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英语教师 EPCK发展的课例研究EPCK的基本理论 舒尔曼教授 :学科教学知识Pedagogical Content Knowledge (简称 PCK) 英语学科教学知识(简称 EPCK) EPCK的组成部分 EPCK的重要性 课程和教材的知识 每单元由 7个板块构成:1 Welcome to the unit (1p)2 Reading (4 pp)3 Word power (2 pp)4 Grammar and usage (4 pp)5 Task (6 pp)6 Project (2 pp)7 Self-assessment (1 p) 牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 单元结构单元结构3一、一、 ReadingReading 包括 :读前问题( A),阅读材料本身 (B)、读后练习 (C F) 和紧跟在阅读文章后面的 Reading strategy。A 三个问题,练习快速阅读。B 阅读文章。对话或短文,跨两页。C 关于文章的更多问题,有时分 C1, C2,从更多的细节到文章的深层理解。D 根据上下文猜测和理解词义,有时分 D1, D2。E 根据课文意义完成短文,综合理解。 F 拓展 延伸练习。依据与课文相关的话题或细节开展讨论。4Steps and methods for teaching readingThe main sub-skills of reading are:Prediction;Reading for the main idea;Reading for specific information;Checking for comprehension;Having a discussion 英语课程与教学论新编 课例一、 阅读版块 教学操作要领和实例1、课文的巧妙导入2、阅读过程的正确引导3、提高学生阅读技能的精心指导4、有效的课后活动设计1、课文的巧妙导入1.1直观导入1.2对话导入1.3媒体导入1.1直观导入法 e.g.:在教学第七模块第一单元 living with technology的阅读文章 the evolution of video and sound devices导入阶段就可以直接向学生展示手提电脑、手机、电子词典等电子设备。 第二单元阅读课 two life-saving medicines导入时就可以展示阿司匹林和盘尼西林两种药物。1.2对话导入 第六模块第二单元阅读课文 Turandot in beijing 以学生的兴趣爱好为切入点,问: Who is your favorite singer? Do you like opera? 引出图兰朵歌剧这一话题2、阅读过程的正确引导2.1 浅层阅读,整体了解课文大意和脉络2.2 深层阅读,局部了解课文主要情节和要点2 1浅层阅读,整体了解课文大意和轮廓 第四模块第三单元阅读课文 Not just watching a film3、提高学生阅读技能的精心指导3.1 快速浏览,抓住关键词和主题句技能的培养3.2 巧妙猜词释义技能的培养3.3 学会领会 title及 sub-title3.4 帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯3.1快速浏览,抓住关键词和主题句技能的培养 阅读第五模块第一单元时,指导学生抓住如下的关键词和主题句: Para 1:best friends, academic, hard-working, get good marks.Para 2: had a surprise Maths test, worried about the resultsPara 3: be cheerful, something was wrong,Para 4:noticed that, were staring at mePara 5:I was so angry that I went straight to 3.2巧妙猜词和释义技能的培养 (1)根据上下文提供的内容猜测生词 (2)内在逻辑关系 (3) 根据构词法判断、猜测词义 (4) 通过对比关系来推测词义 (1)根据上下文提供的内容猜测生词 如: Anthropology is the scientific study of man.由定义可知, anthropology就是 “研究人类的科学 ”。 又如: The word “etiquette”, which is of French origin and originally meant a label, or a sign, passed into Spanish and kept its original meaning. 通过 or(即,就是),我们可以知道前后所指的是同一概念,因此句中的 label是指 sign。(2)内在逻辑关系 如: 2003年全国高考卷阅读理解 C篇: First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, Through unbelievable determination Andrew Wiles finally worked out the problem in 1995. 根据对下文的理解:直到 1995年才解决了这一问题,以及分析 baffled与 beaten的关系,我们不难推测出 baffled意为 “cause difficulty in understanding: 难住,难倒 ”。(3) 根据构词法判断、猜测词义 1999年全国高考卷中 B篇: Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become “computer-literate.” But not all experts agree that this is a good idea. 从整篇文章可知本文在谈论人们学会使用电脑;另外,从这一复合词的构词可知,它由 computer (电脑 )和 literate(会读书写字的)两部分组成,因此合在一起便是 “understanding the computer and knowing how to use it: 懂得电脑并会用电脑的 ”。(4) 通过对比关系来推测词义 能够体现对比关系的词汇很多,主要有表示转折关系的 but, however, yet, otherwise, though, on the one hand on the other hand, for one thing for another等一些反义词,在句中其前后的词有明显的对比关系。3.3学会领会 title及 sub-title 如第七模块第一单元 The evolution of video and sound devices一文中,每一部分都有一个 sub-title. “Early history of TV/The Modern age: satellite TV/Early history of sound recorders /” 读了下文段落后我们可知这些标题恰恰告诉了我们本段的主旨。3.4帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯常见的不良阅读习惯: 出声读、指读零容忍生词 无意群意识无整体意识4.1读后设计活动应遵循的原则 目标性拓展性 组织与指导策略设计注重思维任务型设计引自仲主任论文 读后活动设计失当的案例分析及对策 4.2读后活动设计失当案例 与文本脱节缺乏有效组织教师的观点缺失或不合理伪话题,伪讨论忽视学生写的能力的落实引自仲主任论文 读后活动设计失当的案例分析及对策 Discussion in groups(refer to P41)What developments in science and technology would you like to see happen in the future?Virtual RealityNot just watching a filmFind out the topic sentence. (the first sentence) This presentation will give you some information about RealCine: how it works, why it is better than a film, and how it can be used in other ways.Para.? Para.?Paras.?I. While-reading activities1. Fast-readingthe introduction of the presentationHow RealCine worksWhy RealCine is better than a filmPart 1(Para.1) 2. Reading for the outlinePart 3(Para.3)Part 2(Para.2)Part 4(Paras.4-7)How it can be used in other ways1.How can people watch an ordinary film?2. How many of the users senses does this product connect with?3. Reading in detailWatch and hear passivel


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