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05 年生物化学期末试卷 班级 学号 姓名 一 名词解释(10 分) 1. 蛋白质变性作用 2. Edman 降解 3. 同工酶 4. 增色效应 5. 别构效应 二 说明生化外文缩写符号(10 分) 1. tRNA 2. NAD 3. Ribozyme 4. cAMP 5. GSH 6. TPP 7. Tm 8. pI 9. FAD 10. CoA 三 填空题(20 分) 1. 1. 分离蛋白质混合物的各种方法主要是根据蛋白质在溶液中的下列性质 ( ) 、 ( ) 、 ( ) 、 ( )和( ) 。 2. 2. 常用于氨基酸定量分析的颜色反应是( ) 。 3. 3. 肽链的 N 末端可以用( )法、 ( )法、 ( )法和( )法测定;而( )法和( )法则是测定 C 末端氨基酸最常用 的方法。 4. 4. 氨基酸在蛋白质中都是 L 型的,其中( ) 、 ( )和苯丙 氨酸在紫外光区有吸收。 5. 5. 磺胺药物是( )的结构类似物,能抑制( )酶的活性, 最后导致对细菌生长繁殖的抑制。 6. 6. 1953 年,Watson 和 Crick 提出了 DNA 的( )模型,该构象是最 常见的 ( )构象,稳定该构象的作用力主要有( ) 、 ( ) 。 7. 7. 能使蛋白质沉淀的方法有( ) 、 ( ) 、 ( ) 、 ( ) 、 ( ) 。 8. 8. 金属离子对酶的激活作用有两种,一是作为( ) ,二是作为( ) 。 9. 9. pH 影响酶活力的原因可能有:(1) ( ) ;(2) ( ) ;(3) ( ) 。 10. 10. DNA 变性后,紫外吸收能力( ) ,沉降速度( ) ,粘度( ) 。 四 判断正误。若是错误的,请改正或说明(20 分) 1. 1. 某一生物样品,与茚三酮反应呈阴性,用羧肽酶 A 和 B 作用后测不到 游离氨基酸,用胰凝乳蛋白酶作用后也不失活,因此可以肯定它属于非肽 类物质。 ( ) 2. 2. 含有四个二硫键的胰脏核糖核酸酶,若用巯基乙醇和尿素使其还原和 变性,由于化学键遭到破坏和高级结构松散,已经无法恢复其原有功能。 ( ) 3. 3. 镰刀型红细胞贫血病是一种先天遗传性的分子病,其病因是由于正常 血红蛋白分子中的一个谷氨酸残基被缬氨酸残基所置换。 ( ) 4. 4. 辅基和辅酶的区别只在于它们与蛋白质结合的牢固程度不同,并无严 格的界限。 ( ) 5. 5. 别构酶除有与底物结合的活性部位外,还有与别构效应物结合的别构 中心。 ( ) 6. 6. 具有正协同效应的酶,其 Hill 系数总是小于 1。 ( ) 7. 7. 双链 DNA 中一条链上某一片断为 pCCATATTG,那么另一条链相应的片 断为 pGGTATAAC。 ( ) 8. 8. Southern 印迹法、Northern 印迹法和 Western 印迹法是分别用于研究 RNA、DNA 和蛋白质的有关技术。 ( ) 9. 9. 生物体内核酸和蛋白质两种大分子均能吸收紫外光,但最大吸收峰不 同 。 ( ) 10. 10. 甲状旁腺激素的生理效应是调节钙磷的正常代谢,降低血钙。 ( ) 五 单项选择题(20 分) 1. 1. 下列那一项不是辅酶的功能: A. 转移基团 B. 传递氢 C. 传递电子 D. 决定酶的专一性 2. 2. 酶的竞争性抑制剂具有下列那种动力学效应: A. Vmax 不变,Km 减小 B. Vmax 不变,Km 增大 C. Vmax 增大,Km 不变 D. Vmax 减小,Km 不变 3. 3. 如果要测定一个小肽的氨基酸顺序,下列试剂中你认为最合适的是: A. 茚三酮 B. CNBr C. 胰蛋白酶 D. 苯异硫氰酸酯 4. 4. tRNA 在 3末端有: A.CCAOH B. polyA 尾巴 C. 帽子结构 D.启动子 5. 5. 加入下列那种试剂不会导致蛋白质变性: A. 尿素 B. 盐酸胍 C. SDS D. 硫酸胺 6. 6. 下列那种辅酶分子中不含核苷酸成分: A.TPP B. NADP C. FMN D. CoA-SH 7. 7. 细胞内 cAMP 发挥作用时首先需要激活的酶是: A. 磷酸二酯酶 B. 磷酸化激酶 C. 蛋白激酶 D. 磷酸化酶 a 8. 8. 胰岛素对代谢的影响是多方面的,它能: A. 增加糖原的分解 B. 引起细胞内 cAMP 增加 C. 促进脂肪分解 D. 增加蛋白质和糖原的合成 9. 9. 在凝血过程中发挥作用的许多凝血因子的生物合成依赖于下列哪种维 生素: A. 维生素 K B. 维生素 E C. 维生素 C D. 维生素 A 10. 10. 米氏方程双倒数作图的纵轴截距所对应的动力学常数为( ) A. Km B. Vmax C. KmV max D. VmaxK m 11. 11. 对于具有正协同效应的酶,其反应速度分别为 0.9 Vmax 和 0.1Vmax 时的 底物浓度之比(S 0.9S 0.1)应是( ) 3 A. 81 B. 81 C. 81 D. 不确定 六 问答与计算(20 分) 1. 1. 简述酶(蛋白质)分离纯化的基本原则。试举出至少两种纯化蛋白质 的常用方法,并说明其原理。 2. 2. 举例说明激素的两种作用方式。 3. 3. 称取 25 毫克蛋白酶粉配制成 25 毫升酶溶液,从中取出 0.1 毫升酶液, 以酪蛋白为底物用 Folin-酚比色法测定酶活力,得知每小时产生 1500 微克 酪氨酸。另取 2 毫升酶液用凯氏定氮法测得蛋白氮为 0.2 毫克。若以每分钟 产生 1 微克酪氨酸的酶量为 1 个活力单位计算,根据以上数据,求出: (1)1 毫升酶液中所含蛋白质量及活力单位。 (2)比活力。 (3)1 克酶制剂的总蛋白含量及总活力。 成绩 06 年生物化学期末试卷 校名_ 系名_ 专业_ 姓名_ 学号_ 日期_ (请考生注意:本试卷共 页) 大题 一 二 三 四 五 六 成绩 一、选择题(从 4 个备选答案中选出 1 个唯一正确的答案,把答案代码填入题末的括号内 ) (本大题分 11 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 11 分) 1、进行肽的人工合成时,采用下列哪种方法可以活化氨基? 乙酰化; 烷基化; 加入三乙胺; 叠氮化。 答( ) 2、下面哪位学者用不含酵母细胞的酵母汁实现了发酵,证明了发酵与细胞的活动无 直接关系? Lavoisier; Scheele; Pasteur; B chner 兄弟 答( )u. 3、 HMS(磷酸已糖支路 )是糖的一条有氧代谢途径,下列哪项陈述是错误的? 