高中英语 浅析高考英语阅读命题规律与应试技巧论文 新人教版_第1页
高中英语 浅析高考英语阅读命题规律与应试技巧论文 新人教版_第2页
高中英语 浅析高考英语阅读命题规律与应试技巧论文 新人教版_第3页
高中英语 浅析高考英语阅读命题规律与应试技巧论文 新人教版_第4页
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1、浅析高考英语阅读命题规律与应试技巧 Abstract: This article introduces the proposition styles of the College Entrance English Reading national papers and province papers in details ,and analyses deeply the proposition disciplines and examination techniques,which improves Senior English Reading Teaching and students ex

2、amination techniques greatly .Key words :the National Matriculation English Reading ; proposition discipline ; examination techniques 摘要:本文详细介绍了近几年来高考英语全国卷及省卷的阅读命题类型,从阅读研究和阅读教学的角度深入分析了高考英语阅读命题的规律及应试技巧,对促进高中英语阅读教学,提高学生的阅读解题技巧都有很大的帮助。关键词:高考英语阅读; 命题规律; 应试技巧 Introduction(引 言) 读是英语学习中获取信息,汲取知识,掌握和运用英语知识的

3、一种十分重要的手段,是英语学习者必须掌握的一项基本技能,因而各类英语考试都少不了对学习者阅读能力的考查。历年来,作为选拔性的国家高考更是如此。如何才能让考生在有限的时间内,快速而又比较准确地读完试题中给定的材料,并完成材料后给定的题目呢?这是一个让众多考生都感到很棘手的一个大难题。对这个问题的回答,那就是要求每个考生有必要认识高考英语阅读命题的规律和掌握必要的应试技巧。 历年高考阅读材料类型和考察能力的回顾 本人通过十多年来的英语教学实践,潜心解读历界高考试卷,不难发现高考英语试题中出现的五篇阅读选文,体裁包括议论文、说明文、记叙文、广告和新闻。内容涉及人物介绍、科普、文化、历史、地理、环保等

4、。五篇选文的含词量大约为两千左右。选文词汇量为三百到五百(含题干内容)。选文语言地道、精练、贴近当代人们的生活,有很强的时代气息。选文主要考察学生下列能力:一,对细节信息的捕捉能力;二,对选文主旨大意的归纳能力;三,根据相关信息对未来人或物的前景进行推断的能力;四,根据上下文对某个词汇意义的猜测能力和根据图表进行归纳处理的能力。其选文难度分为A、B、C三级:A级难度较大,B级难度居中,C级难度较小。通常A级选文一至二篇,B级选文较多。选文对超出大纲要求的词汇量作了较为严格的限制,一般控制在1。5%的范围之内。选文中长句和难句不多,但分词和各种复合句均有体现。 历年高考英语阅读命题题型,命题规律

5、与应试技巧1、事实细节题 命题规律 列举处常考。列举处指的是first ,second ,to begin with ,furthermore,in addition ,on the one hand on the other hand 等并列关系词出现的地方。要求考生从所列内容中,选择符合题干要求的选项。列举方式有时不用标志词而是采用句式排比的方式给出。举例与打比方的地方常考。为使自己的观点更具有说服力,更加明确,作者常举出具体的例子来佐证。考生应对那些引出例子或比喻的标志词加以注意,常见的有as,such as,for example,for instance,as . as 等。(指示)

6、代词出现处常考。这类考题,常用来考查考生是否真正理解上下文之间的句际关系。引用人物论断处常考。作者为正确表达自己观点或使论点更有依据,常会引用权威人士的论断或采纳其重要发现等。特殊标点符号后的.内容常考。特殊标点符号后的内容常常是对前面内容的进一步解释说明。具体说,特殊标点符号包括:破折号、括号和冒号,表解释;引号,表引用。(2)答题技巧 事实细节题中常有两个选择项语意较近,会令考生举棋不定。提高这类试题的答题正确率的一个重要技巧是,在答题中不忘主题、围绕主题。正确的选项往往是与短文主题密切相关的那一选项,因为作为命题内容的细节一般总是短文的要点或主要论据。词性和句式转 细节题一般是利用词性转

