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1、CONTENTSThisThis和和thatthat作为指示代词的用法作为指示代词的用法一.ThisThis和和thatthat作为程度副词的用法作为程度副词的用法二.ThatThat的其他用法的其他用法三.1第1页/共16页一一This和that作为指示代词的用法This和That最常用作指示代词指示代词,既可作限定词限定词又可做代词代词,在句子中可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语等成分。2第2页/共16页1.T h i s 和t h a t 作指示词时, 常用来表示两种相对的概念(1)This常常被用来指(从实际距离和空间范围考虑)离“讲话人”较近的事物;而that 则用来指不那么靠近“讲话人”

2、的事物。例如:Get this cat off my shoulder./ Get that cat off the piano.Do you want to sit in this chair (here) or that one (over there).(2) That指已经完成的动作(或状态);This指即将发生的动作或出现的状态。换言之,指过去的事物用that,指未来的事物用this 例如:We went to the opera last night. That was our first outing for months.Were going to the opera toni

3、ght. Thisll be our first outing for months.That was what I thought last year. This is what I think now.3第3页/共16页(3) 有时,讲话人用this指某件自己亲身经历或直接参与的事情或直某个与自己有过密切交往的人;用that来指别人所经历过的事或与自己萍水相逢的人。例如:This is really delicious. How do you make it? (作者正在品尝食物)That smells nice. Is it for lunch. (作者只是闻到了味道,并没有亲口品尝食物

4、)(4)在某些场合下,this和that的使用往往与人们的心理活动和情感态度有关。讲话者常用this来指与自己有较密切的关系或自己比较感兴趣的事物;而常用that来指与己没有什么关系或自己不太感兴趣的事物。例如:This car gets good mileage. That car is a lemon. I dont like that room you showed me first, I prefer this one.4第4页/共16页2.This和That可用来指有生命物体uThis和That既可以用来指无生命的事物,也可以用来指有生命的事物。特别是用来指人时,二者在英式英语和美式

5、英语中的用法有所不同。以打电话为例,英国人习惯用this作自我介绍;而用that询问通话对方是谁。例如:Hello, this is Elizabeth. Is that Sam? 而美国人一概用this,例如:“Who is this speaking?”5第5页/共16页3.This和That可以用来指上下文提及的事物(1)This和that均可用于前指(指上文已提到的事物)。尤其在非正式文体中,二者可以毫无区别地换用,意义出入不大。尽管this和that都可以用来前指,但在正式文体中,this比that更普遍。例如:I heard Fridays meeting has been can

6、celed. If this (=that) is so, I shall protest very strongly. (informal)A helicopter is free to go almost anywhere. It can go over swarps and forests. It can cross rivers and mountains,and it can take off or land almost anywhere without special preparation. This is what makes the helicopter such a us

7、eful vehicle. (formal)(2)在同时都用于“前指”的前提下,有时this和that分别用来指上下文中论及的两种事物。This表示后者,that表示前者。例如;Work and entertainment are both necessary to health. This (=entertainment) gives us rest, and that (=work) gives us energy.Struggle and submission are before the colonial people; This (=submission) leads to slav

8、ery, that (=struggle) to freedom.6第6页/共16页(3)和that相比,this在用法上更具有灵活性和广泛性,既可以用于前指也可以用于后指(指下文)。例如:This is what he said: “Be loyal to the Partys cause of education.” (后指)u一般情况下,that只可以用于前指,间或也可以用于后指,但通常带有讽刺意味。例如:I like that. He damages my bike and then blames me for letting him use it.This, that, it和one

9、用于前指时的区别:(1)当代替前文一个带有不定冠词的名词或代替带有形容词做定语的单数可数名词,通常用one;当代替一个带有定冠词的名词或代替不可数名词时,则通常用that。例如:There was an old monkey and a young one over there. (one代替有形容词做定语的可数名词monkey)The most beautiful dress is that bought in Paris. (that代替带有定冠词的名词dress)u 当代替一个带有定冠词的名词时,有时也要用“the one”。但是,如果该名词后面带有of短语表示从属关系时,就只能用tha

10、t。例如:I lost the book, the one you lend me this morning. (the one代替the book)My office building was behind that of Bank of China. (that代替my office building)7第7页/共16页(2)It和that都可以用来代替一个从句,以避免重复,一般情况下两者可以互换,但that语气较强烈,具有一定的感情色彩。例如:He said he can swim across that big river, but I dont believe that (=it).

11、(3)It,that都可以代替动词或动词短语,it常用来代替不定式,而that则要与do连用,即用do so, do that来代替上文中的动词。例如:I want to go shopping, but my mother wont like it. (it代替to go shopping)-He always went to that small hut alone at night. -But why did he like to do that? (do that 代替went to that small hut at night)8第8页/共16页4.This和that可以用于旁指,

12、讲话者和听者通过共知意会所指It gives you that great feeling of clean air and open spaces.Dont mention this wretched business again.9第9页/共16页二二This和that作为副词的用法10第10页/共16页u一般在非正式语体中,that和this均可作程度副词,在句中起加强语意的作用,that相当于so或者 that,通常译作那么;this相当于so或 this,通常译作这么。例如:I know only that much.I asked for a dozen tic

13、kets, but they couldnt spare that many.She has never been this sick before.I didnt expect it to be this full.11第11页/共16页三三That的其他用法12第12页/共16页1.That可作连词,而this不可uThat作连词时,用于某些动词、形容词、副词后面,可以引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等名词性从句,以及目的、结果、原因等状语从句。例如:That he will come to the conference has excited every one of us.

14、 (主语从句)They say that she is better. (宾语从句)We heard the news that our team had won. (同位语从句)The truth is that I have never been there. (表语从句)Its not that Im unwilling to go with you,but that Im busy now. (原因状语从句)13第13页/共16页2.That可用作关系代词和关系副词,而this不可(1)That作关系代词,相当于who,which等。例如:Youre the only person that can help me. This book contains much that is useful.(2)That还可以作关系副词,相当于at which,on which,in which,for which等。例如:Can you work ou


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