该途径与还原性的合成反应密切相关; 该途径的中间物可进入酵解途径; 该途径联系戊糖代谢与已糖代谢; 该途径存在于线粒体基质。 答( ) 4、目前对生物氧化的研究越来越多地采用: 纯化电子传递链片段或电子传递体复合物进行体外重组的研究方法; 同位素标记电子传递体的方法; SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法; 组织化学法。 答( ) 5、下列关于电子传递链的叙述,哪项正确? 电子传递过程依赖于氧化磷酸化; 电子从 NADH 转移给氧的过程,形成 3 分子 ATP; 电子从 NADH 转移给氧的过程,自由能变化为正值; 电子可从 CoQ 直接转移到分子氧。 答( ) 6、下列激素中,能促进血糖浓度升高的是 胰岛素; 肾上腺素; 甲状腺素; 胃泌素。 答( ) 7、如果用 14C 标记葡萄糖的 C1 位,经酵解途径, 14C 将出现在丙酮酸的什么部位? C 1 位; C 2 位; C 3 位; C 1 和 C3 位。 答( ) 8、合成卵磷脂所需要的是哪一种活性胆碱? GDP胆碱; ADP 胆碱; CDP胆碱; UDP胆碱。 答( ) 9、下列哪一种是合成胆固醇的限速酶? 羟 甲基戊二酸单酰 CoA 还原酶; 羟甲基戊二酸单酰 CoA 合成酶; ,二羟甲基戊酸激酶; 鲨烯合成酶。 答( ) 10、下列化合物中哪一种是三脂酰甘油生物合成的第一个中间产物? 单脂酰甘油; 二脂酰甘油; 溶血磷脂酸; 磷脂酸。 答( ) 11、下列关于肉碱功能的叙述,哪一种是正确的? 转运长碳链的脂肪酸进入肠上皮细胞; 转运中短碳链的脂肪酸通过线粒体内膜; 参与脂酰移位酶促反应; 为脂肪酸合成时所需的一种载体。 答( ) 二、填空题 (本大题共 8 小题,总计 17 分) 1、 (本小题 1 分) 当蛋白质氨基酸残基疏水侧链折叠到分子内部时,环境中水的熵_。 2、 (本小题 1 分) 参与琥珀酸脱氢生成延胡索酸反应的辅酶是_。 3、 (本小题 1 分) 5 由于细胞内色氨酸浓度的增加而使色氨酸合成酶基因表达减少的机制称为 _ _。 4、 (本小题 2 分) 蛋白质主链构象的单元包括 _、_、_和_。 5、 (本小题 2 分) 维生素 D 的化学本质是_化合物,它在人体内具有生物活性的分子 形式为_。 6、 (本小题 3 分) 脂肪组织中的脂肪酶有_,_和_ 三种。 7、 (本小题 3 分) 氨基酸分解代谢中能产生乙酰 CoA 再进入三羧酸循环的途径有 3 条:转变为 _再形成乙酰 CoA;经_ 再形成乙酰 CoA; _形成乙酰 CoA。 8、 (本小题 4 分) 大肠杆菌 pol经枯草蛋白酶水解可得分子量为不同大小的两个片段,其中大片段称 为_ 片段,具有_和_,小片段则具有 _。 三、判断题(答案填在题尾的括号内,正确的填“是” ,错误的填“否” 。答错者倒扣 1 分 ) (本大题分 11 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 11 分) 1、酮体在肝脏产生和分解。 答( ) 2、赖氨酸与亚硝酸作用时,不仅 氨基, 氨基也能与亚硝酸反应。 答( ) 3、所有的肽都具有双缩脲反应,无一例外。 答( ) 4、含 FAD 或 FMN 的黄素蛋白能与电子受体起反应。 答( ) 5、 NAD和 NADH 的互变在于吡啶环上氮原子价数的改变和 C4 的加氢和去氢。 答( ) 6、所有乙酰 CoA 都必需羧化转变成丙二酸单酰 CoA 才能参与脂肪酸的从头合成。 答( ) 7、氨酰 tRNA 上 tRNA 与氨基酸之间相连的键是个高能酯键。 答( ) 8、同工酶是由相同基因编码的,具有相同催化功能的一组酶。 答( ) 9、肝脏中果糖激酶催化果糖生成 1磷酸果糖,再由变位酶催化生成 6磷酸果糖,从 而进入酵解途径。 答( ) 10、蛋白激酶 A,蛋白激酶 C 和蛋白激酶 G 都属于丝氨酸、苏氨酸蛋白激酶。 答( ) 11、限速反应决定着整个代谢途径的反应速度,所以它在途径中的位置是固定不变的。 答( ) 四、名词解释 (本大题共 6 小题,总计 18 分) 1、 (本小题 3 分) 抗体(antibody,Ab) 2、 (本小题 3 分) 可逆抑制剂(reversible inhibitor) 3、 (本小题 3 分) 联合脱氨基作用(Codeamination) 4、 (本小题 3 分) DNA 半不连续复制(DNA semidiscontinuous replication) 5、 (本小题 3 分) 无义突变(nonsense mutation) 6、 (本小题 3 分) 持家基因(housekeeping gene) 五、问答题 (本大题共 5 小题,总计 24 分) 1、 (本小题 4 分) 试述大肠杆菌新合成的多肽的主要去向。 2、 (本小题 5 分) 维生素分类依据是什么?每类包含哪些维生素? 3、 (本小题 5 分) 生物体内核苷酸有两条完全不同的合成途径,试简述两条途径的名称和特点。 4、 (本小题 5 分) 应用遗传学方法可以间接证明了大肠杆菌的 DNA 分子是环状的,生物化学上如何应 用同位素标记直接证明? 5、 (本小题 5 分) 试以脂肪酸代谢为例说明生物膜的分隔效应在代谢调节中的意义。 六、分析计算 (本大题共 3 小题,总计 19 分) 1、 (本小题 5 分) 某酶的底物是弱酸性的 A离子(pKa4.5) 。该酶活性部位含有表现活性所必需的质子 化的 His 残基(pK6.5) 。问这个催化反应的最适 pH 可能是多少? 2、 (本小题 5 分) 设 1mol 葡萄糖酵解产生 2mol 乳酸, G0=196.6kJmol,1mol 葡萄糖完全氧化成 CO2 和水, G0=2870kJmol。计算乳酸完全氧化时的氧化磷酸化效率(每生成 1mol ATP 以 贮能 30.5kJ 计算 )。 3、 (本小题 9 分) 某一断裂环状 DNA 分子(Mr810 6) ,在 pH12.5 时得到四个线状 ssDNA(单链 DNA) , 它们的 Mr 分别为: Mr14106,Mr 22106,Mr 31.5106,Mr 40.5106; 试问该断裂环状 DNA 分子有几个裂口?请画出各个裂口的相对位置。 