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1、英语常用情景口语用语(2) HYPERLINK /sbpage/lssp.htm l spoken Greetings HYPERLINK /sbpage/lssp.htm l spoken Introduction HYPERLINK /sbpage/lssp.htm l spoken Finding the Way HYPERLINK /sbpage/lssp.htm l spoken Post Office HYPERLINK /sbpage/ l shopping Shopping HYPERLINK /sbpage/ l 6 Bank Bank HYPERLINK /sbpage/

2、l 7. Restaurant Restaurant5. Shopping1) Attending a customer(招呼)Anything I can do for you?Are you being attended to?Are you being seen to?Are you being served?Are you looking for some chocolates?Can I be of any assistance to you?Can I help you in any way?Could I be of service to you?Do you want to b

3、uy something here?Can/May I help you?Have you been taken care of?Is anybody looking after you?What can I do for you?What can I show you?2) Telling the shop assistant what youd like to buyBring me a larger size, please.Can I see a few sun glasses, please?Can you show me a brooch(胸针)?Could I have a lo

4、ok at one of those gold rings?Could you give me two ballpoint pens?Do you have anything ready-made (现成)that will fit me?Do you sell coffee boilers?Have you got anything in the way purple(紫) dress size 36?I could also do with some aspirin.I need one without stripes(条纹), please.I suppose Id like somet

5、hing China made.I want a pair of trousers without turn-ups(翻边).I want something in light color.I want something to soothe (治)sore throat.I want to see some neck ties.I wish to order a set of furnitureI wonder if you have any good bicycles?Id like to something plain and quiet.(朴素文静)Id like to buy a r

6、eady-make suit.Im after a pair of glasses with gold rims.(金边)Im trying to find a Turkish carpet.Let me look at the vases.(花瓶)Please prepare the medicine for me according to this prescription.(处方)Please show me the blue one my size.I may as well order a few more things while Im at it.(买东西)3) Asking w

7、hat the customer wants to buyAny particular color?Is there anything else I may show you?Is there anything else you might need?Is there anything else youd like to buy?What can I show you?What kind of alarm clocks did you have in your mind?What kind would you like?What kind would you like to see?What

8、material do you have in mind, sir?What material do you prefer?What size do you want?What size do you take?What size bottle of White Cat detergent(洗涤剂) do you want?What style of coat would you like to have?What type of washing machines are you interested in?Will there be anything else?Would you like

9、some dress shoes, or just causal ones?4) Asking the shop assistant for information, advice, etcAre you likely to be getting any more in?(进货)Are you likely to be having any cheaper ones in?Can you give me some suggestion?Can you recommend some to me?Could you advice me what kink of shoes fit me best?

10、Could you give me some idea?Do you have any cheaper ones?Do you have one for around 1000 yuan?Do you have the same design in red?Do you think its a bit too dark?Do you think you could get me one?Dont you think the design is a bit too complicated?(复杂)Have you got a bigger size?Have you got anything a

11、 bit longer?How long would I have to wait for it?How many tablets(药片) am I supposed to take each time?How many yards must I buy to make a coat?How much do you think Id need?Is it too loud for me?Is this meat just in?What have you got in the way of woolen pull-overs?(套衫)What kind is the most durable?

12、 (耐用)What kind of curtains would you suggest for a sitting room?Will you be having any more in?You have quite range(品种), havent you?5) Recommending something to the customerAre these all right?Do you like this design?Herere some samples.Heres a pair in your size. Theyre very good for the price.How a

13、bout this one?How do you like this pattern?Hows this one?I could recommend something for you.I think Maotai would be the best thing.If it doesnt work, then some Listerine might do the trick.(奏效)Is this suit all right?It wears well and keeps its shape.Its an ideal remedy(药物)for cough.Its made of pure

14、 wool, very soft.Its of good quality.Its the latest fashion, very popular.Its very durable.Our range of socks is the most comprehensive(全) available.The quality is excellent.Theres a collection of short stories by Harry that has just come out.These bread are fresh out of the oven(炉).This camera will

15、 sure give you every satisfaction.This evening dress was fashioned from silk.This kind of pull-over is well-stocked. (有货)This necklace is of 18 carat.(克拉)This length of cloth will make you a suit.This pair of shoes in hand-made.This yellow dress is your size.This is a capital (一流) watch at a reasona

