



1、Lesson 131 and Lesson 132一 根据句意填空(10分)1. They dont want to stay in this country. They may go _.2. Have you made up your _ what to do yet?3. Light _ faster than sound.4. Travelling by sea is cheaper, but it _ a long time.5. Im not sure where we are going to _ our holiday this year.6. Do you have any

2、_ with your car?7. Dont _ about your health.8. Please come and help to _ after my house while Im away.9. He worked hard, so he passed his exam in the _.10. He may have been busy. Im not _.二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Sorry! We havent made up our _ (mind).2. He looks quite _ (worry).3. Travelling by sea is _

3、 (cheap) than travelling by air.4. Mr. Wu has a problem _ (get) his class to the top of the mountain.5. Dont touch the machine when it is working. Its very _ (danger).6. Paper catches fir _ (easy).7. Im sure youll enjoy _ (you).8. He is busy _ (read) a magazine.9. There is the _ (large) number of Ch

4、inese speakers in the world.10. Do you think it is the _ (nineteen) today?三 用所给动词的适当形式填空 (10分)1. I didnt see him yesterday. He may _ (be) ill.2. It takes a long time _ (travel) to Egypt by sea.3. He gets _ (worry).4. Please tell me where _ (get) a washing machine.5. I enjoy _ (live) in the country.6

5、. English is the language for a better _ (understand) between peoples of the world.7. They spent two days _ (get) ready for the party.8. During the Spring Festival people have a lot of interesting things _ (do).9. He may _ (telephone) last night, but Im not sure.10. Our village _ (change) a lot sinc

6、e I left it.四 情态动词(10分)( ) 1. May I take these magazines out of the reading-room? No, you _. A. wontB. dontC. needntD. mustnt( ) 2. Martin and Gary _ go abroad. Im not sure.A. canB. mightC. willD. must( ) 3. I may _ so, but I cant remember whether I did it or not.A. sayB. be sayingC. have saidD. sai

7、d( ) 4. You _ return the book now. You can keep it until next week.A. cantB. mustntC. dontD. neednt( ) 5. - Did your brother break the window?- I dont know, but he _ have done it.A. wouldB. mayC. willD. can( ) 6. I _ charge you this time. But youd better not do it again.A. wontB. cantC. may notD. mu

8、stnt( ) 7. The light is out in her room. She _ to bed.A. must have goneB. had goneC. must be goingD. must go( ) 8. - You must be here at 5:30 tomorrow morning. - Sorry, I _ be here so early.A. neednt B. mustntC. cantD. may not( ) 9. - Is the boy by the window your brother? - It _ him.A. need beB. wo

9、uld beC. maybeD. may be( ) 10. - Do you have to write to your friend? - Sorry, but I really _. A. cantB. mustC. haveD. should五 选择填空 (15分)( ) 1. We may go _ to spend our holidays this year.A. abroadB. to abroadC. for abroadD. in abroad( ) 2. We havent _ out minds what to do yet.A. madeB. made upC. ma

10、de ofD. made out( ) 3. Which is _, travelling by sea or travelling by air? A. cheapB. cheaperC. more cheapD. the cheapest( ) 4. - Do you think they are butchers?- Im not sure. They _ be bakers.A. mustB. can C. have to D. may( ) 5. The young man _ his bag on the train when he got off,A. forgot B. had

11、 forgotten C. leftD. had left( ) 6. Dont be so sure. We might not go _.A. everywhereB. anywhereC. somewhereD. nowhere( ) 7. I dont know _.A. whats wrong with my penB. what wrong with my penC. what wrong is with my penD. my pen is wrong( ) 8. My wife always worries _.A. who is going to look after the

12、 houseB. who are we going to look afterC. what are you going to look afterD. how are we going to look after the house( ) 9. Whats your _? I dont feel well.A. matterB. wrong C. problem D. question( ) 10. I want a pen _ has a machine in it. A. /B. whatC. thatD. who( ) 11. She _ come tomorrow, or she _

