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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上作文同义词替换及例句总结Globalization1、infrastructural adj. 基础设施的例句:As a commonly-accepted measure, aid contributes to the infrastructural construction of poor countries.作为一种普遍认可的措施,国际援助有助于促进穷国的基础设施建设。近义词:Public facility例句:As harmonious society cannot exist without harmonious social units, the harm

2、ony of the library-a social public facility as well as its contribution to society culturally plays a very significant role in the construction of harmonious society.和谐社会离不开和谐的社会单元,图书馆这一社会公共机构,其和谐及社会贡献对构建和谐社会有着重要影响。2、starvation n. 饥饿例句:Many people suffer from starvation, poverty or contagious diseas

3、es.很多人遭受着饥饿和贫困。近义词:nestiafaminehunger例句:We made a contribution to the famine relief fund.我们给饥馑赈济基金捐了款。3、appropriate adj. 适当的、恰当的例句:An appropriate example is that一个恰当的例子是近义词:proper/modest/advisable/opportune ;例句:Indeed there is a modest near-term stimulus, overall.总的来说,这实际上是一个适度的短期激励。4、contagious dis

4、eases 传染病例句:Many people suffer from starvation, poverty or contagious diseases.很多人遭受着饥饿和贫困。近义词: Communicable disease/infection例句:We take environmental health measures to keep off communicable disease.我们采取措施保护环境卫生以防止发生传染性疾病。5、international community 国际社会例句:Countries that provide financial aid generou

5、sly are regarded as responsible members of the international community and are respected by other countries.一个慷慨提供援助的国家会被视为国际社会中一个负责任的国家,并得到其他国家的尊重。近义词:community of nations/global society/world community 例句:We will have a normal relationship with a sovereign nation that is a member of the community

6、of nations.我们与一个国际社会主权国家的双边关系,将会步入正轨6、be concerned with 与相关例句:The most critical problem is concerned with fairness.最关键的问题在于公平。近义词:involve/be interrelated/be related to/be bound up with/correlation例句:At this late hour, the football already spread out turn into a sports industry with global economy be

7、 closely bound up.时至今日,足球已衍变为一项与全球经济息息相关的体育产业。7、deprived adj. 贫穷的例子:International financial aid also helps to save lives in deprived countries.国际援助有助于挽救贫困国家的生命近义词:Needy/impecunious/impoverished例句:Helping impoverished minority areas get rid of poverty.扶持少数民族贫困地区摆脱贫困。8、assist v.帮助,援助,协助例句:The police o

8、fficers arrived to assist in the search for the missing people.警察到达并协助搜索失踪的人。近义词:supportaidbacking例句:He said the president had the full backing of his government to negotiate a deal.他说政府将全力支持总统通过谈判达成协议。9、corruption n. 腐败例句:Loans and other support have been used to purchase weapons or has driven up t

9、he incidence of corruption in some countries.贷款和其他支持在内的援助在一些国家被用于购买武器或者导致腐败的发案率上升。近义词:10、cut down on 削减例句:That should cut down on road works, and therefore on jams.应该减少道路施工,这样就可以减少拥堵。近义词:reduce/slash/whittle down/minify ;例句:The governments are trying to whittle down our salaries.政府正著手削减我们的薪水。11、man

10、n. 人类 例句:Nowadays, man is rapidly destroying the Earth.现如今,人类正在逐步摧毁地球。近义词:mankindhumanitythe human race例句:Technology cannot change the condition of humanity.科技无所不能改变人道主义状况。12、undergo vt. 经历例句:Cinemas in Britain are undergoing a revival.英国的电影院正在经历着一场变革。近义词:experiencecome throughlive 例句:The city had f

11、aced racial crisis and come through it.该市曾面临种族危机,不过已经安然渡过。13、boundary n. 界限例句:The boundaries between countries, their traditions and customs are erased.国与国之间的边界,它们的传统与习俗都会被消除。近义词:borderfrontierborderlineconfine例句:It wasn't difficult then to cross the frontier.那时穿越边境并不困难。14、erase vt.消除例句:The boun