16、ble(合理) price of 300 dollars.This is a washing machine of well-know make(名牌).This is a well-tailored (合身)blouse.Try this one, please.We happen to have one in stock.We have a great variety of them in stock.We have a large assortment(品种) of them.We have a very wide selection of watches.We have china b

17、ottles of various made.(各种各样)We have every kind of canned (罐头)goods.We have many patterns and shades(色彩) for you to choose from.We have quite an array(一批) of leather shoes.We have quite good dictionary on hand.We have some nice pomelos(柚子) just in from Yunnan.We have some proprietary specifics. (专卖特

18、效药)We have some real good buys.(真正好货)We have the very thing for you.We have some that you might find useful.Were the biggest dealer in cigarettes.Will this do?6) Telling the customer something is not available.All out now, please come earlier tomorrow.Four to five weeks, probably, though I cant guar

19、antee any particular date.I can do the size, but not the color.I dont think we have any vase made of bamboo.(竹子)I am afraid we are out of them today.Im afraid we dont have any of the kind on hand.Im sorry, toasters(烤面包器) are out of stock(脱销).Im sorry we dont have this in stock. But you might be luck

20、y at our Jinling Branch.Im sorry we dont stock such items.Im sorry were sold out of (售完)coffee.Im sorry weve run short of loose-leaf (活页)notebooks.Look in again Tuesday week.(下周二)Sorry, but we dont have that in your size.Sorry, but were sold right out.Sorry, were out them today.The best I can offer

21、is a 36.We dont have it, but we have something just as good.We expect to have a supply this Friday.We havent got that in stock at the moment, but we could order it for you.We may get a supply tomorrow.Were expecting some new stock tomorrow.Weve no double cassette(双卡) recorders on sale today.7) Choos

22、ing itemsCould I have a look at it?Could I try it on?Have you any bigger sizes?Have you anything a size bigger?Have you anything that doesnt cost so much.Hes about my size.How about showing me some samples?(样品)How about the color?I dont think the cushion(垫子) matches the sofa.I look awful in this blu

23、e cap.Is this the only design you have?It suits me.Its a bit showy.Its a bit too loud.(艳)Its a bit too small on me.Its too small all over.May I try it on?May I try out(试一下) this ball-point pen, please.Pick me out a good piece, please.Pick out large ones, please.Show me some others.This color suits m

24、y complexion.(皮肤)The shoes are a bit too tight for my feet.This is a good fit.This ones slightly longer.That looks a bit too plain.This one suits me best.This pair of shoes wears a little too tight.This seems to be a bit too narrow.Yellow becomes me.(同我相称)8) Asking about pricesAre these apples on sa

25、le?How do you sell the water melons?How much do I owe you?How much do you charge for the bunch of flowers?How much do you ask for it?How much do you say it is?How much do you sell it?How much do you want for it?How much does it come to?How much does it cost?How much does the bill come to?How much is

26、 it altogether?How much is that worth?How much is the large size?How much is the necklace you have on display over there?How much, please?How much shall I pay for it?How much will that be altogether?How much will the lot(一摊) be.How much would a suit made of this material cost?Is this the sale price?

27、Lets see what itll all cost.What do the oranges start at?What does it come to?What does it cost?What does it sell for?Whats worth?Whats the price of the apples?Whats the regular price?Whats your charge for this brooch?(胸针)9) Telling about pricesIt comes to 65 yuan, sir.It costs 5 dollars.It sells at

28、 5 pounds a bottle.It sells for 3 marks per kilogram.Its priced at 100 dollars.Its 60 cents a piece.Its sold by the yard.Its 20 yuan without the case.Our usual price for repairing is 5 yuan.Say 40 dollars. Would that suit you?Thatll be 30 pounds.The least expensive one is 2 dollars 50 cents.The pric

29、e depends on the quality.The price is marked on the tag(标签上), sir.The price of these hairpins(发卡) are about the same.Theyre 5 dollars each.Theyre 6 marks per jin.Theyre 200 dollars for a set of six.10) Bargaining(讨价还价) on the buying sideCan you come down at bit?Can you sell it for 3 pounds?Cheap! I

