高考英语一轮提能训练:外研版选修8 Module2(附解析)_第1页
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1、外研版高考英语一轮复习提能训练Module 2The Renaissance 能 力 闯 关.单词拼写1Sorry to d_ you,but do you know where Miss Yang is?2The police didnt know who committed the crime,but they s_ Janes.3Some b_ broke into his house last night.4I think it is your husband who is to b_ for the spoiled child.5I spent the afternoon readi

2、ng under the s_ of an umbrella.6He is making a study of Lu Xuns _(著作)7He _(猛冲)out of the house and went as quickly as possible to the riverside.8The police caught up with one of the gang,but the other three _(逃跑)9This kind of material is a good _(替代品)for leather.10Honesty is the _(根本的)cause of his s

3、uccess.答案:1.disturb2.suspected3.burglars4.blame5.shade6.works7.dashed8.fled9substitute10.fundamental.单项填空1He went from city to city,_ work. Aseek for Bsought for Cseeking for Dseeking out解析:本题考查seek的用法。此处应用现在分词短语作伴随状语,seek for寻找。答案:C2As a result of the radio _ for help for the earthquake victims,ove

4、r a million pounds have been raised.Abeg Bplead Cappeal Dask解析:beg乞讨,乞求;plead向人求情或替人求情以求宽恕或同意;ask请求,要求,三者皆为动词词性,且不合题意。而appeal可作名词,appeal for意为“呼吁”,正合题意。句意为“由于广播呼吁援助地震受害者,已经募集到100多万英镑”。答案:C3Five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award,a title _ to ordinary people for their contributions to environ

5、mental protection.Abeing given Bis given Cgiven Dwas given解析:此题考查非谓语动词。five people won the “Chinas Green Figure” award是题干的主句,这部分和后面没有连接词,因此后面的部分不能是句子,因此B项和D项错误;a title和give之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作定语,修饰a title。a title是award的同位语。A项是现在分词的被动式,表示被动的动作正在进行中,也不符合题意。答案:C4Our teacher asked us to take notes of the _ p

6、oints of the discussion.Ageneral Bmain Cchief Dmajor解析:main points要点。答案:B5There was five minutes _ when he got to the station.Aleft Bleaving Cto leave Dto go解析:本题考查过去分词作定语的用法。答案A。他到车站时,还剩5分钟时间。leave“剩下,留下”,是及物动词,此处应用过去分词left作后置定语。答案:A- 2 - / 76He was _ of doing that boring job.Afond Baware Ctired Do

7、ut解析:be fond of爱好;be aware of意识到,认识到;be tired of厌倦;be out of在外,离开,脱离。句意为:他厌倦了做那枯燥的工作。答案:C7Ive worked with children before, so I know what _ in my new job.Aexpected Bto expect Cto be expecting Dexpects解析:因为是对未来工作的“预料、期盼”,所以选不定式来表示将来,排除A和D。这儿表示现在对未来的“预料”,不是指在将来的某个时刻正在做某事。答案:B8We wanted a quiet holiday

8、,but we had _ without the children.Areckoned Bsupposed Cthought Dguessed解析:四个选项中只有reckon能与without构成固定搭配,表示“没有考虑到”。句意为:我们原想安安静静地度假,却没有把孩子考虑在内。答案:A.翻译句子1他们警觉到有危险,然后返回了。(suspect)_2你应该请医生诊断一下。(seek)_3我们向他求援。(appeal to)_4不会下雨,你不必带伞了。(leave behind)_5那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。(blame)_答案:1.They suspected danger and ret

9、urned.2You should seek doctors advice.3We appealed to him for help.4It wont rain;you can leave your umbrella behind.5The driver wasnt to blame for the traffic accident.完形填空Just recently I was invited to attend a function to celebrate the 25th anniversary of a business owned by a very good and specia

10、l friend.I first met him when he started his _1_ and have had the chance to provide my _2_ to him over those 25 years,and in between I have stayed in touch with him _3_.The day of the celebration arrived,_4_,due to a business appointment running over time,I was going to be late,so I _5_ to let him k

11、now.I arrived 20 minutes after the function had _6_ and my good friend came to the _7_ to welcome and greet me,_8_ that he was delighted to see me and had _9_ starting the official part of the celebration,knowing that I was on my way.Im sure you would _10_ the same feeling as I did at that time,that

12、 there is _11_ better for your spirits than to be welcomed and acknowledged in such a way._12_ he had always done in all my dealing with him over those 25 years,he made me feel a very _13_ and important person.As I _14_ the other guests I could feel a wonderful _15_ of friendship,warmth and happines

13、s in the room,as they chatted away._16_,I had very little time to speak to more than a couple of people before the official part started.In his _17_,he welcomed all the guests _18_ his family,and then individually thanked the people gathered in the room.But _19_ what you do hear is all about what th

14、e company has achieved over the years.During his thank­you speech,he referred to a quote which _20_ his overall approach towards both his business and personal life:“Always dance with the person you took to the dance”1A.occupation Bprofession Cbusiness Dwork解析:上文中提到作者的朋友要举办自己开创生意25周年纪念日活动。因此,此处

15、应该指的是作者朋友的生意和商业。occupation(职业)和profession(专业)与语境不符。答案:C2A.celebration Bappointment Cmoney Dservices解析:作者与朋友相遇后,就有机会向他提供一些帮助或者是服务(帮忙)。答案:D3A.regularly Brarely Chardly Ddaily解析:从上下文可知,自从这位朋友开办了自己的生意,他们俩相遇,作者就向他提供些服务,因此他们之间的关系应该是经常性的接触,但是从被邀请的情况来看,不可能是每天都在见面。答案:A4A.however Btherefore Cotherwise Dinstea

16、d解析:根据语境,前后之间在语意上是转折关系。答案:A5A.wrote Bstopped Cphoned Dhurried解析:既然人在外面还没有来,当然最直接的方式就是打电话告知。答案:C6A.been postponed Bstarted Cbeen cancelled Dended解析:从下文看,朋友的function并没有被推迟或者取消,当然也就没有结束,而只是推迟了function中的正式部分,这正说明非正式部分已经开始。答案:B7A.meeting Bfunction Cstation Dreception解析:因为庆祝会已经开始,所以主人出来到车站是不可能的,但是既然客人来了,当

17、然是要迎接的,而最有可能地就是到接待处迎接。答案:D8A.determining Backnowledging Ccomplaining Dregretting解析:根据语境,作者的朋友出来迎接,表明他是非常高兴。选项A、C、D明显与语境不符。答案:B9A.set about Bgone on Cheld off Dgiven up解析:set about着手做某事;go on继续;hold off推迟、阻滞;give up放弃。从下文可知,该庆祝会中的Offical part是被朋友推迟了些时间,以便作者能够参加最重要的部分。答案:C10A.accept Bspare Cshare Doff

18、er解析:作者当时听了朋友的话一定非常感动,所以认为别人也会有相同的感觉,而并不是接受或者提供这种感受。答案:C11A.nothing Banything Ceverything Dsomething解析:对作者而言,没有什么比这(受到欢迎和接待)更令人高兴的。答案:A12A.So BAs CBut DFor解析:本句话的意思是“正如”,只有as表示“正如”之意。答案:B13A.common Blucky Cfunny Dspecial解析:根据上下文,作者的朋友所做的一切就是要让作者感觉到自己的特殊性。答案:D14A.joined Bleft Cmentioned Dwatched解析:此处指作者加入到其它一些前来庆祝的人的谈话中来。答案:A15A.view Bmemory Cexperience Dsense解析:作者看到那么多的客人,同他们谈话,就有


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