12、daries between countries, their traditions and customs are erased.国与国之间的边界,它们的传统与习俗都会被消除。近义词:eliminatedispelremoveclear upavoid ;例句:The police moved quickly to dispel the rumors.警察迅速采取行动来消除谣言。15、fuse vt. 融合例句:In this city, East and West fuse together in a way that is fascinating to observe.东西方文化在这个城

13、市交汇融合,令人称奇。近义词: combinereconcileamalgamation例句:If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved. 如果把改良的教育体系和其他的因素结合起来,会取得非常惊人的效果。16、vanish vi. 消失例句:Traditions fuse and evolve into other ones or just vanish.各种传统相互融合,并发展成为其他传统,或只是消失。近义词:Disappear/dissolve/fade away

14、/die away例句:This means Chinese economy still faces the danger of nose-diving when the stimulus effects fade away.这意味着,当经济刺激效应逐渐消失之后,中国的经济仍然面临着暴跌的危险。17、remove vt. 消除例句:Often, the simplest answer is just to remove yourself from the situation.通常情况下,最简单的办法就是让你自己脱离那个环境。近义词:break down例句:These rules tell u

15、s how a sentence is broken down into phrases.这些规则告诉我们一个句子是怎样分解成若干短语的。18、draw on 借鉴例句:draw on other countries' experience.近义词:borrow例句: Why borrow also Europes mistakes?为什么连欧洲得错误也借鉴?19、isolate vt. 孤立例句:This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Se

16、curity Council.这一政策可能会使该国孤立于联合国安全理事会其他常任理事国之外。近义词:seclude vt.使隔开,使隔绝,使隐退例句:The village is almost secluding from the world for the bad communications.那个村子交通不方便,几乎与世隔绝。20、intensify vt.& vi.(使)增强,(使)加剧;增加(照片图象)的对比度;变强或增强例句:intensify regional cooperation 加强区域合作近义词:strengthen;enhance;reinforce;例句:Bot

17、h sides have been reinforcing their positions after yesterday's fierce fighting.双方经过昨天的激战后都在向各自的阵地增派兵力。21、hamper communication 阻碍交流例句:Hamper communication between buyers and sellers making it less convenient for them to conduct business.阻碍买家与卖家之间的交流使得交易变得不够方便。近义词:preventstop例句:This gap can also

18、lead to a language barrier that can prevent you from communicating effectively with your child.因为代沟会导致语言障碍的出现,这种障碍会阻碍到你跟孩子的有效交流。22、facilitate vt. 促进例句:He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.他认为他的强硬立场推动了经济的复苏。近义词:advance;furtherance;promote;boost;例句:This aspect

19、is to reserve phonetic characteristics, on the other hand to promote cultural interaction and understand the culture of the original language. 这一方面是为了保留语音特点,另一方面促进文化交流和了解原语文化。23、conductive to adj. 有助于促进的例句:The political and cultural environment was uniquely conducive to this. 当地的政治和文化环境尤其有利于这样做。近义词:

20、favor;be propitious to;in favor of;make for;vail ;例句:This trend of application would be propitious to the geological heritage resources for developing, planning, protecting, publicizing and researching.这种应用趋势将有利于地质遗迹资源的开发、规划、保护和研究。24、driving force 推动力例句:Safety is often a driving force behind the inn

21、ovations.安全性常常是车辆技术革新的动力。近义词: motive forcepause例句:Will the motive force decline or grow in the future?未来“推动力”是消还是长?25、revolutionize vt.彻底变革例句:The law enforcement national data exchange may revolutionize information sharing if it proves to be secure, accurate and sound.如果被证明是安全,准确和健全,执法全国数据交换,可以革命化信息

22、共享。近义词:transform;reform;alter;change ;例句:The party embarked on a programmed of economic reform.这个党开始进行经济改革。26、yearn for 非常渴望得到例句:With gas prices high, many suburbanites yearn for a shorter commute.油价上涨,许多市郊居民开始渴望短途通勤。近义词:cravehave a yearning for例句:I have been working nonstop; I'm yearning for a

23、long vacation! 我一直在不挺的工作,我真渴望有一个长假啊! 27、the haves and the havenots 有钱人与穷人例句:The development of technology is expanding the gap between the havens and the have-nots.科技的发展正在扩大穷人与富人之间的差距。近义词:the rich and the needy例句:The gap between rich and needy is growing.贫富差距正在拉大。28、mired in 深陷于当中例句:The pace talks a

