



1、fluent常见问题 如何区分层流和紊流? 以什么为标准来区分呢?从层流过渡到紊流的标准是什么? 答:自然界中的流体流动状态主要有两种形式,即层流laminar和湍流(就是问题中所说的紊流)turbulence.层流是指流体在流动过程中两层之间没有相互混渗,而湍流是指流体不是处于分层流动状态。 对于圆管内流动,雷诺数小于等于2300,管流一定为层流,雷诺数大于等于8000到1xxxx年提出并发展而成的新格式,从格式构造上讲是van leer格式的一种发展改进,但从其耗散项分析,这是一种fvs(flux vector splitting)与fds(flux difference splittin

2、g)的复合格式。ausm+格式兼有roe格式的间断高分辨率和van leer格式的计算效率,而且克服了二者的缺点。它的数值耗散小,具有激波与接触间断的高分辨率,无需熵修正,计算量只与van leer格式相近,还有标量(如密度)的正值保持性。 总结一下: roe格式计算量大,需熵修正,这会引入额外的数值耗散;在高马赫数时,还会产生红玉现象; ausm+格式,对于激波,接触间断具有高分辨率,能够精确描述激波,膨胀波,接触间断及其相互干扰的复杂波系;格式构造的内在机制使它具有标量耗散,计算效率高,数值耗散小,无需熵修正,且无红玉现象的优点。 在fluent中计算高速流动,建议采用ausm+,在计算的

3、初始,使用低阶格式,如果要计算有粘且高马赫数的流动,建议先从无粘低马赫数算起作为初始值,之后加入粘性,慢慢提高马赫数,一步步计算。另外,计算的过程中,cfl不能太大。 注:以上仅是这些算法的一些理论基础,至于fluent中具体是如何处理这些格式的,还不清楚,在作高速计算时,仅供一点儿参考。 52 对于不同求解器,离散格式的选择应注意哪些细节?实际计算中一阶迎风差分与二阶迎风差分有什么异同? 离散格式对求解器性能的影响 控制方程的扩散项一般采用中心差分格式离散,而对流项则可采用多种不同的格式进行离散。fluent允许用户为对流项选择不同的离散格式(注意:粘性项总是自动地使用二阶精度的离散格式)。

4、默认情况下,当使用分离式求解器时,所有方程中的对流项均用一阶迎风格式离散;当使用耦合式求解器时,流动方程使用二阶精度格式,其他方程使用一阶精度格式进行离散。此外,当选择分离式求解器时,用户还可为压力选择插值方式。 当流动与格对齐时,如使用四边形或六面体格模拟层流流动,使用一阶精度离散格式是可以接受的。但当流动斜穿格线时,一阶精度格式将产生明显的离散误差(数值扩散)。因此,对于2d三角形及3d四面体格,注意使用二阶精度格式,特别是对复杂流动更是如此。一般来讲,在一阶精度格式下容易收敛,但精度较差。有时,为了加快计算速度,可先在一阶精度格式下计算,然后再转到二阶精度格式下计算。如果使用二阶精度格式

5、遇到难于收敛的情况,则可考虑改换一阶精度格式。 对于转动及有旋流的计算,在使用四边形及六面体格式,具有三阶精度的quick格式可能产生比二阶精度更好的结果。但是,一般情况下,用二阶精度就已足够,即使使用quick格式,结果也不一定好。乘方格式(power-law scheme)一般产生与一阶精度格式相同精度的结果。中心差分格式一般只用于大涡模拟,而且要求格很细的情况。 fluent用户手册上的内容: first-order accuracy vs. second-order accuracy when the flow is aligned with the grid (e.g., lamin

6、ar flow in a rectangular duct modeled with a quadrilateral or hexahedral grid) the first-order upwind discretization may be acceptable. when the flow is not aligned with the grid (i.e., when it crosses the grid lines obliquely), however, first-order convective discretization increases the numerical

7、discretization error (numerical diffusion). for triangular and tetrahedral grids, since the flow is never aligned with the grid, you will generally obt ain more accurate results by using the second-order discretization. for quad/hex grids, you will also obtain better results using the second-order d

8、iscretization, especially for complex flows. in summary, while the first-order discretization generally yields better convergence than the second-order scheme, it generally will yield less accurate results, especially on tri/tet grids. see section 25.22 for information about controlling convergence.

9、 for most cases, you will be able to use the second-order scheme from the start of the calculation. in some cases, however, you may need to start with the first-order scheme and then switch to the second-order scheme after a few iterations. for example, if you are running a high-mach-number flow cal

10、culation that has an initial solution much different than the expected final solution, you will usually need to perform a few iterations with the first-order scheme and then turn on the second-order scheme and continue the calculation to convergence. alternatively, full multigrid initialization is a

11、lso available for some flow cases which allow you to proceed with the second-order scheme from the start. for a simple flow that is aligned with the grid (e.g., laminar flow in a rectangular duct modeled with a quadrilateral or hexahedral grid), the numerical diffusion will be naturally low, so you

12、can generally use the first-order scheme instead of the second-order scheme without any significant loss of accuracy. finally, if you run into convergence difficulties with the second-order scheme, you should try the first-order scheme instead. other discretization schemes the quick and third-order

13、muscl discretization schemes may provide better accuracy than the second-order scheme for rotating or swirling flows. the quick scheme is applicable to quadrilateral or hexahedral meshes, while the muscl scheme is used on all types of meshes. in general, however, the second-order scheme is sufficien

14、t and the quick scheme will not provide significant improvements in accuracy. #if quick is used for hybrid meshes, it will be invoked only for quadrilateral and hexahedral cells. second-order discretization will be applied to all other cells. a power law scheme is also available, but it will general

15、ly yield the same accuracy as the first-order scheme. the bounded central differencing and central differencing schemes are available only when you are using the les and des turbulence models, and the central differencing scheme should be used only when the mesh spacing is fine enough so that the ma

16、gnitude of the local peclet number (equation25.3-3) is less than 1. a modified hric scheme (section25.3.1) is also available for vof simulations using either the implicit or explicit formulation. 第57题:讨论在数值模拟过程中采用四面体格计算效果好,还是采用六面体格更妙呢? 在2d中,fluent 可以使用三角形和四边形单元以及它们的混合单元所构成的格。在3d中,它可以使用四面体,六面体,棱锥,和楔形单元所构成的格。选择那种类型的单元取决于你的应用。当选择格类型的时候,应当考虑以下问题: 设置时间(setup time) 计算成本(computational expense) 数值耗散(numerical diffusion ) 1.设置时间 在工程实践中,许多流动问题都涉及到比较复杂的几何形状。一般来说,对于这样的问题,建立结构或多块(是


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