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1、 What is the highest mountain in the world。It is higher than any other in the world.。I have already read it .。2、A。B—3a。

人教版八年级下册英语第Tag内容描述:<p>1、第七单元要点汇总1、 What is the highest mountain in the world?世界上最高的山是什么?Qomolangma is the highest in the world.It is higher than any other in the world.他比世界上任何别的山都要高。1、 The Sahara is the desert in the world.1、 The Caspian sea is the salt lake in the world.2、 The Nile is the river in the world.3、 Amazon is the second longest river in the world. 、China is one of the oldest in the world .、It is over 5,000 years old.1、 The United。</p><p>2、第八单元句型短语1、A:Have you read Little Women yet?B:No,I havent. Have you?A: I have already read it .B: Whats it like ?A:It is fantastic.2、A:Has Tina read Treasure Island ?B:Yes,she has. She thinks it is fantastic.A:Whats it about?B:Its about.3、Have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?4、I have already finished reading it.5、Its about four sisters growing up.6、It was really good,so I couldnt put it down.7、Have you at le。</p><p>3、Period 4,B3a,翻译下列句子,1.将会有更多的树. 2. 将会有更少的车子. 3.将会有更少的污染.,There will be more trees.,There will be fewer cars.,There will be less pollution.,4. 人们将活到200 岁. 5.我五年后将成为一名老师. 6.我认为一年后将会有更少的空闲时间.,People will live to be 200 years old.,I will be a teacher in five years.,I think there will be less free time in a year.,教学目标,1.掌握3A的单词. 2.掌握短语:fall in love with live alone be able to do,fall alone pet parrot probably go skating,suit ab。</p><p>4、人教版八年级英语下第四章测试卷一、单选题1.She found a boy________in the corner when she walked pastA. to cry B. to crying C. crying D. cries2.We________two hours________sports on TVA. spent;to watchB. spent;watchingC. took;to watchD. took;watching3.Are you________the dark?Oh,yesI always go to sleep with the light onA. used to B. afraid ofC. pleased with D. good with4.Uncle John ________his hometown for twelve yearsA. le。</p><p>5、2013年吉州区教育共同体青年教师“同上一堂课”优质课展示活动,吉安四中:黄建群,Unit4HesaidIwashard-working.,SectionAPeriodOne,Iwanttobeateacher.,Whatdidshesay?,Shesaid,shewantedtobeateacher.,Lookandsay,I。</p><p>6、第一单元 1 突然司机看到一个老人躺在路边 The driver an old man on the side of the road 2 靠近他的一位女士正在大喊救命 A woman was help 3 司机 24岁的王平 没有多想就停下了公交车 The bus driver WangPing the bus without 4 王先生知道他必须马上行动 Mr wang knew he 5 他。</p><p>7、Unit7 Unit7What sthehighestmountainintheworld SectionB23a Selfcheck Summary Importantphrases feelfreeasfarasIknowinthefaceofeventhoughatbirthuptorunoverwalkintofalloverorso 随意就我所知面对 问题 困难 即使 虽然出生时到达跑上。</p>
人教版八年级下册英语第 一单元重点短语与句型汉译英专项练习.doc
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