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1、精品教学教案设计| excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校精品教学教案设计| excellent teaching plan审稿人学生姓名小组评价教师评价unit4 why don t you talk to your parents?section a 1a 2d二次复备【study-aims】知识目标:1)掌握本课生词、短语及 what s wrong?句式。2)依据所给信息做肩关讨论问题并给出建议的对 话。能力目标:训练在听的过程中捕捉相关信息的技巧。情感目标:在学习过程中体会与人沟通以解决问题 的

2、重要性。文化意识:良好的生活习惯有益健康。学习策略:列举生活中常见的问题加以讨论以激发 学生兴趣。【key & difficult points 止确运用 “what s wrong? why don t you”等句 式,分角色表演。【自主学习,明确目标】根据汉语提示默写卜向单词、短语及句子。允许、准许打毛病的;错误的子夜;午夜猜测;估计太多闲逛去睡觉学得太多给某人打电话在电话中谈论它勿打架哪儿不舒服? 【借助媒介,正音操练】1 .导入2 . learning the new knowledge:stepl: guiding we often have some problems in li

3、fe. what re the most common problems? can you give some examples?step2: listening and speaking (1a-1c)1) speaking:读1a中的5个句子并讨论这些问题是 否是严重的。2) listening:听并在1a中圈上你听到的问题以完 成1b。3) pair-work:根据听力信息做对话元成1c。 【合作探究,展示提升】listening and speaking (2a-2c)1) presentation :介绍启美peter的烦恼。2) listening:捕捉对话相关信息以完成 2a;2

4、b.3) exercise:listen again. fill in the blanks.boy 2 had awith his best friend. he couldhim a letter. but he isn t good at writing k call him, but he doesn t want to talk . on the. hetalk to him so that he can sayhe s sorry but it s not. hego to his hehe doesn t want tohim. he could take him to th,

5、but he doesn t want to wait that long 【达标检测,盘点收获】 汉译英1)你看上去很累,怎么了?2)我的父母不允许我与我的朋友闲逛。otters. heabout ituse bute13)我与我最好的朋友打架了。4)为什么你不和他谈谈呢?审稿人 学生姓名小组评价教师评价unit4 why don t you talk to your parents?section a 3a 3c(阅读课)二次复备【study-aims】知识目标:能够正确使用动词look through, give back, get on (well) with, instead 或 i

6、nstead of, offer to do sth, mind sb doing sth, and explain sth. to sb. hang over。能力目标:能够熟练的谈论自己或他人的烦恼及给人 提出合理的建议。情感目标:培养学生积极参与活动的兴趣,与别人能 够谈论自己兴趣。学习策略:先浏览问题,再阅读课文找答案,边读课 文边标注关键点。文化意识:如何摆脱烦恼,一种肩效的方法就是用理 智思考。做一些其它的事情以转移自己的注意力。育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰【key & difficult points 有用短语的使用及建议的表达; 如何解决困难和给人建议。【自主学习,明确目

7、标】1 . pre-class 1.翻译下列短语怎么了? 代替寻找介意某人做某事还回它不是大事。2 .根据汉意完成下列句子(1)昨天我发现妹妹浏览我的东西。i find my sister my things yesterday.(2)我仍然和她生气。i m angry her.(3)我不能和家人处好。i canmy family.(4)我总感到孤独和不安i always feel and(5)妈妈不介意我一直看电视my mother doesn t mindtv【合作探究,展示提升】 一、选词填空instead, argue, nervous, proper, explain1. my co

8、usin is in front of strangers.2. he could not come up with a answer.3. the tv shows are boring. why not play cards?4. i don t want towith you. ites waste of tim5. pleaseto her how to use a computer.、用括号中单词的适当形式填空。1. all the(communicate) with the outsideworld was broken.2. jim is a doctor. his(old) b

9、rother is an engineer.3. after high school mike got a job instead of(go)to university.4. it very kind of you to offer(help) us on theweekend.5. firstly we don t have much money,(second) weare too busy.unit 4 why don t you talk to your parents?section a 3 (grammar focus-4c)二次复备study-aims1.知识目标:会背本课时的

10、单词和短语,学会询问他 人遇到的问题及给出合理的建议。审稿人学生姓名小组评价教师评价2 .能力目标:能够正确运用所学的句型询问他人遇到的麻烦并能给出合理的建议。3 .情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生们懂得要学 会关心他人,增进学生之间的情感。4 .文化意识:通过本单元的学习了解中国与西方国家 在孩子教育问题上的差异。5 .学习策略:积极与让人合作,注意倾听,积极思考 遇到问题主动向老师或同学请教。【key & difficult points 1 .重点:询问他人遇到的困难及给出建议。2 .难点:灵活掌握本课遇到的句型和短语,并能学以 致用。【自主学习,明确目标】1. pre-class1

