



1、2017暑期系统班之第二讲PPT内容预习版讲师:【Albin】【】【luobin-english】如何最大程度保证学习效果?六个字:今日事, 今日毕1 克服拖延症,提前预习做题【核心课讲义+课课练讲义】;2 提前到“课程资料”“课堂ppt预习版【提前1天上传】”,提前了解上课内容,提前做好讲义上没有的例句及知识点等笔记,同时注意个别ppt和讲义不同的地方,以ppt为主,在讲义上提前做好修改。3 认真听,紧跟老师思路,积极互动;过程积极做笔记,个别没跟上的部分课后补充;4课后及时复习,认真完成作业;有问题课下在班群给助教老师或【Albin】给我留言。以下内容结合核心课讲义第二讲做好预习,因为以下

2、有的内容是讲义内容,所以建议先把第二讲内容预习,题目做掉,再预习本ppt内容,提前做好笔记【可以写在笔记本/核心课第二讲讲义每页旁边的“课堂笔记”处】,这样听课更轻松,加油!高考核心词精讲ability【基本含义】n U/C 能力, 才能;技能, 本领 serve the people heart and soul【写作】我尽全力做好工作。I try to do my job to the best of my ability.absorb【基本含义】vt. 吸收;吸纳;合并;理解;吸引注意;使全神贯注【写作】当专注于工作时,他总是废寝忘食。When he is deeply absorbed

3、 in work, he always fets all about eating or sleng.acs【基本含义】n U 通道;入口;(接近/使用的) 方法, 机会, 权利 vt 到达;进入;使用vt (计算机)存取;【搭配】have/get acs to到达的方法或途径;利用/接近的权利或机会1It was really annoying; I couldnt get acs to the data byou hadmended.【写作】全世界有11亿人喝不到干净的饮用水。Across the world, 1.1 billion people have noacs to clean

4、drinking water.【变体】易得到的;易进入的;可接近的, 可利用的 acsibleComputers are still not easily acsible to people in some schools and neighborhoods.sible (to sb) /(be readily) available (to sb ) (某人)(容易/方便)接近/使用/获得.(be easily) account【基本含义】n/vt/vi 计数, 计算 vt 认为 When angry, count ten before you speak; if verbe / get /g

5、o on a course 修一门课程 trial n 尝试, 努力, 选拔赛ry, adred.【变体】n. 记述,解释,帐目 vt 认为 vi 报账, 说明, 解释 account Short accounts make long friends.【搭配】account for1. (数量. 比例上)占 2. 是的原因;解释/说明League members account for the majority of the students There are several reasons accounting for this trend.he class.achieve【基本含义】vt

6、 实现, 获得 vi 达到预期目的, 如愿以偿He sets low【写作】al standards and then consistently fail to achieve them.看到亲手种下的这一排排的树,大家都有一种成就感Seeing the lines of trees we hlanted, we all had a sense of achievement.ng作状语, 前后主语一致,和主语形成主动关系【同义词】plish vt 完成attain vt 获得, 到达(水 a man who will never)plish anything.The important thi

7、ng in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.acquire【基本含义】vt 获得, 取得, 学到【同义词】learn, get, obtain vt(努力后)得到, gain vt 获得, 赢得act【基本含义】n 行动, 行为 vt 扮演, 装作 vi 行动, 扮演, 表现, 假装, 起作用 act like a gentleman【变体】action active actively activity actor actress2【习语】三思而后行Think carefully before yo

8、u act. /Think twice before you act.adapt【基本含义】vt 使适应, 改编 vi 适应The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists world to himself.【写作】我难以适应城市生活。rying to adapt theI had difficulty adapting myself to lifehe city.adjust【基本含义】vt 调整, 使适合 vi 调整, 适应【写作】你应该尽快适应新环境You have to adjus

9、t/adapt yourself as soon assible to the new environment.admit【基本含义】vt 承认, 准许进入, 可容纳, 接纳, 招收 vi 承认, 容许词组互译在缺乏的情况下偶然地;意外地完成计划指控某人对入迷足够预先;事先承担得起he absence of by accidentplish ones planaccuse sb. of (be addicted tong) sth.be adequate for sth. in advanceafford to do sth.9. 就达成一致;商定agree on10. 达成协议,达成一致意见 reach/arrivee to an agreement考虑到,体谅考虑到;顾及,体谅采纳建议违背自己的意愿除之外全部放弃计划allow formake allowan take advice) for sb.be against ones will all butabandon the plan17. 帮助with t


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