



1、CONFIDENTIALMutual Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement保密协议保密协议This Mutual Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of this day of , 2018 (the “Effective Date”) by and between (the Party A), a company duly organized and registered under the

2、laws of , whose registered address is situated at , and (the “Party B), a company duly organized and registered under the laws of , whose registered address is situated at . Each of Party A and Party B may be referred to herein as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.本保密协议(“本协议”)由以下双方于 年 月 日(

3、生效日)签订: (“甲方”),其依据 国法律成立并注册,注册地址为 ;和 (“乙方”),其依据 国法律成立并注册,注册地址为 。本协议中,甲方和乙方各称“一方”,合称“双方”。WHEREAS the Parties have an interest to discuss some cooperation about (the Possible Project), wherein either Party might share information with the other Party in accordance with the terms and conditions set for

4、th in this Agreement.鉴于:双方有意洽谈一些有关 的合作(“潜在项目”),且任一方均可能依据本协议约定与另一方分享信息。NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:鉴此,双方约定如下:1.Except as set forth in Section 2 below, “Confidential Information” means all non-public, confidential or proprietary information disclosed before, on or after the Effective

5、Date by either Party (the “Disclosing Party”) to the other Party (the “Recipient”) or its affiliates, or to any of Recipients or its affiliates employees, officers, directors, partners, shareholders, agents, attorneys, accountants or advisors (collectively, “Representatives”), in connection with the

6、 Possible Project, whether disclosed orally or disclosed or accessed in written, electronic or other form or media, and whether or not marked, designated or otherwise identified as confidential, including but not limited to: (a) business plans, methods, and practices; (b) personnel, customers, and s

7、uppliers; (c) inventions, processes, methods, products, patent applications, and other proprietary rights; or (d) specifications, drawings, sketches, models, samples, tools, computer programs, technical information, or other related information.除第二条约定外,“机密信息”是指所有在生效日之前、之中、之后,由一方(“披露方”)披露给另一方(“接收方”)或

8、其关联公司、或任何接收方或其关联公司的雇员、管理人员、董事、合作伙伴、股东、代理人、律师、会计师或顾问(统称“代表们”)的,所有非公开的、保密的或专有的、与潜在项目有关的信息,不管这些信息是口头披露的还是通过书面、电子或其他形式获取的,不管这些信息是否被标记、注明、或定义为“机密的”,包括但不限于:a)业务计划、方法和实践;(b)员工、客户和供应商;(c)发明、流程、方法、产品、专利申请和其他专有权利;或(d)规格、图纸、草图、模型、样品、工具、计算机程序、技术信息、或其他相关信息。2.Confidential Information does not include information

9、that:机密信息不包括以下信息:a) is already known by the Recipient or becomes known to them from a source other than the Disclosing Party without a breach of any existing confidentiality obligations; 在不违反任何现有保密义务的情况下,已被接收方或正被接收方从披露方以外的来源知道的信息;b) is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Recipie

10、nt, its affiliates or Recipients or its affiliates Representatives; or在接收方或其关联公司、接收方或其关联公司的代表们没有任何违法违约行为的情况下,已经或正在变成公开的信息;或c) is independently developed by the Recipient without reference to any Confidential Information disclosed hereunder.接收方在不参考任何本协议项下被披露的机密信息的情况独立研发出来的信息。Non-Disclosure Agreement-

11、Page 2 of 4-CONFIDENTIAL3.Confidential Information could be disclosed by the Recipient pursuant to the lawful requirement of a court or governmental agency provided that the Recipient shall prompt notify the Disclosing Party of such requirement and reasonable assist the Disclosing Party in opposing

12、such disclosure or seeking a protective order or other limitations on disclosure.接收方可以按照法院或政府机关的合法要求披露机密信息,但是接收方应及时将此种要求通知给披露方,并合理地协助披露方反对此种披露,寻求对披露的保护措施或其他限制。4.Recipient shall:接收方应:a) not exploit or make use, directly or indirectly, and/or copy, duplicate or reproduce the Confidential Information,

13、for any purpose other than the Possible Project;不得为任何潜在项目外的目的,直接或间接地利用或使用、模仿、重复、或复制机密信息;b) refrain from reverse engineering decompiling or disassembling any software code and/or pre-release hardware devices disclosed by Disclosing Party to Receiving Party under the terms of this Agreement;不得对本协议项下披露

14、方向接收方披露的任何软件代码及/或预先发布的硬件设备进行反向工程,反编译或拆解;c) protect the Confidential Information from inadvertent disclosure to a third party using the same care and diligence that the Recipient uses to protect its own proprietary and confidential information, but in no case less than reasonable care and unless othe

15、rwise agreed in this Agreement, refrain from disclosing the Confidential Information to any other third party without prior written approval from the Disclosing Party;使用与保护自己专有的和保密的信息一样的谨慎和勤奋,但在任何情况下不少于合理的谨慎,来保证机密信息不会无意披露给第三方,且除非本协议另有约定,在没有披露方事先书面同意的情况下,不得向任何其他第三方披露机密信息;d) restrict disclosure to tho

