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英语研究论文读写教程课后习题答案Tag内容描述:<p>1、Unit 3 Keys Anticipating the Issue Classification of Dictionaries CRITERION EXAMPLES OF DICTIONARIES the number of language involved monolingual dictionaries, bilingual, multilingual the nature of ent。</p><p>2、Unit 4 Vocabulary and Language Learning Skills 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 d b f a h e a g 2. 1 motivated 2 explore 3 overcome 4 conducted 5 significant 6 proposed 7 attributable to 8 accounted for Writing Foc。</p><p>3、1.It is not what you say but what you do that impresses people most.2. Did you keep a(n) dairy while you were traveling in Europe?3. Their project to build a big factory near the village failed be。</p><p>4、Unit 6 Vocabulary and Language Learning Skills 1 Recognizing Word Meanings 1 e 2 g 3 a 4 f 5 i 6 b 7 j 8 c 9 d 10 h 2 Making aCollocation 1 has been devised 2 at large 3 mapping out 4 replicate 5 in a。</p><p>5、Unit 4 Vocabulary and Language Learning Skills 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 d b f a h e a g 2 1 motivated 2 explore 3 overcome 4 conducted 5 significant 6 proposed 7 attributable to 8 accounted for Writing Focus。</p><p>6、Unit One III. 1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute 6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate 9. sustain 10. worship IV. 1. accusing. of 2. end up 3. came upon 4. at her worst 5. pay for 6.。</p><p>7、1 It is not what you say but what you do that impresses people most 2 Did you keep a n dairy while you were traveling in Europe 3 Their project to build a big factory near the village failed because t。</p><p>8、Unit 3II. Vocabulary and StructureA. 1. consensus 2. biodiversity 3. sustainable 4. transition 5. disparities. 6. degradation 7. stakeholders 8. broker. 9. ministerial 10. yield。</p><p>9、Unit 1Keys to section A: 1. escort 2. obsessively 3. unseemly 4. baffling 5. trudged 6. simultaneously 7. punning 8. prim 9. trivial 10. ambivalenceKeys to section B: 1. A. unobtrusive 2. C. submissive 3. D. grim 4. B. misdemeanour 5. C. disapprove 6. D. prodigious 7. C. trivial 8. D. pathetic 9. A. simultaneous 10. D. harryingKeys to close5. against 7. clash 10. penalty 1.torments 3. expected 9. tough 2.suspension 4. stick 6. fit 8. promise Unit 3II。</p><p>10、新视野大学英语读写教程第五册课后习题答案Unit1SectionAIII Vocabulary1. prent 2. permeated 3. decisive 4. inherent5. literally 6. blessing 7. literacy 8. mingled9. distorted 10. formidable 11. precedent 12. certifiedExercises on CD and web course only:13. simulate 14. doomed 15. cloningIV 1. hunt down 2. absorbed into 3. have access to 4. with the exception of5. For that matter 6. In the absence of 7. with respect to 8. is tailored to9. be restricted to 10. calls for 11. in large measure 12. range。</p><p>11、新视野第三册答案Unit 1Section A. The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams读写教程 III: Ex. II, p. 91. Because this is a title bought with stolen money. The guys real name is Anthony Williams.2. Its small, with a population of only 320.3. No. He looks like a Scottish noble, soft-spoken and wealthy.4. The truth is that the man with endless money and a。</p><p>12、新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第三册 课后习题答案完整版 Unit 1 Section A. 读写教程 III: Ex. II, p. 9 1. Because this is a title bought with stolen money. The guys real name is Anthony Williams. 2. Its small, with a population of on。</p><p>13、第一单元 1 pursuit 2 conceive 3 dedicated 4 addict 5 cater 6 Perplexing 7 contemplating 8 diversions 9 foreseen 10 arbitrary 11 Petty 12 perpetual 给幸福下定义是一个令人困惑的问题 最好的办法是先设定两。</p>
英语研究论文读写教程-unit 3 课后练习答案
英语研究论文读写教程Unit 4 课后练习答案
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英语研究论文读写教程Unit 4 课后练习答案.doc
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