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1、2010学年第二学期徐汇区高三年级英语学科二模考 (考试时间120分钟,满分150分) 2011.4第一卷I. Listening Comprehension Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spok

2、en only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a post office. B. On a farm. C. At a clinic. D. At a restaurant.2.A. Thursday 9 am.5 pm. B. Saturday 9

3、 am.5 pm.C. Sunday 10 am.5 pm. D. Monday 10 am. 6 pm.3.A. He needs to sleep for three or four hours.B. He wants to buy a set of coffee cups.C. He needs more coffee to stay awake.D. He has been wide awake for some time.4.A. In the office.B. In the suburb.C. In the city centre.D. In a flat.5.A. They a

4、re shopping.B. They are driving.C. They are walking.D. They are hunting.6.A. Go to the party.B. Go for a ride.C. Prepare for her interview.D. Change her clothes.7. A. She doesnt have an email address. B. Her computer is infected with virus.C. She doesnt know how to use a computer.D. She needs to che

5、ck her email.8.A. The air pollution is caused by the development of industry.B. The city is poor because there isn't much industry.C. The woman doesnt want to live in the city any more.D. There are no factories where the speakers live.9.A. Boring.B. Demanding. C. Challenging. D. Exhausting. 10.A

6、. She called the man but the line was busy.B. She didn't come back until midnight.C. She had been planning for the trip.D. She visited her friends all night.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The pas

7、sages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. He failed his d

8、iving test three times.B. He is uncertain about the coming test.C. He cant remember the traffic rules.D. He broke the traffic rules during the day.12.A. Surprised.B. Disappointed.C. Confident.D. Upset.13.A. He broke a lot of traffic rules.B. He hadnt practiced long enough.C. He drove the wrong way.D

9、. Something unexpected happened.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A. More than one million.B. More than two million.C. Less than one million.D. Half the population.15.A. They prefer to spend their holidays in Australia. B. Most of them do physical exercise regularly.C. Sh

10、opping is one of their favourite recreations.D. They stay at home watching TV most of the time. 16.A. A typical Briton is most likely to get up late in the morning.B. The life of Britons hasnt changed much over the past decades.C. Britons spend more money on their holidays compared to the past.D. Br

11、itish people are quite famous for their unique sense of humor.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write

12、your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Telephone InformationName: _(17)_ English Language Center.Application deadlines: the end of _(18)_ Tuition: _(19)_ dollarsWays to apply: Mail back the application form Fill out the application form _(20)_C

13、omplete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.What does the man ask the woman to do for him?Taking take care of his dog during _(21)_.What does the dog like to do at 3:00 p.m.?He likes to watch _(22)_ on Channel 4.Why does the man ask t

14、he woman to scratch the dog everyday?Because otherwise he would _(23)_.What is required during the dogs nap time?Some _(24)_.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices

15、 marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Section A25-29 CCDBB 25.Some parents are just too protective. They want to protect their kids _ every kind of danger, real or imagined.A. forB. atC. fromD. with26.A special scientist team has been formed to study the poss

16、ible relationship between the unusual weather不可数· in Australia and _ in Brazil and some other countries.A. the oneB. the ones C. that D. those27. Over the past 30 years, the Internet has been developing so fast that the inventors _ that IPv4 address exhaustion would arrive so soon.A. could pred

17、ict B. must have predicted C. ought to predictD. couldnt have predicted28. What do you think of the film we watched yesterday?Terrible! Ive never seen _ one.A. the bestB. a worseC.a betterD. the worst29. The first civil service exam was held in 1995 and since then more and more people _ for it, with

18、 applications reaching a peak over the last two years.A. had signed upB. have signed upC. signed upD. will sign up30-34 ADABD 30. The tennis final between Li Na and Kim Clijsters which _ live to the world once again sparked(点燃) the patriotic passion of Chinese sports lovers.A. was televised B. telev

19、ised C. was televising D. has televised31. What really worries us is _ the explorers can accurately locate themselves with the old device in case of bad weather. A. that B. where C. what D. whether32.A good volunteer should not only display his or her own good image but also see to it _ the visitor

20、gets the exact information he needs. A. that B. which C. how D. where33.Clever wit and humor will help your speech stand out in a good way and keep everyone _.A. entertainingB. entertainedC. to entertainD. being entertained34._ there has been evidence of bowling-like games in ancient Egypt, history

21、clearly points out that bowling began in Germany during the dark ages.A. SinceB. UnlessC. UntilD. Though35-40 ACCAB A35.Parties _ alcohol is served can go downhill quickly if drinking is basically the only thing to do at the party.A. whereB. whichC. whenD. as36. Experts have pointed out that it was

