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1、魔耳国际英语标准教案(共 5课时) 教师姓名:_教材名称授课日期班 级教学地点教学时段单 元应到人数实到人数备 注Unit 15 What is the weather like today?. Teaching aims1. Talk about weather.2. Make season. .Key points1.Words: weather, rain, rainy, sunny, snow, snowy, wind, windy, cloud, cloudy, warm, cold, cool, hot, spring, summer, autumn, winter, sea, h

2、igh, low, wear, fly kites2.Sentences: Which season do you like best? I like spring best. Its warm in spring. What is the weather like today? How is the weather today?It's sunny. It's very warm.Why not go out for a picnic?Thats a good idea. Teaching aids1. computer or VCD/DVD/mp3 & mp3 di

3、sc2. sticker教学设计方案:Teaching processPeriod 1 Section A (45)Key points: 1. weather, season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, sunny, cloudy, rainy, foggy, windy, snowy2. Which season do you like best? I like spring best. Its warm in spring.3. What is the weather like today? (How is the weather today?) I

4、t's sunny. It's very warm. 4. Why not go out for a picnic? Thats a good idea.Teaching procedures:Lets learn(22)Step 1: Lead-in & presentation (15)T: Hi! Class! Open your books and look at the pictures on P107. What are these? Right, they are pictures of different kinds of seasons and wea

5、ther. Do you know how to speak them in English? Now let me tell you! Make Ss read the words after T. Then play a game.Step 2: Play Game: My Fingers Tell You (7)S1: Which season do you like best? S2: My finger tells you (writing “spring” on the back). You see?S1: I see. You like spring best. Am I rig

6、ht?S2: Yes.S2: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or winter? S3: My finger tells you (writing “winter” on the back).S1: I see. You like winter best of all.游戏规则:两人配对练习,其中一人背向另一人坐着,前者问后者所喜爱的季节,后者用手指在前者背上写单词。通过游戏练习新学的单词及复习以下句型:1. Which season do you like best? 2. You like winter best

7、 of all.3. Am I right?Lets listen and say (10)Step 1: listen and follow. (5)T: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or winter? Now lets listen to the MP3, and then practice the conversations in pairs.先让学生听对话录音,教师示范,学生跟读,等学生熟练对话内容后再结对练习Step 2: Make Ss act out the conversations. (5)T:

8、 Now Ill choose some of you to act out the conversations.T: You should talk as the two people said in the conversations.此部分是为了练习学生的语言应用能力。Lets act (13)Step 1: Lets read. (5)T:Look at the pictures on P108, lets read the sentences.教师示范,学生跟读,等学生熟练对话内容后再结对练习Step 2: Act out in pairs. (8)Make Ss work in g

9、roups to act out the sentences and try to make new sentences. T: Now Ill choose some of you to act out the sentences on P108.ANSWER:various versions学生分组结对练习后,上台表演,可以表演自己编的新句子。板 书 格 局竞 争机 制重要短语及句型(整堂保留) Unit 15 What is the weather like today?重要单词(整堂保留)Which season do you like best? I like spring best

10、. Its warm in spring.What is the weather like today? (How is the weather today?) It's sunny. It's very warm. Why not go out for a picnic? Thats a good idea. 机动板块,用于做游戏画图或表格,或临时要写的文字。教学设计方案:Teaching processPeriod 2 Section B & C (45)Key points: 1. return, wonderful, heavily, sea, leaf, fa

11、ll, last, wear, blow, strongly, snow, sunny, temperature, low, high2. come back to life, fromto, weather report, 3. The weather gets warm.4. It often rains and sometimes it rains heavily.5. It lasts from December to February.6. Here is the weather report on March 20th for some big cities in China.7.

12、 The high temperature is 18 and the low temperature is 10.8. Its a good time to climb mountains.Teaching procedures:Lets read (30)Step 1: Lead-in & presentation (25)T: Hi! Class! Which season do you like best? Today we will learn an article about seasons. Now please read the passage and underlin

13、e the words and phrases you dont know.Teach Ss the key words and sentences. Then make Ss read the article aloud and fill in the chart below.此部分要注意以下重点:1重点单词、短语及句型。2要求背诵短文。Step 2: Chant: I want to go on holiday(5)I want to go on holiday.In summer when the weather is hot,We wear shorts and T-shirts on

