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课时跟踪练(一) Welcome to the unit & ReadingPre-reading.阅读理解AResearch has found that adults today have fewer friends than they did in the 1980s, and that more people say they have no one to discuss important stuff with.Play the violin. Not just play it and sing along. A new study suggests that singing is an effective way to make new friends because it helps us bond quickly with others.For the study, led by Eiluned Pearce, Ph.D.at Oxford University, researchers looked at participants, aged 18 to 83 in adult education classes organized by the Workers Education Association in the UK. Eightyfour participants were enrolled in one of four singing classes; 51 participants were enrolled in one of two creative crafts classes or a creative writing class.Over a period of seven months, the classes went weekly. During the first, third, and final months, researchers asked participants to tell how close they felt to their classmates. Results showed something surprising. Although participants in all the classes felt closer to their classmates by the studys end, participants in the singing classes developed that closeness much more quickly.As for why exactly singing leads to fast group bonding, the researchers say one possible reason is that everyone does it at the same time. Compare that with creative writing or crafting, where everyone is working on an individual project. Another possible cause, according to the researchers, is that singing involves muscular effort, which causes the release of certain molecules (分子) that can make us happier and more willing to cooperate.The point here is that singing can be a great icebreaker among large groups of strangers, which can lead to individual friendships down the line. “Really close relationships still depend on communication between individuals or much smaller groups,” Pearce said in a release, “but this study shows singing can start the bonding process.”语篇解读:研究发现很多人一起唱歌时很容易建立友谊关系。1What has research found about todays adults?AThey dont really want friends.BThey are looking for new friends.CThey have fewer friends than before.DThey like discussing important things with friends.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段可知,研究发现,现在的人跟以前相比朋友要少。2The researchers didnt expect that _.Acreative writing classes help people bondBthe participants would become closer to othersCso many participants would take singing classesDparticipants in the singing classes would bond so quickly解析:选D推理判断题。根据第四段的最后两句可知,这些研究人员没有料到很多人在一起唱歌时会那么快地建立友谊。3Paragraph 5 shows that reasons for the results of the research are _.Avery cheeringBvery interestingCa bit confusingDnot completely possible解析:选D细节理解题。根据第五段的内容可知,提到的那两点都只是有可能是那些结果的原因,但并不是很确定的,故选D项。4According to Eiluned Pearce, really close relationships _.Aare easy to developBdepend on ones attitudeCoften occur in large groupsDrely on individual communication解析:选D细节理解题。根据Eiluned Pearce在末段说的“Really close relationships still depend on communication between individuals or much smaller groups”可知,答案应选D项。BMore than four in 10 cancers 600,000 in the UK alone could be prevented if people led healthier lives, say experts.Latest figures from Cancer Research UK show smoking is the biggest avoidable risk factor, followed by unhealthy diets.The charity is urging people to consider their health when making New Year resolutions (决心)Limiting alcohol intake and doing regular exercise are also good advice.According to the figures from 2007 to 2011, more than 300,000 cases of cancer recorded were linked to smoking.A further 145,000 were linked to unhealthy diets containing too much processed food.Obesity (肥胖) contributed to 88,000 cases and alcohol to 62,200.Sun damage to the skin and physical inactivity were also contributing factors.Professor Max Parkin, a Cancer Research UK statistician based at Queen Mary University of London, said,“Theres now little doubt that certain lifestyle choices can have a big impact on cancer risk, with research around the world all pointing to the same key risk factors.”“Of course everyone enjoys some extra treats during the Christmas holidays, so we dont want to ban beef pies and wine; but its a good time to think about taking up some healthy habits for 2015.”“Leading a healthy lifestyle cant guarantee someone wont get cancer, but we can stack_the_odds_in_our_favor by taking positive steps now that will help decrease our cancer risk in future.”Public Health England says a healthy lifestyle can play an important role in reducing cancer risk.It says campaigns such as Smokefree, Dry January and Change4Life Sugar Swaps all aim to raise public awareness.Its important that we continue making progress to detect cancer earlier and improve treatments, but helping people understand how they can reduce their risk of developing cancer in the first place remains crucial in dealing with cancer.语篇解读:健康的生活方式非常重要,因为英国的一项调查显示,如果人们拥有健康的生活方式,那么十分之四的癌症是可以避免的。5What is the third biggest risk factor causing cancer from 2007 to 2011?AObesity.BAlcohol intake.CUnhealthy diets. DPhysical inactivity.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段可知,致癌因素中排名第一的是吸烟,第二是不健康的饮食,第三是肥胖,第四是饮酒。