22、the power failure _ the Japanese tsunami(海啸) that led to the crisis at the Fukushima plant.A. followedB. which followC. followingD. to follow37. _ the product or service does not live up to public expectation, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for his or her money back.A. Altho

23、ughB. UnlessC. IfD. Even if38. A US office worker has invented _ will likely go down as the most useful workplace gadget(小玩意): a device that lets you know when your nearest WC is free. A. whatB. thatC. whichD. who39. He was, after all, the General Manager and did not appreciate being made _Make sb d

24、o被动 be made to do like an ignorant schoolboy.A. feelB. to feelC. feltD. feeling 40. _ you are talking about, gossiping in the office is a surefire way to end your work life.A. No matter what funny thingsB. No matter how funny thingsC. No matter what things funnyD. No matter how things funnySection B

25、Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.I. increase41-49 FCHEJ ABGDAdult children are giving up the equivalent of a full-time working week each month at an annual cost of almost £4,

26、000 to care for an elderly parent or parents, a report published today _(41 F. claims)_ _.The “Cost of a Parent” study, from insurance and investment group Liverpool Victoria(LV), highlights the increasing problems faced by a "sandwich generation" caught between paying their own bills, mee

27、ting the costs of their parents' care and, in one of 20 cases, _(42)_ C. contributing _ financially to their over-18 children.Mike Rogers, group chief executive of LV, which surveyed 2,000 adults last month, said many adults were walking a “fine tightrope” between these three costs. "The ca

28、re that elderly relatives receive from their families is _(43) H. priceless _, but there is clearly a growing concern that financial support for rising residential care costs may simply be _(44 E. unavailable _," he said. Caught up in the recession(衰退), almost half of those people with elderly

29、parents said they felt less _(45) J. financially _ able than they did a year ago to meet any care costs."The financial crisis only serves to highlight the difficulties older people, their families and caregivers are _(46) A. currently _ facing when trying to pay for care," said Stephen Bur

30、ke, chief executive of Counsel and Care. "The situation has been made worse by the _(47)_ B. freeze _ in the housing market, which has made it harder for older people to sell their houses to pay for their care costs."People with parents who need care do not just face financial _(48) G. sac

31、rifices _, according to the LV report. Of those surveyed, 13% had put off career changes or sacrificed _(49)_ D. advancement_ at work, while the same proportion had put off moving house. A third of respondents(调查对象) had put their holiday plans on hold, while a further 13% had sacrificed financial su

32、pport for their children.III. Reading Comprehension Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The responsibilities of job, home and family all too often tran

33、sform the daily routine into a huge burden. Enjoying quality leisure time becomes _(50)_.True leisure means engaging in a _(51)_ and rewarding activity without being _(52)_ by other aspects of your life. Sometimes, the _(53)_ you experience during the week make you place great emphasis on weekends a

34、nd other days off. You hope to relax, but the pressure is _(54)_. You can't rest even when you have the time to do so. When time is limited, leisure activities are usually the first items to _(55)_ from the daily schedule. If you routinely _(56)_ your leisure time because you have "more imp

35、ortant things to do," you may be underestimating how much time the things _(57)_ take. Most people routinely shortchange themselves on the amount of time required to complete a given task. The problem is a _(58)_ to evaluate performance honestly. _(59)_, simplifying your life will let you have

36、more windows of opportunity to do stuff just for fun. Maybe you need to relearn to relax.Spare Time for Your _(60)_: Devote one afternoon or evening per week _(61)_ to doing something that you enjoy, listening to music, assembling a jigsaw puzzle. Do whatever you always wish to but never seem to fin

37、d time for. And do it where there's nothing to remind you of other _(62)_.Choose Low-Tech: The popular fascination with technological advances in all areas of life has diverted(偏离) attention from the simple pleasures of many _(63)_ pastimes. People think they must have the best, most up-to-date

38、equipment available to enjoy themselves. When keeping up with trends becomes the _(64)_, the pure pleasure of leisure is lost. 50-54BDADA 55-59 CBCDA60-64 BDBCD50. A. essentialB. difficult C. noticeableD. incapable51. A. reluctantB. disgustingC. delicateD. pleasurable52. A. preoccupied B. ashamedC.

