Unit3 This is my sister.教学设计与反思_第1页
Unit3 This is my sister.教学设计与反思_第2页
Unit3 This is my sister.教学设计与反思_第3页
Unit3 This is my sister.教学设计与反思_第4页
Unit3 This is my sister.教学设计与反思_第5页
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1、Unit 2 This is my sisterPeriod1(SectionA 1a1c)教学设计与反思广西桂平寻旺一中 梁凤英一、 教材分析本课是新目标英语Go for it !七年级上册第二单元第1课时(Section A 1a1c)。本单元围绕介绍家庭成员开展听说读写教学活动,中心话题是介绍家人和亲属,学生的学习活动是在真实的生活场景中展开的。并把“名词的单、复数形式”这一语法主线贯穿其中。学好本课,学生不但能够加深对指示代词、人称代词和物主代词的理解和运用,也可以扩充词汇,学会介绍家人,为后面的进一步学习打下基础。二、教学设计的思路新目标英语强调的是任务型教学,强调学生要成为教学活动

2、的主体,而老师只是从中起到协调引导作用,因此在我的教学设计里,比较重视学生活动。充分调动起学生的积极性,让他们成为学习的主动者。本节课上本单元的第一课时,主要让学生掌握家庭成员的表达和基本句型“This is his(my/her) These are his(my/her)”。为了使教学更贴近生活,激发学生学习兴趣,我要求每人各自准备了真实的家庭照片,创设情景,围绕教学目标,有效开展各种教学活动。三、教学目标1、知识目标A.     掌握家庭成员的表达,如:father, mother, sister, brother, grandparents, f

3、riend等。B.     学会用指示代词this, that, these, those介绍人物。C.     初步认识名词的复数形式。2、能力目标运用所学词汇介绍家人和朋友。3、情感目标通过互相介绍家人和朋友,增进彼此的了解,学会尊重他人。四、教学重点1、掌握家庭成员的表达;2、学会指示代词和人称代词主格的用法及加深理解形容词性物主代词的用法。3、学会介绍自己的家人和朋友。4、名词的复数形式。五、教学难点A. 单词的学习记忆。B. 指示代词this, that, these, those的运用。C. 根据听力材

4、料辨别人物。六、教学准备1多媒体课件的设计2 . 家庭照片 七.教学过程教学步骤教学过程设计思路Step1GreetingGreeting each other相互问候,拉近师生间的情感距离Step2Revision  多媒体呈现图片来问答:1) A: Whats this in English? B: Its a pen.A: How do you spell it?B: P-E-N.A: Is this your pen?B: No, it isnt. Its his pen.2) A: And whats that in English?B: Its a(a

5、n)A: How ?B: A: Is that ?B: Yes(No), 复习前面的内容,为本节课的生词引入以及新语言点(指示代词this、that的复数形式、普通名词后加s的复数形式)的学习做了铺垫,达到温故知新的效果。             Step 3 PresentationNew words1. Present the new words.1). Show a photo of the teachers family. Present the new w

6、ords:T: Now, look! Whats this ?Ss: Its a picture.T: Right. This is a picture of my family. Who are in the picture ? Do you know?Ss: No, we dont.T: OK! Let me introduce them to you. Look at the old man, this is my “grandfather”. Please read after me, GRANDFATHER .Ss: GRANDFATHER .T: Now read after me

7、 .This is my grandfather.Ss: This is my grandfather.T: Good ! Look at the old woman. This is my “grandmother” GRANDMOTHER .Ss: GRANDMOTHERT:   2).Read the new words togethergrandfather, grandmother, father, mother,parent, brother, sister, friend3).利用实物区分this is that is these 

8、;are those are 2. Practice the new words.(教师在黑板上挂上课文教学挂图)T: Who can match the words with the pictures on the blackboard?Ss: I can. ( Ask one student to the front to do it. The other students write down letters on the books. In this way finish 1a.)T: Check the answers.Ss:  创设情景,用教师家人的照片呈现新课

9、内容,营造一个轻松的学习氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,增强记忆效果。             教师逐个呈现本课生词  领读与重复,使学生有足够的输入,以便在下一步顺利输出。   用直观的教学方式帮助学生理解课文难点。     用匹配的方式巩固生词。 Step 4Drill 1. Listen and circle.T: A boy is talking

10、about his family. Who is he talking about ? Now listen and circle the people the boy talks about.Ss: OK. (Play the recording of 1b twice. Students work.)T: Whats the answer ?Ss: Two brothers and a sister. 2Pairwork .Talk about Daves family.(教师在黑板上挂上一张家谱图)T: This is a picture of Daves family. Le

11、ts talk about Daves family in pairs. You must use “This is” and “These are” to do it. (Students practice. Teacher walks around the room to help them.)T: Now check your practice. (Ask a few pairs to practice.)  用听力训练再次强化学生对新单词的记忆。          让

12、学生分小组对话,既加强了学生的合作与交流,也让学生通过介绍Dave的家庭加强了句型的操练。    Step 5Task 1. Make a report.T: Take out your family pictures. Lets talk about the family tree. First work in groups. Then report it to the class.(Students work. Teacher walks around the room to help them.)T: Now check your tas

13、k.S1: Hello. My name is Look at this. This is my family tree. This is my and this is my They are old. These are my My father is My mother is This is my His name is I love my family. 2. Make a dialogue.T: Now make a dialogue in pairs about your family.First, greet each other, then introduce your

