



1、With复合结构构成方式如下:1. with或without-名词/代词+形容词; 2. with或without-名词/代词+副词3. with或without-名词/代词+介词短语; 4. with或without-名词/代词 +动词不定式;5. with或without-名词/代词 +分词。分别举例:1、 She came into the room,with her nose red because of cold.(with+名词+形容词,伴随状语)2、 With the meal over , we all went home.(with+名词+副词,作时间状语)3、The mas

2、ter was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm.The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand. (with+名词+介词短语,伴随状语。)4、He lay in the dark empty house,with not a man ,woman or child to say he was kind to me. (with+名词+不定式,作伴随状语) He could not finish it without me to help him.(without

3、+代词 +不定式,作条件状语)5、She fell asleep with the light burning.(with+名词+现在分词 ,作伴随状语) Without anything left in the cupboard, she went out to get something to eat.(without+代词+过去分词,作为原因状语)假考非谓语动词、实考谓语动词非谓语动词是高考英语中的必考重点内容,同学们在平时的练习中也做了大量的非谓语动词练习,久而久之,同学们容易滋生思维定势,把一些实际上是考查谓语动词的试题也误选为非谓语动词。下面笔者把高考试题中容易误选为非谓语动词但实

4、考谓语动词的类型做个小结,以期对同学们的学习有所帮助。 类型一:祈使句中的谓语动词 祈使句是省略了主语的一类句子。认清祈使句也是破解选择谓语的重要手段之一。因此,一定要掌握标志性的连词and,or,otherwise及破折号、逗号和冒号的功能。 例1.Mary,_ hereeverybody else,stay where you are.(2006全国卷I) Aaaae Baaaes C.to come Daaaing 例2.There are 8 tips in Dr.Rogers lecture on sleep,and one of them:_ to bed early unless

5、 you think it is necessary.(2004 重庆卷) A.doesnt go B.not to go C.not going D.dont go 类型二:并列句中谓语动词 一个句中通常不能出现两个(或以上)的谓语动词,但是如果句中有连词and,or,but,so等,则可以有并列谓语。 例3: At last,we found ourselves in a pleasant park with trees providing shade and_ down to eat our picnic lunch. (2005上海卷) A.sitting B.having sat C

6、.to sit D.sat 例4._ straight on and youll see a church.You wont miss it.(2004 湖北卷) A.Go B.Going C.If you go D.When going 类型三:对话答语中省略主语的谓语动词 在会话中,答语者往往为了突出要表达的主要词语而常常会省略次要的或与前面重复的词语。有一部分考题正是以对话形式出现,在答语中设置空缺。其解题方法是:_例5.I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend. _good.(2006 湖北卷) A.Sound B.Sou

7、nded C.Sounding D.Sounds 例6.What should I do with this passage? _the main idea of each paragraph.(2005 重庆卷) A.Finding out B.Found out C.Find out D.To find out 解析:答案选 C。此题是 You should find out .的省略。 类型四:句中带有插入语的谓语动词 该类题的设题特点是主语和谓语之间插入其他成分或句子来迷惑考生而误选非谓语动词。 例7.The country life he was used to_greatly si

8、nce 1992.(2005 山东卷) A.change B.has changed C.changing D.have changed 例8.Professor Smith,along with his assistants,_ on the project day and night to meet the deadline.(2005 上海卷) A.work B.working C.is working D.are working 【巩固练习】 1._ the website of the Fire Department in your city,and you will learn a

9、 lot about firefighting. A.Having searched B.To search C.Searching D.Search 2._ him enough time to get home before you telephone. A.Give B.To give C.Giving D.Given 3.To test eggs,_ them in a bowl of water: if they float,theyre bad;if they sink, theyre good. A.put B.putting C.to put D.to be putting 4

10、.Ive never seen anyone run so fast_David go. A.just watch B.just to watch C.just watching D.just having watched 5.Stanley,_ hello to your nephew. Aaaae and say Baaaes and says C.to come and say Daaaing and saying 6.Dont stand out there in the cold_in here and get warm. Aaaae Baaaes C.to come Daaaing

11、 7.Before you send the letter,_ with Bill to see if the address is right. A.check B.to check C.checking D.checked 8.If they dont understand it the first time, _over it again until they do. A.go B.to go C.going D.to be going 9.If youre going on a long car journey, _sure the vehicles are in good condi

12、tion. A.making B.to make C.make D.having made 10._ your hand over your mouth when you cough. A.Put B.Putting C.To put D.To be putting 11._ the road along and youll find his house on the right. A.Follow B.Following C.To be following D.Having followed 12.Hoping he would not be seen,Bob rushed in,_ his

13、 book and rushed out. A.picking up B.pick up C.to pick up D.picked up 13._ right away or youll miss the first train. A.Start out B.Starting out C.To start out D.Started out 14._ good care of the vegetables so that they can remain fresh. A.Take B.Taken C.Having taken D.Taking 15._ from the top of the

14、 building,and youll find the city more beautiful. A.Look B.To look C.Looking D.Looked 16._ some of this juiceperhaps youll like it. A.Trying B.Try C.To try D.Having tried 17.Dont be discouraged._ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. A.Taking B.To take C.Take D.Taken 18._,so

15、she had to be sent to the hospital. A.Being ill B.Her mother was ill C.Her mother being ill D.Having been ill 19._ many times,but he still didnt understand it. A.Having been told B.Though he was told C.To have been told D.He was told 20.First_ the rice by washing it,then _ it in boiling water. A.pre

16、pare;cook B.preparing;cooking C.preparing;cook D.prepare;cooking 21.She cycled too fast round the corner, _ her balance and_ off. A.losing;falling B.lost;fell C.losing;fell D.lost;falling 22.She set out soon after dark_ home an hour later. A.arriving B.to arrive C.having arrived D.and arrived 23._ a

17、long the quiet road at forty miles an hour,and then an old man suddenly started to cross the road in front of me. A.Driving B.I was driving C.Having driven D.When I was driving 24._ money if you can and many poor children in the poor mountainous areas will be able to go back to school. A.Having give

18、n B.Given C.To give D.Give 25.Id like to take a weeks holiday. _it.Were just too busy. A.Forget B.Forgetting C.Forgets D.Forgot 26.Then lets have fish,beef with _ tomatoes and a soup.OK? _nice. A.Sound B.Sounded C.Sounding D.Sounds 27.Each of the students,working hard at his or her lessons,_ to go to university. So do I. A.hope B.hopes C.hoping D.hoped 28.The girl_ forward to buying a new diamond ring. A.referred to looks B.refers to looking C.referred to looking D.referring to look 29.We havent heard from Jane for a


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