39、cultivatedD. oppressed53. A. favourB. riskC. thirstD. stress54. A. enormous B. reasonableC. ignorantD. adjusted55. A. destroyB. considerC. disappear D. recognize56. A. estimateB. abandon C. fulfillD. expand57. A. constantlyB. initiallyC. actually D. equally58. A. varietyB. delayC. recordD. failure59

40、. A. However B. ConsequentlyC. MoreoverD. Therefore60. A. InstinctsB. DesiresC. ImagesD. Tasks61. A. occasionallyB. dramaticallyC. primarilyD. entirely62. A. expectationsB. obligations C. stimulationsD. limitations63. A. individualB. uncommonC. traditional D. physical64. A. threatB. obstacleC. sourc

41、eD. focusSection BDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)

42、“Just relax,” I said, “and let the water support you!”Of course, such things are usually easier said than done.When I discovered that the university I work at has a swimming pool, I was quite pleased. Swimming is a great way to exercise. So I suggested to Ellen that we should go for a dip. She decli

43、ned. At first, I thought it was because she thought it might be too cold to go swimming, but as the summer heat rolled in, she continued to resist my offers.Eventually, I asked her what was stopping her, and was surprised to hear, “I can't swim!”Most Australians learn to swim fairly early on, wi

44、th school programs teaching it. With the population of Australia mostly gathered around the edge of the continent, going to the beach and swimming in the sea are incredibly popular things to do, so someone who cant swim is fairly uncommon.Ellens confession drove me to make a foolish offer that I wou

45、ld teach her to swim.If Id foreseen the problems that were to come, I would probably have never set foot in the pool.Once we got past the initial hurdle of the water being “too cold”, “too scary” and having “a funny smell”, I persuaded Ellen to put her arms around my neck, and try to let her legs fl

46、oat out behind her, while I gently pulled her along.That night, I tried to sleep without moving my neck, as Ellens tight grasp had almost torn my head from my shoulders. She panicked after a small wave splashed some water up her nose, and nearly drowned the pair of us in the resulting waving of arms

47、 and legs.I think it was at that point I decided to buy her a large life ring, so that she could float along without holding me tight. And I hope, in that way, Ellen will be a little more confident in the water. Section B65-68 DDCB65. Ellen refused to go swimming with her husband because _.A. it was

48、 too cold at that timeB. there was no swimming pool aroundC. she couldnt stand the summer heatD. she did not know how to swim66. Which of the following CANNOT be learned according to the passage?A. Swimming is a required course in many Australian schools.B. Most of the Australians learn to swim at a

49、 fairly early age. C. It is convenient for most Australians to go to the seaside.D. Swimming is the most 没有说popular activity among Australians.67. The underlined word “hurdle” in the passage probably means _.A. frameB. excitementC. obstacleD. jump68. How did the author probably feel after teaching h

50、is wife to swim for the first time? A. Surprised and tired.B. Exhausted and regretful.C. Energetic and confident.D. Disappointed and angry. (B)The following articles are extracts from editorials.WORKING HOURSThe process of “downsizing” in other words, reducing workforces has continued persistently o

51、ver the last ten years. One of the major effects of this process has been the increase in number of hours worked. Often employees have to take over the work previously done by now redundant(被解雇的) colleagues. Working days of twelve hours or more are not unusual. You have to ask yourselves whether thi

52、s is an efficient way to run a company, and if it is worth the damage it causes to family life.TOWN CENTRES DIEArguably one of Americas most destructive exports to the rest of the world has been the out-of-town shopping mall. Shopping centres, usually located on ring roads two or three kilometers fr

53、om the centre of towns, have sprung up everywhere. As consumers have flocked to them, village shops have closed and town centres have become full of streets with boarded-up shop windows and “For Sale” signs.PROFESSIONALISM RULESThere are few sports where the amateur ideal survives and flourishes. At

54、hletics is normally amateur but all the top athletes are, to all intent and purposes, professionals. Rugby Union(英式橄榄球联合会) has now officially gone professional and the Olympic Games, the supposed symbol of amateurism, has allowed professional sportsmen like tennis players to compete. Standards have

55、certainly improved, but at what cost? Sport is now seen by many as an activity for a few highly skilled and well-paid individuals, rather than as a source of enjoyment for millions, whatever their ability.69-71 BCB 69. According to the passages, reducing workforces may result in _.A. the enhancement

56、 of work efficiencyB. the increase of employees workloadC. better chances of promotionD. the cutdown of employees income70. According to the passages, the Olympic Games should _.A. include more highly skilled and well-paid individualsB. choose rugby when considering the addition of new sportsC. aim at providing more enjoyment for ordinary people D. improve their standards of candidates at any cost


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