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英文简历写作诀窍 英文简历和中文简历的制作目的都是为了求职 而用的,那么,英文简历制作有什么诀窍呢?大家 请看的下文分享: transcript q = interviewer; a = hr professional q: learn english professionals is talking to john woodrow, who works in the human resources department of a large uk- based company. john, tell us about your work. a: i work on recruitment, especially so im the person who reads the hundreds of cvs we get sent each year! q: do you accept cvs as part of your recruitment process? a: when we advertise for a particular post, we send out our own application form, which is tailored to our company, and we can use it to make sure we find exactly what were looking for. q: so a cv is useless? a: no! not at all were happy to accept cvs from people even when were not recruiting. that way we can build up a database of possible candidates, and as our company is always changing were very flexible in our needs right now (laughs) its good to know what kind of people are out there. we do keep everything on file, and will get back to people who look promising. (小编提示:有的求职者会因为投简历,屡投 不中而灰心丧气,其实大可不必。你这次可能没有 收到面试通知,不代表你没有机会,有可能只是不 适合目前这个招聘岗位而已。大多数情况下,招聘 单位会把你的简历留在他们的人才库里,随着公司 的不断变化发展,等到有合适的岗位了,没准他们 还会在你意料之外的情况下请你来面试呢。) q: so we should be sending you our cvs? a: yes, absolutely, yes! q: what advice can you give us on writing a cv? a: keep it short, keep it simple, keep it relevant. anything longer than three pages will automatically go into the bin. just tell us what we need to know. make sure its clearly written and that there are no spelling mistakes on it! and no fancy fonts. or photographs. we dont need to know what people look like, just what theyve done, and what theyre capable of. (小编提示:hr 喜欢什么样的简历?这里提供 了三条基本原则:简短、简洁、相关。简短的意思 是,任何超过三页的简历都会直接扔进垃圾箱;简 洁就是要删除一切不必要的东西,比如你的各种生 活照;相关的要求是说清楚你做过什么,你擅长做 什么就可以了。另外,还要注意细节问题,比如, 不要有拼写错误,不要花哨的字体等等。) q: so were going to look at a couple of cvs now. a: yes these are a couple that arrived just this morning, so lets take a look.(sound of paper unfolding). ok, i can see straight away that we have a good one and a bad one here. q: (laughs) how can you tell so soon? a: well, as i just said, this one here is. how many. one,two, three, four pages long, its written in tiny type, i can hardly read it. and, wait, yes, theres a photograph attached to the front! q: too much information? a: yes. just leafing through it, i can see hes written about where he went to primary school thats just not relevant. q: what kind of educational background should be included? a: perhaps your high school, but its mostly further education were interested in, university or college, then any professional qualifications you may have, as well as work experience of course. (小编提示:写简历一般是采用时间逆序的方 式,就是先写最近发生的,比如你从哪所大学毕业, 一般写到高中学历就足够了。重要的是你的工作经 验和社会实践,你要在工作经验中把你的能力展示 出来。应届生工作经验不足的话,可以写写实习经 历和社会实践活动,比如做志愿者。) q: thats important? a: oh yes placements or internships all count! q: what about personal information? a: a bit is necessary. but look, this guy has written he was a member of the stamp collecting society in secondary school.! not interested. q: what about the other cv? a: ok, again, i can see right away this looks more promising. only two and a half pages, lots of space on the page, easy to read, well-organised. hmmm, a couple of impressive looking references, thats good. and, yes, theyve included language skills very important. (小编提示:常规的简历写作要求是:1.篇幅 不超过三页;2.字体、行距适中,清晰可见;3.简历 语言简练、有组织性和条理性;4.简历内容与应聘 职位密切相关,无累赘信息;5.附上推荐人/证明人 信息。当然,如果能提供一些特殊技能的话,就会 更吸引 hr 的注意,比如,熟练使用多种语言的能 力。) q: what languages are you looking for? a: well, english, obviously as were a uk-based company and english is still the language of global business, and then, well, anything really spanish is useful, russian, manda rin chinese too. q: ok, well get studying! thanks john! 相关阅读推荐: 怎样打造独特诱人简历 优秀简历的四个必备要素 一份简历能走天下吗?p 英文简历和中文简历的制作目的都是为了求职 而用的,那么,英文简历制作有什么诀窍呢?大家 请看的下文分享: transcript q = interviewer; a = hr professional q: learn english professionals is talking to john woodrow, who works in the human resources department of a large uk- based company. john, tell us about your work. a: i work on recruitment, especially so im the person who reads the hundreds of cvs we get sent each year! q: do you accept cvs as part of your recruitment process? a: when we advertise for a particular post, we send out our own application form, which is tailored to our company, and we can use it to make sure we find exactly what were looking for. q: so a cv is useless? a: no! not at all were happy to accept cvs from people even when were not recruiting. that way we can build up a database of possible candidates, and as our company is always changing were very flexible in our needs right now (laughs) its good to know what kind of people are out there. we do keep everything on file, and will get back to people who look promising. (小编提示:有的求职者会因为投简历,屡投 不中而灰心丧气,其实大可不必。你这次可能没有 收到面试通知,不代表你没有机会,有可能只是不 适合目前这个招聘岗位而已。