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1、21 凡人叔叔My Average Uncle第四课 我的不起眼的叔叔1 他在我叔叔中是最出类拔萃的。 原因就是他最不起眼。 这就是他的与众不同之处。 他是我 所知道的最不起眼的人。2 在人群中你不会注意他。 他一进入人群中, 你就认不出他来了。 他有好多好多斤。 就是重。 扎扎实实的大块头。 你想不起来他的头发、他的下巴、或他的耳朵是什么样的。要是他说点 什么,你就会同意他的这个意见。过了一个小时,你保准会说,这是你说的。3 有时我认为, 和他这样的人最好相处。 他们和自己的家,自己的老婆,自己的孩子都能处 得很好,和整个世界都能处得很好。他们世界上的事,并不在意,就像小孩子穿着新马裤, 到

2、处去蹭,一点也不在乎一样。这个世界中,在他们的屁股下头,有太多的松毛。他们对生 活中的烦恼,毫不在意,就像小孩子用新裤子在松毛上滑一样,漫不经心。4 艾摩斯叔叔对老婆和孩子都很随和。 他总共有三个。 我是说他有三个老婆。 我从来没有数 清过,他有多少孩子。他们的种类太多了。对我来说,这太使我吃惊了。我费了九牛二虎之 力拿大鼎, 脚还在上头乱蹬,作各种动作,丢石头去打鸟,一个月也只能讨一个小女孩的注 意。我常想知道,为什么艾摩斯叔叔从来不倒立, 也不用切上一片黄油送人,就像我做的那 样,但他却能吸引那么多的女人。他头有点秃了, 一双脚一个小时也只不过走三英里半,他 的三个老婆带着子女跟在后头。

3、当然三个老婆的子女之间, 拉开了一定的距离。 三个老婆不 是一起来的。他们是分批来的。 一批孩子已经长得很大了,另一窝孩子还刚刚来, 他们跌来 撞去,摔下去的时候,让脸着地,不让手着地。像所有的孩子那样。5 我学过圣经 ,特别是婚姻那部分,我深感兴趣。有一个特别的婶婶的监督下,我读过 好多遍圣经 。我从中知道很多关于婚姻的事。但是艾摩斯叔叔的情况却使我迷惑不解。 他没有违背摩西十戒。他的三次婚姻都是公开的, 光明正大的。他不像有些家长, 一个老婆 还没有过世,就急着娶二房。艾摩斯叔叔的情况和他孩子的情况相当复杂。6 那些女人都是不由自主地被吸引到他那儿的, 像一切不起眼的丈夫能够有魅力吸引一个

4、女 人那样。7 他并没有矫柔造作地去吸引人。 他从来不赶快车, 他从来不大格子的裤子, 他的房子从来 没有过火, 没有在他的火灾保险过期后起过火。 他的孩子没有一个淹死, 也没有一个被车压 死。那几个死的,都死于白喉和猩红热。那时一般孩子都死于这两种病。8 艾摩斯叔叔从来不打架。9 艾摩斯叔叔从来没有丢过钱包,至少没有丢过多少钱。10 艾摩斯叔叔从来没有去过波士顿以远。11 但这就是他。从来没有挣多少钱,但是整个家却很舒适。吃顿鳗鱼。穿着背带裤,坐在 果园乘凉, 一个胖乎乎的儿子爬上他的大腿。 只要他穿着旧裤子, 他就不在乎小家伙做什么。 要是房子漏了, 浇灭了厨灶的火,他就去盖瓦。他不时地喝