Answer Sheet for Biochemistry (I) Final Exam (fall, 2004) 7 Name Class Score Part I 1. B 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. E 11. D 12. A 13. B 14. E 15. B 16. D 17. E 18. B Part II 19: a) B b) C c) H d) F e) E 20: a) B b) D c) A d) B e) B 21: a) A b) E c) D d) C e) B f) F 22: a) A b) E c) F d) B e) C f) D 23: a) A b) D c) B d) C e) C f) D 24: a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F 25: a) A b) C c) D d) E e) B 26: a) C b) A c) E d) B e) D f) F 27: a) E b) G c) H d) D e) C f) A g) B 28: a) A b) B c) C d) D e) A f) B,C,D g) B,C h) K i) I j) E k) H l) F m) G n) L o) M,N p) L Name Class Score Biochemistry (I) Final Exam (fall, 2004) NOTE: You must write your answer on the answer sheet! Part I: For the following multiple choice questions, one answer is most appropriate (2.518 = 45 points). 1. With regard to amino acids, which statement is false? A) Amino acids can act as proton donors and acceptors. B) All amino acids discovered in organism are L enantiomers. C) An L amino acid can be Dextrorotary. D) A conjugate acid/base pair is at its greatest buffering capacity when the pH equals its pK. E) Non-standard amino acids can be found in the hydrolysis product of a protein. 2. A mixture of Ala, Arg, and Asp in a pH 5.5 buffer was placed on a cation exchange column (the column is negatively charged) and eluted with the same buffer. What is the order of elution from the column? Use these pKa values: terminal COOH - 2, terminal NH3+- 9, R-amino - 10, R-COOH - 3 A) Arg, Ala then Asp B) Arg, Asp then Ala C) Asp, Ala then Arg D) Asp, Arg then Asp E) Ala, Asp then Arg 3. Proteins can be chromatographically separated by their different A) Charge. B) Molecular weight. C) Hydrophobicity. D) Affinity for other molecules. E) All of above. 4. A peptide was found to have a molecular mass of about 650 and upon hydrolysis produced Ala, Cys, Lys, Phe, and Val in a 1:1:1:1:1 ratio. The peptide upon treatment with Sangers reagent (FDNB) produced NP-Cys and exposure to carboxypeptidase produced valine. Chymotrypsin treatment of the peptide produced a dipeptide that contained sulfur and has a UV absorbance, and a 9 tripeptide. Exposure of the peptide to trypsin produced a dipeptide and a tripeptide. The sequence of the peptide is A) val-ala-lys-phe-cys B) cys-lys-phe-ala-val C) cys-ala-lys-phe-val D) cys-phe-lys-ala-val E) val-phe-lys-ala-cys 5. With regard to protein structure, which statement is false? A) The dominant force that drives a water-soluble protein to fold is hydrophobic interaction. B) The number of hydrogen bonds within a protein intends to be minimized. C) The conformations of a native protein are possibly the lowest energy state. D) The conformations of a native protein are countless. E) Disulfde bridges can increase the stability of a protein. 