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1、教学基本信息课题 Unit9What does he look like ? Section A Period 1(1a-1c)作者及工作单位 马江中学 彭宛燕指导思想与理论依据一、指导思想1、围绕学校的育人目标,以英语课程标准为基本标准,以激发和培养学生的学习英语的兴趣为基本任务,使学生养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的精神和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听说读写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。 在完成任务的活动中让学生们形成合作学习和探究学习的学习方式,引导学生积极思考,善于抓住英语交流的机会。在活动中相互探讨、相互交流、相互

2、合作,从而获得知识、技能和情感体验,发展他们的能力。教材分析教材分析:(1)、教材内容:本节课是Go for it七年级下册中UNIT9What does he look like?的第一课时。其核心话题是立足于人的外貌特点,谈论人的外表形象,让学生学会运用所学知识来对人的身高、体重、发型等进行描述。(2)、教材的地位及作用本节课的教学内容来源于生活, 立足于生活,它主要是以人的外貌特征为主线,以一种循序渐进、由浅入深的学习程序来展开英语教学,其主要目的是通过激趣来引发学生能运用英语来进行交流,能运用英语来描述自己或他人的外貌特征。学情分析本节课的教学对象是七年级学生,虽已有一定的英语语言基础

3、,但由于全部是农村学生,在课堂上还是不太自信,积极主动性较差,表现欲望也不强。因此为了激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使其树立自信心,在教学中,要充分利用多媒体,课件、图片、简笔画等教学资源来进行语言操练和实践,让学生更直观地感受英语,学习英语,运用英语,使其感受到英语的魅力无处不在。 教学目标Knowledge objects语言知识目标:1、Help students learn the new vocabulary of this unit and learn to use them to describe a person. 学习新单词,学会使用这些单词描述一个人2、Help stude

4、nts get familiar with and master the following target languages - What does he/she look like?-He/She is tall and has long hair.-What do you look like? -Im thin2 Ability objects技能目标. 让学生能积极思维,在生活中灵活运用所学单词,短语及句型。. 使学生能概括人物的外貌特征或根据人物特征描述来判断猜出是某一人物。. 学艺即用,使学生能利用所学知识与同学们共同探讨,互相交流,从而能替自己和别人进行新形象的设计。3、Emot

5、ional objects情感目标.通过对同学、教师或自己偶像友好地外貌描述,让学生在人际交往中能多发现别人的优点,从而学会理解他人、尊重他人、让学生真正懂得心灵美才是最美,千万不要以貌取人。. 在完成学习任务的前提下,同学间的积极协作,团结互助,不仅增强了学生的情谊,还能在提高英语的同时共同尽情享受学习的乐趣。4、文化意识(1)、加强中西方文化知识的渗透,了解文化背景的不同决定了在同一个事物表达观点上差异的存在我们比较委婉,而西方人则更直接。(2)、提高学生赏美能力和审美能力,在掌握外貌描述的知识背景下,实现跨学科的交流。教学重点和难点教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型及怎样描述一个人的外貌。

6、突破方法:(1)、充分利用多媒体,图片、简笔画等进行语言操练和实践,让学生掌握关于描述人外貌特征的词汇和句型。(2)、通过师生互动和生生互动,掌握句型What does he / she look like ?结构的运用。教学难点:(1)新词汇的运用,特别是has与is的正确使用,是本节课的一个难点。(2)掌握描述人物外貌的方法。 教学过程Step I 导入 Leading-in T: All of you are my good friends. But who is my best friend in your class?(你们大家都是我的好朋友,但谁是我最好的朋友?你们猜。)学生开始激

7、动了,几乎全班的小手都举起来了。一学生问:S1: Is your best friend a boy or a girl?T: A boy Ask a boy who is short and fat to act as Pan Chang-jiang with a toy gun. Tell students: He is my best friend。 What does he look like? Let students understand the words . He has short hair.He is short .He is heavy/fat. (设计意图:1用学生表演

8、导入目的是为了拉近师学间的距离,与学生交朋友建立平等的学习关系,提高学习英语的英趣,建立一个良好的学习氛围。2,为描述朋友及家人的外貌活动的作业作好铺垫。)Step II Presentation: 1、课件展示开始了本课的教学内容。1.Show a pictures and describe about their height / build / hairstyles . Let students understand the words in the class . e g: short /long/ no hair ; tall / short / medium height ; fa

9、t ( heavy)/ thin / medium build. 2、 Watch a Videw.ask students What does he look like ?Can you draw yours your friends picture?. 展示照片,让学生通过观察后能互相提问并描述出其外貌特征On the photo of family ,point out the teacher wants to have a new look and asks students to choose a hairstyle to fit .Teach some new knowledge

10、about hairstyle and write them on the Bb: What does she/ he look like?She / He has short hair / straight hair / curly hair / long hair .3、Let students design new hairstyle, then tell students the teacher s choice : “I want to have the same hairstyle as Zhao Wei.” Finally show the photo of Zhao Wei,

