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1、 chapter 9 language and culture 1 what is culture? 2 the relationship between language and culture 3 sapir-whorf hypothesis 4 linguistic evidence of cultural differences (for self-study) 5 the significance of cultural teaching and learning 6 cultural overlap and diffusion 7 intercultural communicati

2、on 1. scope (broad / narrow) 2. content (material / spiritual) in a broad sense, culture means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. in a narrow sense, culture

3、may refer to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture, etc. there are generally two types of culture: material and spiritual. what is culture? what is culture? ideas beliefs values institutions products literature f

4、olklore art music behaviors customs habits dress foods please translate the following sentences into chinese: 1. where there is fear, there is modesty. 2. modest dogs miss much meat. 3. the lady went up the aisle with one man and came back with another. 1.where there is fear there is modesty.(原为拉丁语格

5、言:谦虚源 于胆怯。)vs.老王买瓜,自卖自夸(反讽) 2.modest dogs miss much meat.(英语:谦虚的狗没肉吃。)vs.满 招损,谦受益 3.the lady went up the aisle with one man and came back with another.”一句,意为“这位女士同一个男人走了礼坛,却同另 一个男人走回来。”它蕴含着西方文化中的婚礼习俗,即新 娘由父亲带着走上婚礼的神坛,然后交给新郎。如若不懂西 方这种婚礼习俗,就无法理解,还真以为这位新娘片刻换了 郎君呢! 1. language expresses and embodies cul

6、tural reality, reflecting the products of community culture, such as social conventions, norms and social appropriateness. 2. the culture both emancipates and constrains people socially, historically and metaphorically through their interactions with other members of the same group. (discourse commu

7、nity different in form and similar in meaning similar in form and different in meaning different in form and different in meaning proverbs similar in form and similar in meaning look before you leap. haste makes waste. many hands make light work. a stitch in time saves nine. out of sight, out of min

8、d. where theres a will, theres a way. strike while the iron is hot. proverbs different in form and similar in meaning birds of a feather flock together. nothing ventured, nothing gained. where theres smoke, theres fire. killing two birds with one stone. the grass is always greener on the other side

9、of the fence. as poor as a church mouse. dont put all your eggs in one basket. let sleeping dogs lie. proverbs similar in form and different in meaning to put new wine in old bottles 旧瓶装新酒。汉语中是中性的,泛指旧形式表现新内容,旧瓶装新酒。汉语中是中性的,泛指旧形式表现新内容, 它可以用作褒义,表创造性。英语中表示强求思想僵它可以用作褒义,表创造性。英语中表示强求思想僵 化的人接受新观念的化的人接受新观念的“

10、不明智不明智”之举。之举。 to blow ones own horn 自吹自擂自吹自擂;自我炫耀自我炫耀 lock the stable gate after the horse has bolted 亡羊补牢;亡羊补牢; =太迟了太迟了 proverbs different in form and different in meaning 满招损,谦受益满招损,谦受益 vs. where there is fear there is modesty. modest dogs miss much meat. an excess of modesty obstructs the tongue.

11、 出头的掾子先烂出头的掾子先烂, 枪打出头鸟枪打出头鸟 vs. the early bird catches the worm. good fences make good neighbors. / a hedge between keeps friendship green. vs. 远亲不如近邻远亲不如近邻 9.6 cultural contact, overlap and diffusion three forms of culture contact are identified 1. acculturation涵化涵化: the process of changing in mate

12、rial culture, traditional practices and beliefs that occurs when one groups cultural system interferes with that of another, directly or indirectly challenging the latter to adapt to the ways of the former. 2. assimilation同化同化: the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnicity are abs

13、orbed into the dominant culture of a society- though not always completely. 3. amalgamation(混合(混合): occurs when a society becomes ethnically mixed in a way that represents a synthesis rather than the elimination or absorption of one group by another. 文化重迭文化重迭文化扩散文化扩散 9.6 cultural contact, overlap an

14、d diffusion cultural overlap refers to the identical part of culture between two societies owing to some similarities in the natural environment and psychology of human beings. for example, the superior tends to refer to himself or herself by means of kinship terms, such as “have daddy/mummy/teacher

15、 told you that?” 文化重迭文化重迭文化扩散文化扩散 through communication, some elements of culture a enter culture b and become part of culture b, this phenomenon is known as cultural diffusion. (examples? reasons?) the attitude towards cultural diffusion 1. cultural imperialism owing to linguistic imperialism (文化中的

16、帝国主义文化中的帝国主义)(p137) 2. linguistic nationalism (民族语种自豪感民族语种自豪感) 9.6 cultural contact, overlap and diffusion loan words 肥皂剧、卡通、布丁、苹果派、雀巢、巴肥皂剧、卡通、布丁、苹果派、雀巢、巴 士、排挡、耐克、因特网、士、排挡、耐克、因特网、ktv、email typhoon, gongfu, etc. 9.7 the significance of cultural teaching and learning (p138) can you have any questions

17、to ask about this topic before reading anything about it? what are they? 1. is it necessary to learn its culture when learning a foreign language? why? 2. how should learners learn the culture of a language? 3. how should teachers treat culture in their language teaching process? 9.7 the significanc

18、e of cultural teaching and learning (p138) when learning a foreign language or second language, we should not only learn the pronunciation, grammar, words and idioms, but also learn to see the world as native speakers do. 9 building culture into the landscape 10 thinking culturally 11 comparing cultural values 12 taking cultural values to work


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