14、 the beach.And we swim in the sea.I want to go on holiday.In winter when the weather is cold,We wear coats and hats in the park.And we play in the snow.通过chant复习季节和天气词汇及相应的句型。Lets write(10)Read and write (10)T: Now please read the weather report, and make weather report for other cities.Ask Ss to ma

15、ke weather report for other cities. Describing the weather to the class.此部分要注意帮助学生找到重点句型,让他们分清楚哪些是关键点,哪些是可替换的内容。Section C(5)Lets listen and match (5)T: Now, lets listen to the MP3 and choose the proper pictures.Answers:1-5 DCBEA此部分是为了将单词的声与形进行结合,让学生对该单词的记忆更加深刻,且查漏补缺,要向学生强调抄写生单词的必要性。板 书 格 局竞 争机 制重要短语

16、及句型(整堂保留) Unit 15 What is the weather like today?重要单词(整堂保留)本课知识点讲解 机动板块,用于做游戏画图或表格,或临时要写的文字。教学设计方案:Teaching processPeriod 3 Section C&D (45)Key points: 1特殊疑问句 2描述季节和天气。Teaching procedures:Section C(12)Step 1: Greeting (2)T: Hello! Class. / How are you? / Good morning! / Whats the weather like to

17、day? / Its a sunny day today! / Are you happy today, my class?开课前的问候是为了充分调动学生学习的兴趣和热情,并尽可能长时间地吸引他们的注意力,这是一堂课能否顺利进行的关键,所以老师们一定要充满热情,并表现出对每个孩子的关注和关心。Step 2: Roll-call & Warm up (5)1. Roll-call点名时可用一些小游戏,如:学生一边抛小玩偶一边叫另一个同学的名字,老师在旁记录即可。此游戏可增强学生间的互动及熟悉彼此的英文名。 T: call names Ss: Here! / Not here!2. War

18、m up老师带领,集体表演或分组表演皆可。: sing a song / chant or play a gameStep 3: Lets listen and choose (5)T: Now lets listen to the MP3, and then choose the correct answers.Answers: 1-5 BBCACGrammar Summary(30)Teach Ss grammar points. (30)特殊疑问句1. 含义以疑问词开头,对陈述句中的某一部分提出疑问或进行发问的句子叫特殊疑问句。一般来说,特殊疑问句都要读成降调。特殊疑问句是由“疑问词+一

19、般疑问句”构成。Whats this in English?Whose bag is (this) on the desk?注意:如果是对句子的主语或主语的定语提问,这时特殊疑问句的结构为“疑问词(+主语)+陈述句”。Whos not here today?Which pen is red?2. 常见的疑问词或词组 WhatWhats this? WhoWho is this? WhenWhen do you go to school? What timeWhat time will you meet? HowHow does Jim go to school? WhichWhich girl

20、 is Lucy? WhyWhy was he late for school? WhereWhere is the cat? What colorWhat color is your coat? How oftenHow often does Bob watch TV? How muchHow much is the book? How manyHow many people are there in your family? How oldHow old is Jim? How longHow long did he stay there? How soonHow soon will yo

21、u be back?注意:弄清就什么内容提问,才能使用恰当的疑问词;注意疑问句与原句的时态必须保持一致。3. 特殊疑问句中应注意的几点 疑问词的选择询问的内容不同,使用的疑问词也不同。如:问物、(电话)号码等用what, 问人用who,问地点用where,问年龄用how old,问身体状况用how,问年级则用what grade等。 语序英语中疑问句一般应用倒装语序,即将be动词、助动词或情态动词放在主语的前面。特殊疑问句的语序还应注意将疑问词放在句首。但如果疑问词在句中作主语,则其后跟陈述句语序。Where are you from?How is your father?Who is Tom

22、? 答语对特殊疑问句进行回答,往往不可用yes或no,而应根据所询问的内容直接作出回答。What class are you in? Im in Class One.回答特殊疑问句时,常用代词来代替句中的名词,this和that指物时常用it来代替,these和those指人或物时常用they来代替。Who is the boy under the tree? He is Jim.此处归纳的是特殊疑问句的基本内容,供教学参考,老师可根据学生实际水平有选择地使用。Key Structures(3)Make Ss ask and answer in pairs to act out the key

23、 structures.关键句型要求学生会背 板 书 格 局季节和天气词汇 Unit 15 What is the weather like today?语法重点(整堂保留)特殊疑问句竞 争机 制 机动板块,用于题目书写,或其它临时要写的文字。教学设计方案:Teaching processPeriod 4 Self-check (45)Key points: 1. 描述天气的词汇;2. 描述季节的词汇;3. 特殊疑问词和词组。Teaching procedures:Self-check(35)Step 1: Write out the description words. (5)Make Ss