11、the practice and point :What does she look like ? She has long straight black hair . (设计意图: 通过对老师新形象设计的想象, 提高学生的审美力,加强对发型设计的词汇的掌握且板书。)4、Show pictures on the screen and introduce friends to students . Jim is tall ;Tom is of medium height ;Jack is short ; Lucy is fat (heavy); Mary is of medium build ;

12、 Alice is thin . ( 设计意图:通过简笔画呈现不同的男女,让学生通过观察学习有关身高、体型的单词,并以反义词的形式板书在黑板书)Step III 、Practice :课件展示让学生通过观察后能互相提问并描述出其外貌特征。)(1)、What does he look like ? He is tall/ of medium height / short .(height)(2)、What does she look like ?She is fat/ of medium build / thin .( build )(设计意图:让学生通过大量的练习后自主发现is 和has 的使

13、用区别来突破本单元难点,最后终结陈述他们的用法。) 描述人物的句型: 1、 人物+be+形容词(身高/体型):be + tall/short /of medium height + heavy/thin / of medium build2、人物+have/has+形容词(发型)have / has + short hair/long hair + straight/curly hair Step Practice : 1、Teacher-student interaction:The teacher makes a dialogue with a student. And ask other

14、 students to guess the person you describe. 2、 Pair work :Before class , ask students to bring some pictures and photos .Ask two students to read the sample conversation to the class. What does he/ she look like ? She / He is . She / He has . 3、Group work : 课堂上分小组, 描述班上任意某个人的外貌和个性,让全班同学猜一猜他(她)是谁。任务布

15、置下去后, 同学们马上投入到紧张的讨论中去了。首先要商量好描述对象是谁(在这一过程中, 有较多的人际交往)。在描述的过程中,成绩较差的同学能说几个简单的句子如 She is tall. She is 13 years old. 而成绩中等或较好的同学接上较复杂的句子如 She often wears a pair of glasses. She has beautiful, long, black hair. She likes reading and playing the piano. (在这一过程中, 几乎每个同学都有口头训练的机会,而且大家在小组中也不必担心出洋相。大家抓紧机会练习,互

16、相请教,边学边用,边用边学,气氛非常融洽)。在这种互动,双动的教学中,课堂气氛达到了非常和谐、融洽的地步,师生间及生生间的感情得到进一步加深。Step Do 1A Now please look at P41, Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. Point out the sample answer

17、. (设计意图:单词与图片的有机结合,更能图文并茂、形象直观地把教学信息输入给学生,从而降低教学难度,易于学生的知识接收。)Step: Listen 1bListen carefully and fill in the blanks and find Amys friend? We will listen twiceThe first time, just listenThe second time,listen and fill in the blanksAnd say Amys friends look( Hes really tallAnd he has curly hair.)(设计意

18、图:加强学生听力训练,提高学生英语综合素质的提高。)Step :Play games1. Guessing game:There are 6 people on the screen .Guess:What does he/she look like?2.Play the game( Looking for the lost person ) :There are nine super stars on the screen , write their information on the paper and put them on the wall, then divide into gro

19、ups to find these stars on the screen using information .on the class , at last ,Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words and tell the reasons. (设计意图:本环节是一个知识的延伸,使整节课的知识点由字、词、句过渡到篇,使用范围整个教学程序由浅入深,循序渐进。)Summary : He is tall,he is short,Hes of medium height.He

20、has long hair,he has short hair. He is nice.He is nice.He is heavy,he is thin.Hes of medium build.He has staight hair,he has curly hair.He is nice.He is nice.Step . Moral education : Everyone is special ; Everyone is useful ; Everyone is important ; Dont judge the others by appearance ! Homework :1

21、、Design and draw your appearance in the future ,then tell your friends what you look like .2、 Make survey your parents ,then describe them and fill in the blank.FamilisHairstyleHeightBuildlikesFatherMother 作业设计我们的父母为了把我们照顾的很好经常忘了自己,我们在渐渐的长大而他们却在渐渐的变老,或许他们的白发增多了,或许他们的皱纹也增多了。A层:认真观察自己的父母并画一幅父母的图片,送给父母

22、。B层:认真观察自己的父母并用英文写一篇小短文来描述自己的父母。 板书设计 Unit9 What does he look like Period 1 (1a-1c)What does he look like ? short - long curly - straightHe has long / short / curly / straight hair . What does she look like ? thin fat /heavy She is thin / of medium build / heavy .What do you look like ?Im tall / of

23、medium height / short . tall - short 学生学习活动评价设计 在上课过程中,随时注意对学生所做出的任何反映进行评价,如“very good, well done , Ok, wonderful. How clever you are! If you can speak a little louder, thatll be better.”等等。实现教师对学生的即兴评价,这对学生学习的积极性有着良好的促进作用。在课堂即将结束时,安排一个询问学生过程中的感受及所获取知识的表格,通过对学生学习过程中的感受的反馈,可以帮助老师更好地了解学生的学习情况,也能帮助教师找出自身教学中的成功及不尽人意之处,为以后的教学打下更好的基础,也为学生的进一步获取知识做好保证:学生是否能熟习掌握有关描述人物外貌特征的词汇。好( ) 中( ) 差( )学生是否能用英语来正确描述出


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