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1、显著性检测显著性简绍1传统的显著性检测方法2实验结果3CVPR论文整理4显著性简绍1显著性检测In the domain of psychology, efforts have been made in modeling the mechanism of human attention, including the learning of prioritizing the different bottom-up and top-down influences.In the domain of computer vision, efforts have been made in modeling

2、 the mechanism of human attention, especially the bottom-up attentional mechanism.Such a process is also called visual saliency detection.图像分割In computer vision, image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments (sets of pixels, also known as super-pixels). The

3、 goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze. Image segmentation is typically used to locate objects and boundaries (lines, curves, etc.) in images. More precisely, image segmentation is the process of

4、assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels with the same label share certain characteristics.例子传统的显著性检测方法2Itti教授及其学生Siagian等的研究工作.L. Itti, C. Koch, & E. Niebur .A model of saliency based visual attention for rapid scene analysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine I

5、ntelligence, 20(11):1254-1259, 1998.模拟生物体视觉注意机制的选择性注意算法。方法:特征提取-归一化-特征综合/显著度计算-显著性区域划分/兴趣点标定。显著值是像素点在颜色、亮度、方向方面与周边背景的对比值。Caltech 的J. Harel研究工作J. Harel, C. Koch, &P. Perona. Graph-based visual saliency. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 19:545-552, 2006.模型是在Itti的模型基础之上运用马尔可夫随机场的特点构建二

6、维图像的马尔可夫链,通过求其平衡分布而得到显著图算法步骤:特征的提取:与Itti 算法类似 显著图生成 :马尔可夫链方法 将低层视觉机理与数学计算融合Caltech 侯晓迪博士的研究工作Xiaodi Hou, Jonathan Harel and Christof Koch: Image Signature: Highlighting Sparse Salient Regions (PAMI 2012)基于空间频域分析的算法之一,显著图通过对剩余谱R(f)做傅里叶逆变换得到。剩余谱 R(f) 定义为其中,A(f)为原图二维傅里叶变换得到的频域空间,hn(f) 为局部平均滤波器(一般n取3) 复

7、旦大学Chenlei Guo, Liming Zhang的工作.Chenlei Guo, Qi Ma, Liming Zhang: Spatio-temporal Saliency detection using phase spectrum of quaternion fourier transform. CVPR 2008在Spectral Residual基础之上提出的,该方法通过计算图像的四元傅里叶变换的相位谱得到图像的时空显著性映射。事实上,图像的相位谱即图像中的显著性目标。图像中的每一个像素点都用四元组表示:颜色,亮度和运动向量。PQFT模型独立于先验信息,不需要参数,计算高效,适

8、合于实时显著性检测以色列理工大学L. Zelnik-Manor研究组的工作.S. Goferman, L. Zelnik-Manor, and A. Tal. Context-Aware Saliency Detection. CVPR 2010.这篇文章中,他们提出应当同时考虑局部信息和全局信息,例如注意力应该集中在某些特定区域而不是分散,距离视觉焦点更近的点容易被观察到等等,效果拔群。显著性实验结果3原始图像自下而上显著性检测自上而下显著性检测带标签数据集带标签数据集带标签数据集显著性分类和评价标准基于低层视觉特征没有基于任何生物视觉原理的纯数学计算方法将前两种进行融合的方法显著性分类和评

9、价标准考虑局部特征的考虑整体性的局部与整体结合的混合型显著性分类和评价标准定性分析 突出显著物体并一致高亮物体 精确符合物体边界定量分析 ROC曲线 测试精确度 算法速度抗噪能力CVPR论文整理42015年CVPR论文基于学习算法用带标签数据进行训练 基于概率传播模型的显著性检测方法使用稀疏编码 数据字典基于特定场景(应用)其他共19篇基于学习算法用带标签数据进行训练Saliency Detection by Multi-Context Deep LearningSalient Object SubitizingCo-saliency Detection via Looking Deep an

10、d WideObject Detection by Labeling SuperpixelsDeep Networks for Saliency Detection via Local Estimation and Global SearchVisual Saliency Based on Multiscale Deep Features基于概率传播模型的显著性检测方法Saliency Detection via Cellular AutomataSaliency Propagation from Simple to Difficult使用稀疏编码 数据字典Encoding based Sal

11、iency Detection for Videos and ImagesLabel Consistent Quadratic Surrogate Model for Visual Saliency PredictionA Weighted Sparse Coding Framework for Saliency DetectionHow many bits does it take for a stimulus to be salient?Dynamically Encoded Actions based on Spacetime Saliency其他Saliency-Aware Geode

12、sic Video Object segmentationSalient Object Detection via Bootstrap LearningRobust Saliency Detection via Regularized Random Walks RankingSALICON: Saliency in ContextTraditional Saliency Reloaded:A Good Old Model in New Shape2014年CVPR论文Adaptive Partial Differential Equation Learning for Visual Salie

13、ncy Detection用自适应偏微分方程做显著性Salient Region Detection via High-Dimensional Color Transform在高维空间颜色转化,训练特征, 然后转化,优化特征2014年CVPR论文Saliency Detection on Light Field 通过光场来做显著性Large-Scale Optimization of Hierarchical Features for Saliency Prediction in Natural Images 通过SVM训练数据集(MIT1003)2014年CVPR论文Learning opt

14、imal seeds for diffusion-based salient object detection优化特征,基于图论的显著性检测方法Time-Mapping Using Space-Time Saliency从高速帧中提取低速帧2013年CVPR论文Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach一个多特征自适应融合的显著性检测方法,将显著性分析看做回归问题,最终通过融合多层显著性区域得到显著性图Hierarchical Saliency Detection多尺度(层)显

15、著性检测2013年CVPR论文Submodular Salient Region Detection通过像素之间的相似性,基于图中节点关系的贪心搜索,找到显著性区域Saliency Aggregation: A Data-driven Approach多线索的自适应融合来进行显著性检测2013年CVPR论文Learning video saliency from human gaze using candidate selection视频显著性分析PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by Aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast


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