大多数情况下,招聘 单位会把你的简历留在他们的人才库里,随着公司 的不断变化发展,等到有合适的岗位了,没准他们 还会在你意料之外的情况下请你来面试呢。) q: so we should be sending you our cvs? a: yes, absolutely, yes! q: what advice can you give us on writing a cv? a: keep it short, keep it simple, keep it relevant. anything longer than three pages will automatically go into the bin. just tell us what we need to know. make sure its clearly written and that there are no spelling mistakes on it! and no fancy fonts. or photographs. we dont need to know what people look like, just what theyve done, and what theyre capable of. (小编提示:hr 喜欢什么样的简历?这里提供 了三条基本原则:简短、简洁、相关。简短的意思 是,任何超过三页的简历都会直接扔进垃圾箱;简 洁就是要删除一切不必要的东西,比如你的各种生 活照;相关的要求是说清楚你做过什么,你擅长做 什么就可以了。另外,还要注意细节问题,比如, 不要有拼写错误,不要花哨的字体等等。) q: so were going to look at a couple of cvs now. a: yes these are a couple that arrived just this morning, so lets take a look.(sound of paper unfolding). ok, i can see straight away that we have a good one and a bad one here. q: (laughs) how can you tell so soon? a: well, as i just said, this one here is. how many. one,two, three, four pages long, its written in tiny type, i can hardly read it. and, wait, yes, theres a photograph attached to the front! q: too much information? a: yes. just leafing through it, i can see hes written about where he went to primary school thats just not relevant. q: what kind of educational background should be included? a: perhaps your high school, but its mostly further education were interested in, university or college, then any professional qualifications you may have, as well as work experience of course. (小编提示:写简历一般是采用时间逆序的方 式,就是先写最近发生的,比如你从哪所大学毕业, 一般写到高中学历就足够了。重要的是你的工作经 验和社会实践,你要在工作经验中把你的能力展示 出来。应届生工作经验不足的话,可以写写实习经 历和社会实践活动,比如做志愿者。) q: thats important? a: oh yes placements or internships all count! q: what about personal information? a: a bit is necessary. but look, this guy has written he was a member of the stamp collecting society in secondary school.! not interested. q: what about the other cv? a: ok, again, i can see right away this looks more promising. only two and a half pages, lots of space on the page, easy to read, well-organised. hmmm, a couple of impressive looking references, thats good. and, yes, theyve included language skills very important. (小编提示:常规的简历写作要求是:1.篇幅 不超过三页;2.字体、行距适中,清晰可见;3.简历 语言简练、有组织性和条理性;4.简历内容与应聘 职位密切相关,无累赘信息;5.附上推荐人/证明人 信息。当然,如果能提供一些特殊技能的话,就会 更吸引 hr 的注意,比如,熟练使用多种语言的能 力。) q: what languages are you looking for? a: well, english, obviously as were a uk-based company and english is still the language of global business, and then, well, anything really spanish is useful, russian, manda rin chinese too. q: ok, well get studying! thanks john! 相关阅读推荐: 怎样打造独特诱人简历 优秀简历的四个必备要素 一份简历能走天下吗?p 英文简历和中文简历的制作目的都是为了求职 而用的,那么,英文简历制作有什么诀窍呢?大家 请看的下文分享: transcript q = interviewer; a = hr professional q: learn english professionals is talking to john woodrow, who works in the human resources department of a large uk- based company. john, tell us about your work. a: i work on recruitment, especially so im the person who reads the hundreds of cvs we get sent each year! q: do you accept cvs as part of your recruitment process? a: when we advertise for a particular post, we send out our own application form, which is tailored to our company, and we can use it to make sure we find exactly what were looking for. q: so a cv is useless? a: no! not at all were happy to accept cvs from people even when were not recruiting. that way we can build up a database of possible candidates, and as our company is always changing were very flexible in our needs right now (laughs) its good to know what kind of people are out there. we do keep everything on file, and will get back to people who look promising. (小编提示:有的求职者会因为投简历,屡投 不中而灰心丧气,其实大可不必。你这次可能没有 收到面试通知,不代表你没有机会,有可能只是不 适合目前这个招聘岗位而已。大多数情况下,招聘 单位会把你的简历留在他们的人才库里,随着公司 的不断变化发展,等到有合适的岗位了,没准他们 还会在你意料之外的情况下请你来面试呢。) q: so we should be sending you our cvs? a: yes, absolutely, yes! q: what advice can you give us on writing a cv? a: keep it short, keep it simple, keep it relevant. anything longer than three pages will automatically go into the bin. just tell us what we need to know. make sure its clearly written and that there are no spelling mistakes on it! and no fancy fonts. or photographs. we dont need to know what people look like, just what theyve done, and what theyre capable of. (小编提示:hr 喜欢什么样的简历?这里提供 了三条基本原则:简短、简洁、相关。简短的意思 是,任何超过三页的简历都会直接扔进垃圾箱;简 洁就是要删除一切不必要的东西,比如你的各种生 活照;相关的要求是说清楚你做过什么,你擅长做 什么就可以了。另外,还要注意细节问题,比如, 不要有拼写错误,不要花哨的字体等等。) q: so were going to look at a couple of cvs now. a: yes these are a couple that arrived just this morning, so lets take a look.(sound of paper unfolding). ok, i can see straight away that we have a good one and a bad one here. q: (laughs) how can you tell so soon? a: well, as i just said, this one here is. how many. one,two, three, four pages long, its written in tiny type, i can hardly read it. and, wait, yes, theres a photograph attached to the front! q: too much information? a: yes. just leafing through it, i can see hes written about where he went to primary school thats just not relevant. q: what kind of educational background should be included? a: perhaps your high school, but its mostly further education were interested in, university or college, then any professional qualifications you may have, as well as work experience of co


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