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1、Headline 新闻标题是新闻不可分割的重要组成部分, 也是学习者阅读报刊英语的第一步,很多读者首先碰到的难题是标题。报刊的标题要高度概括新闻的基本内容,而且要吸引读者的眼球,所以要制作的标新立异和富有色彩。 背景文化的原因,也会给读者造成理解上的困难。 遣词造句又一套独特的语法体系和标题词汇。,标题时态 新闻一般是新近发生的事实报道,所叙述的是已经发生或刚刚发生的事情,按英语语法的动词时态规则,应该使用过去时态或现在完成事态。但是,为了给读者一种新鲜感和现实感,虽然事情已经过去,在标题中却广泛的使用动词的一般现在时。 A Ground War Begins Simple Life Come

2、s Back Earthquake Rocks Mexico Judge Issues KKK Restraint,但是对于在过去某一时间发生的事情或强调是过去发生的事情或状态,或者表明事情的一先一后,标题中的动词就不用现在时而使用一般过去时。 Lennon Gave an Interview on Final Day Thatcher Tells Why She Fired Minister Officer Testifies Woman Said Tony Shot at Her,标题时态表达第三种形式是用动词不定式表达将来行为。英语通常是用“be+动词不定式”来表达未来计划、安排和规定要

3、发生的事。由于be的省略,便造成动词不定时直接表达未来的动作或状态的情况。 U.S. to Sell Jet Planes to Taiwan Husband to Sue Wife Bank Staff to Get Pay Increase U.S. And Egypt to Sign Contract Cuban Officials to Visit Paris,用现在分词表示正在进行的动作。现在进行时的表达方式使be的现在式+现在分词,由于标题中的be经常省略,因而产生现在分词直接表示进行的动作和发展中的状态。 India Mending Fences Opposition to Ta

4、x Increase Growing Living Costs Going Up Dynasty Needing a Stronger Cast Ten Forces Reshaping America,标题句法 省略是新闻标题的一大特点。标题写作是语言省略和浓缩的过程。新闻撰写人员和编辑为了使标题简短有力,常常略去某些成分和词语,初读报刊的人往往感到理解困难。新闻标题语言省略主要有以下几种形式。,省略冠词 Actor in Crash U K Announces First Test Tube Baby Why Congress Doesnt Work?,省略助动词 Dissenter Fr

5、eed From Labor Camp War Games Planned 600 Tapped By Fire for 4 Hours Boy on Cliff Rescued,省略联系动词 Labor Leadership Options Still Open Bankers Silent Cops under Fire Farms under the Gun,省略动词 Beef Prices Up Again Tube Strikes Off Arafat to Reagan: “We Are Still Here.” Troops Out,省略连词、代词 Woman Kills Hus

6、band, Self Anne and Baby Are Well Kings, Sheik Rap US, USSR Volunteer, Terrorist Killed in an Ambush,使用名词定语,省略前置词 Bread Price Rise (A Rise in the Price of Bread) Police Brutality (The Brutality of Police) Sharp Refugee Rise (Sharp Rise in Arrivals of Refugees) Nuke Protesters Convicted (Protesters a

7、gainst Nuclear Weapons Are Convicted),使用名词短语、动名词短语 New Nuclear Age Electronic Mail Reuniting the Flock Exorcising an Old Demon,标题常用修辞手段 仿词是新闻标题写作中比较经常使用的修辞手段,通常是套用名词、典故、谚语和文学著作之名,产生明快犀利、生动幽默的表达效果。 Liberty is the mother of invention (necessity is the mother of invention) A tale of two hearts (a tale

8、of two cities) Great leap outward (great leap forward) Gatt and Agriculture: Plough shares into Swords (借用谚语:swords into plough shares干戈化玉帛)关贸协定与农业:玉帛化干戈 The Silence of the Goats (The Silence of the Lamb沉默的羔羊) A Tale of Two Superpowers (文学名著A Tale of Two Cities双城记),比喻,使报到事件具体形象,鲜明突出。 The Open Barn D

9、oor 比喻美国科技情报容易获得; A House In Two Parts 比喻英语加拿大和法语加拿大之间缺乏牢固地联系; A Ground War Begins比喻总统竞争开始; An Afghan Joan Of Arc把一位17岁的阿富汗女战士比喻成圣女贞德,韵词,包括头韵和尾韵,旨在造成声色效果,渲染气氛,引起注意和兴趣。 Soldiers Salaries Soar士兵薪水剧增; Fad Fashion, Phenomenon爱好、流行、现象 Buzz, Buzz, Its the Fuzz嗡嗡,嗡嗡,是监测器在嗡嗡 Young Wheelers, Big Dealers 驾驶摩托