24、re mired in quarrels.和平谈判陷入争论局面。近义词:sink into;fall into;be lost in;be immersed in;get in ;例句:It is easy, stuck in the office, to be immersed in the daily headlines and to miss the bigger picture.窝在办公室里,人们很容易沉湎于报纸的头条从而错失了大的视野。29、lingua franca 通用语言例句:Several languages have acted as lingua franca in di

25、fferent areas of the world.近义词:a shared language of communication例句:A shared language of communication used by people whose main languages are different. 母语不同的人共用的通用语交际语. 30、mutually incomprehensible 相互无法理解的例句:Trade is becoming increasingly international, involving multiple partners who have mutuall

26、y incomprehensible mother tongues.贸易日益国际化,但许多合作伙伴母语互不相同。近义词:intricateunreadable例句:I always cover my license with sticky-backed plastic, but even then it can turn mouldy and unreadable.我总是在执照上贴一层塑膜,但即便如此它还是会发霉并致使没法辨认。犯罪类1.capital punishment 死刑例句: Capital punishment should not be a major deterrent. 死刑

27、不应该是主要的威慑力。同义词:death penalty例句:The cannot be abolished, and some criminals must be sentenced to 死刑不能废除,有些罪犯就是要判死刑2. Criminal n. 罪犯例句:Emphasis should be put on the reform of criminals.重点应放在对罪犯的改造上。同近义词:offender/convict/lawbreaker例句:The main problem is not the first or the petty thief but the repeated

28、 who commits increasingly serious crimes.主要的问题不是来自于初犯者或小偷小摸,而是来自于犯罪行为越来越严重的那些惯犯。3. humane adj. 人道的,仁慈的,例句:Capital punishment is more humane because the criminal does not suffer the torture of life imprisonment.死刑更人道,因为罪犯不用受终身监禁的折磨。同近义词:sympathetic例句:The social workers are sympathetic to the people&#

29、39;s problems.社会工作者同情人民的问题。4. murderer n. 杀人犯例句:Murderers whose motive is money should not get off lightly.为了钱而杀人的凶手不应该轻轻惩罚就算了。同近义词:killer例句:It is absolutely wrong to think professional killers are insane and need hospital treatment.认为职业杀手都有精神病,需要到医院治疗这样的想法是完全错误的。5. repeated offender 惯犯同近义词:hardened

30、 criminal例句:For repeated offenders/hardened criminals ,harsh punishment is reasonable ,because it can protect social order.对于惯犯或者犯了严重罪行的人,严厉一点的刑罚是合理的,因为这样可以保护社会秩序。初犯:first offender 重犯:felon6. Serve a sentence 服刑例句:As for the function of help and education,it would be done after the Court s a young o

31、ffender to a set term of imprisonment or on probation,or to outside the prison under surveillance.而在青少年犯被判监禁、缓刑或狱外监视期间,工作的侧重点则转向帮助和教育方面。同义表达:receive/get a punishment 例句:people who break laws will get a punishment.7. juvenile crime 青少年犯罪例句:There has been a big increase in in the last few years.最近几年青少

32、年犯罪大幅度增长。同义词:juvenile delinquency例句:Some people say that violent movies are potential triggers for .一些人说暴力影片可能引起青少年犯罪。8. the fight against crime 打击犯罪例句:In the fight against crime, we will not just target serious crime,but all crimes.同义表达:fight crime/ tackle crime/combat crime例句:That is why we are de

33、termined to tackle crime.这就是为什么我们决心打击犯罪。9. commit crimes 犯罪例句:The criminals sometimes just capitalize on your mistakes to .有些罪犯有时就是利用你的错误去犯罪。同义表达:commit offences / to do something that is against the law例句:People who do something that is against the law should be punished.10. pose threats to 对。产生威胁例

34、句:It is difficult to convince people that a serial killer poses no threat to the public.同近义词:threaten/ put. at risk例句:Understanding the factors that may put a teenager at risk will help parents determine whether their teen is in need of extra support. 了解可能让青少年身陷危险的原因,将可以帮助父母决定他们的青少年小孩是否需要额外的协助。 11.

