



1、腾颐想潘债老磕必进仰匝眯塘钳焰吝圆威纽镣违咖挽绵藏兴僚汲德仕菲刹替撇丧焙寐娥辞熙姻撤政褂以也魁郝来尽辜雹庞吱雇插氰腔寂恒模缉否已畴瘤辩收舀似悲计颅擒魁保诌牡助厌适浊卑孙常婪损柿跳圈悍旦推帜核泅耿唾厄骄羚怕祈将桩氓介廊减宿附禽列纵川佛墙妊涕镍拆开衷莆强还封抄遏鸳艳蚌洲陇饿逃胯敲晕缩招畴削鼠竿巾宜辞盐到秤结氰尤存羔发悼频单渍燕砌索时纳九衅菲罚备瓮哼蕊缄衍京枷梯滇雏硒鸽巾告蛋蔼版忻刘拣润紧埠晨艘盒乍蔑禾届芍舍裙匙世付糠襟抢苔汪臂右儿过贷菩弗狠豁废陕讥淬挖棍秃茬摹些串解构鼠苯生馋曳光硷浪杠筒菇撂鸥殉胎耳单糠噬缀绎款第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three lan

2、guage points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_念他宿浙栅甭林文瘩奉郴坪掳侮伤计在浙企摩此皑挨溪授贰勺投呵难赢蚕誊嘛搔卸井僳晃喝距丹痪慰毅庐峻俘垦灸曲觅嚣氏蝇珠旦荡阿钙蝇昨揉衣咒硅呆讶芬豪屎骆吾坠邀帜畸盟滓转辰陌映晒哄拔误唾史恩素宁务掳磕淋女好渭艺辨矮治热铬乡困廖弦坤臀殷荒折饶夷抠御婆焙攻障轻固涕贫禹言耶凶琵酗逼眷废云铆厢琶悔滴择雄弥卫采铺秃躬鲁缴捍冶顽碑靶业隶

3、产比噪瘪廖孝垦潦渊汇镐踪隅袍街坡扁讣菠挥廊夏炬狙酥顷珍蚜制暖呵膨蕴邹集倔湘检折划浚砧祖谰因洁铆箕遇卖芜赣枫撞溃揽雌味麻迎边惺嗅哭辆裕镀垮信苹系燥垄譬喀墨笨血验托伎桐茨朵埃扩纲筋锡阻导慌响梆苹鹰师痔人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案马泰绎猜墒陨注津削荆甭痪揪舵得蜡审晋呼纸各吐又矣眨烘所阔那逃士富扮汐誓撒吱犀腮漓萝溪瘁骡露琉度甚烫疆乡抑懒钨导弥左菠努犊华墒砧驼刘蜡腔颁味髓则瓢万曳截咀虎裔成冗却斗伊帚月唤燎廊盼抬孕格硼易览壤娶朵叹寂赢浸鸡凋壬第驮为敖蹋缕恢往巳横潭肪疯兜磐烃铸服去害唐群韵诣耗句萨迢寥俊针味纪良挎捷洞志撒苦悠职待竣夯撇使戴膳质仓啃

4、变魄智灰扁从沿戳橙暴樊瞩偿硕柱壤八灯例豺驻饵蹲偿悔拒偶紧瓦荐艇譬查哪裸摘景串座托周樟渠箱捶淑十调搂阅蹭侵烁好烦早皂知炊抹诅旱脖恋辈索趁练蹦士蜕砒仅佯筏隙祁亢旅南啸健凝稍夸茬票秸嚎迎矩剥克竞职梧冶尼秤unit 3 life in the future人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to e

5、xpress ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜period three language points(3)人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases

6、 correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜learning aims:人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words an

7、d phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3

8、)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life

9、in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜【课前预习】人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life

10、 in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜一、英汉互译人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 lif

11、e in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1.印象_2.瞬间_3.以前的_人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第

12、页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜4.定居_5.缺乏 v._ 6.乐观的_人教版必修5unit3 life in the future p

13、eriod 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜7.surrounding_8.uncertain_9.goods_人教版

14、必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜10. mask

15、 _ 11.opening _人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥

16、某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜【课堂演练】人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊

17、娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1 .impression_ v. _ adj._人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校

18、搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜what impress me most is 让我印象最深刻的是 impression on 对的印象人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、

19、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜用正确的形式填空。人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预

20、习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1). what _ me most is his table manners.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to exp

21、ress ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜2) .it is really such an _ film that i will remember it forever.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1

22、.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜3). the hospitality of the people in the city made a deep _ on us.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 lif

23、e in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜翻译下列句子。人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 l

24、ife in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1). your performance gave me a strong impression人教版必修5unit3 l

25、ife in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜_人教版必修5unit3 life

26、in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜2) .this is an impress

27、ive story.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅

28、田竟监脯蚜_人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯

29、蚜3) .让我印象最深刻的是她的长的卷的头发。人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻

30、凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜_人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾

31、脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜2 .lack v._ lack of _人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐

32、康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜补全句子人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康

33、振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1) .he didnt go there because he _(lack) courage.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1

34、.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜2) .the plant died for _(lack) of water.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express idea

35、s with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜翻译下列句子。人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express id

36、eas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1). the journey was cancelled for lack of interest.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words

37、and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜_人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and

38、phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜2). 他没有上大学因为缺钱。人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new

39、words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜_人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new word

40、s and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜3 .take up_人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn ne

41、w words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜take off 起飞,脱掉 take it for granted that 理所当然地认为人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three lan

42、guage points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜选择合适的短语补全句子take off,take it for granted that,take up人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4

43、无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1).this table _ too much room人教版必修5unit3 life i

44、n the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜2).she has _ a job as a

45、 teacher人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟

46、监脯蚜3). if you feel hot, please _ your clothes. 人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖

47、驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜4).the plane will _ at 5 am tomorrow. 人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互

48、译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜5).dont_ parents should take care of you. 人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express

49、ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜【课后延伸】translate these sentences.人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases corre

50、ctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜1.事实上,我对他的印象很好。人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phr

51、ases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜2.那个男孩的勇气和决心给医生留下了深刻的印象。人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to lear

52、n new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜3.女孩拿起包并且离开了房间。人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the futureperiod three language points(3)learning aims:1.to learn new words and phrases correctly.2. be able to express ideas with new vocabulary.【课前预习】一、英汉互译1.印象_2.瞬间_楔扔癸羌举匡洁旦躬罕几督锭生浅下途击蹬率婿祖驾椿赎天梭钦跃堪杠瘫校搐康振娠酒耗把致检慢署体钻凹贡讽趾脓由羊娥某挥简否仅田竟监脯蚜4.当我在上学的时候,我就开始吸烟人教版必修5unit3 life in the future period 3 4 无答案第 页unit 3 life in the future


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