5、一点淡啤酒。如果日子还宽裕的 话,他用不着担心去打草。老婆都是一年有一件新衣裳就够了。没有那个老婆要两件。 就是 这一件,还是她自己用缝纫机做的。他只有一条好裤子。蛾子咬了洞,但还不够深,还可以 用针缝起来。没有多少书能使他感兴趣,让他熬夜。把一些观点塞进他的脑子,使他不安, 心里痒痒的,走出村子去征服世界。这就是他。这就是他的养尊处优。12 艾摩斯叔叔是个共和党。那时,他周围的人也都是共和党人。那是一个普遍的情况。艾 摩斯叔叔能够做的, 也不过是在共和党当选之后, 他和大家一样, 举着火把, 到街上去游行。 他身上要是沾了火把油, 也不过是一点点。他老婆会拿熨斗把它吸掉。 政治和他无关, 大

6、事 件和他无关。重税和他也无关。13 但是我们这些侄子可不放过他。我们都奇怪地被他吸引住了。特别是我的其他叔叔的坏 脾气和他们的与众不同惹恼了我们的时候。 我的一些安静的星期天都是在艾摩斯叔叔家里渡 过的。 躺在苹果树下,听着蜂叫,不听艾摩斯叔叔不想让我们听的东西。毛毛虫拖着金色的 细丝,掉在艾摩斯叔叔的秃头上,他一把擦掉,嘴里念念有词。热得叫人受不了。苹果花落 了,掉在我身上。我可以透过黑压压的树枝,看到天穹。这是我最惬意的时光。我用不着做 什么事去满足这个安静而友好的人。 他不要我拿大鼎、做表演,不让我去取他的烟袋, 不要 我去赶他头上的蝇子。而他的大口袋中,总是有柠檬水果糖,而他又喜欢给

7、我们吃。14 艾摩斯叔叔一生中唯一头痛的事是他死后的事。当人们埋他的时候,没法决定怎样才能 让他同时躺在三个夫人的身边, 对谁也不能多一点。 可惜没有三个艾摩斯叔叔, 所以最后只 好让他打横。15 我肯定艾摩斯叔叔不会在意。我想他睡得会跟大家一样好。READER AND PURPOSEEx. 1.1) Uncle Amos is a hardworking, sympathetic and generous man, a man who only gives, but does not take. He stands for the most ordinary people and yet m

8、ost significant. For people in general with the above-mentioned moral character constitute the best part of the whole population, and therefore play an important role in society.2) Phrases in paragraph 13 that best express the serious meaning behind this character: 'We were strangely drawn to hi

9、m.' 'I did not have to do anything to live up to this quiet, friendly man.'ORGANIZATIONEx. 2.1) The final sentence of this selection is closely related to the first paragraph, chiefly with the word 'average' repeated, thus completing the circle of the structure, and with 'Unc

10、le Amos sleeping average well' rounding off the character sketch.2) The major division of the character sketch:a. Uncle Amos' appearance (pars. 1-2)b. Uncle Amos' optimistic attitude to life (par. 3)c. Uncle Amos' matrimony (pars. 4-6)d. Uncle Amos' ordinary but comfortable life

11、(pars. 7-11)e. Uncle Amos, an average republican (par. 12)f. Uncle Amos, an amiable person (pars. 13-14)Ex. 3. The fourth paragraph describes Uncle Amos,' three families. And the fifth paragraph expresses the narrator's puzzlement about the fact that Uncle Amos had broken no commandments as

12、far as his matrimony is concerned. 'The marital parts' in paragraph 5 is coherently associated with batches of waddling children mentioned in the last sentence of paragraph 4. By repeating the same phrase 'pass him by', the author transits from paragraph 12 to 13; although the latter

13、 precedes with another topic, the same verbal phrase is humorously employed.SENTENCESEx. 4.1) Sentence fragments: 'So many more pounds of man. Good solid pounds, but just pounds' 'Wives, I mean' 'With all the trouble 1 had, myself, having to stand on my head and work my legs, or

14、bung stone at cherrybirds, to keep the attention of just one girl for a month', etc.2) Coffin uses sentence fragments so as to identify the familiar, easy and comfortable life Uncle Amos leads., making it full of vigour and vitality. They are frequently found in highly informal writing of modern