16、se of its affiliates or Recipients or its affiliates Representatives who clearly have a need-to-know the Confidential Information, and then only to the extent of such need-to-know, and only in furtherance of the Possible Project, and ensure each of them is informed of its proprietary and confidentia

17、l nature and is required to abide by the terms of this Agreement and be responsible for any breach of this Agreement caused by itself or its affiliates, Recipients or its affiliates Representatives; and仅向确有必要知道机密信息的关联公司、接收方或其关联公司的代表们披露机密信息,且仅限在必须知道的范围内进行披露,且仅限为潜在项目,且应确保他们知道机密信息的专有的和保密的性质以及必须遵守本协议的约定

18、,并为接收方或其关联公司、接收方或其关联公司的代表们导致的违约行为负责;以及e) promptly notify the disclosing Party of any disclosure of the Confidential Information in violation of this Agreement and fully cooperate with the Disclosing Party in any effort undertaken by Disclosing Party to enforce its rights related to any such unauthor

19、ized disclosure.迅速通知披露方因违反本协议而导致的机密信息的任何披露,在披露方进行的任何努力中充分配合披露方,以行使其对这些未经授权的披露有关的权利。5.Neither Party will, without prior written approval of the other Party, make any public announcement of or otherwise disclose the fact that any Confidential Information is or has been made available to Recipient, the

20、 existence or the terms of this Agreement and any other terms, conditions or other arrangements discussed and/or negotiated regarding the Possible Project, including the status thereof.任何一方,未经另一方事先书面同意,不得公开宣布或披露接收方已获取或可以获取机密信息的事实,本协议的存在及其条款,以及任何其他正在讨论及/或协商的与潜在项目相关的条款、条件、或其他安排,包括其状态。6.Upon expiration

21、 of this Agreement, or the written request of the Disclosing Party, the Recipient will destroy and certify the destruction of, all of Disclosing Partys Confidential Information, copies thereof and notes related thereto, whether in written, electronic or other form or media, except for such Confident

22、ial Information which is (a) legally required to be retained and/or (b) stored in automatically generated back up files (not freely accessible).Non-Disclosure Agreement-Page 3 of 4-CONFIDENTIAL本协议有效期满,或在披露方的书面要求下,接收方应销毁并确认销毁所有披露方的机密信息、其复印件及其笔记,不管是书面的、电子的或其他形式的,除非这些机密信息:a)依法需要保留和/或(b)存储在自动生成的备份文件中(不可

23、自由访问的)。7.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to constitute an agency, partnership, joint venture, or other similar relationship between the Parties. And each Party hereby retains its entire right, title and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to all of its Confident

24、ial Information. Any disclosure of such Confidential Information hereunder shall not be construed as an assignment, grant, option, license or other transfer of any such right, title or interest whatsoever to Recipient.本协议不应被解释为构成双方之间的代理、合伙、合资或其他类似关系。且双方在此保留其机密信息相关的全部权利、所有权和利益,包括所有知识产权。本协议项下的任何机密信息的披

25、露不应被解释为向接收方转让、授予、选择、许可或以其他任何形式转让这些权利、所有权或利益。8.Each Party (the “Indemnifying Party”) shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other Party (the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, actions, judgments, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs or

26、expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable attorneys fees, in connection with any third party claim, suit, action or proceeding arising out of or resulting from a breach of any representation, warranty or obligation set forth in this Agreement by the Indemnifying Party, its affiliates or any of

27、 the Indemnifying Partys or its affiliates Representatives.任一方(“违约方”)应保护、保障和维护另一方(“受偿方”)免受一切任何形式的、因违约方或其关联公司、违约方或其关联公司的代表们违反本协议约定的任何陈述、保证或责任而引起的任何第三方的索赔、诉讼或程序相关联的损失、损害、责任、缺陷、诉讼、判决、利息、裁定、处罚、罚款、支出或费用,包括合理的律师费。9.This Agreement and each Partys rights and obligations under this Agreement, shall survive f

28、or a period of five (5) years from the Effective Date.本协议及本协议项下双方的权利和义务,自生效日起,持续五(5)年。10.This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, without reference to the conflict of laws. All disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to Beij

29、ing Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The seat of arbitration shall be Beijing. The arbitration language will be English. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.本协议应适用中华人民共和国的法律,不适用

30、冲突法。因本协议发生或与本协议有关的一切争议,应提交北京仲裁委员会根据申请仲裁时的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁地点为北京。仲裁语言为英语。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。11. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS其他a) It is expressly agreed and understood that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreement, proposals and understandings (oral o

31、r written) between the Parties.双方明确同意并理解,本协议构成双方之间的全部协议,取代双方之间所有先前的协议、提议和谅解(口头或书面)。b) The failure of either Party to enforce any of the provisions of the Agreement at any time, or the failure to require performance by the other Party of any of the provisions of the Agreement at any time will in no w

32、ay be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provisions, nor in any way affect the validity of such provisions, or the ability of either Party to enforce each and every such provision thereafter.任何一方在任何时候不执行任何本协定的条款,或在任何时候未要求对方履行任何本协议的条款,均不得以任何形式被认定为现在或未来对这些条款的放弃,或以任何形式影响这些条款的有效性或任何一方执行这些条款的能力。c) The Parties hereby understand and agree that the rights and obligatio


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