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嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 欢迎使用英语:2011高考考前语法加油冲刺解析题(2)【101】 the driver drove _ hit at a big tree and the car came to s stop.【译文】 驾驶员开车太不小心,撞上了一棵大树,车就停下来了。 a. too carelessly to b. carelessly enough to c. so carelessly that he d. so careless that he【答案及简析】 c。 sothat结构。副词carelessly修饰动词drove。【102】 we like the oil painting better, _ we looked at it.【译文】 每当我们看到这幅画,我们越喜欢它。 a. as b. while c. the moment d. the more【答案及简析】 c。 the moment引导的时间状语从句。【103】 jack is a good friend _, and he often comes to our home for a visit.【译文】 杰克是我爸的好朋友,他经常在我家来玩。 a. of my father b. of my fathers c. for my father d. in my fathers 【答案及简析】 b。 of my fathers 双重所有格。【104】 youd better make a mark _ you have any questions.【译文】 你最好在你有疑问的地方做上标记。 a. at which b. at where c. the place d. where 【答案及简析】 d。 where引导的地点状语从句。【105】 we didnt plan our art exhibition like that but it _ very well.【译文】 我们原来没有计划到展览像那个样,然而结果相当不错。 a. worked out b. tried out c. went on d. carried out【答案及简析】 d。 work out 解决,算出;try out 试穿;go on 继续;carry out进行【106】 he was so angry at all _ i was doing _ he walked out.【译文】 他对我所做的一且都感到气愤以至于他离开了。 a. that; that b. what; that c. that; what d. which; what【答案及简析】 a。 sothat结构中含有一个定语从句。【107】 if it had been possible, i would have helped him, but i _ too busy the.【译文】 如果可能的话,我就帮助他了,但那时我太忙了。 a. had been b. would be c. were d. was【答案及简析】 d。 前面是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,but引导的真实情况。【108】 vicky, _ born in china, lived and practiced law in public.【译文】 vicky出生在中国,居住在中国并在中国从事法律工作。 a. was b. he was c. although d. who he was【答案及简析】 a。 并列的三个谓语部分,注意and的用法。【109】 _ the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.【译文】 当你再读第二遍这首诗时,你就更加清楚它的意思了。 a. you having read b. while reading c. when you read d. if reading【答案及简析】 c。 when引导的时间状语从句。【110】 he left europe _ world war ii broke out.【译文】 在二战爆发的这年他离开了欧洲。 a. during b. the year c. while d. there【答案及简析】 b。 the year 引导的时间状语从句。【111】 in no case _ allowed to go on.【译文】 这样的是绝不容许再发生。 a. should such a thing be b. should not such a thing be c. such a thing should not be d. such a thing should be【答案及简析】 a。 in no case 这样的否定词或者短语在句首,句子要部分倒装。【112】 _ by what everyone says about him, id say he has a good chance of winning.【译文】 从大家对他所做的表述来判断,我得说他很有机会赢。 a. judged b. judging c. to be judged d. having been judged【答案及简析】 b。 从来判断,只能用judging形式。【113】 how did you manage to get to school on time _ you missed the school bus?【译文】 你赶掉了校车,你是如何按时到学校的呀? a. when b. if c. once d. because【答案及简析】 a。 整个句子说得是过去的事,不表示假设,只要排除了once,if,答案就只有a了。【114】 - could you do me a favour and take the box up to the six floor? - _. no problem at all.【译文】 -你能帮我把这个箱子搬到六楼吗?-好,没问题! a. with please b. my pleasure c. for pleasure d. at your pleasutre【答案及简析】 a。 with pleasure = ill take the box to the six floor with pleasure.【115】 the city was difficult _, _ was defended by an army of 6,000 men.【译文】 要占领这座城市很难,有6,000人的军队把守。 a. to be taken; which b. to take; that c. to take; which d. to be taken; that【答案及简析】 c。 