15、 prose, suggesting the tentative working of the mind.Ex. 5.1) The author, by choosing many short and simple sentences, delineates the familiar daily life of the average uncle. Such structure goes harmoniously with the idea it contains.2) Coffin interchangeably adopts short and simple sentences, sent

16、ence fragments and long and complicated ones to keep his rhythm from monotony.Ex. 6.1) This repetition is effective and amusing rather than irritating.2) Although the same word or phrase is repeated, it never re-suits in failure; on the contrary, each time it introduces some new idea so as to achiev

17、e either coherence or contrast, hence is effective. Ex. 7.We would not call this poor writing. This is a rhetorical device called polysyndeton. The repetition of "and" is not of excessive coordination. We do not feel it irksome, for the series of acts connected by the repeated "and&qu

18、ot; just suitably indicate Uncle Amos' forbearance and patience. This construction exactly conveys the feeling the writer intends to.Ex. 8.Coffin avoids words like "however", "therefore", "consequently", "nevertheless", because these words are most useful

19、in exposition, especially in argument. Since this piece of writing is descriptive of character and is written in a familiar style, they are less appropriate here.DICTIONEx. 9.Coffin uses "average" four times. He uses the following synonyms: "most" "usual" "regularl

20、y", "equally", "generally".Ex. 10.Coffin does not create Uncle Amos chiefly with adjectives but with nouns and verbs.Ex. 11.1) "Talking" is general and abstract while "bumbling" specific and concrete; Uncle Amos is talking just like a bumble-bee, so "

21、;bumbling" is a better choice.2) The word is related to "bees" and "orchard".This relationship explains the appropriate metaphor.Ex. 12."Most average" is the acceptable form for "averagest"."Kinds" would impair the original diction because "

22、;assortment(s)" is specific and concrete, usually indicating many things or persons of the same kind, while "kinds" does not bear such meaning. "throw", "did anything unusual" and "came" would impair the original diction "bung", "whittled o

23、ut even a butterpat" and "hove", because they are more figurative and descriptive."Husband and wife" is unsuitable because "marital" is closely connected with the version in the Bible."Front or back" is acceptable for "fore or aft".Ex. 13.1)Gene

24、rally speaking whenever he describes the boy, Coffin employs simple sentence structure and the childish "and". The ideas in the boy's ken contained by the structure suggest the vision of the boy, whereas the intelligence of the mature man is revealed through complicated sentence struct

25、ure and diction associated with society and family life and is full of philosophical ideas as well.2)The advantage of this double point of view is to observe Uncle Amos from different perspectives, so that it is possible to create a round character.distinction: n. contrast, comparison; difference, d

26、isparity, dissimilaritymany more pounds of man: heavy weight23 最后一赛The Last Fiesta1 离斗牛开始的时间越来越近。 他们陪着我, 来到赛场边上。 现在已经没有退路了。我告诉 自己别害怕。他们不是说了吗, 全村的人都来了。 要是有什么不对劲的地方,帮忙的人有的 是。想着我就脱掉外套,做了几个准备动作,鱼跃进场,等在那里。这时,教堂的钟打了十 二下。场上一阵欢呼。牛棚在斗牛场的另一头。我看见两个人,哆哆嗦嗦地开了锁,完了就 赶紧逃到一边去藏身。 紧接着, 一头小斗牛火箭般地飞奔出来, 又小又黑, 象一颗陨星划过。 锋利

27、的后蹄,高高地踢向空中,直挺挺的尾巴,金黄黄的,象是喷出的一串火星。2 我抓着我的外套,象拿着一块盾牌,缓缓地,我走上前去迎它。刚喝了两口小酒,身上还 暖烘烘的,心里也自然没有畏惧。突然这牛转身飞奔过来,带着一溜沙烟。然后它停下来, 瞅着我。这时,也仅仅是这时,我才恍然大悟,场里只剩我一个人了。村里的小伙子,我还 原以为可以靠他们一把呢, 现在却连一个影儿也没有了, 都跑到栏杆后头去了, 在那儿等着 看着。 那头盯着我的小牛已经低下了它的头。 两只红眼睛,喷射着拼杀的怒火,尾巴梢慢悠 悠地打着圈,两只黑色的牛角向天空挑刺。稳住,我自言自语道,朝边上摆你的外套;牛都 是笨牛,他们从来不攻击人,只