13、, Im not sure. A. can; cantB. may; cantC. must; mustntD. may; may not( ) 12. They finished repairing the bike _ the end. A. at B. inC. byD. to( ) 13. When the students finished _ their homework, they went on _ outside. A. doing; playingB. to do; to playC. doing; to playD. to do; playing( ) 14. Remem

14、ber _ the door. Ive lost the key _ the lock. A. not to lock, for B. not locking, toC. not to lock, toD. not locking, of( ) 15. It takes a long time _ by sea. A. travelB. travelsC. to travelD. traveled六 句型转换(5分)1. We may travel by sea. Im not sure.(两句合并成一句) Im not sure _ we will travel by sea _ not.2

15、. We cant make our minds whether to spend our holidays abroad.(变为同义句) We cant _ whether we _ spend our holidays abroad.3. To travel by sea takes a long time.(变为同义句) _ takes a long time _ travel by sea.4. Whats your trouble?(变为同义句) Whats your _?5. We may go abroad.(变为同义句) _ we _ go abroad.七 根据所给汉语提示完

16、成句子(10分)1你们打算今年在哪里度假? _ are you going to _ your _ this year?2. 他正在国外学习。 He is _ _.3. 我们拿不定主意去哪里。 We havent _ _ our _ where to go yet.4. 乘飞机旅行花费很短的时间。 It _ a short time to _ by air.5. 我们也许哪儿也去不成。 We _ not go _.6. 他终于通过了考试。 He passed the exam _ the _.7. 老师担心这次考试或许对她的学生们来说太难了。 The teacher _ that the ex

17、am _ be too difficult for her students.8. 谁打算照料花园? Who is going to _ _ the garden?9. 他刚才可能在读书。 He may _ _ reading just now.10. 你在想什么?What is on _ _?八 完型填空(10分)A murderer ran away. The head of the police station sent a young policeman to run _1_ him. The murderer was _2_ frightened that he jumped int

18、o a river. But he _3_ swim. He came up and down. When the policeman saw _4_, he jumped down to save the murderer up _5_ to the bank. “I must take him to hospital first.” So he _6_ and then reported the head that he _7_ the murderer. The head said, “He is the murderer.” When the policeman hurried to

19、the hospital, he didnt see a man, _8_ a pretty woman lying in bed. He _9_ to report it to the head again. “She is just the murderer. Go and catch her.” When the young policeman _10_, he saw nobody but some clothes for women there.( ) 1. A. behindB. before C. at the backD. after( ) 2. A. veryB. soC.

20、suchD. too( ) 3. A. was able toB. had toC. couldntD. can( ) 4. A. thisB. thoseC. thatD. these( ) 5. A. overB. underC. atD. on( ) 6. A. do B. doneC. didD. doing( ) 7. A. hasnt caughtB. didnt catchC. hadnt caughtD. wouldnt catch( ) 8. A. andB. butC. soD. or( ) 9. A. hadB. hasC. mustD. need( ) 10. A. r

21、eachedB. gotC. tookD. arrived九 阅读理解(10分)Mr. Smith was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came up to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him some exercise.One morning he was walking along the street w

22、hen a stranger stopped him and said to him, “You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pocket and you lent me five pounds, because you said you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the road to success.”Mr. Smith thought for a few

23、 moments and then said, “Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story.”“Well,” answered the stranger, “Are you still willing to take a chance?”A 选择填空( ) 1. Mr. Smith lived _.A. in a stationB. in a small officeC. in LondonD. outside London( ) 2. Mr. Smith liked going from the station to his office on f

24、oot _.A. all the timeB. because he could do morning exercisesC. because he was poorD. if it was not raining( ) 3. Seven years ago the stranger borrowed _ from Mr. Smith.A. five poundsB. not a pennyC. seven poundsD. some money( ) 4. The stranger stopped Mr. Smith one morning because he wanted to _.A. borrow some money from himB. give Mr. Smith his money backC. thank Mr. SmithD. tell Mr. Smith a story( ) 5. Mr. Smith was a _ of a small office.A. strangerB. workerC. headD. visitorB 根据短文内容填入一个适当的词6. Mr. Smith worked in


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