the city was difficult to take = it was difficult to take the city. 只要这两种句型能够互换,不定式就得用主动的形式。【116】 he bought some books, _ were expensive.【译文】 他买了不少书,大部分很贵。 a. most of which b. the most of which c. most d. the most of that【答案及简析】 a。 most在定语从句做主语,不加冠词。【117】 _that shes by law old enough to get married, i dont see how you can stop her.【译文】 我明白按法律她到了该结婚的年龄,但不明白你如何能阻止她。 a. having seen b. to see c. seeing d. seen【答案及简析】 c。 现在分词表伴随,动作由主语发来的。【118】 these are questions _ by history.【译文】 这些是历史遗留下来的问题。 a. left over b. left off c. leaving out d. leaving behind【答案及简析】 a。 leave over遗留;leave off离开,停止;leave out漏掉;leave behind遗忘【119】 is this the watch you wish to _?【译文】 这就是你想修的表吗? a. have it repaired b. repair it c. have repaired it d. have repaired【答案及简析】 a。 have sth. done结构中的宾语和主语都不发出这个动作。【120】 has everything _ can be done _?【译文】 能够做的是不是都做了? a. what; done b. that; been done c. that; already done d. what; already being done【答案及简析】 b。 主句是现在完成时态,主句中有一个定语从句。【121】 whom would you rather have _ with you?【译文】 你宁愿让谁和你一道去? a. to go b. gone c. going d. go【答案及简析】 d。 have sb. do sth.结构。【122】 how pleased the emperor was _ what the cheat said!【译文】 皇帝很高兴地听到这个骗子说的话! a. hearing b. heard c. hear d. to hear【答案及简析】 d。 be pleased to do sth. 结构变成的感叹句。【123】 the students are _ to hand in the exercises before class.【译文】 希望学生在下课前交作业。 a. hoped b. suggested c. agreed d. wished【答案及简析】 d。 wish sb. to do sth. 其他三个动词不能用于这个结构。【124】 is this school _ they visited the other day?【译文】 这就是前些天他们访问的学校吗? a. that b. which c. where d. the one【答案及简析】 d。 考查定语从句的先行词。【125】 they are _ children that they cant dress themselves.【译文】 他们太小不能自己穿衣服。 a. so little b. such little c. so small d. too small【答案及简析】 b。 suchthat 结构。little意为小,如果是表示数量的话,则用so。【126】 china is larger than _ in africa.【译文】 中国比非洲任何一个国家都大。 a. any other country b. other countries c. any countries d. any country【答案及简析】 d。 在不同范围的比较中不能用any other;是和任何一个国家比较故选any country。【127】 _ and i will hit you.【译文】 再那样说话,我就要打你。 a. if you say that again b. say that again c. say you that again d. youll say that again【答案及简析】 b。 祈使句+ and + 一个将来时态的句子。该句型中的祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句。say that again and ill hit you = if you say that again, i will hit you.【128】 it is such a modern machine _ few of the workers know how to operate.【译文】 它是一台很先进的机器很少有工人能够使用它。 a. as b. which c. that d. the one【答案及简析】 a。 such as引导的定语从句。as代替先行词machine在从居中充当operate的宾语。【129】 _ it happens, her birthday is after mine.【译文】 正如那样,她的生日在我的生日之后。 a. as b. while c. though d. until【答案及简析】 a。 as引导的方式状语从句。像,如。【130】 - whats your opinion about it? -you can _at a glance that the building was poorly built. 【译文】 -你对此的看法如何?-一眼就可以看得出这座楼房修建得很差。 a. say b. see c. tell d. take it for granted【答案及简析】 b。 see在该句的意思是明白,知道。say说;tell区分;take it for granted想当然。【131】 so excited _ that he couldnt say a word.【译文】 他太激动了,一句话都说不出来。 a. was he b. he was c. did he be d. did he was【答案及简析】 a。 sothat结构中的so位于句首,主句要部分倒装。它的倒装要连同它所修饰的成分一同倒装。【132】 _ knocked down and hurt worried her friends.