have a soccer ball?,Guessing Game,以大组为单位,每组可以提五个问题“Do you have?”猜我百宝袋中的物品,猜中物品多的组获胜,并颁发神秘奖品。,Report : I have a basketball and a ping-pong ball. I dont have a baseball. And I dont have a tennis. My friend Amy has a basketball . She doesnt have a tennis. She has a .,Survey: Do you have a ?,Lets Sing,1.两只老虎歌,2.“你/他/她有”歌,Do you have? Do you have?Yes, I do. No, I dont.Does he have? Does he have?Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.Does she have? Does she have?Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.Do they have? Do they have?Yes, they do. No, they dont.,Homework,1.读背本单元已学过的单词;2.做完课本25页1a图物匹配;3.问问同桌是否有课本26页2c中的物品,明天课堂用英语报告同桌有哪些物品(使用句型“He/She has”);4.熟读课本26页Grammar Focus的内容;5.做英语周报Section B的预习练习。,Report : I have a basketball and a ping-pong ball. I dont have a baseball. And I dont have a tennis. My friend Amy has a basketball . She doesnt have a tennis. She has a .,Survey: Do you have a ?,2). His pen is in his backpack.,Key Structures(关键句型),一)主语+ be(is/am/are)+,一般疑问句: Is this your ruler?,Yes,it is. No,it isnt.,1).This is my ruler.,一般疑问句: Is his pen in his backpack?,Yes,it is. No,it isnt.,否定句: His pen isnt in his backpack.,否定句:This isnt my ruler.,2).She has a soccer ball.,二)主语+have / has +,1).They have a TV.,Yes,they do. No,they dont.,否定句: They dont have a TV,一般疑问句: Do they have a TV?,一般疑问句: Does she have a soccer ball?,Yes,she does. No,she doesnt.,否定句: She doesnt have a soccer ball.,三)主语+情态动词can+V原,1) I can bring a volleyball to school.,Can you bring a volleyball to school?,Yes,I can. No,I cant.,2) He can play basketball.,I cant bring a volleyball to school.,Can he play basketball?,Yes,he can. No,he cant.,He cant play basketball.,Exercises: 一将下列句子汉翻英,我有一个妹妹你有一些书在桌上他们有两个女儿在五班 我有一支新笔 在学校她们有一些好朋友它们没有床.我没有哥哥. 他们没有水 们没有妈妈 她们没有电脑. 11他有两个妹妹. 12.这只狗有一个帽子. 13.小严有一串钥匙. 14.她的妈妈有一枚戒指. 15.我的老师有两个儿子. 16.吴言有一块旧手表.,我有一个妹妹你有一些书在桌上他们有两个女儿在五班我有一支新笔在学校她们有一些好朋友,I have a sister.,You have some books on the desk.,They have two daughters in Class 5.,I have a new pen.,They have some good friends at / in school.,它们没有床我没有哥哥他们没有水我们没有妈妈她们没有电脑 11他有两个妹妹. 12.这只狗有一个帽子.,They dont have a bed.,I dont have a brother.,They dont have water.,We dont have a mother.,They dont have a computer.,He has two sisters.,This dog has a hat.,13.小严有一串钥匙. 14.她的妈妈有一枚戒指. 15.我的老师有两个儿子. 16.吴言有一块旧手表.,Xiao Yan has a set of keys.,Her mother has a ring.,My teacher has two sons.,Wu Yan has an old watch.,She has a dog.,she has two dogs.,He has a basketball.,He has many basketballs.,It has a box.,It has four boxes.,I have a telephone.,They have a desk.,You have a pen.,I dont have a telephone.,You dont have a pen.,They dont have a desk.,He has a pair of glasses(眼镜).,It has a red hat.,She has a hat.,She doesnt have a hat.,He doesnt have a pair of glasses.,It doesnt have a red hat.,用do, does, dont,doesnt 填空1._ you have a baseball ? Yes , I _. / No, I _.2. _ she have a tennis? No , she _.3. Kate and her friend _ have a dictionary. 4. Jim _ have a brother. 5._ your sister have a computer?,Do,do,dont,Does,dont,Does,doesnt,doesnt,检测练习,【例1】用动词have的正确形式填空: 1. Peter _ ( have ) two brothers . 2. Mikes parents _ ( have ) a lot of money . 3. The classroom _ ( have ) two doors . 4. _ they _ ( have ) many friends here ? 5. _ she _ ( have ) a football ?,has,have,has,Do,have,Does,have,6. Kate _ ( not have ) a TV . 7. I _( not have ) a computer game . 8. My sister _( have ) a tennis racket . 9. _ you _ ( have ) an English book ? 