14、 family. (Teacher checks a few pairs)S1: Hello.S2: S1: How are you?S2: S1: Excuse me! Whats this?S2: Its my family tree.S1: Whos this?S2: This is my S1: Is this your ?S2:   让学生用本节课所学的知识完成介绍家庭成员的任务,检测学生知识掌握的情况。          让学生在语言实践中学会礼貌待人,从而增进彼

15、此的沟通。Step 6consolidation Exercises in class用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. This is (I) brother. (he) name is Tom.2. Is (her) your sister ?3. Are (that) your brother ?4. (this) are pens.5. Jim and Dave are my good . (friend)用动词be (is, am, are)的适当形式填空1. Those my cousins.2. it a backpack ?3. She my sister.4. he

16、 your brother ?5. these your books ?设置适量的针对性的练习,检测和巩固所学的知识。Step 7Sum up 1. Get students to sum up what we have learned in this class.2. Teacher makes a brief sum-up.  让学生主动思考,充分体现以学生为主体的教学思想。培养学生归纳总结知识的能力。Step 8Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Write a passage about your family. 学

17、以致用,才能把课本的知识变为自己的。 八、板书设计  Unit3 This is my sister Words: grandfather grandmother grandparents This is my(his, her) father mother parents These are my(his, her) brother sister That is my(his, her) friend Those are my(his, her)    九、教学反思 1基本按照新课标的要求,让学生多说多练,突出他们的主体地位,教学效

18、果好。2随堂的练习帮助学生更好地掌握和运用所学知识。3由于学生较多,所以设计的活动有些进行得很仓促。4对于基础较差的学生来说,课堂容量大,较难完成本节课学习任务。 案例评析一、视频课堂 :Writing二、教案 写作课:My family三、点评:课堂点评视频课堂 :Writing张燕英教案写作课:My family教学设计 教学基本信息 课题课型:写作 课题:My Family教材新标准英语出版社外语教学与研究 出版社姓名张燕英学科英语学校朝阳区第八十中学管庄分校班级初 一 1  班指导教师朝阳区教研中心  赵文娟老师设计思路新课程理念下的英语课堂教学强调学习过

19、程,强调学生参与,强调学生发展。根据这一理念在设计本课书时,注重以学生为中心的教学设计,注重学生知识与能力的共同发展。 本课是七年级上学期期末的复习课,课型是写作课。教师主要启发式和任务型教学方式相结合的教法。写作前,通过阅读一封电子邮件引出话题;写作过程中,采用循序渐进的原则,设计了总结归纳到模仿口头练习,小组讨论到写作与展示。其间运用了小组合作探究等方式,提高学生的参与度。 教材分析七年级上的教材中涉及到了我的家庭这一话题,它非常贴近学生的生活实际,容易激发学生学习的兴趣和积极性。学生通过阅读电子邮件,可以了解如何描述自己的家庭,从哪几个方面着手去写。通过谈论自己的家庭,学生还可

20、以复习一般现在时这一重要时态,另外还可以灵活运用一些重要的词组及句型,如would like, have got, there be, like doing/to do, can +动词原形,等等。因此,在阅读了电子邮件之后安排学生描述他们自己的家庭,最终帮助学生完成写作任务。学情分析授课班级学生基础知识扎实,语言能力好,学习英语的积极性高,对七年级上的知识掌握较好。虽然进入中学后,在每个模块的学习过程中都进行了写作的日常训练,但写作能力相对较弱。因此,在开展写作前先阅读电子邮件,总结和归纳本话题的写作框架,从口头练习开始,再到笔头训练的落实。同时,鼓励基础好的学生用所学过的各种句式及丰富的词

21、汇来描述我的家庭以发掘优秀生的写作潜力,提高其写作水平。 教学目标Knowledge aims: 1. To revise some useful phrases: would like, have got, there be, like doing, can do, etc. 2. To get information through reading; Ability aims: To write compositions about their families by using what they have learned from the book. Moral aim: S

22、s will love their families and their parents more deeply.教学重点和难点教学重点: 1. To know how to describe their families; 2. To talk about their families and then write it down. 教学难点: Ss will be able to describe their families using what they have learned from the whole book. 教学方法、手段教学方法:PWP 教学手段:multi-

23、media教学流程图  教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图时间 安排Step 1Pre-writing1. Show Ss a photo and ask them whose family photo it is since it was a photo taken years ago. Guess who the little child is.利用学生小时候的照片导入,让学生猜猜照片的小孩是谁,以激发学生参与的热情和积极性。  2 mins1. Ask Ss what kind of words they can think of are relate

24、d to family. Brain-storming. Give the words related to family.学生思考描述家庭所涉及的方面,为后面的写作做铺垫2 mins1. Ask Ss to read an email and summarize how to write about family.Read an email and summarize.培养学生从文章中提炼信息的能力,并对写作的框架有感性的认识6 mins1. Show Ss a form about Tom and ask them to talk about Toms family accord

25、ing to the form.Talk about Toms family in groups.在写作之前,使学生就写作的内容能朗朗上口,为后面的书面表达做进一步的铺垫8 minsStep2While-writing   Ask Ss to write a composition about their family.  Write a composition about their family according to the summary.  训练写作能力10 minsStep3Post-writing1. Ask Ss to correct

26、their own compositions first  Correct by themselves.  培养学生养成自觉检查的习惯3 mins2.  Ask Ss to share their compositions and try to make improvement about it in groups. Share the compositions and try to make improvement about it in groups.为学生提供相互学习和分享的机会,培养合作探究的精神4 mins3. Collect some of the compositions, show them to the whole class, evaluate them and co


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