专题课口语考试学生复习材料---讨论题 -_第1页
专题课口语考试学生复习材料---讨论题 -_第2页
专题课口语考试学生复习材料---讨论题 -_第3页




2012 级专题课大学英语听说提高口语复 习材料 Discussion Topic1: Perhaps a fulfilling career that goes hand in hand with a happy family life is the key to happiness. But how do you embark on a career that you are going to be happy with for the rest of your life? Do you need a career counselor to help you work out your career target? Topic 2: What is the key factor for success in doing business, courage, capital, capacity, communication,or anything else? Topic 3: Suppose an undergraduate is planning to start up a business, what factors do you think are important in his business plan? Topic 4: Here is a student majoring in journalism in Xian. Next semester, she has to do an internship. Because she likes Shanghai, she really wants to work there after graduation, so she decides that an internship in Shanghai would be a good idea, but her friends think its better to stay here and really learn something from an internship and save the money. Can you give her some suggestions about what to do? Topic 5: What questions do you think are often asked in an interview? Why are they asked? Topic 6: Suppose you are a university graduate of an unpopular major, and your real interest is enterprise management. Now you have not found a suitable job yet. What are you going to do? Topic 7: Recent university graduates have been earning less than their predecessors on their first jobs, according to a survey by a Beijing-based human resource website. What causes the salary decrease? What does that mean to students? Topic 8: The annual job hunting season is approaching. Meanwhile, in personnel departments, while university grads complain about difficulties of finding a satisfying job, companies are also complaining about the difficulties of recruiting good technicians. Can you find some way to address this problem? Topic 9: Suppose you are senior HR (human resources) executives of a famous company, what do you have to say about what you look for in your new recruits? Whats your idea about ideal employees? Topic 10: Can you tell me about a job that you have never had, but would like to have, what the job is and why you want to do it, if it requires any special skills or abilities and how it would change your personal life. And can you explain how you might get this job in the future? Topic 11: College graduates are being encouraged to start their own businesses. But are they ready? What are the obstacles? How can society better prepare them? 2 Topic 12: How has family changed in your country / region over the last 50 years? How do you think that family life will change in the future? Topic 13: Do you think that each person in a family should have a clear role? What do you think are the qualities of good parents? Will you treat your children differently to the way your parents treated you? How? Topic 14:What does happiness mean to you? Topic 15: Compared with old times, what is the role of women now? Topic 16: How have families changed? Whats the difference between families now and those in the past? Topic 17: What are the typical characteristics of a modern family? Topic 18: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a traditional family? Topic 19: Which people are happier, children nowadays or the ones 10 years ago? Topic 20: Why do people in China traditionally want to have sons? 3 Topic 21:How has modern technology influenced your life? Topic 22: What is the impact of technology on human beings? Topic23: How has technology changed China over the last few years? Topic 24: Can you explain the impact of computer and the Internet on our lives. Topic25: what are the various ways computers can be useful in our learning? Topic 26: How do you feel about the modern biological technology? Topic 27: What do you think of using science in food production? Topic 28: With the development of modern technologies, there is a more convenient way to taking photos nowadays the handy mobile phone with camera. But because it is so easy for people to take pictures with their mobile phones, sensitive issues related to peoples right to privacy have arisen. Do you think more mobile phones with cameras will jeopardize peoples privacy? Topic29: Is it moral to clone humans? Why or why not? Topic30: Are you for or against GM food? Why? Topic 31: What do you think about the environmental problems in China? Topic 32: Who do you think should be responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? Topic 33: How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issue? Topic 34: What measures should be taken to reduce crimes? Topic 35: What would you say womens conditions in China are like? Topic 36: Should women stop work and


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