



2013年 6月英语四级翻译(精华)试题及答案1. Frankly speaking, Id rather you didnt do anything about it (别为这做任何事) for the time being.2. The letter will have been finished (信已经写完了) by the time you come back.3. If he had know this would happen, he would have acted differently (也许会以不同方式行事).4. He was punished lest he make the same mistake again (再次犯同样的错误) .5. Reading between the lines (从字里行间), I would say that the government are more worried that they will admit.6. Consider the bad times as down payment for the good times. (把苦日子当做好日子的首付)Hang in there.7.He has a habit, The very next day not to wear the same clothes(第二天不会穿同样的衣服).8.If you are able to appreciate beauty in the ordinary(如果你擅于欣赏平凡中的美好), your life will be more vibrant.9. Everyone wants to have a healthy body(每个人都希望拥有健康的身体)but are not properly maintained their.10. No mater what, we all want to solve in a friendly way(我们都希望以友好的方式解决).11. Because of playing the game, he and my mother had a quarrel(他和妈妈吵架了), mother was angry.12. You cant change your situation. The only thing that you can change is how you choose to deal with it(你能改变的唯有面对它时的态度).13.Time and opportunity are important,but nothing is more terrible than losing confidence(没有比丧失自信更可怕的事).14.Our son doesnt know what to take up at the university; he cant make up his mind about his future. (对他的未来无法做出决定)15.It was suggested at the meeting that effective measures be taken to solve the problem. (采取有效措施解决问题)16.Hes still hesitating about whether to adopt a more flexible policy to solve the problem. (是否采用较灵活的政策来解决问题)17. She felt insulted, and obviously any attempts to persuade her to stay were of no avail.(任何劝她留下来的企图都是徒劳的)18.No matter how many mistakes youve made.(不管你出了多少错), you are still ahead of those who wont try. 19.When he came to, he found himself lying in a strangers room.(躺在一个陌生人的房间里). 20.The new approach is quite different from the traditional one and the result is far from satisfactory.(结果远不令人满意).21.I have not seen John for years, nor have his parents heard from him.(他的父母也没有收到他的音讯). 22.It is sad to see some people cross the street, without regard to the traffic lights.(全然不理会交通信号).23.Although only in her teens, my sister is looking forward to studying abroad by herself(独自去海外学习).24.Its true that we are not always going to succeed in our ventures,even if we invest time and money in them(即使我们投入时间和金钱).25.The old couple hoped that their son would live up to their expectations(将不辜负他们的期望).26.So hardly had he been injured in the traffic accident(他在车祸中受伤)that he had to


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