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1、写作专项复习卷时间: 60分钟满分: 100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分一、【介绍人物】你最喜欢的朋友或者家人是谁呢?他(她)长什么样?他(她)做什么工作?请介绍一下吧。(8分)要求:1. 题目自拟,不少于6句话。2. 语句通顺,书写规范,标点符号正确。_二、【介绍动物】你最喜欢的动物是什么呢?为什么?请介绍一下吧。(8分)要求:1. 题目自拟,不少于6句话。2. 语句通顺,书写规范,标点符号正确。_三、【关于自己】你最喜欢的颜色、动物、食物、衣服等是什么?请以My Favourite为题来介绍一下。(8分)要求:1. 不少于6句话。2. 语句通顺,条理清楚,书写规范,标点符号正确。

2、My Favourite_四、【关于季节】你最喜欢的季节是什么?为什么喜欢这个季节?在这个季节里人们通常有什么活动?请给大家介绍一下吧。(8分)要求:1. 题目自拟,不少于6句话。2. 语句通顺,书写规范,标点符号正确。_五、【There be句型、看图作文】请认真观察下面的图片,描述一下你所看到的内容。(8分)要求:1. 题目自拟,不少于40个单词。2. 语句通顺,书写规范,标点符号正确。3. 请使用there be句型来介绍位置,可根据自己的生活经验进行合理想象。_六、【一般将来时】这个假期,你即将步入初中,开始一段崭新的学习旅程。你打算怎样度过这个假期呢?请把你的计划写一写。(10分)参

3、考词汇:read books, go on a trip, play with friends, play sports要求:1. 题目自拟,不少于40个单词。2. 语句通顺,书写规范,标点符号正确。3. 注意时态。_七、【介绍家人、根据表格信息写作】假如你是李军,请以My family为题,根据下列表格提供的信息来介绍一下你的家人。(10分)Li Jun12 years old1.74 metresstudenttall and strongplay footballFather41 years old1.78 metresdoctortall and thinread booksMothe

4、r40 years old1.62 metresteacherthin, long hairwatch TVSister7 years old1.32 metresstudentshort, cuteplay with toys要求:1. 根据表格提供的信息书写,不允许出现自己或家人的真实姓名,不少于40个单词。2. 语句通顺,书写规范,标点符号正确。My family_八、【现在进行时、看图作文】请观察右边的图片,这是哪个地方?人们都在做些什么?请介绍一下。(10分)要求:1. 请使用正确的时态来介绍人物的活动。不少于40个单词。2. 可根据自己的生活常识加以合理想象来完成。3. 题目自拟,

5、语句通顺,书写规范。_九、【一般过去时】这个学期结束后,你的小学生活就告一段落了。六年的小学生活中,一定会有令你难忘的事情,请写一写吧。(10分)要求:1. 请使用正确的时态来描写。不少于40个单词。2. 请描写一件事情,题目自拟,语句通顺,书写规范。_十、【关于理想】你将来想成为什么样的人呢?想做什么样的工作呢?为了实现这个理想,你会做些什么?请给大家分享一下吧。(10分)要求:1. 题目自拟。不少于6句话。2. 语句通顺,书写规范。_十一、【今昔对比】小学六年以来,你和你的学校发生了哪些变化?请仔细思考一下并介绍给大家吧。(10分)要求:1. 题目自拟,不少于40个单词。2. 注意使用正确

6、的时态。3. 语句通顺,书写规范。_写作专项复习卷 My fatherThere are four people in my family, my grandmother, my father, my mother and I. My father is my favourite. He is 1.78 metres tall. He is tall and thin. He likes playing sports. He is healthy and strong. He is a clerk. He goes to work by bus. He loves me and my fami

7、ly. He often cooks food for us. I like to play with him very much. RabbitsThere are lots of animals in the world. I like animals. I think they are our friends. My favourite animal is the rabbit. Some rabbits are white. Some rabbits are black. Some rabbits are brown. They are all small and cute. They

8、 like to eat grass, carrots,vegetables and leaves. They are quiet and shy. They can jump. Their ears are very long. I like rabbits very much. 三、 My FavouriteIm a student. Im a boy. My favourite colour is blue. The sea is blue. The sky is blue. I think blue is cool. My favourite animal is the tiger.

9、They are strong. They are the king of the forest. My favourite food is the hamburger. They are delicious. I like to wear Tshirts and shorts in summer. That makes me cool. I like drawing pictures very much. Whats your favourite? 四、 SpringThere are four seasons in a year. My favourite season is spring

10、. In spring, the weather is getting warmer and warmer. The grass is green. The trees have new, green leaves. We can see many flowers. They are beautiful. The birds fly back and fly in the sky. People take off their winter clothes and go for a walk together. They like to fly kites, climb mountains in

11、 spring. Spring is a beautiful season. I like it. 五、 My bedroomLook, this is my bedroom. My bedroom is clean and nice. There is a big bed in my bedroom. Its blue. Blue is my favourite colour. There is a lamp beside the bed. Above the bed, there are some pictures on the wall. Beside the pictures, the

12、re is a guitar. I like playing the guitar. Near the window, there is a bookshelf. There are many books on it. I like reading books in my bedroom. I like my bedroom. 六、 My summer holidayThis summer holiday, I will not have homework. I will read lots of interesting books. I will go on a trip with my f

13、amily. I will go to the park to play with my friends. I will play sports every day. That will make me strong and healthy. I will get ready for my middle school. I will have a happy holiday. 七、 My familyMy name is Li Jun. Im 12 years old. Im a student. Im 1.74 metres tall.Im tall and strong. I like p

14、laying football. There are four people in my family, my father,my mother,my sister and I. My father is 41 years old. He is 1.78 metres tall. He is tall and thin. He is a doctor. He likes reading books. My mother is 40 years old. She is 1.62 metres tall. She is thin. She has long hair. She is a teach

15、er. She likes watching TV. My sister is 7 years old. She is 1.32 metres tall. She is a student, too. She is short and cute. She likes playing with her toys. I love my family. 八、 At HomeIts Sunday evening.My family is at home.My grandparents and my sister are in the living room.They are playing cards

16、. My father is in the study. He is working on the computer. He is very busy. My mother and I are in the kitchen. We are washing the dishes. Im helpful at home. 九、 A Goodbye PartyThis summer, we will leave our primary school. Last Friday afternoon, we had a goodbye party. We cleaned our classroom.The

17、 classroom was very beautiful. We sang songs. We danced. We played games. We made dumplings with our teachers. We said thanks and goodbye to our teachers. They were sad. We were sad, too. We will never forget our school, our friends and our teachers. 十、 To be a teacherThere are lots of jobs in the w

18、orld. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher. My parents are both teachers. I want to be a good teacher like them. To be a teacher, I should work hard to learn more. I must be good at my study. And I will learn how to teach children well. I will be a good teacher one day. What about you?十一、 Before and nowSix years ago, I came to school and became a pupil. Now, I am twelve years old. Im taller an


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