



1、专 四 词 汇 语 法 练 习 (39)1. As, after his death, he defeated the forces of injustice,the position in art that had been kept from him during his life.A. so did he gain B. so he gainedC. and he gained D. and gained2. He thought he had lost his for good. However, he found his pillow already taken by the dog

2、when he entered the room.A. beautiful yellow little dogB. yellow beautiful little dogC. little yellow beautiful dogD. beautiful little yellow dog3. In 1900, the place where he had been buried was finally discovered, marked only by, with even a simple stone.A. the 61 number B. the number 61stC. the n

3、umber 61 D. a 61 number4. More than a year later he arrived back in America.A. ill, tired and unhappyB. with ill, tired and unhappyC. felt ill, tired and unhappyD. he felt ill, tired and unhappy5. She possessed a quick mind, a sharp tongue and a strong will.A. above all B. first of all C. most of al

4、l D. moreover6. “You know so much about literature. Ityoufased pityur degree, “ Harry said, "You agood teacher. ”A. would have been B. can have beenC. must beD. should have been7.scientists thought the Red Planet was as lifeless as the Moon with dust swirling over vast sandy deserts.A. To begin

5、 with B. Beginning withC. It was begun with D. While beginning with8. The girl always says to her boyfriend,“I do wish you so much. ”A. haven ' t smoked B. aren ' t smokingC. didn ' t smoke D. don ' t smoke9. Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts a substance which they believe can reme

6、dy the commoncold Vitamin C.A. have takenB. have been takingC. have been taken D. have being taken10.can make an immense contribution to the creation of peace and plenty in the world by taking care to understand other nations.A. I and you and all the ordinary peopleB. You and I and all the ordinary

7、peopleC. You and all the ordinary people and meD. All the ordinary people and you and me11. If you start as a junior bank clerk, you will have responsibilities connected with the handlingof cheques.A.minor B. less C. small D. little12. The city postman has to go on foot, not only along streets, but

8、also up and d own stairs , as many of flats have no lifts and no downstairs letter boxes.A. flights B. rows C. blocks D. storeys13. My father was a dentist in the little town all his life,and it was always taken for granted that I would take over his when he retired.A. practice B. job C. work D. pos

9、t14. The same can be said of factory farms, where animals are kept under very conditions.A. similarB. likelyC. close D. like15. There is so much terrorism that people are crying out and asking for more law and.A. securityB. orderC. safety D. protection16. Color blind people have difficulty between b

10、lue and green.A. separating B. comparingC. contrasting D. distinguishing17. He felt as soon as he realized that he has asked a foolish question.A. bored B. embarrassedC. displeased D.disappointed18. The city was to me, and I did not know where to go.A. strange B. odd C. unique D. curious19. I '

11、m in no this evening to listen to his silly jokes.A. feeling B. emotion C. mood D. tendency20. The first,second and third prizes went to Bob,Jack and Henry.A. differently B. separately C. respectively D.equally21. These goods do not come up to the.A. mark B. sign C. token D. signal22. We express our

12、 thoughts by of words.A. method B. way C. manner D. means23. I hope you will be in future about the things you say.A. careful B. attentive C. cautious D. precautious24. Think carefully before you answer his questions. You may be into giving away vital information.A. caught B. captured C. seized D. t

13、rapped25. When operating a machine, we must use.A. warning B. caution C. advice D. counsel试题答案与解析1. A)【句意】就像他死后战胜了非正义力量一样,他在远离他一生的艺术领域也取得了一席之地。【难点】"As1"句子,so +句子”这一结构意为象一样,也"。本句中so引导倒装。2. D)【句意】他以为他永远失去了他那漂亮的小黄狗,可当他走进房间的时候,他发现枕头被小狗叼走了。【难点】这是一个形容词作层迭修饰的问题。请参阅 Test 7的 疑难攻破3. C)【句意】 1900

14、年,他的埋葬地终于被发现,墓碑十分简单,上面只标刻着数字61 o【难点】 61是个数字,并特指那个数字,所以用 the number 61。4. A)【句意】 一年多以后,他回到了美国,又病又累,情绪低落。【难点】 川,tired and unhappy 作主语的补足语,说明主语的状态、特点。5. A)【句意】她有副反应敏捷的大脑,一张利嘴,最重要的是,她有坚强的意志。【难点】 above all意为 最重要的是";first of all意为 苜先";most of all不是固定搭配; moreover 意为而且”。6. A)【句意】 约翰,你的文学知识很丰富,没拿到学