7、换、同义词、近义词或一些意思相近的语句考查考生对原文表达的细节信息的词汇、惯用法的正确理解。但有时正确选项与原文的表达不尽相同,一般会在词语或句型上有些变化。比如原文用的是双重否定,而选项中却用的是肯定的句式;或原文与选项互为反义词。无论怎样,这种变化只是词语和句法上的变化,但意思一致,即原文表达具体事实和细节的信息值与题干加选项的信息值虽在用词和句法上有所区别,但意思相同。比如:I am usually fairly skeptical about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier

8、or more or less certain of themselves they were 50 years agoWhile any of these statements might be true ,they are practically impossible to prove scientificallyStill ,I was struck by a report which concluded that todays children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s In fact,the a

9、nalysis showed ,normal children ages 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago Q:According to an analysis ,compared with normal children today , children treated as mentally ill 50 years agowere less isolated physicallywere probabl

10、y less self-centeredprobably suffered less form anxietywere considered less individualistic 选C。原文最后一句的意思与本题中的“题干+正确选项”相同,但children treated as mentally ill 50 years ago 在句子的地位变了,一个是比较的对象,一个是句子的主语。原文与正确选项相互对应的词语有exhibit 与suffer ;higher与less 。又如:Some studies suggest that straight ,horizontal bars paint

11、ed across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half 。However ,traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted barsQ :What dose the author say about straight ,horizontal bars painted across roads ?AThey are falling out of use in the Un

12、ited StatesB They tend to be ignored by drivers in a short period of time CThey are applicable only on broad roadsDThey cannot be applied successfully to traffic circles选B。原文最后一句中as引导的原因状语从句与答案选项的意思相同。句际关系与句子结构分析 这种情况主要涉及一些要求对一些指代性名词和代词在句中的意思进行辨认的题型。由于这种题实际上并不是要求对词本身的理解,因为这些词或其词义我们都很熟悉。这种题考察的是上下文之间的

13、关系是否清楚,是对细节信息的考察,是事实细节题,而不是语义理解题。如:Observers noted down the referees errors ,of which there were 61 over the tournamentConverted to a standard match of 90 minutes ,each referee made almost 23 mistakes ,a remarkably high numberThe research then studied the videotapes to analyze the matches in detailS

14、urprisingly ,he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incidentWhen the officials got it right ,they were ,on average ,17 meters away from the actionThe average distance is about 20 metersQ:The world “official”(Line 2,Para 2)most probably refers to Athe researcher inv

15、olved in the experimentBthe inspectors of the football tournamentCthe referees of the football tournamentDthe observers at the site of the experiment选C 。officials 所在的句子和前面的 errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident 在语义上是对比关系,说的是赛场上的裁判在距离事发地点远与近时判罚的失误情况不同。 干扰项的特点 与短文细节部分不同,

16、部分相悖;是短文细节,但不是要点或主要论据;是短文细节,但不符合题干要求,题干指向的应在短文其他位置;与常识相吻合但不符合题干要求,提干指向的应在短文其他位置;与常识相吻合但短文未提及。短文未提及;明显与短文细节不符或短文未提及。2 话义理解题 命题规律 具体环境中,具有指代上下文语义功能的词汇尤其是名词,常成为考察对象。 一词多义的常见词及词组易考,要求考生能通过阅读,理解该词在文中的确切含义。 对比处常考,考察考生能否从具有对比含义的上下文中猜出某个单词的含义。 复杂句常考,由于其结构复杂,句间指代关系复杂等特点,常成为考察考生理解能力的一种手段。 应试技巧 这类问题问及名词的指代,问题涉

17、及的词语有四类:词组短语、生僻单词、旧词新意。这类问题的设计目的不是考查考生的词汇量,而是从特定的角度考查考生的阅读理解能力和根据上下文推测词义及处理生词的能力。所以解答这类试题同样要紧扣原文,特别是当问及的是我们所认识的单词时,不能凭我们对该词的已有知识贸然选择,而要根据上下文来确定该词在文中的确切含义利用定义和重述 在一篇文章中,作者有时估计到读者对文中某个词不熟悉,常常采用直接定义法或用另一种方式进行解释。有时作者会采用重述,即对文章前面所提到的人或物的某些情况进行重新或补充的阐释,这种重新做出的阐述往往包括前面句子中这个生词的词义。这种解释可能是一句话,也可能是一段或几段,表达这类情况