28、攻击运动中的斗篷。3 刹时,我感到呆在那真是光荣。周围都是观众,他们极度兴奋, (屏住呼吸)一动不动。 我和小牛吸引他们的眼睛, 就象磁铁的南极吸引北极。 我立定了脚根, 慢慢地摆动我的斗蓬, 引诱斗牛向它冲锋。牛狡诘地望望我,把头低得更低。朝地上打了个响鼻,冲起一股沙子, 牛蹄子慢条斯理地抓着地。然后,它突然拿定主意。轻蔑地打着令观众高兴的愤怒的鼻息, 从场子那头,就朝我冲来,轻巧得就象湍流中的小舟。他越来越近,扬起的沙子就象喷出的 雾水。我并上双脚,把斗蓬慢慢挪向右边。就在这当口,事情一下子就糟了。在这最后的一 刹那, 他不朝斗蓬, 却来了个急转变,滴溜溜地把眼睛一转, 一下就把我撞在他那

29、硬梆梆的 黑脑袋上头。4 我能记住的是, 我自己一点也不痛, 只听见女人们的尖叫, 只听见人们完全出乎意料和彻 底失望的叫声。 我根本没有想到是这个结果。 有人没有照规则玩。 我本能地抓住他的两个角, 就象抓着自行车车把,心惊胆战地吊在半空中。他顶着我,穿过赛场。甩了好几下头,直到 把我摔在地上。我象一堆肉,瘫在沙子上。5 他把我一个人丢在我摔下的地方, 趾高气扬地一溜小跑,走了。 我自己爬起来, 捡起破烂 的斗蓬,转身去面对他。阳光灿烂,照在他的背上,他的身子冒起了蓝色的蒸气。观众兴奋 地谈论着, 我却觉得一点味道也没有。 我听见我的两个伙伴要我赶紧离开斗牛场。 但我不能 离开。 我得挽回我

30、的面子。更何况我还一肚子气。 这头一遭不过是一个小小的错误,是计算 失误,它不会再发生了。6 所以我就跺脚,朝着他叫唤(但是声音不大) 。那牛扭过头,看我一眼,十分轻蔑,摇摇 他的尾巴, 就没了下文。 这叫我更尴尬。 嘟囔两句之后, 我提高了嗓门, 开始使劲蹦上蹦下。最后那家伙好歹有了反应。这一回更是快得出奇。 他低着头冲过来,非常快。我使劲地一晃 斗蓬。 但这次真叫人哭笑不得。 他根本不理睬斗蓬。一下就把我夹在他的两个犄角之间,一 甩就把我甩过了斗牛场。万幸的是,他倒还平和,只用他自己方式,教训他顽瞑不化(的对 手)。他再一次转身离去,留我一人躺在那里。7 这次除了想爬出去藏起来,再也不想干

31、别的了。 但是等我自己站起来,定了定呼吸, 看看 胳膊腿是不是伤了之后, 却发现他正在兴高采烈地追逐两个进场来帮我忙的老伙计, 在逗观 众玩。 我想再试最后一把。侧起身来跟定了他。当他全神贯注地跟那两人戏闹,我就瞅愣子 拍他一下牛屁。不想他看见了我,呼啸着朝我跑来。我受够了。我转身就逃。我感到他喘的 热气就在我脚后。我就等着他的角来把我撕碎了。 我死劲地跑,头都不敢回一下。 最后到底 跳过了栏杆。一眼看到一个小孩,嘴里嚼着花生,说道, “你知道吗,你根本不用跑那么快。 他根本就没追你。他早回家了。 ”READER AND PURPOSEEx. 1.The writer has recaptur

