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1、Final Revisionkey sentencesUnit 11Senior One Unit 11The sounds of the worldHere is _ brief _ _ some of the exciting musical styles from around the world.The blues comes from African songs that people _ _ _ when they worked and during festivals.Hip-hop and rap have much _ _ _ blues and rock, but they

2、 also have their own characteristics.4. Latin music music that uses traditional styles from Latin Americahas spread _ _ the world.5. There is _ wide _ _ new music _ _ _ in every corner of the world.6. The house where he once lived _ _ _ _ a museum and is visited by _ _ people every year.7. They play

3、 music to _ their inner _.8. They do not think how much money they can make from a song; _ they sing_ their emotions and live _ music.9. _ _ different ways of thinking and writing songs, rock and pop songs also _different _.Check answersHere is a brief look at some of the exciting musical styles fro

4、m around the world.The blues comes from African songs that people used to sing when they worked and during festivals.Hip-hop and rap have much in common with blues and rock, but they also have their own characteristics.4. Latin music music that uses traditional styles from Latin Americahas spread al

5、l over the world.5. There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world.6. The house where he once lived has been turned into a museum and is visited by thousands of people every year.7. They play music to satisfy their inner desire.8. They do not think how much money

6、they can make from a song; instead, they sing for their emotions and live for music.9. Because of different ways of thinking and writing songs, rock and pop songs also tell different stories.10. For example, love in a pop song is either good or bad, but in a rock song it can be both good and bad at

7、the same time.; / 淘宝内部优惠券 nry28ksq 北上一月余,黄河渡口显春色。)大白骡飞奔的步伐让耿正兄妹三人恰恰地赶上了头班渡船。临近年关了,天气也太冷,渡船上只搭载了差不多三成的客人。由于在上船之前已经没有时间祭奠白幺爹了,耿正就坐在船尾上拉了一段儿随心自创的二胡别离曲儿。与白家逝者的深深怀念和生者的永远别离,以及父子们南下创业以来所有往事的回忆,汇聚成太多太多的伤痛与感慨耿正此时拉出的二胡声儿,恰是耿家兄妹三人的心曲,既委婉动听,又催人泪下在这段儿委婉动听催人泪下的二胡声中,耿英和耿直往江里撒了一些纸钱,丢了一些点心糖果什么的。耿英一边撒纸钱一边含泪轻轻地说:“白幺爹




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