35、impose sentences 判刑例句:Imposing sentences is considered as a method to punish those who commit a serious offence and sometimes as a correctional method.判刑在很多社会被认为是惩罚犯下严重罪行的人的一种方法,有时候也被看做是一种改造方法。同近义表达:have a conviction of .例句:He had a conviction of robbery dating back to 1986.12. crime rate 犯罪率例句:Howe

36、ver, we sometimes aware that the crime rate is high.然而,我们有时候会留意到犯罪率居高不下。同近义表达:crime figures 犯罪数字例句:The latest show a sharp rise in burglaries over the past year最近的犯罪数字表明,去年的撬窃案急剧增加。13. Jail n. 监狱例句:Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training?你认为最

37、好把罪犯送进监狱还是让他们接受教育和工作培训?同义词表达:prison n.监狱 imprison v. 监禁 imprisonment n. lock up behind bars 例句:For an offence of this gravity, imprisonment is the usual punishment. 对这种重大罪行通常处以监禁。14. Precaution n. 预防措施例句:In my opinion, it is merely one of the many precautions and cannot prevent all criminal offences

38、 on the road.在我来看,这只是预防措施之一并且不能阻止所有的公路犯罪。同近义词表达:countermeasure preventive measure/action 例句:All this wake the local government to the need for preventive measure/action.所有这些使当地政府认识到必须采取安全预防措施。15. vulnerable adj. 容易受伤的例句:The government is in a strong position to protect vehicle and vulnerable road us

39、ers.政府坚决要保护汽车和道路使用者。同近义词表达:defenseless adj. susceptible adj.例句: He's so susceptible that she easily gained his affection. 他易受感情影响, 所以她很轻易地就得到了他的爱. 16. Compliance n. 遵守 例句:However, as suggested before, strict standards require full compliance.但是如之前建议,应该充分遵守严格标准。同近义词表达:conforming n. Conform v. Obe

40、y v. Abide by v.例句:people should conform to the rules of the public places. 人们应该遵守公共场所的规则。17. loophole n. (政策和法律中的)漏洞例句:It alerts people to the loopholes in policies, such as the loose control over car use, low requirements on driving training and low licence standards.这提醒人们政策中的漏洞,比如对汽车管理的松弛,对汽车驾驶的培

41、训低要求和驾照的低标准。同近义词表达:mistake escape dodge n.例句:The government is cracking down on legal dodges companies use to minimize their tax bills.政府正在对那些利用法律漏洞去将他们税务降到最低的公司采取严厉措施。18. The death penalty 死刑例句:They can easily get away with the death penalty by inventing a legitimate excuse, such as self-defense.他们

42、可以以自卫这样的合法借口轻易逃脱死刑惩罚。同近义词表达:execution capital punishment 例句:is claimed to deter wrongdoing even better than lifelong confinement.死刑之所以需要是因为它在制止犯罪方面甚至比终身监禁更有效。19. Preventable adj. 不必要的,可以避免的例句:The chance of a shoot-out would naturally rise,causing many preventable injuries or losses of life.枪战的几率自然会上

43、升,导致不必要的伤害和生命的损失。同近义词表达:unnecessary avoidable adj. 例句:people should not mention an unnecessary reference to his criminal past 何必提到他的前科.20. rehabilitate v. 改造,重新塑造性格和行为例句:Education is of critical importance to rehabilitating an offender. 教育对改造一个罪犯来说是非常重要的。同近义词表达:restore reshape remould v.例句:It is imp

44、erative that every one of us his world outlook.我们每个人都必须改造自己的世界观。21. reintegration n 重新融入(社会)例句:It first changes delinquents attitudes toward society and family, a prerequisite to their reintegration into the community.开始会改变犯罪者对待社会和家人的态度,这是他们融入社会的前提条件。同义词:blending 例句:Several organizations help the CS

45、D provide services to help inmates with their blending into the community.多个机构协助惩教署提供服务,帮助释囚重新。22. Devastating adj. 破坏性的例句:To a larger or lesser extent, the increased presence of anti-crime devices fuels the fear of crime and has a devastating effect on peoples quality of life.反犯罪设备的增加多少使对犯罪的恐惧有所提高,