24、 pay attention to the description words.Answers:snowy cloudy sunny windy foggy rainyStep 2: Fill in the blanks with proper words.(5)Make Ss read the article and then fill in the blanks with proper words.Answers:four, summer, winter, warm, summer, swim, cool, mountains , winter, snowsStep 3: Complete

25、 the questions. (5)Make Ss complete the questions with proper words.Answers:(1) What is your (2) How is (3) Where is (4) How many (5) Who is (6) Why doStep 2: Check exercises. (20)将错题记录在纠错本上,全部讲完后给学生一些时间让他们将所有题目再看一遍,然后将题目中的易错题让学生解释一遍,看他是否真的弄懂了。Section F(10)Make Ss read the passage, find the new word

26、s and underline them. (10)要让学生养成将不会的东西做记号的习惯,这样学习起来才会有的放矢。 板 书 格 局竞 争机 制题目涉及到的重要词汇或语法 Unit 15 What is the weather like today?重要单词及短语(整堂保留)题目讲解 机动板块,用于做游戏画图或表格,或临时要写的文字。教学设计方案:Teaching processPeriod 5 Section F (45)Key points: 1. go out for,would better, find out, in different places, of course, late

27、r on 2. You need to take an umbrella with you when you go out.3. Please remember to wear warm clothes.Teaching procedures:Extensive Reading(20)Step 1: Teach Ss the key points. (15)老师根据学生实际情况有选择地讲解短文中出现的语言点。Step 2: Make Ss read the passage aloud. (5)让尽可能多的学生开口练习。Work Book (25)Make Ss do exercises on

28、P43-45 of work book. Then check it.(25) 让学生完成活动手册43-45页的练习,然后讲解。板 书 格 局竞 争机 制短文涉及到的重要语法(整堂保留) Unit 15 What is the weather like today?重要单词及短语(整堂保留)重点句子 机动板块,用于做游戏画图或表格,或临时要写的文字。本单元参考游戏,老师可酌情选用。1. Chant: The SeasonsSpring is green. Summer is bright.Fall is yellow. Winter is white.2. Chant: The weather

29、The Light RainThe heavy rain was over.The light rain began,Falling from the higher leaves,Shining in the sun.Down to the lower leaves,One drop by one.3. Chant: I want to go on holidayI want to go on holiday.In summer when the weather is hot,We wear shorts and T-shirts on the beach.And we swim in the

30、 sea.I want to go on holiday.In winter when the weather is cold,We wear coats and hats in the park.And we play in the snow.4游戏名称: 跟我做(Do With Me Like This ) 游戏目的:练习一般现在时动词第三人称变化形式及否定式。游戏时间:5-8分钟游戏指导:主持人迅速做一个鸟飞的动作,同时说:“飞机飞行。”“马飞行。”“蜜蜂飞行。”如果该叙述合乎实际,其他人才模仿其飞行动作,否则,扣1分。游戏示例:T: (Doing like a swimmer) Fis

31、h swims. A duck swims. A pig swims.Ss: (Without acting) Fish swims. A duck swims. But a pig doesnt swim. (The teacher writes “swims” and “doesnt” on the blackboard.)T: A young man carries a heavy box. A baby carries a heavy box. My elder brother carries a heavy box.Ss: (Without acting) A young man c

32、arries a heavy box. My elder brother carries a heavy box. But a baby doesnt carry a heavy box. (The teacher writes “carries” on the blackboard.)T: (Acting like a basketball player) Li Gang plays basketball. Li Ming plays basketball. Our P.E. teacher plays basketball.Ss: (Repeating and acting like a

33、player.)5游戏名称: 西蒙说(Simon Says ) 游戏目的:听力练习,复习描述天气的词汇。游戏时间:5-8分钟游戏指导:老师用英语说一篇天气预报,让学生注意描述天气的词汇并表演出来。游戏示例:T: Simon says, “Stand up!”Simon says,“Sit down!”Simon says,“Turn around!”Simon says,“Touch your head/nose”Simon says, “Im going to tell you a story. In the story there are many weather words (sunny, rainy, windy etc.). When you hear the weather words, act it out. Are you ready? Lets go! Its 11 oclock in the evening. The weather reporter Simon is on TV.“Good evening. Im Simon. Here is the weather forecast for Moscow this week. It wi


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