【译文】 kate的被撞倒和受伤使她的朋友很着急。 a. kates being b. kate was c. kate being d. kate had been【答案及简析】 a。 当动名词的复合结构作主语时,要用规范的形式,因此排除kate being。【133】 we found marrys brother to have _ more story books than anns.【译文】 我们发现玛丽的故事书要比安莉的多得多 a. much b. too much c. by far d. far【答案及简析】 c。 修饰可数名词不能用much;by far可以用于修饰比较级。【134】 the sun is bigger than the moon, _ we all know it.【译文】 太阳比月亮大,我们大家都知道。 a. as b. which c. and d. that【答案及简析】 c。 此句不缺任何成分,不是定语从句,只能是并列句。【135】 we must find a dictionary. _ will do.【译文】 我们应该找到一本辞典。任何一本都可以。 a. some b. any c. every d. each【答案及简析】 b。 any表示任何一本都行。【136】 _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.【译文】 无论谁最后一个离开房间都得关掉灯。 a. anyone b. the person c. whoever d. who【答案及简析】 c。 主语从句中缺主语;同时表示强调故用whoever。【137】 everyone working on sunday will have _ pay doubled.【译文】 每一个周六加班的人都会得到加倍的工资。 a. its b. their c. ones d. one【答案及简析】 b。 everyone做主语其物主代词用their;one作主语时用ones。【138】 in my bedroom, i have a small desk _.【译文】 在我的寝室,我有一个小书桌写东西。 a. to write b. writing c. to write on d. to write with【答案及简析】 c。 have sth. to do 的句型中不定式作定语只能是及物动词,和被修饰的名词有动宾关系。【139】 tom was a black slave and he at last _ the cotton farm to join the north army.【译文】 汤姆是一个黑奴,他终于逃出棉田加入了北方大军。 a. left b. escaped c. ran away d. fled【答案及简析】 d。 作为奴隶只能逃跑,排除leave;escape 和run away 都是不及物动词。【140】 meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _ i will always treasure.【译文】 多年不见叔叔的见面时我永远珍惜的美好时刻。 a. that b. one c. it d. what【答案及简析】 b。 不定代词one作moment的同位语。【141】 the research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.【译文】 这个研究一旦开始什么都不能使它改变。 a. begins b. having begun c. beginning d. begun【答案及简析】 d。 once begun是once引导的条件状语从句的省略形式。= once it is begun【142】 one way to understand thousands of new words is to gain _ good knowledge of basic word formation.【译文】 认识数千词汇的一个办法是掌握构词法。 a. / b. the c. a d. one【答案及简析】 c。 have / gain a knowledge of 是一个固定搭配,掌握的意思。【143】 luckily, the bullet narrow missed the captain _ an inch.【译文】 真幸运,子弹差一英寸就击中上尉了。 a. by b. at c. to d. from【答案及简析】 a。 by an inch 相隔一英寸。固定表达法。【144】 i feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.【译文】 我认为是你的丈夫该为这个被溺爱的孩子而受到责备。 a. is to blame b. is going to blame c. is to be blamed d. should blame【答案及简析】 a。 责备,抱怨某人,用主动形式不用被动。sb. is to blame for sth.【145】 mrs. black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera, _?【译文】 布莱克太太不相信她的儿子能够设计数码相机,是吧? a. is he b. isnt he c. doesnt she d. does she【答案及简析】 d。 复合句的反意疑问句的附加疑问部分一般说来与主句一致。【146】 we thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to _ it. it might be valuable.【译文】 我们原想卖掉旧家具,但我们决定保留着也许他们有价值呢。 a. hold on to b. keep up with c. turn to d. look after【答案及简析】 a。 hold on to保留;keep up with保持联系;turn to求助于;look after照料。【147】 there is a feeling _ me_ well never know what a ufo is - not ever.【译文】 我有一种感觉,我们会弄清楚什么是ufo,不会很久的。 a. in; that b. on; which c. for; for which d. by; what【答案及简析】 a。 在某人身上介词用in;此句中有一个同位语从句。【148】 perseverance is a kind of quality- and that is _ it takes to do anything well.【译文】 毅力是一种素质。那是将什么都能做好的素质。 