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1、一、动作描写 Part1 身体动作 1.点头,面部运动 nodded ones head up and down 上下点头 shake shook shaken ones head from side to side 左右摇头 lift/ raise ones head and look at my eyes straight 抬起头看着我 bow/ droop/lower /hang / hung bend/ bent ones head 低头 give sb. a determined nod 坚定地点点头 smile at/ beam at sb 朝某人微笑 give sb. a rea

2、ssuring /encouraging smile 投给某人一个安慰的/鼓励的微笑 give/ manage/ force /squeeze a weak smile 强颜欢笑 laugh from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴 1) He came up, with his head bowed. With his head down他低着头走了上来。 2)His head didnt droop(低垂) and his eyes were brighter than usual 3)Pam sat in the corner with his head hung down (头低着

3、) 4)His jaw dropped in amazement.他下巴惊讶得掉下来 5)The smile froze(僵住) on his face; his mouth fell wide open 6)we nodded our heads in agreement, understanding each other favorably 一、动作描写 Part1 身体动作 1. Our mouths dropped openin surprise.我们惊奇地张大了嘴。2. He straightened up and looked at me, open-mouthed.他直起身,目瞪

4、口呆地看着我。3. She froze, her mouth hanging open.她呆住了,嘴张开着。4. His mouth widened to a smile.他的咧开嘴笑了。5. She opened her mouth to say something.她张开嘴要说什么。1. The firm lips pouted in a sulk.紧闭的双唇因为生闷气撅了起来。(pout: 撅 sulk: 闷气)2. He shrugged and pouted his lips.他耸耸肩,撅起嘴唇。4. She pouted prettily at him.她冲他撅着嘴,样子很可爱。(

5、注意: pout 既可以做及物,也可以作不及物动词。)1. Our mouths dropped openin sHer mouth grew stiff with pain and distress.疼痛和悲伤让她嘴巴发僵。五、嘴笑 (smile 和 a smile play on/over /around/across ) 1He smiled his admiration. 他用微笑表达了赞美。2. I came out of my reflection and, smiling respect and recognition, asked his address for keeping

6、 in further touch. 我从沉思中恢复过来,笑着表达了我的尊重与首肯,并且问他地址,以便进一步 联系。3. A smile played around his mouth.他的嘴上闪过一丝笑意。(这里play 作“闪过”意)4. He tilts his head to one side, intrigued, a hint of a smile playing on/across/over his lips.他把头侧向一边,他有点好奇,嘴唇上闪过一丝微笑。(该处playing是独立分词结构) Her mouth grew stiff with pain 六、嘴笑 (beam )

7、(beam 为书面语,有“发光发热”之意,表示“笑”,即喜形于色地笑,满脸堆笑。beam的用法就类似与smile, 多为不及物动词,搭配beam at sb; 但也可以作及物动词,表示:用笑表达)1.“What a beautiful picnic!” my father beams.“多么美妙的野餐啊。”父亲笑容满面地说。2. He beamed with pleasure at seeing her. 看到她,他眉开眼笑。3. He beamed his approval of the new idea.他微笑表示赞同这个新主意 六、嘴笑 (beam )(beam 为书面语,有“发光发对话

8、的3种表现形式1. 对话标签在前She said,“I would like to go with you, but I havent finished my homework.”2. 对话标签在后“I would like to go with you, but I havent finished my homework.”She said.3. 对话标签在句子中间“I would like to go with you,”she said, “but I havent finished my homework.”对话的3种表现形式三让你的对话标签不平庸的小技巧在对话标签中加入语气,嗓音,情

9、感以及伴随动作,让你的描写更生动传神。 “I would love to,” said Emily in a pleasant tone. 愉悦的语气用.的语气 in a/an+形容词+tone如: in a pleasant愉悦的/firm坚定的/rude粗鲁的/sad悲伤的 tone也可以用 in a tone of +名词的搭配 如:in a tone of surprise/curiosity/impatience/regret/command命令/sarcasm讽刺 “I didnt mean to,” she murmured in a low voice. 小声地说道用.的声音

10、in a/an+形容词+voice如: in a high /low / sweet/loud/soft /weak voice“I.I. dont think Im right for the part,”I replied with embarrassment.“I will never do that again,” I answered firmly坚定地.=Firmly,I answered,“I will never do that again.”可将副词提到句首用介词短语或者副词来表达情感介词短语有:in: in surprise/shock/sorrow伤心/horror害怕