32、ed all the original freshness and immediacy by the following writing techniques:1) The bullfighter is the writer himself. He just recorded the immediate experiences of his own.This first-person narration is felt to be valid and true.2) The combination of objective description and impressionistic des

33、cription is made in the two rounds of the bullfight, by which the writer not only describes vividly the bull's fearful manners and movements, but also tells his own intense feelings on different crucial occasions. Thus the narration is rendered more impressive.3) Throughout the proceedings of th

34、e bullfight, the writer never forgets of the bullfight, the writer never forgets the reactions of the spectators. Their actions and responses are truthfully recorded. This makes the reader feel like one of the spectators on spot.Ex. 2.The intense atmosphere is created by using the followingmethods:1

35、) situational description2) the description of the fearful manners and movements of the bull3) the fighter's reactions and responses4) keeping the spectators in suspense -Ex. 3.1) In the view of the writer, bullfighting is an amusing,risk-taking and stimulating sport, in which one's courage

36、and wit stand tested. A bit of negligence, though, can result in blood-shedding.2) The writer seems to be a man who is courageous, witty. face-saving and humorous.ORGANIZATIONEx. 4.The materials are arranged in time-sequence. The beginning serves as a prelude to the bullfight, in which an intense sc

37、ene is created just before it begins. This introduction easily captures the reader's attention.In the middle, the breathtaking proceedings of the bullfight are narrated, and the crest or the trough of the waves of the spectator's feelings described. Still, there is a climax which brings the

38、bullfight to its most intense moment. The last paragraph is the ending of the bullfight, showing the fighter leaving the ring in a humorous manner. It is a comic ending, causing great laughter on the part of the spectators.Ex. 5.The two rounds of the bullfight are similar in setting, characters and

39、plotting, with only the incidents different. At the end of the first-round of fighting, the fighter does not completely lose his confidence, but prepares himself for the second. When the second round is over, the fighter could no longer restore his courage to fight again, and fled from the ring. It

40、is clearly seen that the second-round of the bullfight is the further development and natural outcome of the first. The differences between the two rounds' of the bullfight arc provided to avoid unnecessary repetitions and keep the narration fresh and interesting.Ex. 6.1) There are two climaxes

41、in this simple narration. The first climax is found in the third paragraph and the second in the last paragraph.2) Because they are the highest points in the development of the bullfight. SENTENCESEx. 7.There are many short, crisp sentences used in this selection, for example,1) There was no turning

42、 back now. But I bid myself take courage.(l.2)2) I was warm with cognac and felt no fear.(l.13)3) The watching bull had lowered his head right down.(1.18)4) Then, in a rush, he made up his mind. (11.28-29)5) The sun shone blue on his steaming flanks. (1.46)6) This was even more embarrassing. (11.54-

43、55)These short, crisp sentences are clear, emphatic and impressive. They are easy to understand and remember. They help to reinforce vigor in the language.Ex. 8.Humour takes many forms. There is the broad humour of farce which initiates the belly-laugh. raucous, full-throated and uninhibited, and th

44、ere is the quiet, restrained humour of the drawing-room which only permits itself a chuckle. Broad humour is the humour of situation which is patent and easily recognizable. It is born of caricature and mimicry. Veiled humour is humour of ideas, which is concealed or disguised. It is born of wit. Th

45、e veiled humour is found in the following narration:1) Instinctively I grasped his horns, like the handlebars of a bicycle, and hung there grimly, while he carried me across the ring, bounced me a couple of times on his cranium, and then dropped me in a heap on the sand. (11.4 1-43)2) I ran without

46、once looking back, and dived over the barrier at last- to find a small boy, chewing nuts, who remarked: 'You needn't have run so hard you know. He hasn't been chasing you, he's gone home.' (11.72-75)Ex. 9.Parallelism is a rhetorical device used in the sentence structure by which