10、的小青年,保险公司的大主顾 Whos Near to Reagans Ear?里根最爱听谁的?,双关语,常常在报刊带讽刺性和谐趣性的报道的标题中使用,以增加风趣和效果。 Woes of the weekend jock周末缓跑,烦恼不少,jock与jog谐音; a new harvest of troubles农产品丰收,问题成堆 harvest 还有后果的意思 soccer kicks off with violence足球开踢,拳打脚踢 kick既表示球赛开始由表示拳打脚踢,成语,通俗易懂,活泼形象。 Carlo Ponti in Hot Water Again 卡洛庞悌再陷困境; Ref

11、ugees in Dire Straits深处极度困难的难民; Union Call to Strike Falls on Deaf Ears工会号召罢工,工人不予理睬,Grieve Today, Mayor Says, and Then Grasp Tomorrow Stake, Shares and Digestible Poison Pills Blown-away Hopes Indonesia, Terrors Latest Front Can He Do a Deng? Traders, Dealers and Survivors Catching the Asian Flu No

12、 Bill, No Bell,Game together,Nobel Hired As Advisor A Lincoln Climbs to Top in Elitist S. Korea Free Fall Smarter Bombs Still Hit Civilians As More Crime Invades the Shopping Malls He Haves and the Have-nots Bridge Over an Infamous Wall Now the New New Europe,The Sun Sets for Last Time Airbus Tries

13、to Fly in New Formation (The)bankers (Keep) Silent As (The) Dollar Falls (A) Cold and Rainy Day (Is) Expected (The) Forecast of Mexican Quake (Is) Accurate, but (It Is ) Ignored (A) Tourist (Is) Arrested for Espionage Charges,HK Election for NPC Deputies Doing Smoothly (NPC: National Peoples Congres

14、s) Togo Pm Strives to Solve Crisis (Pm: Prime Minister) Nato to Seek New Secretary General (Nato: North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Us Seeks MIAS(MIAS: Missing in Action) NYC, DC Still Feel Tragedys Void (NYC: New York City , DC: Washington D.C.),Bushs Veto of MFN Bill Welcome (MFN: Most Favored N

15、ation) Easier Access to Forex(foreign Exchange) Indian Govt Seeks Court Opinions on Election (Govt: Government) Agro Exporters Seek Increased Quotas (Agro: Agricultural),The Economic Slide Wall Street Takes a Dive Soccer Kicks off With Violence Ice Cream Stands Out Health Survey: New Yorkers Fitter,

16、 Slimmer Kissinger: Sino-us Ties Crucial WTO Chief: China a Responsible Country Militants Kill 29; Weak Peace Shattered,Yeltsin in Hospital Again After the Boom Everything Is Gloom Middle East: a Cradle of Terror Russian Reform Old Wine in New Bottle What We Want, What We Need A Vow to Zip His Lips

17、Crying Over Unsold Milk,lead 新闻导语的五个“W”和一个“H” 有时导语过于简洁,记者会在第二段里交待相对次要的内容,即副导语。 标题是对导语的浓缩和提炼。导语是标题的扩展,Game together,Tehran an Iranian journalist, Simon Farzami, has been executed in Tehran for spying for the u.s. embassy and working for late shahs secret police, friends said Friday. New Delhi, India

18、close on the heels of a missile test by neighboring Pakistan, India on Friday tested its most sophisticated surface-to-air missile from a remote testing range on the countrys eastern coast, a news agency said.,HOUSTON Andrew s. Fastow, the alleged financial mastermind behind the Enron corp. scandal,

19、 turned himself over to the FBI on Wednesday to face criminal charges that he pocketed millions of dollars while orchestrating a maze of illegal partnerships and secret deals. An explosion at an apartment block in northwestern Brussels killed four people and injured 14 early yesterday, police said.,

20、World Bank Ready to Commit $2 Bin for New Mexico Projects Washington, Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) the world bank said it is ready to commit 2$billion this year to help strengthen Mexicos commercial bank, bolster social programs and build the countrys private sectors.,India Test Missile a Threat to Stability

21、Washington(AFP) the united states was “very concerned” about Indias test-firing of an intermediate-range ballistic missile, fearing it could undermine stability in the region, a white house spokesman said.,Continental, flight attendants settled Los Angeles- a tentative agreement was reached today to

22、 end a 10-day strike against continental airlines by its flight attendants, the airlines announced.,拼缀词 Amerindian是由American 和Indian剪裁复合而成的拼缀词。在现代英语中,这类拼缀词日渐增多。从形态结构上看,拼缀词大致可分为以下几类:,前次首部+后词尾部 例如:botel=boat+hotel;汽艇游客旅馆 chunnel=channel+tunnel;海底隧道lunacast=lunar+telecast;登月电视广告 前词全部+后词尾部 例如:jazzothequ

