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第七条公司一切支付。八年级英语第二单元重点短语。初二英语上册Unit 8 Where did you go on vacation。What’s the matter。How do you make a banana milk shake。八年级上Unit8试卷。

八年级上册英语第Tag内容描述:<p>1、八年级英语期中考试卷 第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分 30 分) .关键词语选择: 你将听到 5 个句子,请选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读 两遍。 1. A. famous B. false C. fair 2. A. singing B. cycling C. sightseeing 3. A. round B. along C. around 4. A. quickly B. quietly C. luckily 5. A. pick up B. walk up C. tidy up .短对话理解: 你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请选出一个最佳选项。 每段对话读两遍。 6. What will the weather probably be like this afternoon ? 7. What does Edward like collecting。</p><p>2、3.动词rest=have a rest休息 believe=think相信 get+adj.变得 get得到 stay待在哪里 stay+adj.=keep保持 hear过去式heard听见(后面可以接宾语从句) shoud情态动词后面动词原形.4.连词until=till直到之时(连时间状语从句)如:I usually study late until two at night 1)连接点时间/he comes back 2)连接从句 Notuntil直到才 如:I didnt go to bed until my mother come back yesterday.5.代词so可以当所以讲而当这样是代词.如:I think so. everybody=everyone 不定代词定语复数短语7)lie down and rest躺下来休息8)hot tea with hone。</p><p>3、出纳人员对各项货款及费用的支付,应将本支票或现金交付受款人或厂商,本公司人员不得代领,如因特殊原因必需由本公司人员代领者,需经财务经理核准。第七条公司一切支付,应以处理合法、合规的发票或凭证为依据,任何要求先行支付后补手续者均应予拒绝。第八条支付款项应在传票上签署领款人印鉴,付讫后加盖付讫章及经手人戳记。第九条本公司支付款项的付款程序,悉依照下列步骤办理。原始凭证的审核:国内采购、工程发包款:应根据统一发票、普通凭证,以及收到货物、设备的验收单并附请购单经有关部门经理签章证明及核准,公司财务经理。</p><p>4、八年级英语第二单元重点短语第一话题短语1 感冒 have a bad cold 2 咳嗽 have a cough3 背疼 have a backache4 牙疼 have a toothache5 眼睛疼 have sore eyes6 胃疼 have a stomachache7 看医生/牙医 see a doctor/dentist8 休息 take a rest/have a rest9 在晚上 at night10 大量 plenty of 11 开水 boiled water12 呆在床上 stay in bed 13 提重物 lift heavy things14 日日夜夜 day and night15 想要 feel like doing 16 躺下 lie down17 加蜂蜜的热茶 hot tea with honey18 照顾 take care of/look after 19 刷牙 brush ones teeth 2。</p><p>5、最新2013版八上Unit1-Unit5英语单元知识要点复习 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? (谈论假期生活,一般过去时) Unit 2 How often do you exercise? (谈论生活习惯,一般现在时) Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. (谈论事物对比, 形容词比较级) Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? (谈论事物比较,形容词最高级) Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? (谈论内心想法,一般现在时) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?重点短语go on vacation go to summer campstay at homestudy for exams。</p><p>6、南昌戴氏教育精品堂学校 要考试,找戴氏Unit 8 How was your school trip?Section A【目标呈现】知识目标:词汇:gift, hang, win, prize, visitor, end, monitor, off, rain 短语:hang out, sleep late, day off, have a great time, at the end of 句型:1. How was your school trip? 2. Did you go to the zoo?No, I didnt. I went to the aquarium.3. Were there any sharks?No, there werent any sharks, but there were some really smart seals.语法:一般过去时的用法(一)。能力目标:学习询问和谈论过去发生的事情。情感目。</p><p>7、初二英语上册Unit 8 Where did you go on vacation? Self Check 崖子初中 主备人 袁秀香 参与人 宫雪莲 刘春华授课时间 2009.12.3复习目标:Hello, boys and girls! Unit 8的学习又结束了。动动脑筋,想本单元你学到了什么吗?本学案可是展现你本单元学习成果的地方哟,怎么样,准备好了吗?Now , lets go!课题展现馨温提示:要认真复习下面的内容噢! 有了它们的帮忙,你的表现会更棒的!在本单元中,我们学会了询问:Where did you go on vacation? 及其回答:We went to New York.和Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did.谈论节假日。</p><p>8、Unit81、 单词听写1.摇动;抖动2.接通;打开3.倒出4.酸奶5.蜂蜜6.盘子7.勺8.增加;添加9.最后10.胡椒粉11.食糖12.奶酪13.机器14.掘地;凿;15.洞;坑16.三明治17.黄油18.片;块19.传统的20.秋季21.漂泊者;游客22.庆祝23.(使)混合24.接待;提供25.(使)充满26.温度;气温27.