11、with: with delight /excitement /embarrassment /pride /caution/care/patience/certainty坚定 等等 副词有:firmly/excitedly/seriously/sincerely/slowly/regretfully等等三让你的对话标签不平庸的小技巧“Well,”said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat of the back of his neck. 此处在说的动作后,紧跟了as引导的状语从句,翻译成“一边,一边”。他一边擦脖子后面的汗水一边说“好啊。”“I want t

12、hat one,”the boy said, pointing to the little dog.= Pointing the little dog, the boy said, “I want that one.”此处在说的动作后,紧跟了doing的非谓语结构,表伴随。The farmer picked up the dog, knelt down and said in a soft voice, “Its yours now.”=The farmer picked up the dog and knelt down, saying, “Its yours now.”此处是拿起狗,蹲下并

13、温柔地说的三个并列动作,可以用并列谓语,也可以用第二条中的非谓语。 With her head down/With tears in her eyes, she said, “Sorry.”小结:在说的同时,可以加入伴随动作,即说话的同时(自己/别人)在做什么,用动作描写来辅助对话。可以用as引导的从句,非谓语,并列谓语以及with的复合结构。“Well,”said the farmer, as h那表示“说”的具体词汇有哪些呢?下面是读后续写中常用的各种各样的“说”。1. 喊叫: shout大喊;scream尖叫;yell大喊;exclaim惊叫(因高兴、愤怒、痛苦、惊讶等发生的喊叫);cr

14、y out喊叫;call喊叫如:He yelled at her, “You are an idiot傻瓜.”2. 问与答: ask询问;reply回复;answer回答;如:She answered in a firm tone, “That doesnt matter.”3. 建议:propose;suggest;offer如:She offered, “How about going to the beach this weekend?”4. 其他的说:add补充说道= continue继续说道; retort反驳道; explain解释道; state陈述道; protest抗议道;s

15、ob哭诉道;agree同意地说;comfort安慰道;promise承诺道;assure保证道;insist坚持说;announce宣布道; mumble/whisper/murmur/grunt嘟囔;stammer/stutter结巴地说如:After a slight pause, she added, “Thank you.”James comforted her, “Dont worry about your son.” “S-s-sorry,” she stammered, “I didnt mean to hurt you.” 那表示“说”的具体词汇有哪些呢?下面是读后续写中常用的

16、各种各1)She greeted James and inquired(问),“ Are you ready? James didnt respond 2)“Here,Mum! Here! Tony exclaimed as he waved wildly in the crowd 3) My teammates were all screaming as they dashed(冲向) toward the finishing line 4) The stadium got really noisy at that time, with everybody shouting at the t

17、op of his voice 5) The last words came out in an eager rush(蹦出来) 6) He looked at me, biting his lips(咬着嘴唇),as if thinking. 1)She greeted James and inquir Group 21)they let out a surprisingly loud voice. 2)He murmured(低声说) a thank you and ran home all the way. 3) He interrupted the silence with an an

18、nouncement “The deadline to enter for he competition is tomorrow.” 4) I was getting ready to blow out all the candles and she is getting ready to help me in case I ran out of air. “Time to go. I whispered to the girl, wishing she could follow me right away. 5)A young man came to the police station,s

19、urrounded by a group of journalists, declaring that he had spotted the murderer. 6) I was laughing and panting(喘气), trying to keep up(追上) when I was tripped over(绊倒)by a stone 7) Scolded by the teacher, I bit my lip to stop myself crying out(咬着嘴唇不让自己哭出来)/ I swallowed hard against threatening tears(我

20、强忍住眼泪) Group 2 4.动“手”,手部运动 clap ones hands 拍手 put one s hands on 找到 hold sth. tight in ones hand 手里紧紧拽着 dive into ones pocket 手伸进口袋/ pat / slap sb. on the back 拍某人的背 signal/ wave sb. to be quiet 示意某人安静 be on ones hands and knees 四肢着地 hug sb. tightly 紧紧抱住某人 fumble for(到处、手忙脚乱)摸索 follow his pointing f

21、inger 顺着他指着的方向看过去 1)He patted my head, and inquired “ Is there anything particular you want?” 2)He was squeezing my wrist so hard that it ached.紧紧地捏着我的手胞,疼得厉害。 3)She stroked(抚摸) her fingers through my hair,and said:“ Of course there is a Santa Clause.” 4)He reached into his pocket and withdrew/produ

22、ced(拿出) a note. 5)She didnt say a word, but smiled a watery smile and held my hand tightly 6)Wanting to appear agreeable(和蔼可亲的),I bent down, picked up the ball and, eyes half-shut, threw it back as hard as I could 4.动“手”,手部运动各种“拥抱” 1)Stunned/Shocked/, I stood up and gave her an awkward hug/hugged he