10. She _ ( not have ) a ball .,doesnt have,dont have,has,Do,have,doesnt have,1.My brother has a basketball. 否定句: My brother _ _a basketball.一般疑问句:_ your brother _ a basketball? 回答:Yes , he _ . / No , he _ .2. I have a pen friend.(改为一般疑问句并回答) _ you _ a pen friend ? No , I _ .3. She has a nice watch.(就划线部分提问)_ _ she _ ?,按要求改写下列句子,doesnt,have,Does,have,does,doesnt,Do,What,does,have,have,dont,句型转换: 1.He has an interesting book.(改为一般疑问句)_he _ an interesting book?2. I have an alarm clock.(改为否定句)I_ _ an alarm clock. 3. Do you and your sister play baseball?(做否定回答)No, _ _. 4.He has two brothers.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ two brothers?5. My father has a new car. (改为否定句)My father _ _ a new car.,Does,have,dont,have,we,dont,Does,he,have,doesnt,have,play volleyball,play soccer,play basketball,Lets,Lets,Lets,.,.,.,play ping-pong,play baseball,play tennis,Lets,Lets,Lets,.,.,.,Lets do sth. 表示邀请,建议。 意思是: 让我们一起吧。例如: 让我们一起看这幅画吧。 让我们一起打篮球吧。同意对方的邀请,建议,可以说:如不同意,可以说:,Lets look at the picture.,Lets play basketball.,OK 或 That sounds good/great 等。,No, lets 或 Sorry , I 等。,relaxing (轻松的),difficult(困难的),fun,boring(无聊的,令人生厌的),interesting,有趣的; 令人愉快的,有趣的;令人感兴趣的,difficult困难的,relaxing轻松的,relaxing,difficult,fun有趣的,boring无聊的,令人生厌的,Do you have a ?,Yes, I do. I have a ,Lets play ,That sounds fun.,Do you have a ?,Yes, I do. I have a ,Lets play ,That sounds great.,?,Do you have a ?,No, I dont.,Lets play ,That sounds boring.,dont=do not,Well, lets play ,That sounds interesting.,Do they have a?,Yes, they do. They have ,Lets play with them.,That sounds relaxing.,?,Do they have a?,No, they dont.,Well, lets play ,That sounds difficult.,golf,?,Do you have a?,No, I dont. I have a ,Well, lets play the,That sounds interesting.,guitar,lute,violin,drum,?,piano,interesting 有趣的,令人感兴趣的,an interesting book,This is an interesting game.,A: Lets play tennis. B: That sounds interesting!,boring 无聊的,令人生厌的,a boring book,The football game is boring.,A: Lets play ping-pong. B: No, its boring.,一本有趣的书这是一个有趣的游戏。,一本无聊的书这场足球比赛很无聊。,fun 有趣的,令人愉快的,A: Lets play basketball. B: That sounds fun!,difficult 困难的,Its a difficult question. 这是一个很难回答的问题。,relaxing 轻松的,A: Lets watch TV. Its relaxing. B: No, its boring.,interesting,fun,relaxing,boring,difficult,c,e,a,d,b,Listening practice:,play computer gamesplay volleyball watch TV play basketball,interesting,difficult,boring,fun,A: Lets play computer games!B: That sounds interesting, but I dont have a computer. A: Well, do you have a volleyball?B: Yes. A: Then lets play volleyball. B: Oh, volleyball is so difficultA: OK, lets watch TV. B: That sounds boring. HmmmLets play soccer! Do you have a soccer ball?A: No, I dont. B: Oh. Well, do you have a basketball? A: Yes, I do. Lets play basketball. B: That sounds fun!,Class survey,3a. Ed Smith has a great sports collection. He has 8 tennis rackets, 9 basketalls, and 7 baseballs. He has 3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs. But he doesnt play sportshe only watches them on TV!,Hi!Im Sonia. Im a sports lover.I play sports every day.,Sonia has five baseballs , eight _,four _,and three _.,basketballs,tennis rackets,volleyballs,Does Sonia play sports?,Yes, she does.She plays sports every day.,I have a great eraser collection,Talk show:,Talk about your collection.,Model: My collectionI have an eraser collection. I have 4 animal erasers. 6 cartoon erasers. 