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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟55剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟55Exercise 1From the group of words below, choose the word or expression that matches those in the list.Group A Aconsumer Bdirect production Ccommerce Draw materials Emaking Fdemand (noun) Gbarter Hbuilding Iis concerned with Jp

2、reserving 1. deals with答案: Iis concerned with2. manufacturing答案: Emaking3. construction答案: Hbuilding4. keeping答案: Jpreserving5. customer答案: Aconsumer6. satisfy personal needs答案: Bdirect production7. trade答案: Ccommerce8. basic materials for manufacture答案: Draw materials9. exchange答案: Gbarter10. what

3、can be paid for答案: Fdemand (noun)Group B Asurplus Bbrand CInternet banking Dinterest Eheadhunter Femail Gboycott, sanctions Hproduce (noun) Ishift Jelectronic commerce 1. fruit/vegetables答案: Hproduce (noun)2. price of borrowing money答案: Dinterest3. name of product答案: Bbrand4. move答案: Ishift5. more t

4、han is needed答案: Asurplus6. online banking答案: CInternet banking7. e-commerce答案: Jelectronic commerce8. someone who finds people with right skills and experience to do particular jobs, and who tries to persuade them to leave their present jobs答案: Eheadhunter9. electronic mail答案: Femail10. embargo答案:

5、Gboycott, sanctionsGroup C Abreak even Bthe place or shop where a product is sold Csmear Dassembly line Ecorporate culture Fstressful Ghigh flyer/high flier Htypical ways of behaving Ithe difference between the cost of producing something and the price at which you sell it Jupmarket 1. high pressure

6、答案: Fstressful2. someone who is extremely successful in their job or in school答案: Ghighflier/high flyer3. upscale答案: Jupmarket4. smudge答案: Csmear5. profit margin答案: Ithe difference between the cost of producing something and the price at which you sell it6. personality traits答案: Htypical ways of beh

7、aving7. production line答案: Dassembly line8. point of sale/point of purchase答案: Bthe place or shop where a product is sold9. the level of business activity at which a company is making neither a profit nor a loss答案: Abreak even10. the way that people in a corporation think and behave答案: Ecorporate cu

8、ltureExercise 2The pie charts below show Japans working population in 1960/70/83 and the percentage involved in different sections of production. After you have studied them, answer the questions.1. What has happened to tertiary production since 1960?答案: It expanded by 18.4%2. How many did the worki

9、ng population increase by from 1970 to 1983?答案: 52880003. What has been the percentage increase in personal and commercial services since 1960?答案: 18.4%4. Which area of production has experienced the most losses since 1960?答案: Primary production with a 23.3% loss5. Japan is one of the worlds leading

10、 exporters in manufactured goods, so how can we explain the very small rise of 0.6 percent in secondary production over a thirteen-year period between 19701983?答案: Automation and computerisation doing peoples jobs6. Do you think social services and public administration have increased, decreased, or

11、 remained the same in the 23 years since 1960?答案: As tertiary production has increased, public services appear to have increased as well.Exercise 3Use the right tense in the following extract.问题:1. Transport and communications (make) the world a smaller place than it (is), so we all now (live) in wh

12、at Marshall McLuhan (call) the global village. And because we (become) a global village we all (depend) on indirect production which (mean) co-operating to provide goods and services, so we are now interdependent with every country (depend) on another country or countries for survival. For a long ti

13、me the East European Countries (import) food from the West, and the West (import) oil from the Middle East, and in return it (export) finished products so that it (pay) for its imports. Therefore there (be) no country that (can say) it (be) totally independent.答案:have made; was; live; called; have b

14、ecome; depend; means;depending; have imported; has imported; has exported/exported; can pay; is; could say; isExercise 4List under the four headings, the form of production that the people below are associated with. Four examples have been done for you. house painter; insurance agent; typist; priest

15、; steelworker; coal miner; carpenter; stockbroker; school teacher; doctor; boat builder; dentist; train driver; tailor; wine grower; nurse; salesman; shepherd; lawyer; builder; architect; toolmaker; lumberjack; presser; weaver; pop singer; secretary; accountant; engineer; fisherman; hunter; judge. 1. Primary Production _ 答案:coal miner; wine grower; shepherd; lumberjack; fisherman; hunter.2. Secondary Production _ 答案:house painter; steelworker; carpenter; boat builder; tailor; builder; toolmaker; presser; w


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