6. Which structure is unique to collagen? A) The alpha helix. B) The double helix. C) The triple helix. D) The beta structure. E) The beta barrel. 7. Which protein has quaternary structure? A) Insulin. B) A natural antibody. C) Chymotrypsin. D) Aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase). E) Myoglobin. 8. Which of the following are “broad themes used in discussing enzyme reaction mechanisms“? A) Proximity stabilization B) Transition state stabilization C) Acid-base catalysis D) Covalent catalysis E) All of the above 9. Under physiological conditions, which of the following processes is not an important method for regulating the activity of enzymes? A) Phosphorylation B) Temperature changes C) Adenylation D) Allosteric regulation E) Protein processing 10. The conversion of glucose to pyruvate is a multistep process requiring ten enzymes. If a mutation occurs resulting in a lack of activity for one of these enzymes, which of the following happens? A) The concentration of the metabolic intermediate which is the substrate of the missing enzyme is likely to increase and accumulate B) The concentration of pyruvate will increase C) The cell will produce more of the other nine enzymes to maintain steady state D) The concentration of the metabolic intermediate which is the product of the missing enzyme will decrease E) A and D 11. Indicate which is true about enzymes. A) Enzymes are permanently changed during the conversion of substrate into product. B) Enzymes interact irreversibly with their substrates. C) Enzymes change the energy difference between substrates and products. D) Enzymes reduce the energy of activation for the conversion of reactant into product. E) Enzymes increase the energy content of the products. 12. Consider a reaction as follows: A + B C + D, G0 = +10.0 Kj/mol How can this reaction go forward? A) Coupling of this reaction to a highly exergonic reaction through a common intermediate. 11 B) Immediate removal of the products. C) Addition of the appropriate enzyme. D) A and B. E) All of the above. 13. Which statement is not true of enzyme inhibitors? A) A competitive inhibitor binds the active site of the enzyme. B) Allosteric enzymes exhibit Michaelis-Menton kinetics. C) A noncompetitive enzyme binds elsewhere than the active site. D) Noncompetitive inhibitors cannot be completely overcome by adding more substrate. E) Competitive inhibition can be completely overcome by adding more substrate. 14. You could most dramatically destabilize a duplex DNA molecule in an aqueous solution by A) Decreasing the temperature. B) Decreasing the concentration of salt. C) Decreasing the concentration of organic solvents. D) Adjusting the pH to a value near 7. E) Adding a detergent. 