12 fruit erasers. I like collecting erasers. Its very interesting.,He has a great_ collection. He has.He plays sports every day.,sports,Make a survey:,A: What collection do you have?B: I have a / an collection.,Make a survey,Ask and answer like this:Do you like? What sport do you like? I like / I dont like My favorite sport is Its interesting/boring/fun/ relaxing/difficult.,Report like this:My name is Anna, I like sports very much. I like to play table tennis, I think it is very interesting. But I dont like to play volleyball because its so difficult.His name is Jack, he likes,A: Lets play soccer.B: No, its boring.A: Lets play tennis.B: That sounds good. Do you have a tennis racket?A:Yes, I do. Do you have a ball?B: Yes, I do. I have a basketball.A: (Silence),语法,动词have的一般现在时态,除了单数第三人称用has外,其余都用have。如: I / You / We / They / The boys + have He / She / It / The boy + has,其否定结构 是dont + have . 主语是单数第三人称时,其否定结构是doesnt + have。如: I / You / We / They / The boys + dont have He / She / It / The boy + doesnt have,其疑问结构是 do + 主语 + have 。 主语是单数第三人称时 ,其疑问结构是 does + 主语 + have 。如 :Do you / they / the boys have ? Does he / she / it / the boy have?,2. have 和 there be,1) have 表“所属”关系的“有” , there be 指某处“有” 。 如:,The man has a brother in Beijing . 此人有个弟弟在北京。,There are many books on the desk .桌子上有许多书。,The desk has four legs .书桌有四条腿。There are many people in the room .房间里有很多人。,(2)在have含“所有”的意义较弱的情况下,可与there be 互换。如:,We have much rain this year . = There is much rain this year .今年下了不少雨。,There is a map on the wall . = We have a map on the wall .墙上有张地图。,A year has 365 days . = There are 365 days in a year .一年有365天。,根据汉语完成下列句子:1.你有足球吗? 是的,有。 2.我没有篮球. I _ _ a basketball . 3.迈克有两个铅笔盒。 Mike _ two pencil cases . 4.你父亲有计算机吗?是的,有。 _ your father _ a computer ? Yes , he _. 5.你们每天都上英语课吗? _ you _ English lessons every day ?,have,do,dont,have,has,Does,have,does,Do,have,Do you _ a soccer ball ? Yes , I _ .,6.彼得没有兄弟. Peter _ _ brothers .7.露西和莉莉有网球拍吗?不,没有。 _ Lucy and Lily _ tennis rackets ? No , they _ . 8.我这儿的朋友不多。 I _ _ _ friends here .9.他们桌子上有很多吃的。 They _ _ food on the table .10.我喜欢打篮球,它很有趣。I like playing basketball . Its very _ .,doesnt,have,Do,have,dont,dont,have,many,have,much,interesting,【例3】根据句意选择正确的词语填空:Lets _ ( play , playing , to play ) soccer .My brother has _ ( much , many ) books .Does she have two _ ( pens , pen ) ?Do the boys play soccer _ ( everyday , every day ) ?“ Where are Lucy and Lily ? ” “ Lets find _ ( they , them ) .Meimei is a _ ( good , well ) girl .,play,many,pens,every day,them,good,I want to _ ( have got a swim , have a swim ) .“ Do you have a soccer ball ? ” “ Yes , I _ ( do , have ) .“ Well , lets play baseball . ” “ That sounds _ ( well , good ) .”Does she have _ ( a pencil case , pencil case ) ?,have a swim,do,a pencil case,good,根据汉语完成下列句子:1.你有足球吗? 是的,有。2.我没有篮球. 3.迈克有两个铅笔盒。 4.你父亲有计算机吗?是的,有。5.你们每天都上英语课吗? 6.彼得没有兄弟. 7.露西和莉莉有网球拍吗?不,没有。8.我这儿的朋友不多。 9.他们桌子上有很多吃的。 10.我喜欢打篮球,它很有趣。,1. This is a pen . (对划线部分提问),2. Those are books . (同上),3. My basketball is under the desk . (同上),4. He is Toms brother . (同上),5. They are my uncles . (同上),6. She likes volleyball very much .(变一般疑问句),7. He draws a picture on the wall . (同上),8. I have a pencil in my pencil case . (同上),9. She is his sister . (同上),10. I am a student . (同上),11.Do, have, volleyball, a, you(连词成句) 12.don.t, computer, play, I, games(同上)13.I have a ping-pong ball and a basketball. (一般问句)14. Jim has a tennis racket.(一般问句并作肯定回答) 15.Ed Smith has a great sports collection.(改为否定句) 16. I have a pen and a pencil case.(同上),1.


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