18、常用的词语有:means,is,that is ,refers to ,can be defined as等。如:One of the women ,for instance ,on leaving her house for work one morning threw her dog her earrings and tried to fix a dog biscuit on her ear .“The explanation for this is that the brain is like a computer,”explains the professor .“People pro

19、gramme themselves to do certain activities regularly .It was the womanscustom every morning to throw her dog two biscuits and then put on her earrings.But somehow the action got reversed in the programme.”About one in twenty of the incidents the volunteers reported were these “programme assembly fai

20、lure.”Q:“ programme assembly failure.”refers to the phenomenon that peopleA.ofen fail to programme their routines beforehand .B.tend to make mistakes when they are in a hurry .C.unconsciously change the sequence of doing things .D.are likely to mess things up if they are too tired. programme assembl

21、y failure.是对前文中somehow the action got reversed in the programme的重述。答案为C。利用相关信息 有时,要知道一个词的确切含义,还需要从上下文已知的有关信息中获得提示或线索。如:The fitness movement that begin in the late in the 1960s and early 1970s centered around aerobic exercise(有氧操).Millions of individual became engaged in a variety of aerobic activiti

22、es ,and literally thousands of health spans developed around the country to capitalize(获利)on this emerging interest in fitness ,particularly aerobic dancing for females . A number of fitness spas existed prior to this aerobic fitness movement ,even a national chain with spas in most major cities .Ho

23、wever ,their focus was not on aerobic ,but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass ,strength , and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts .These fitness spas did not seem to benefit financially from the aerobic fitness movement to better health ,since medical opin

24、ion suggested that weight training programs offered few ,if any ,health benefits.Q:The word “spas”(Line 2) most probably refers to .sports activities .places for physical exercise .recreation centers .athletic training programs .选B 。spas既然要capitalize on this emerging interest in fitness ,它一定与健身有关,既然

25、能以national chain (全国连锁)这样的形式存在,它一定是一个营业机构.利用举例 有时作者使用了某个生词,为了让读者明白,常常用后面举出实例的方法来阐释。这种方法用来引起下文的词有“for example ,for instance,such ,such as ,as ,as as ”等,如:Priscilla ouchidas“energyefficient”house turned out to be a horrible dream .When she and her engineer husband married a few years ago ,Theybuilt a

26、$100,000 ,three bedroom home in California .Tightly sealed to prevent air-leaks ,the house was equipped with small double-paned (双层玻璃的) windows and several other energy-saving features .Problems began as soon as the couple moved in , however .Priscillas eyes burned .Her throat was constantly dry .Sh

27、e suffered from headaches and could hardly sleep .It was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness . Experts finally traced the cause of her illness .The level of formaldehyde (甲醛) gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical workers .The source of

28、the gas ?Her new kitchen cabinets and wall-to-wall carpeting . The Ouchidas are victims of indoor pollution ,which is not given sufficient attention partly because of the nations drive to save energy .The problem itself isnt new .“The indoor environment was dirty long before energy conservation came

29、 along ”Says Moschandreas ,a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies in Maryland .“Energy conservation has tended to accentuate the situation in some cases .”Q: The word “accentuate”most probably means “”A. worsen B.relieve. C.improve. D.Accelerate选A。本文是通过举出Priscilla Ouchida 的例子来探讨节能对室内环境的负面影响,Mo

30、schandress 的两句话之间是递进的关系。利用句际关系 有时作者会用but, however 等明显的句际关系词,或like ,as 等表示相似意义的词使上下文形成比较,对照,可以据此推测生词词义。但也有很多情况没有关系词,只能通过意思来判断,如上例。干扰项的特点 与上下文不相吻合的我们所熟悉的定义;与上下文似乎相吻合的错误的定义;出现在上下文中的与本词词性相同的词;问及指代词时,干扰项一般是上下文中出现的名词或名词短语。3 推理判断题命题规律常会围绕文章出题。要求将篇首、篇尾、段落中主题句概括归纳并从中推断出全文主题。综合性推论和判断题还可以围绕文章若干段落展开,要求推论和判断出段落间

