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1、新标准一起三册 英语(外研社)Reading for pleasure Little Red Riding Hood (第二课时) 宜昌金东方小学 张倩一、 教学内容本节课是新标准一起三册 英语(外研社)Reading for pleasure Little Red Riding Hood (第二课时),教材内容见后文。二、 教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能阅读<Little Red Riding Hood > 故事(2)能听懂、会说和会读以下单词:riding hood、wolf、help、eat 。 2能力目标能在理解故事的基础上,能续编或改写故事结局。3.情感目标增加英语学

2、习的兴趣和参与性,学会帮助他人。三、 教学重点及难点1. 熟悉故事情节,能自主阅读 。2. 尝试改编故事结局 四、 教学准备多媒体课件、板书设计五、 教学过程Step1: Free talk and Warm-up1. 老师与学生互相问候,并在交流过程中激发学生的学习热情。2. 以唱歌形式复习颜色单词。T: Lets sing << Rainbow song > >Ss:Ok.设计意图通过歌曲的形式让学生回忆与颜色有关的单词,为下一环节用“Who is wearing yellow /red today ?”进行对话交流做铺垫。Step2: Lead-in 老师根据学生

3、们的穿着,向学生随机提问,考察学生对颜色单词的掌握情况。T:Who is wearing yellow / pink/ red today ? Ss:××T:Yes,he/she is wearing yellow / pink/ red today.Step3:PresentationT: Today I will tell you a story about a girl . She is wearing red . Please look at the picture . T:Who is she?Ss:学生猜测。T:Do you have any questions

4、 about this picture? S1:Is she in the park? How old is she?(学生给出了不同的问句) 引导学生对故事封面进行提问和理解设计意图根据学生的穿着,引入所教授的故事文本小红帽的穿着上。老师利用PPT 给出建议,可用What Where Who How Does she/he ? Is she/he ?的句型提问,也可以根据故事的封面让学生去描述这张封面,也可以让学生去猜测将会发生一个什么样的故事, 并预测故事情节内容.Step4:Learn the story.1: 利用课件播放整个故事,整体听,了解故事大意.T:Who helps the

5、girl ?S1: A man helps Little Red Riding Hood . 2: T: Read it by yourself ,then choose the right answer.练习1.Whats her name?A. Little Red Riding Hood. B. Little Riding Red Hood2.Who sees the Little Red Riding Hood?A. Awolf B.man请学生核对答案.3:Read in pairs, and fill in the blanks. 两人一起合作完成。Little Red Ridin

6、g Hood _ to Grandmas house. A _ sees her. The wolf wants to _ her for dinner. The wolf goes to Grandmas house and wears Grandmas _. Then he is _ her bed. The little girl comes to Grandmas house, She finds the “Grandmas” _ are big, the eys are big, the _ is big, the mouth is very big!设计意图通过由整体感知、具体故事

7、的了解、到故事最后的汇总。让学生从了解文本大意到熟知故事内容情节,到文本的输出都是让学生从不懂到懂的过程。文本最后的完成不加深了学生对故事的了解,也考验学生语法的运用。4.Summary:T: How is the wolf ? What do you think about the wolf?S1: Its bad.T: Is it scary?Ss: Yes!T: Is it ugly?Ss: Yes! Its ugly.T: But If youre the wolf, youre hungry. What will you do? S1: I will eat meat.S2: I w

8、ant to eat children.T: If youre the little girl, the wolf is there, what will you do?S: I want to go to grandmas home.T: Were you call the 110?Lets make a new end.设计意图根据学生总结的狼的特征,引导学生,如果你是狼,你现在饿了你会怎么去做?如果你是小红帽,你碰见了一只很饿的狼,你会怎么去做?引导学生设身处地的为他人着想,去帮助他人, 培养学生互相帮助的习惯。Step 5. Show timeT: You can make a new

9、 end like this:PPT shows a passage, the teacher reads the dialogue with a student. (Give the guide)The wolf: Little girl, little girl, I am hungry, I want to eat you !Little girl: Oh, no, Dont eat me ,please! I have a good idea!The wolf: Whats the good idea?Little girl: I know you are hungry ,I can

10、help you .I have 10yuan,you can use these money to buy some cakes.The wolf:Oh,thats OK!The girl:Here you are !PPT shows the ways of group work:One of you can make a new end of the story.One of you can write sentences.One of you can look up a word in your dictionary.One of youSix students work in groups to make a new end of the story.Show time (请学生先说自己编写的结局,再将其表演出来)设计意图向学生展示老师新编的小红帽的故事结局,给学生做好铺垫,便于学生去思考。然后将学生分为六人一组的形式,给每个学生都分配任务,然学生以小组的形式去创编新的故事结果。引导学生打破传统思维,续编不一样的故事结局。六、总结 What do we learn from the story? S1:.S2:.设计意图让学生谈


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