15. With regard to DNA, which statement is false? A) Triple helix and tetraplex tend to appear at sites where replication, recombination or transcription is initiated or regulated. B) Hydrogen bonds are the only force to stabilize DNA structure. C) The absorbance of DNA at 260 nm will rise when it is denatured. D) Z-DNA tracts may play an role in the regulation of the expression of some genes or in genetic recombination. E) B-DNA is the most stable structure in physiological condition. 16. With regard to biological membrane, which statement is false? A) The ratio of proteins to lipids is various in different membranes. B) The membrane with more proteins has more complicated function than that with fewer proteins. C) Each membrane has a characteristic composition of lipids. D) Lipids symmetrically distribute in the two leaflets of a membrane. E) The flip-flop movement of lipids is done by a kind of enzyme. 17. Which of the following statements are true about the interactions between substrate and active site? You can assume that the catalysis goes to completion. Catalytic residues can be affected by pH The majority of bonds in E-S interactions are covalent bonds such as disulfide and peptide bonds The components of a mixture of the two mirror-image isomers of a compound, called a racemic mixture, will be acted upon equally by an enzyme The active site can alter itself to better fit the substrate The active site is permanently altered by its interaction with substrate The substrate is permanently altered by its interaction with active site Competitive inhibitors have no affect on the active site A) , , B) , , C) , , D) , , E) , , 18. Which of the following statements refer to glycogen (“G“) and which refer to cellulose (“C“)? Contains beta-1,4 glycosidic bonds Cannot be digested by mammalian enzymes Straight-chain molecule of high tensile strength Contains alpha 1,6-glycosidic bonds Branched molecule Used as a structural component Used as a nutritional storage molecule A) G= , , ; C= , , , 13 B) G= , , ; C= , , , C) G= , , , ; C= , , D) G= , ; C= , , , , E) G= , , ; C= , , , Part II: According to the figures and conditions provided, fill the blanks (Fewer have two or more answers, 55 points). 19. Protein secondary structures and their organization (5 points). A) Parallel -pleated sheet; B) Antiparallel -pleated sheet; C) Residues of Pro and Gly; D) Residues of Pro and Val; E) Residues of hydrophilic amino acids; F) Residues of hydrophobic amino acids; G) Residue of Arg, Lys, or His; H) Residue of Asp, or Glu. a) One domain of the protein is composed of b) What amino acids are frequently found in 5 c) If the residues at 6 is positively charged, then the residue at 7 is best d) What residues occur mostly at 1 and 2? e) What residues occur mostly at 3 and 4? 