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1、Unit 4 My Neighbourhood Lesson 24 I Need a Map!Lead inListen and answer .Listen to the tape with the following questions: 1.Who wrote the letter? Brian did.2. What did they do on Monday? They walked to school .3. What happened to Brian yesterday?He got lost when he was going to meet Danny at the cin

2、ema. 常 识书信格式英语书信一般分三部分:称呼、正方、结束语(落款)。称呼对方可以用Dear, 结束语用Yours、Love等。信封的写法:收信人的姓名和地址写在信封中央或偏右下角, 发信人姓名和地址写在信封左上角,也可以在信封正面写收信人的姓名和地址,信封背面写发信人的姓名和地址。 语法知识分析(1)Is it easy to live in a new place? it作形式主语,真正的主语是to live in a new place. 它的结构是:It is +形容词+to do+其他, 意思是“做某事是的”e.g. Its good for you to learn Engli

3、sh well. 语法知识分析(2)Is it easy to live in a new place?住在一个新地方容易吗? “It+be+形容词+不定式”是一种常见句型,其中it是形式主语,不定式为实际上的主语。e.g. It is difficult to work with her. 和她一起共事很难。e.g. It is not easy to study English well. 要学好英语不容易。Language notes1. Im doing well. 用进行时态强调“一直,一向”2. get to know 强调“从不认识到认识的渐进过程” know “认识,了解,知道

4、”How did you get to know her? “ 注重过程”How do you know her? “含有意外、惊奇的意味”3. I will be glad when you come to see me.I will be glad/sad/ happy when 汉译英:Its easy/hard to do sth.1) 骑自行车很容易。Its easy to ride a bike. 2) 学好英语很难。Its hard to learn English well. 3) 住在一个新社区不总是很容易。It isnt always easy to live in a n

5、ew neighbourhood.汉译英: I will be glad/sad/ happy when 1) 她来北海,我会很高兴。I will be very glad when she comes to Beihai.2) 他不给我写信,我会很伤心。I will be very sad when he doesnt write to me.3) 你忘记我,我会不高兴。I will be sad when you forget me.Practice 单项选择 1. She works hard _ maths, so she does well _ it. A. in; at B. at

6、; in C. on; in D. at; on 2. Its very difficult _ the question. A. answer B. answers C. answering D. to answer 3. If you go on a trip, you had better _ a map in your bag. A. buy B. see C. give D. keep4. “Who found the ball in the room?” “_”. A.I found B. I find it C. I did D. I do5. How long does it

7、take_ the hospital? A. get to B. reach C. arrive at D. to reach6. I _ to Beijing when you get back. A. go B. went C. will go D. was going7. I will tell him when he _ tomorrow. A. come B. will come C. coming D. comesCorrect the mistakes:1. I am doing very good.2. I and Jenny walked to school on Monda

8、y.3. She showed her favourite places for me.4. Tomorrow Im going to ask Uncle David buy me a map.5. Thanksgiving was a lot of funs.6. I met all of my Canada cousins.7. I will be glad when you will come to Canada, too.very well _ Jenny and I _to funCanadian come_to buyHomeworkOne of your friends from another city is coming to see you. Write an e-mail to him or her givin


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