15、位可真遗憾。”哈利说。你本会成为一个好老师。”【难点】 failed your degree 是过去发生的行为,该句暗含这样一层意义:If you hadn ' t failed your degree you would have been a good teacher.7. A)【句意】一开始,科学家认为红行星就像月亮一样毫无生机,上面有尘土飞扬的沙漠。【难点】 to begin with是习语搭配,意为 苜先,一开始8. C)【句意】这个女孩总跟男朋友说:我真希望你不抽那么多烟。”【难点】 wish后的that从句应使用虚拟语气,由于那个男朋友smoke是一般现在时行为,所以选d

16、idn ' t smoke才符合语法要求。9. B)【句意】1970年以来,数百万热心者一直在服用一种他们认为能治感冒的物质一一维生素C【难点】 与since引导的时间状语相呼应,主句动词使用现在完成进行时。10. B)【句意】如果用心去理解其它民族,你和我,以及所有的普通人就能够为世界和平和发展作出巨大贡献。【难点】选项B)是四项中惟一符合英语语言习俗的词序。11. . A)【句意】如果你一开始只作银行初级职员,你在处理支票方面的责任就不大。【难点】 minor意为 不重要的,次要的";less意为 较少的",是比较级;small意为 小的, 小规模的"

17、,不能修饰responsibility ; little意为 渺小的,微不足道的,细小的 ”。12. C)【句意】这位城市邮差不得不步行,不仅仅沿着大街,而且还要上下楼梯,因为许多栋楼既无电梯也无楼下信箱。【难点】 block意为乙栋楼;街区"flight意为楼梯的一段,飞行";row意为乙行,一排, 一列";storey意为 楼层”。13. A)【句意】我父亲在小镇里当了一辈子牙医,人们认为我会在他退休后理所当然地接他的班。【难点】 practice意为"(医生或律师等的)业务,开业 ”;job意为"(一件)工作,活儿,零 活”;post意为

18、职务,职位";work意为工作”,是长期稳定的工作或劳动。14. A)【句意】工厂的农场也一样,动物们被放养在相同的条件下。【难点】similar意为 相像的,相仿的,类似的 ";likely意为 可能的";close意为 接近的,近的";like意为 相像的,相似的”,但少用。15. B)【句意】 恐怖主义如此严重,人们都在大声疾呼制定更多的法律以带来良好的社会秩序。【难点】order意为治安,秩序,顺序 ";security意为平安,安全感”,相对于受犯罪行为或外来入侵的威胁而言;safety意为 安全,平安”,相对于危险而言;protec

19、tion意为 保护,防护”。16. D)【句意】色盲的人很难区分蓝色和绿色。【难点】 distinguish意为 区分,辨别,分清”,后常接between和among; separate意为使 分开,分离”后常接from; compare意为 对比,对照”,指对比相同点, 后接with或to ; contrast 意为 使形成对照”,对比不同点。17. B)【句意】当他意识到自己问了一个十分愚蠢的问题的时候,他感到十分尴尬。【难点】embarrassed意为 窘迫的,局促不安的";bored意为 无聊的,厌烦的";displeased意为 不高兴的,不愉快的";d

20、isappointed意为 失望的,沮丧的”。18. A)【句意】这个城市对我来说是陌生的,我不知道该去哪里。【难点】strange意为生疏的,奇怪的";odd意为奇特的,古怪的";unique意为独一无二的";curious意为好奇的,有好奇心的 "。strange,odd和unique辨析:strange词义最广,指非 一般的,不平常的,费解的或与预期不同的,还强调陌生,不熟悉的。odd强调有异于正常,表示不标准,不正规,不符合规律等,暗示这种奇异令人困惑不解。unique可指在某一方面不同寻常,特别,有较强的独一无二的意思。 19. C)【句意】我

21、今晚没情绪听他那愚蠢的笑话。【难点】mood意为 情绪",be in no mood (to do )意为 全然不想做某事";feeling意为情感“;emotion 意为激情,感情 ";tendency 意为倾向,趋向 “。feeling 和 emotion 辨 析:feeling指人的感觉,如快乐,悲哀,痛苦,钦佩等情感,它本身不反映感情的强弱。emotion指由于受到某种刺激而产生的喜、怒、哀、乐等情感。20 . C)【句意】 鲍勃,杰克和享利分别获得一、二、三等奖。【难点】respectively意为各自地,分别地”;differently 意为以不同方式";separately意为各 自地,个别地”;equally意为 相等地,平等地"。21 . A)【句意】这些货物与商标不符。【难点】mark意为商标,标签";sign意为牌,招牌,标牌";token意为凭证,纪念品”;signal意为 暗号,信号 22. D)【句意】我们借助于词汇表达思想。【难点】by means of意为 借助于;用;依靠"。method, way , manner都有 方法,方式,办法”之意,但彼此间略有不同。method指精心拟定


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