30、should say it is.I can give you no more than $20. Can you sell it for that?I dont think I could afford to spend so much money for this jewel.I suppose they must be very expensive.Im sure you can do better than that.My! Thats a fortune!(一大笔钱)Sheer robbery(太贵了)Thats shocking!That seems a high price fo

31、r the brooch.That sounds reasonable.Thats a bit more than I wanted to pay.Thats kind of steep.(有点过高)Thats rather more than I was thinking of giving.Thats too dear.Thats very steep for a necklace.The price has gone up a little.The price is not reasonable.This is nice, but I suppose it is quite expens

32、ive.Well then, how about splitting the difference?You have to strike a balance, if you wish to get somewhere.(如果你想做成生意, 你就的使双方不吃亏)11) Bargaining on the selling sideHow much would you like it to be?If you bought it new, it would cost more than double.Ill bring the price down to 50 marks a piece, if y

33、oure going to make a big purchase.Ill make it up(补偿) to you next time.Ill meet you half way.Its a real bargain.Its a square deal.(公平交易)Its standard price.My business dealing are above board.(光明正大)One hundred dollars, you cant be wrong on that.Our prices are not dearer than those in other places.That

34、s almost cost price.Thats a fire sale.(便宜货)Thats the best we can do.(不能再让了)The prices have already been reduced greatly.The price is moderate enough.(够便宜的了)The price is reasonable because the quality is super.We are practically giving this away.(白送了)We dont give discounts. We sell on credit.(赊帐)You

35、get a chance like this only once in a blue moon.Would you mind giving me the sixpence in coppers.(铜币)6. Bank1) Asking about savingsCan I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in China?Could you tell me my balance?Do you charge for cheques?Do you pay interest on this account.Please tell me m

36、y balance.Whats the annual interest rate?Whats the interest rate for the savings account?Whats the difference between a savings account and checking account?(支票)Whats the procedure for opening a savings account?Will 100 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit?(最小存额)Would you tell me how to operate t

37、his account?2) Telling about savingsI think you need a checking account.Interest is paid at the rate of 0.8% per annum (年利率)at present.It allows you to earn a little interest on your money.It helps defray (抵付) the cost of the account itself.Its payable within two months.(两个月内有效)Ten dollars is the mi

38、nimum original deposit.(最低起存)The account carries interest of 4.5 %.The interest is added to your account every year.The interest rate for the savings account is 4.5%.We honored the check as the overdraft(承兑支票透支额) was only five dollars.You can open a savings account at any time with an initial(开始) de

39、posit of ten dollars.You may deposit your money with the bank, or leave it there for temporary safe-keeping.You may open a current deposit account with the bank. You should reimburse(补偿) the thank for the amount paid.Your deposit is exhausted.(支完)Your L/C is used up.( 信用证用完)3) Asking about money exc

40、hangeCould you tell me the current rate for sterling,(英国货币) please?How much do the checks cost?How much will it be in German currency?How much should I get for 100 German marks?Id like to know the rate for US dollars.What rate are you giving?What would you give me for my French francs?Whats the exch

41、ange rate today?Whats the dollar going for today?Whats selling rate for Japanese yen in notes(现金) today?Would you please tell me the current rate for RMB?4) Telling about money exchangeA quarter percent interest charges will be deducted from the proceeds after conversion. (兑换后所得金额中扣除15%利息)Its 333 Ge

42、rman marks at todays selling rate.Its 208 yuan for 100 dollars.Our buying rate for notes is 345 yen for 100 dollars.The buying rate of US dollar notes is 280 yuan per hundred dollars.These marks are worth 24 dollars.5) Asking the client how hed like to deposit, draw or change money.a deposit or curr

43、ent account.(定期还是活期)Do you lie to open a current account?How did you like it?(多少面值的现金)How do you want it?How do you wish to draw your money?How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account?How much do you want to borrow?How much do you want to change?How much do you want to deposit with us?How m

44、uch do you wish to pay into your account?How much money do you plan to keep in your account on a regular basis?(定期放多少钱)How much money do you want placed to your credit?(存如你的名下)How much of the remittance do you want to convert into US dollars?How shall I give it to you? (怎样付)How would you like to dep

