



1、四川省达州市东柳中学2022-2023学年高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Her clothing I cant recall. Her voice, _ , is permanently imprinted in my mind.A. for another B. but C. while D. on the other hand参考答案:D2. Children who are not active or _diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.A.what B.whose C. Which D.that参考答案:B3. T

2、he flowers _sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A. smells B. smelling C. being smelled D. smelt参考答案:B考查非谓语动词。句意:花园里散发着花香的鲜花把很多游客吸引到大自然的美景中来。此处是非谓语短语作定语,smell是系动词和被修饰名词flowers之间是主动关系,用现在分词。故选B。4. Does the idea of working abroad _ you? Yes, but I have no chance.A. lead to

3、B. adapt to C. appeal to D. contribute to参考答案:C5. All the rooms are air-conditional and beautifully decorated, thus _ a warm and comfortable atmosphere.A. to create B. create C. creating D. which create参考答案:C略6. We _ our homework when someone knocked at the door.A. did B. were doing C. have done D.

4、do 参考答案:B7. Will he attend the concert tonight?No, the wont, because he _ for an important competition.A. prepared B. was preparing C. has been preparing D. has prepared参考答案:C25. He missed _ gold in the high jump, but will get _ second chance in the long jump. A. the; a B. 不填; a C. the; the D. a; 不填

5、参考答案:A略9. Another drug that has helped improve peoples health is penicillin, _ is _ by many _ one of the most important medicines.A. which, considered, being B. that, considering, beenC. that, to consider, being D. which, considered, to be参考答案:D10. Im sorry I cant go to your party tonight.- _? Haven

6、t we agreed on it?A. What is itB. Why dont you C. What do you think D. How is it参考答案:D11. In this library, you can use your own computer to connect to Wi-Fi speciallyfor readers.A. preparingB. to prepareC. preparedD. prepare参考答案:C12. We all _ to the eighty-year-old man, wishing him a happy birthday.

7、A. raised the glassB. raised our glassesC. sent our glasses D. gave the glass参考答案:B13. What did you say to your sister? I saw her crying in the room. It _ my fault. I just said hello to her when I met her, nothing else.A. must have been B. cant have beenC. oughBtnt to be D. should have been 参考答案:14.

8、 Is it, in your opinion, possible new measures will be taken to improve the terrible traffic?A. whether B. that C. when D. what参考答案:B15. Leave your key with your neighbor _you lock yourself out one day. A. as long as B. even though C.in case D. as if参考答案:C略27. Its a fine Chinese tradition that the y

9、oung are _ to the elders.A. respected B.respectable C. respective D. respectful参考答案:D略二、 书面表达17. 你校“中学生园地”就“中学生参加社会实践的必要性”向你征稿,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的认识。词数100左右。提示: 1、把课堂知识和实践结合起来,了解社会;2、能学到许多课堂上学不到的东西,获得经验;3、激励学生更努力学习,适应社会需要,为将来做好准备;_参考答案:Students in high schools must have social practice. The purpos

10、e of doing it is to put the knowledge we learn in class into practice and get to know society. Social practice can bring us into touch with many people and help us learn what cant be learned in class. We can gain some experience as well. Through social practice, we know it is very important for us t

11、o master science and technology and we are encouraged to study harder to meet the needs of the highly developed society. We young people are the future of the world. Social practice can help us to make good preparations for the future. So I think it is necessary for us to have social practice.三、 阅读理

12、解18. Honesty is the best policy. We may agree that admitting mistakes and behaving in a genuine way is the right way to lead our lives, but is there something in our human nature that makes us immoral? For example, in some shops and car parks you can find an honesty box a box where you pay for somet

13、hing by putting money in it but it relies on you putting the right amount of cash in. This relies on people being honest and not trying to cheat but it does provide a temptation to get away with not paying the full amount.Philip Graves, a psychologist, suggests that this temptation is part of our ev

14、olution. He says, “We have evolved with the ability to be dishonest. Its part of our evolutionary psychological make-up because if we can gain an advantage over the people around us, we have a greater chance of surviving.”So why do we place such importance on being honest if we benefit from being di

15、shonest? Its because it is selfish behavior. If everybody acted selfishly and dishonestly all the time, the world would be a very unpleasant place. As Philip Graves says, “There is a balance to strike between the extent to which we can feather our own nest, so to speak, and the risk of being ostraci

16、zed (排斥) by the group.” So, for societies to work together we need to trust each other and therefore we need to be honest.Being trustworthy with money is of course vital for an economy to survive. But being honest with words is another matter, saying what we think to someone can get us into hot wate

17、r. However, a new anonymous messaging app has been designed that lets anyone with a link to your profile (简介) send you a message without knowing who its from. The app now has 300 million users which perhaps indicates how honest we really like to be but in all honesty, do you want to know what people think about you? Is honesty always the best policy?5.What does an honesty box require people to do?A.Get the change out of it freely.B.Put the correct amount of money in it.C.Donate the pocket money to others.D.Pay a larger amount of money.6.According to Philip Grav


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