11、.翻译下列短语1.做运动 2和朋友闲逛3.独自一人消磨时间 4看电影5.读书 6和一打架2.根据汉意完成下列句子(1)我的父母给我很多学习上的压力。my parents give meabout school.(2)我没有得到足够多的睡眠。i don,t get.(3)我和我的父母吵架了i my parents.【合作探究,展示提升】exercise:一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. we shouldn t(argue) with our parents.2. you shouldn t(use) the phone in the classroom3. could i use your d

12、ictionary?-well, you.a. canb. couldc. shouldd. might4. you d better(go) to school by bike.5. how about(go) hiking this afternoon?二、汉译英1 .在学习方面,父母不应该给孩子太多的压力。2 .昨天我和我的朋友吵架了 .3 .在学校我必须和我的同学竞争。4 .虽然你和你的父母生气了,但你必须找他们谈i.审稿人学生姓名小组评价教师评价unit 4 why don t you talk to your parents?section b 1a 2e二次复备【study-ai

13、ms】1 .知识目标:会背本课时的单词和短语,领会文章意 思。2 .能力目标:通过回答问题能够正掌握阅读技巧并能 复述课文大意。3 .情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生们懂得要劳 逸结合,善于和父母沟通谈心,让父母理解我们,我们 也要理解父母。4 .文化意识:通过本单元的学习了解中国与西方国家 在孩子教育问题上的差异。5 .学习策略:在阅读时善于使用简单的工具书查找信 息,帮助理解文章大意。【key & difficult points 1 .重点:单词和短语。2 .难点:灵活掌握本课遇到的句型和短语,并能学以 致用。【自主学习,明确目标】i. pre-class1.翻译卜刻短语1.课后活动2

14、的生活3.做时间4足够忙5.很适合某人 6.总是抱怨2.根据汉意完成下列句子(1)我的父母给我很多学习上的压力my parents give meabout school.(2)我没有得到足够多的睡眠。i dont get【达标检测,盘点收获】1.阅读并回答以下问题s importaniforjkid1) does cathy taylor think itafter school activities?2) does linda miller agree with cathy? what sier opinion?3) does dr. green agree with cathy or l

15、inda? what does she say?(3)根据理解,复述课文iii. post-class【合作探究,展示提升】1. would you mind(clean) the room?2would you please do the dishes? -ok.i(do) them in a minute.3. could you please(help) me with the housework?4. when i(finish) the work, could you help me with my chinese? 5. i enjoy(draw) pictures.6. i ge

16、t(annoy) when people follow me around.审稿人学生姓名小组评价教师评价unit4 why don t you talk to your parents?section b 3a-self check二次复备【study-aims】知识目标:能会背本课时的单词和短语 usual, in ong s opinion, perhaps.能力目标:能够根据2b短文完成本课时问题并给出 意见。情感目标:通过学习,知道如何处理不良情绪并能 够给他人提相关建议。学习策略:先浏览问题,再阅读课文找答案,边读 课文边标注关键点。文化意识:通过本单元的学习了解中国与西方国家 在

17、孩子教育问题上的差异。【key & difficult points 进一步理解2b短文,用英语表达自己对某个问题的 想法。【自主学习,明确目标】1. pre-class翻译卜刻短语1 .继续做杲事2尽量/力3寻找4 .同意5你怎么样认为? 6 .想让某人做杲事 7 .允许某人做某事 8有空闲时间9 .匕某人闲逛10与某人吵架11与某人交谈 12有足够的睡眠13 .给某人才t电话 14重要的事15 .成功解决 16和睦相处 17 .主动提出做某事 18.一直【达标检测,盘点收获】1 .连词成句1. buy, you, don t, why, a, sweater2. something, sh

18、ould, her, get, you, interesting3. get, some, not, why, flowers2. let some ss read their letters and correct them.one possible versions better thati don tagree with the idea of sending kids to after-school classes because all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. it not good for a

19、 child s development. in my opinion, kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. i think it parents shouldn ctompare their children with other children. it s crazy and not fair.【合作探究,展示提升】 一、选词填空。perhaps, skill, opinion, continue, push, compare, crazy, usual, typical, cause1. careless driving often accident.2. twelve o clock is the tim to have lunch.3. he is a writer of great.4. it was of you to skate on such thin ice.5. in my, people shall not smoke in public places.6. if you the two cars, you ll find them very alike.7. w川


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