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1、环境保护环境污染中英文The earth is our home and we have duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. The world is changing all the time.The environment is getting worse and worse and it has affected our lives . However ,most of peole havent realised the importance of protecting environm

2、ent.地球我们生活的家园,我们有责任为了自己和子孙后代照顾好它。世界在不停变化,环境变得越来越糟,并且它已经影响了我们的生活。但是,大多数的人们并没有认识到保护环境的重要性。DIRECTORYThe first part pollution 第一部分:污染The second part damage 第二部分:危害The third part solution 第三部分:解决措施THE FIRST Pollution 污染Air Pollution【DIRECTORY】Air Pollution【DIRECTORY】空气污染又称大气污染Air pollution is also called

3、 the atmospheric pollution工业生产是大气污染的一个重要来源Industrial production is an important source of air pollution交通运输:汽车、火车、飞机、轮船是当代的主要运输工具,成为大城市空气的主要污染源之一Transportation: car、train、plane、 ship is the main means of transportation in the society ,Becoming one of the main sources of air pollution in major cities

4、Water Pollution【DIRECTORY】White Pollution【DIRECTORY】White Pollution【DIRECTORY】白色污染又称塑料污染White pollution refers to plastic pollution. It is a new member of pollution family.白色污染越来越严重了。因为有塑料袋生活更方便了,人们喜欢随时需要的时候用塑料袋。但结果却不令人愉快,因为人们不关心环保,他们随处乱扔用过的塑料袋。在这种环境下,污染很严重。 white pollution is more and more serious.

5、Because the life with the plastic bag is more easy ,people like using it whenever they need .But the result is not so pleasing,for people do not care about protecting the environment,They throw the used plastic bags everywhere.In such environment,the pollution is severe. THE SECOND damage 危害THE SECO

6、ND damage 环境污染的危害Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases .sometimes these diseases even take mans life.pollutedairalso doesgreatharmtopeopleshealth.污染对人类有害。水污染引起了多种疾病,有时候这些疾病甚至带走了人的生命。污染了的空气也对人类健康有害。【DIRECTORY】now the most urgent problem is air pollution in

7、 our country. THE THIRD solution 解决措施1.宣传:提高人们的认识,加强环保意识promotion: improve peoples awareness ,strengthen their environmental awarenesseverybodyshould work toward a common goal of making environment better,so that we can create a cleaner andlovelierworldforusandforthe coming generation.从身边的小事做起:身体力行We should plant more trees and flowers around us .We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.Whenever we see litter on the ground ,we should pick it up and throw it int


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