23、e=jazz+discotheque;爵士音乐夜总会 Reaganomics=Reagan+ economics;里根的经济政策 workfare=work+ welfare;工作福利 前词首部+后词全部 例如:helipad=helicopter+pad直升飞机升降场;medicare=medical+care医疗照顾;telescript=television+script电视广播稿 前词首部+后词首部 例如:psywar= psychological+ warfare心理战; sitcom=situation+comedy情景喜剧;humint=human+intelligence间谍情

24、报,前置定语 前置定语是精炼句式的有效手段,在现代英语中使用频率日趋增加。由于它可以浓缩结构,节约篇幅,深的新闻写作人员的青睐。美国专栏作家约翰 利奥曾在他一篇新闻语言评论文章中称前置定语为“新闻语言的基本成分”(meat and potatoes)。 前置定语可分为以下六类:,名词短语作前置定语,例如:long-fiber food长纤维食物; a dead-end job没有奔头的工作; no- more-excuse mood不愿再听借口的情绪; a no-frills car没有虚饰的汽车; a carrot-and-stick policy; a four-room flat 形容词

25、短语作前置定语,例如:a black-andwhite film黑白电影; once-poor farmers曾经受穷的农民; fire-proof materials防火材料; crystal-clear water清澈的水; a decade-long shortage十年的短缺;winter-weary Canadians厌倦冬天的加拿大人; fail-safe system 动词短语作前置定语,例如:a stand-up meeting立着开的会议; start-up costs开创所付出的代价; a go-with-the-stream person随波逐流的人; a do-it y

26、ourself repair自己动手修理,前置词短语作前置定语,例如:on-the-spot investigation现场调查;on-the-job problems工作时所出的问题; off-campus rent校园外住房租金;in-flight skyjacking飞行途中的劫持;under-counter deals台面下的交易;on-site service现场服务 分词短语作前置定语,a burnt-out teacher心灰意懒的教师; turned-on audience激动的观众;a land-based missile陆基导弹;flood-stricken region洪

27、水袭击的地区 句子作前置定语,例如:a papa-knows-best family爸爸说了算的家庭; a seeing-is-believing attitude眼见为实的态度; a running-away-is-the-best strategy走为上计,习语活用,节缩:把原习语缩短使用。 例如:and in Cincinnati, a mall group of peaceniks will settle for tongue-in-cheek protest. (to speak with ones tongue in ones cheek) Employers foster nos

28、e-to-grindstone strategies. (keep ones nose to the grindstone),扩展: Many government-sponsored agencies are now jumping on the exercise bandwagon and coaxing reluctant spectators to join the fun. (jump on the bandwagon) Inside Rosalyns velvet glove is a stainless steel hand. (the iron hand in the velv

29、et glove),套用: The Libyan strongman (Kaddaffi) flashed hot and cold (blow hot and cold反复无常) Salaries did increase. But so did inflation, rivalry in the workplace and the race to “keep up with the wangs”. (keep up with the Joneses同等阶级的人),拆用: They have produced a mountain of high-sounding resolve and a

30、 molehill of results (make a mountain out of a molehill.),官方英语 官方英语,特别是官僚英语常常官气十足,矫揉造作。“一棵树”(a tree)会被说成”a reforestation unit”; “未完成”(not yet finished)会说成是“in the early state of finalization”; “在 之前”(before)会说成“prior to”“取得某一看法”(get an idea)会说成“secure an idea”。官方语言也常常是含糊其词,欲盖弥彰。辐射释放radiation release

31、会说成能量释放energy release;撤退会说成阵线调整an adjustment of the front;少数民族贫民区ghetto说成内城区inner city;原子弹说成反人类武器antipersonnel weapon;中子弹neutron bomb说成清洁弹clean bomb 用词特点是偏爱大词,空词。,例如:modificationchange; optimizemake the best use of; subsequent toafter; causative factorcause; initiate a projectbegin a project; exerci

32、se optionsmake choices; a substantial segment of the populationmany people; interpose an objectionobject; comprising numerous agricultural unitsmade up of many farms; effectuate/ implement a policycarry out a policy,特别喜欢用委婉语。例如:grey areaarea with low employment; sanitation engineerjanitor; landscape

33、rgardener; visual surveillancespying; normalization of relations between the two countriesrecognition of a foreign government 句法特点是喜欢用长句、复句、倒装句、被动语句、双重否定 新闻刊物在引用官方人士讲话时难免出现官方语言。同时还必须指出有些记者文风上也受官方英语的影响,所写出来的文章会出现官腔官调。,Special Terms,Along with the development of the psychology in the west world, many

34、new terms emerged that is so called as Freudian English. In the modern western society, the status of psychology enhanced a lot, so did the psycho terms, which were gradually turned into common words. For example:,repression(压抑); mentality(心理,思想); trauma(创伤); ambivalence(矛盾心理); Freudian slip(说话时漫不经心说漏嘴的错误); inferiority complex(自卑感


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