31、的关系。支持主题思想的细节部分常被考察。这些细节部分表现形式多样,可以是列举、例证、实验、人物论断等,要求考生对部分内容进行判断推理。文章或段落开头处,尤其是文章结尾总结处常考。语义转折处常考。应试技巧 这类题目大多问及暗示、推论、结论等。解答这类试题,除了需要精确透彻的理解短文外,还要求考生有一定的推理判断能力。推论虽然必须以短文的某些内容为前提,但推论的结果是一种本来属于未知的东西,所以这类试题的答案不应该是短文内容的简单重述。对事实和细节进行归纳概括。这类题目要求考生不仅能够读懂细节处关键词的意思,还要能够体会言外之意。结合文章的主题进行判断是解决这种题目的有效方式。“As our te

32、sts became more complex .”Sums up Spilich ,“non-smokers performed better than smokers by wider and wider margins,”He predicts ,smokers might perform adequately at many jobs until they got complicated .A smoking airline pilots could fly adequately if no problems arose but if something went wrong ,smo

33、king might damage his mental capacity .”Q: We can infer from this paragraph that _A. smokers should not expect to become airline pilot .B. smoking in emergency cases causes mental illness .C. no airline pilot during flight .D smokers may prove unequal to handling emergency cases.选D。从Splich 给出的a smok

34、ing airline pilot 的例子可以归纳出答案。若针对举例、名人言论、特殊符号后内容出题,只读例子、名人言论、符号前后句的内容即可。About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table ,I couldnt help overhearing parts of their conversation. At one point the woman asked :“So, how have

35、you been ?”And the boy who could not have been more than seven or eight years old replied,“Frankly ,I have been feeling a little depressed lately .”This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing .As far as I can remember , my friends and I didnt find

36、 out we were depressed until we were in high schoolQ: According to the author ,feeling depressed is_A. a sure sign of a psychological problem in a child .B. something hardly to be expected in a young child .C. an inevitable phase of childrens mental development .D. a mental state present in all huma

37、ns ,including children 作者前面给出了一个自己接触到的实例,后面是评论,所以直接阅读评论内容,就可得解。答案为B。如果题目只是针对某一个自己接触到的实例,考生只看该段内容即可答题,而不必等把文章全看完才做题,以防止时间不足而瞎猜选项内容全面,概括说明原文的一般是答案。干扰项特点是短文内容的简单重述,而非推而论之的“正话反说”或“此话彼说”;似推之而得,但实与原文主题相矛盾;与常识相符合,但并非从短文内容可推知;偏离文章主题,属主观臆断的结论。4主旨大意题命题规律段首段尾句常考。短文首段首句或末段末句往往是文章中心思想的表达处;段中的段首,段尾句常常是该段的主题句。特殊标点

38、处常考。尤其是段首的特殊符号之后的内容,往往表达了作者的论点,阐释了全文的主题。语义转折处,尤其位于段首的语义转折处常考。转折处后往往表达了作者真实的写作目的或观点。因果句常考。注意能表达因果关系的词:because, since, for, as, therefore, consequently, result in, originate from 等。有时候作者也通过Why提问,而后给予回答的方式阐释文章主题。应试技巧 主题的确定可以通过寻找主题句的方法实现,熟悉上面所说的命题规律即可。但相当一部分阅读短文的主题句并不出现,这时更有效的方法是结合前面提到的归纳技巧,从两个方面进行概括:论述

39、的对象是哪些(包括何人、何事、何物、何种观点等);论述该对象的哪些方面(干什麽、怎麽样等)。在时间紧迫的情况下,只读首位段,答案很可能就在这些段落中。如:Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties .It is agreed that they enjoy making noises ,and that during the first few months one or two no

40、ises sort themselves out as particularly indicative of delight ,distress, sociability, and so on .But since these cannot be said to show the babys intention to communicate ,they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language .It is agreed ,too, that from about three months they play with sounds f

41、or enjoyment ,and that by six months they are able to add new sounds to their repertoire (能发出的全部声音).This self-imitation leads on to deliberate(有意识的)imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people .The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that imitations can be considered as speech .Q: This paragraph is mainly about _A. the development of babiesearly forms of


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