20. Several oxygen dissociation curves are shown in the following figure. (5 points). Assume that curve C corresponds to purified hemoglobin placed in a solution containing physiological concentrations of CO2 and BPG at a pH of 7.0. Below, indicate which of the curves reflects the changes noted in physiological conditions by placing the curve # on the lines below (Use only one curve choice/physiological change): a. Decreased CO2 concentration_ b. Increase BPG concentration_ c. Dissociation of hemoglobin into subunits d. A mutation that eliminates ion pairs that stabilize the T or deoxygenated state e. Fetal hemoglobin or a mutation which increase binding affinity for oxygen 21. Supersecondary structure of proteins (5 points). A) - Loop; B) Greek Key; C) - Corner; D) Right-handed connection between strands; E) Not observed; F) Very rare. a. b. c. D 15 d. e. f. 22. Protein classification (5 points). A) All ; B) All : C) /; D) +; E) Superfamily; F) Species a. A d. e. f. 23. Kinetics of enzyme inhibition or double-substrate reaction (5 points). a. Competitive inhibition A b. Non-competitive inhibition c. Uncompetitive inhibition d. Mixed competitive inhibition If S2 and substitute for I and respectively, then: e. Double-substrate enzyme reaction involving a ternary complex f. Double-substrate enzyme reaction with a ping-pong mechanism 24. Structure about Nucleotides and DNA (5 points) 17 a. Exo-2 / Endo-2configuration of ribose b. Exo-3 / Endo-3configuration of ribose c. Hoogsteen Pairs d. Can form cruciform structure e. Can form H-DNA 25. Biomembrane lipids (5 points) a. Sphingolipids b. Phospholipase A1 c. Phospholipase A2 d. Phospholipase C e. Sphingosine 26. Classes of membrane transports (5 points) a. Passive-transporters C b. Primary Active transport c. Secondary Active transport d. Channels e. Pumps f. Active co-transporters 27. Mechanism of Ach-gated ion channel (left, a cross section at the gate) or voltage-gated Na+ channel (right, vertical views). A) Inactive / activateable state of Na+ channel; B) Inactive / inactivateable state of Na+ channel; C) Inactivateable state of Na+ channel; D) Active state of Na+ channel; E) The 2nd tansmembrane helix of , , , or subunit; F) The 3rd tansmembrane helix of , , , or subunit; G) Small polar amino acid residue; H) Large non-polar amino acid residue; a) 19 b) c) d) D e) f) g) B 28. Biosignaling a) Ligand-gated channel pathway A b) Receptor enzyme pathway c) G protein coupled pathway C d) Nuclear receptor pathway e) The pathway(s) can act in synapse transmission A f) The pathway(s) can regulate gene expression g) The pathway(s) can regulate the concentration of glucose in blood h) It can phosphorylate Tyr, Ser, or


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