23、r in an awkward way 2)dumbfounded and speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.说不出话来,她灿烂地笑着,把儿 子抱在怀里。 3)She came over and threw her arms round her smiling father(双臂抱住微笑的父亲)各种“拥抱” 各种“鼓掌” 1)the whole class burst out clapping and cheering./The whole class was filled with thun

24、derous applause.全班爆发 出热烈的掌声和欢呼声 2)The stadium exploded with yells of disbelief.体育场里爆发出难以置信的欢呼声 3)the class clapped warmly as Mr. Lee presented me with the reward. 4) A thunderous applause burst out. 5) People broke into a storm of applause. 6) Mr. Smith made a main speech and received nearly30 round

25、s of warm applause. 7) The announcement of the election won a burst of long and warm applause. 8) There are winning waves of applause 9) Cheers and applause took over the whole room 10)The experts really deserve a big round of applause for their efforts to constantly make progress in the AI field 11

26、) Everyone started to clap their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening. 12) A polite ripple of applause accompanied the chairwoman as she approached the stage. 当女主席走近舞台时, 一阵礼貌的掌声伴随着她 各种“鼓掌” 1)the whole class burst5. 动“脚”,脚部运动 stamp one s feet 跺脚 jump/ bounce/ leap up

27、and down 上蹿下跳 slip upstairs/ shoot downstairs 溜到楼上/飞奔下楼 4 sneak/slip/ steal into 偷偷溜进 stagger/ struggle/rise/ jump to ones feet 站起来 kneel down 跪下 A hot pain shot through my leg 一阵剧痛急速穿过我的腿。 各种站 1)they all just stood there staring at me, motionless(不动地) 2 She planted her feet firmly in front of me.她坚

28、定地站在我面前。 3) For a moment I just stood there, paralyzed(呆若木鸡) 4)I stood rooted to the ground, my mind going blank. 我站在那里一动不动,脑子一片空白5. 动“脚”,各种“走”: 1) (With a sinking heart, )He/he dragged his heavy legs back home, tired out 2)He stepped onto the stage nervously, not daring to look at the audience. 3)H

29、e stole into/slipped away the classroom from the back door with no one noticing him. 4) Disappointed and frustrated, the poor man made his way back to his family. 5)Then Lisa stood up and made her way through the crowd toward me 6) The player lost his balance, staggered back and toppled over. 这个运动员失

30、去了平衡,向后趔趄摔倒了 7)she slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window. 她溜下床,踮起脚尖走向窗户 8 One of them approached and asked politely if I would throw the ball back to him.各种“走”: 各种“跑”: 1)The boy ran about in the house restlessly.那男孩在屋里不安地跑来跑去。 2)The minion made a rush for the door and escaped from the scene.小

31、黄人向门冲去,逃离了现场。 3)He ran/rushed down the street, trembling with great panic. 4)Racing home, Tom burst through the front door. 5) The elderly man fled away with great panic.老人惊恐地逃走了。 6) He rushed to the front door, trembling with excitement.各种“跑”: 6.动“身”,身体运动 1)she felt asleep and dreamed of seeing Tom

32、 2)They are sitting outside in the cool night on a wooden porch门廊, talking quietly 3)The little girl slowly pushes herself on the swing(秋千) 4) Suddenly a tall figure dressed in a dark coat appeared before me. 5) Death spoke with a threatening voice, and disappeared 6) In a flash my friend was in the

33、 car and gone disappearing in a cloud of dust 7)I suddenly found myself in a large room where thousands of candles were burning. 8) Once I was on the bus, I crouched in(蜷缩) a seat and shut my eyes 9)I tossed and turned in bed. Finally, I drifted off to sleep.我在床上辗转反侧,最终迷迷糊糊地睡着了 10)The dog was curled

34、 up(蜷缩) on the floor ,trembling in his sleep.6.动“身”,身体运动 Part2 大脑动作 Group1 1) These events constantly remind me of my fathers absence 2)I immediately picture/imagine him walking through the door, wearing a shining smile. 5 3)At that very moment, he wondered whether he would be sentenced to death for

35、 killing people 4) He was determined to tell people the truth, but his voice was carried away in the wind 5) Realizing the police had arrested the wrong person he gathered the great courage to expose the real criminal 意识到警察抓错了人,他鼓起勇气揭发了真正的罪犯 6) Somehow I got the idea that it would be fun to waken my father by shouting to his ear 7)Then I tried to figure out what I should do next 8) There was nothing I co


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