覆盖(物)二、单词拼写A)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1.Look, she is p______ the water into the cup.2.Mother is c_________ up the meat in the kitchen.3.We need a banana to make the milk s_______.4.I need two s_______ of honey and a cup of。</p><p>9、Unit 4Lesson 25: No Stopping!1. No stopping! 不要停下来!no加上名词或v-ing 可以构成表示禁止性的警示语。eg. 禁止吸烟! No smoking! 禁止停车! No parking! 谢绝参观 ! No visitors! 2. on ones way to 意为 “在某人去.的路上” 注意:接地点副词(如here, there ,home)时,要省略to。eg. I met my old friend on my way to school.我在上学的路上遇见我的老朋友。3.take the school bus 做学校班车 Eg:Tom takes the school bus to go to school every day.take a bus 和 by bus 意思都是“乘公共汽车”前者是动词作谓语,后者是介词。</p><p>10、Unit 2 Whats the matter?What Do Students Do at GHreen High School? Here are the results of the student activity survey at GreenHigh School.Most students exercise three or four times a week . Some students exercise once or twice a week. Some students are very active and exercise every day. As for homework, most students do homework every day. Some students do homework three or four times a week. No students do homework once or twice a week. The results for watch TV。</p><p>11、Unit2 Whats the matter?,主讲人:张树芳,Language goals :,Talk about your health Give advice Target language: Whats the matter? I have a headache. You shoud drink some water. That sounds like a good idea. I have a sore back. Thats too bad. I hope you feel better soon.,Topic:Health,1b Listen and Look at the picture.,Sarah David Ben,Nancy Judy,1c PAIRWORK A: Whats the matter, Judy? B: I have a sore throat,Head,hair,eye/2 eyes,eyebrow,forehead,nose,ear/2 ears,mouth。</p><p>12、How do you make a banana milk shake?,Unit 8,点此播放教学视频,Review,shake,What kind of the,strawberry shake,mango shake,apple shake,banana milk shake,What do we need to make a banana milk shake?,ingredients / Ingri:dInts / (材料;原料),a cup of milk,two spoons of ice cream,What do we need?,blender /blend / 果汁机,搅和器,knife 水果刀,cup 杯子,plate 盘子,three bananas,/spu:n/ 勺子,/kp/ 杯子,peel the bananas.,cut up the bananas.,put the bananas and ice cream into the blender.,Lets make a banana mi。</p><p>13、八年级上册第四次英语测试题I. 单项选择题(15分)( )16. ______ did you go last weekend? To the zoo. A. When B. Where C. How D. What( )17. Were there any sharks in the aquarium?________. A. Yes, there were B. No, there wasntC. Yes, there was D. No, there were ( )18. There is a shop ________ the street. A. by the end of B. in the end C. at the end of D. on the end ( )19. How was your day ________?Yesterday? Wonderful!A. away B. off。</p><p>14、八年级上Unit8试卷笔试部分(共80分) I. 词汇。(10分) A)根据英语解释及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。(5分) 1. e________(other things) 2. g________(very big) 3. o________(in the open air) 4. s ________( a large dangerous fish with very sharp teeth) 5. g________( a present given by others) B) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 6. On my way home I met a famous ________(act) yesterday. 7. I must ________ (winner) a prize this term. 8. ________(unfortunate) I dont have enough money to tra。</p><p>15、4曙光教育八年级英语测试卷八年级英语上册阶段测试卷姓名_________ 分数________1 单项选择(30分)1.She _________Beijing last night.A.arrvied in B.got C.reaches D.arrived2.__________ ready now, lets begin.A.Everything is B.Something are C.Nothing are D.Anything is3.I ______ life was like here in the past.A.wonder that B.know when C.wonder what D.decide why4.___________do you go to Shanghai? - Three.A.How many times。</p>
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