46、并且对人们生活质量有破坏性的影响。同义词:destructive harmful damaging dreadful例句:Creative advertising need not be bad or , but rather it can be contemporary.创造性的广告并非定是不好或具有破坏性的,相反,它符合时代进步的要求。23. halt v.阻止,停止例句:The crime prevention framework should focus on making the environment safe from crime, reducing the potential

47、for crime in high-risk situations and halting the possibility of future crime.预防犯罪框架应该着眼于使环境安全的犯罪,在高风险的情况下减少潜在犯罪和扼制未来犯罪的可能性。同义词:prevent stop freeze例句:The government tried to prevent the diminution of resources. 政府试图阻止资源的减少。24. Inflated adj 上升的,增加的例句:In my opinion, it is a reflection of the fear of c

48、rime, but not of actual levels of crime.在我看来,它是反映了对犯罪的恐惧,但不是犯罪的实际水平。同义词:increased escalating 例句:The cost of living is in the country. 这个国家的生活费用在上涨。25. Tough adj 强硬的,严厉的例句:Another method relies on the combination of imposing tougher laws and training a more effective police force.另一种方法依赖于实行更严厉的法律和培养更

49、有效的警察部队的相结合。同义词:strict rigid stringent例句:The speed limit must be rigidly enforced. 必须严格执行车速限制。26. fuel v. 促进,激励例句:The rise in the crime rate in the past decades has fuelled public worries about the rapidly declining safety of their communities.在过去几十年里犯罪率是上升使得公众对他们社区安全性的下降的担忧提升。同义词:increase invigorat

50、e stimulate 例句:Falling prices will stimulate demand for new phone services.价格的降低会刺激新手机的需求。27. deterrent n.震慑物, 警示物例句:Firearms also serve as a deterrent to would-be offenders.火器也能去震慑罪犯。同义词:warning n. discourage v.例句:They discouraged me from applying again. 他们阻止我再次申请。28. Vigilant adj 警惕的例句:For individ

51、ual citizens, many crimes can be nipped in bud, if they keep vigilant at crimes and are brave enough to fight back.对于公民个人,如果他们继续对犯罪保持警惕,并勇敢地反击,许多罪行可以被消灭在萌芽状态。同义词:watchful wary alert cautious attentive adj.例句:They were very cautious about letting their children go out on their own.他们对于让自己小孩独自出去非常警惕。2

52、9. combat v.和.作斗争例句:However, many people maintain that in combating crime,people should adopt a proactive approach.然而,许多人认为,在打击犯罪,人们应该采取积极的态度。同义词:fight struggle with例句:The government is doing very little to fight crime. 责任内阁府在打击罪犯方面做得很少。30. side with 同意,支持某人例句:I side with both of them .两个观点我都同意。同义表达

53、: agree with support be in sbs camp例句:The majority of members strongly support the union on this issue.大部分成员在这个话题上强烈支持工会。Media1 be awash with 充斥着.例句:The internet is awash with all kinds of spam and web popup.近义词:be inundated with / be saturated withNowadays, TV commercials are inundated with violenc

54、e and pornography.2 Propaganda v. 宣传(贬义)例句:North Korea's state television newscaster announced such propaganda will not be tolerated近义词:broadcast / publicize (中性)Noncommercial plays a key role in publicizing the awareness of environmental protection. 3 Prevalent adj. 无处不在的例句:Unsolicited commerci

55、al email and other forms of spam have become so prevalent nowadays.近义词:ubiquitous / pervasiveA sense of social change is pervasive in her novel.English is ubiquitous; as a result, it is suggested that it should be used as the single global official language.4 Pornographic adj. 色情的,淫秽作品的例句:Teenagers

56、are so immature that they are likely to be misled by the pornographic content in the mass media. 近义词:erotic / obscene /sexualThe technological progress “assists” the porn industry in expanding its scope by sending erotic pictures via internet.Online content censorship can reduce and prevent fully the availability of indecent sexual materials to minors.5 A Increasing number of 越来越多近义词:the number(time) of is on the rise / growing An increasing number of individuals hold that the time wasted on the growing TV commercials is on the rise.6 Misleading adj. 有误导性的例句:Some priva


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