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1、1ROCKY洛奇洛奇English IntroductionSpeaker: 张鑫磊2It inhabits a curiously deserted Philadelphia: There arent any cars parked on the slum street where Rocky lives or the slightest sign that anyone else lives there. His world is a small one.故事发生在寂静冷清的城市,费城。洛奇居住在这个没有人居住的贫民窟里。他生活的圈子很小。3he works as an enforcer

2、for a small-time juice man, offering to break a mans thumbs over a matter of $70 他为一个三流的放高利贷者工作,为了超过七十美元的酬劳去打断一个男人的手指 In his spare time, he works out at Mickeys gym. He coulda been good, but he smokes and drinks beer 空闲时间,他会去米奇的拳击俱乐部工作。本来应该是很好的拳击手。但是他抽烟并且酗酒4And yet theres a secret life behind his fa

3、cade. He is awkwardly in love with a painfully shy girl (Talia Shire) who works inthe corner pet shop.但他有一个秘密的生活,他笨拙的爱上了在宠物店工作的害羞女孩(艾黛丽安)5The movie ventures into fantasy when the world heavyweight champion (Carl Weathers, as a character with a certain similarity to Muhammad Ali) decides to schedule

4、a New Years Eve bout with a total unknown - to prove that America is still a land of opportunity.电影进入高潮,世界重量级拳王(阿波罗奎迪,影射当时黑人拳王阿里)决定在新一年的前夕挑选一个名不见经传的拳手完成一场比赛,以证明美国仍然是一个充满机会的地方。6 Rocky gets picked because of his nickname, the Italian Stallion; the champ likes the racial contrast.洛奇得到这次机会是因为他的一个外号,意大利种

5、马;冠军喜欢种族对比。7Rocky accepted the game, After a short doubt,He began to training hard. right down to the plucky little gymnasium manager (Burgess Meredith) who puts Rocky through training, and right down to the lonely morning ritual of rising at four, drinking six raw eggs, 洛奇接受了这个比赛,短暂的怀疑之后,他开始了刻苦的训练。

6、小健身房经理米奇对洛奇经行了训练,他在寂静的早上四点起床,喝六个生鸡蛋8Night before the game9The decisive battle began决战开始了 Rocky at a disadvantage洛奇处于劣势10The champion is too strong,even hard training,Rocky still cant beat him拳王太强大了,即使努力训练,洛奇依然无法战胜他。1112But hes been a stick但他还在坚持13His coach signaled him to throw in the towel.他的教练示意他认

7、输14But he got up但他站了起来15The game is about to end比赛即将结束16A miracle occurs,He dodged a punch and hit ribs奇迹出现了,他躲过了一拳并击中了拳王的肋骨1718192021222324it aint about how hard you hit. Its about how hard you can get hit and keep amoving forwards, how much you can take and keep moving forward. Thats how winning is


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