45、osit your money?In what denominations?(要什么面值的)What kind of currency do you want?What kind of currency do you want to change?What note do you want?Whats it you wish to change?Will five tens(五张十元) be all right?6) Stating how youd like to deposit, draw or change moneyA current account, please.Give me s

46、ome small notes, please.Give me 200 dollars worth of French francs.I need 200 dollars in 5-dollar cheques.I think I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill.I want to deposit 150 dollars in my account.Id like a deposit account.In hundreds, please.(百元面值)Please give me sixty dollars in tens a

47、nd twenty dollars in fives.Please let me have two fifty-dollar notes.Would you give me ten-yuan notes and the rest in small change, please?7) Asking to deposit, draw or cash moneyCan I cash a cheque here?Can I open a deposit account here?Can I rent a sage deposit box?Could you cash this travelers ch

48、eque, please?Could you find out whether there s a remittance for me from Guanzhou?I want to cash this money order, please.I want to deposit these cheques in my account.I want to open a savings account, sir.I want to withdraw a hundred yuan form my deposit account, please.Id like a full refund(全额退款)

49、or new checks for my checks lost.Id like to close my account with you.Id like to draw 200 dollars against(从信用证上) this letter of credit.Id like to know my balance, please.Id like to open a current account with you.Id like to pay one hundred dollars into my deposit account.Im expecting some money from

50、 New York. Is it in yet?May I draw money against the L/C here?My fixed deposit certificate fell due yesterday.(定期存折到期了)8) Asking to change moneyCan you change me some money, please.Can you give me 150 yen in Swiss francs?Could you change some money for me, please.Could you change this money back int

51、o US dollars for me?Do you think you could change these dollars for me, please?I want to be able to pay for things by cheques.I want to convert the full amount of the remittance into HK dollars.(把汇款全部换成港币)Id like some coins for this note, please.Id like to break this 100-dollar note.Id like to buy a

52、 bank draft.(汇票)Would you please change this money for me?9) Dealing with saving or money exchangeA minute, please, well settle the account.Could I see some of you I.D.?(身份证)Do you have your passport with you?Heres the cheque book.Heres your passbook.(存折)I take it you can supply reference?(我想你可以提供担保

53、人吗)If you want to cash the check, please sing again on the bottom line.Ill get the travelers cheques for you right away.Please endorse(签名) the cheque.Please fill in the receipt in duplicate.(一式两份)Please fill out the application form.Please fill out these forms, and sign your name.Please sign it unde

54、r signature.Please sign on the top line.Please sign the receipt in duplicate.Please sign your name at the places marked with an x.Please write your account number on the back of the check.Sorry, your remittance hasnt reached us yet.Well notify (通知)you as soon as your remittance comes.7. Restaurant1)

55、 Finding a table for dinnerA table for four, please.Can I have the table by the window?Can we take that one over there?Excuse me miss, could we have a table over there by the window?Have you got a table for two?I dont care for this table.I made a reservation.(预订) My name is Betty Lamb.I prefer to si

56、t alone, but I suppose this will do.Is it possible to have dinner now?Is the table free, waiter?Is there a place vacant?(有空位子吗)It doesnt seem to matter much. Well take it.Lets catch the waiters eye.No, its too close to the door.Thank you, well take it.This ones good. Lets take it.We want to be near

57、the dance floor.Well, it doesnt matter, well take it.Wheres the table, please? The name is Frack London.Weve got a reservation for dinner this evening. Im John Smith.2) Seating the diner.Could you follow me, please?Heres your table. Is it all right?If you come this way, Ill show you to your table.Im

58、 afraid therere no other places free at the moment.Im sorry, sir, the one by the window has been booked by telephone.Im sorry these two tables are already reserved.(预订)Please wait in the lounge(休息室), Well give you a call.There is a table for four over there. Would you like it?We can seat you in five

59、 minute or so.We have a window table reserved for you.Well, this table is free.What about that one?Where would you like to sit?Will this table be all right?Would you like to come with me, please?Would you like to sit here?Would you like to sit over there near the door?Would you like to take the one in the corner?Would you rather sit near the dance floor?You can sit in the bar if you like and well call you when we have a table.You coul


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