47、the sentence elements of similar grammatical form stand 'in parallel to show their similarity in purpose or meaning. Parallelism is widely used in this selection. For example:1) So I took off my jacket, made a few preliminary passes. ducked into the ring, and waited. (11.5-6)2) Then watched me s

48、lyly, lowered his head still further, blew with his rosy nostrils in the sand and pawed the ground delicately with his hoof. (11.26-28)Ex. 10.1) The original is a simple sentence with two absolute constructions modifying the predicative verb "came rocketing" and showing the attending circu

49、mstances of the bull's main action. Thus the manner of the bull coming out is vividly depicted. In the revised sentence, the two absolute constructions are changed into two separate independent sentences. As a result, the main action and the subordinate ones are confused, and the manner of the b

50、ull coming out is not expressed. Therefore the revised sentence is inferior to the original.2) The original is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of time. The "while-clause" is used to indicate that the bull's actions take place at the same time as the bullfighter's. The

51、revised turns the original complex sentence into two separate sentences and thus the simultaneity of actions is destroyed.DICTIONEx. 11.preliminary - preparatory or introductorybull-pens - enclosures for bullspadlock - a small portable lock, with a curved bar hinged to it at one endmeteor - a solid

52、body from outer space, which glows with heat generated by friction as it enters the earth's atmospherecognac - a French brandy distilled from the wine produced near Cognac, France simpletons - persons who are stupid and easily deceived jaunty - gay, perky and spirited let-down - disappointment c

53、ranium - the skull of any vertebrate, esp. that part enclosing the brain disdainfully - scornfully of contemptuously wry - bitter or ironical sidling up - making a rather furtive approach or moving sideways in a stealthy mannerEx. 12.Oxymoron, if well used, can produce an epigrammatic effect. In thi

54、s selection, this figure of speech is found in the phrase "with a snort of pleasurable anger". Other examples: an ingenious fool, cruel, kindness, to make haste slowly, humbly rich, a loving hatred, etc.Ex. 13.Similes1) small and black as a meteor(l.10)2) his stiff gold tail like sparks be

55、hind him (1.11)3) holding my jacket like a shield (1.12)4) drawing their eyes like two poles in a magnetic field (11.24 - 5)5) jaunty as a tug in bucking water (1.30)6) kicking up the sand like spray (1.31)7) grasped his horns, like the handlebars of a bicycle (1.40) MetaphorHis two red eyes smoked

56、with moving fires. (1.19)Both simile and metaphor suggest figures in the reader's mind, and a resemblance between two different things is formed. Therefore, the things described are rendered more striking and impressive.Ex. 14.Specific verbs are much more impressive than general ones. The manner

57、s and movements of the bull and the bullfighter are vividly expressed. Take the phrase "ducked into the ring" for example. If the writer substituted "moving into the ring" for the phrase, the original specific manner of the bullfighter's movement would be lost. The verb "

58、;ducked" not only suggests the meaning of "moving" but also implies the meaning of "moving while lowering one's head suddenly in order to avoid a blow".Other specific verbs: "grasped" his horns, "trotted" arrogantly,"stamped" my foot, "

59、flicked" histail, - "tossed" me," crawled" away, "sidling" up, "dived" over the barrier, "chewing" nuts, etc.Ex. 15.1) a few preparatory hand motions as warming-up exercises for action2) a sudden gust or blast of sand3) a sudden and noisy sound

60、from the nostrils, expressing anger which causes a pleasure or excitement on the part of the spectators4) a pile or mass of things jumbled together on the sandEx. 16.1) to lose face2) to put on a bold or good face3) face to face4) to set one's face against5) in every face of6) to put a new face

61、on 词汇解释zero hour, The scheduled time for the start of an operation or action, especially a combat operation of great size.escort, v. see, accompany, show, lead, conduct, usher, take, convoy, bring, walk, drive ringside, n. 1. Sports The area or seats immediately outside an arena or a ring, as at a prizefight. 2. A place providi


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