6According to Professor Max Parkin, _.Aits OK to drink wine during festivalsBthe reason for cancer is still unclear nowCunhealthy food should be completely bannedDa healthy lifestyle will protect us from cancer解析:选A细节理解题。根据第五段可知,Max Parkin教授虽然极力倡导健康的生活方式,但他认为节假日期间少量喝酒还是可以的。7The underlined words “stack the odds in our favor” in Paragraph 6 probably mean _.Achange our lives Bgain more wealthCavoid becoming ill Dimprove the situation解析:选D词义猜测题。根据语境可知,健康的生活方式虽然不能确保我们不得癌症,但是积极地采取可以帮助我们减少患癌风险的措施能使“情况对我们有利”,因此D项符合语境。8What is the text mainly about?ADifferent factors lead to cancer.BMost cancers are caused by smoking.CCancer is greatly linked to our lifestyles.DPublic awareness should be raised to prevent cancer.解析:选C主旨大意题。本文开篇点题,强调生活方式与癌症之间的关系,即健康的生活方式可以降低得癌症的几率,因此C项能概括本文主旨。CImagine youve had a fight with your best friend.Its a stupid fight, something you will both get over.But right now you are upset.When you walk in the door, your mom asks whats wrong.How are you mostly likely to respond?Have a long, comforting talk about it with her.Or head to the fridge for the ice cream.But can that really help you feel better or just make you feel sickeningly full?Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of to satisfy hunger.Weve all been there, finishing a whole bag of chips or eating cookie after cookie while preparing for a coming exam.But when done a lot especially without realizing it emotional eating can affect weight, health, and wellbeing.One of the biggest beliefs about emotional eating is that its caused by negative feelings.Yes, people often turn to food when theyre stressed out, lonely, sad, anxious, or bored.Nevertheless, emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too, like the romance of sharing dessert on Valentines Day or the celebration of a holiday feast.More often, though, its the countless little daily stresses that cause someone to seek comfort or relaxation in food.We all have our own comfort foods.Amazingly, they may vary according to moods and sex.One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sad people prefer ice cream and cookies.Bored people desire salty, fragile things, like chips.Girls go for chocolate and ice cream.This brings up a curious question: Does no one take comfort in carrots and cabbages?Researchers are looking into that, too.What theyre finding is that highfat foods, like ice cream, may activate certain chemicals in the body that create a sense of contentment and fulfillment, which may actually make you reach for these foods again when feeling upset.Were all emotional eaters to some extent.But for some people, emotional eating can be a real problem, causing serious problems such as weight gain.Managing emotional eating means finding other ways to deal with the situations and feelings that make someone turn to food.For example, do you come home from school each day and automatically head to the kitchen?Stop and ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” “Are you having difficulty concentrating?” If these signs point to hunger, choose something light and healthy to take the edge off until dinner.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了情绪化饮食及其带来的问题和解决办法。9The first two paragraphs are designed to _.Aoffer advice on how to comfort an annoyed childBput forward the idea of emotional eatingCexplain the function of eating an ice creamDstress the importance of friendship解析:选B写作意图题。文章前两段通过描写与朋友吵架后用情绪化饮食来调解情绪的事例,旨在引出话题情绪化饮食。故答案选B。10People turn to emotional eating because _.Athey suffer from weight problemsBthey have a strong desire for foodCthey benefit a lot from eatingDthey want to seek comfort or relaxation解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of to satisfy hunger.”可知,人们通过情绪化饮食来寻求安慰和放松。故答案选D。11Which of the following may not serve as comfort food?ACarrots. BPizzas.CChips. DCookies.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第四段中提到的安慰的食物及第五段可知,胡萝卜不作为获得安慰的食物。故答案选A。12Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?AEat whenever you cant concentrate.BIt is natural to feel hungry after school.CThere are ways to break the cycle of emotional eating.DIts hard to tell physical hunger from mental hunger.解析:选C段落大意题。文章最后一段主要介绍了解决情绪化饮食的办法。故答案选C。.阅读七选五Most of you love watching movies.They can be funny, sad, imaginative, inspiring, and so much more!There are so many possibilities and so many great movies to watch!The making of a movie usually begins with a script (剧本)_1_ The producer is the person who is responsible for coordinating (协调) aspects of the film like budget and scheduling.The producer plans out how the project will be carried out and he usually starts by hiring a director!_2_ The director will usually identify themes or feelings that he or she wants the movie to convey to its audience and will then assemble (聚集) all the other people who will be needed, such as costumedesigners, makeup artists, special effects crew, stuntmen (特技人), cameramen, and, of course, actors!Next, shooting begins! _3_ Often a director will want to get several “takes” (versions) of a scene or mom


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