a. what b. that c. which d. why【答案及简析】 a。 此句是it take sth. to do sth.句型。perseverance做take的宾语。【149】 he was about to tell me the secret_ someone patted him on the shoulder.【译文】 正当他打算把这个秘密告诉我的时候,有人拍他的肩膀。 a. as b. until c. while d. when【答案及简析】 d。 在主句是be about to do sth.的情况下,从句用when引导。【150】 _ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.【译文】 暴露在阳光下太久将对一个人的皮肤有害。 a. exposed b. having exposed c. being exposed d. after being exposed【答案及简析】 c。 动名词短语做主语,用系表结构表示状态。【151】 _ she was afraid at that time, she would say no to the plan.【译文】 要不是当时她害怕,他会不同那个计划的。 a. but for b. if c. but that d. when【答案及简析】 c。 but that要不是,引导一个从句。【152】 -whats the matter? you really look down. - _. -well, better luck next time.【译文】 -怎么啦?你看起来情绪低落。- _. 喔,下次好运! a. why, i always look up to you b. i failed an important test c. i have a bad cold d. me? i never look down upon anybody【答案及简析】 b。 look down意为情绪低落,下句望你下一次走好运与考试不及格相吻合。【153】 so loudly_ that everyone of the class could hear him.【译文】 他大声地讲话,让每个人都能听得见。 a. did he speak b. did he spoke c. spoke he d. he spoke【答案及简析】 a。 so+形容词,so+副词放于句首时,构成倒装句,句中要加助动词。【154】 -may i have a talk with one of your sports reporters?-sorry, but all of them are out to_the main events of the day.【译文】 -我可以和你们的体育记者谈一谈吗?-对不去,都出去采访去了。 a. get b. find c. cover d. search【答案及简析】 c。 get the information得到信息,find找到,cover the events采访事件,search the house搜查这所房子。【155】 -did you write to mary last month? -no, but ill_her over christmas day.【译文】 -你上个月没给玛丽写信呀?-是的,但在圣诞节期间我要去见她。 a. be seen b. be seeing c. have seen d. have been seeing【答案及简析】 b。 将来进行时will/shall be doing sth.。可用于表达预计即将发生或势必要发生的动作,在一般情况下可和一般将来时换用,用将来进行时则显得更加委婉。【156】 -what do you think of the prime ministers address to the nation? -i like_of what he said.【译文】 -你认为总理的讲话如何?-大部分我都喜欢。 a. more b. many c. few d. much【答案及简析】 d。 address(讲话)是整体名词,表示整体的一大部分不可数,该用much代替。【157】 dark glasses are sometimes worn to _the eyes from strong sunlight.【译文】 有时戴墨镜是为了保护眼睛不受到阳光的伤害。 a. prevent b. care c. defend d. protect【答案及简析】 d。 protect.from意为保护不受伤害;prevent.from意为阻止发生。【158】 hillen used to be very shy, but she has grown_it now.【译文】 hillen过去很害羞,但随着年龄增大而改掉了。 a. without b. over c. away d. out of【答案及简析】 d。 grow out of在此表示因年岁增大而改掉的意思。【159】 my command of chinese is not_yours.【译文】 我对汉语的掌握还不如你的一半好。 a. as half as b. so half good as c. good as half as d. half so good as【答案及简析】 d。 表示倍数的词应放在so+形容词+as或as+形容词+as结构的前面,so+形容词+as用于否定句。【160】 miss smith is a friend of_.【译文】 史密斯小姐玛丽妈妈的一位朋友。 a. marys mothers b. marys mother c. mary mothers d. mothers of mary【答案及简析】 a。 a friend of marys mothers玛丽妈妈的一位朋友,在of后要加名词所有格,应注意英语这种双重所属的用法。【161】 the little boy is dirty from head to foot because he_in the mud all morning.【译文】 这个小孩一身很脏,因为污泥中玩了一上午。 a. has played b. is playing c. has been playing d. was playing【答案及简析】 c。 从is dirty from head to foot和all morning判断应用一直在玩。现在完成时态和现在完成进行时态都是说明动作由过去开始,该动作延续到现在。【162】 i remember_this used to be a quiet village.【译文】 我记得那时,这是个僻静的村庄。 a. when b. how c. where d. what【答案及简析】 a。 when引导宾语从句,表示。village已有quiet修饰,不能再用how引导从句,c【163】 anne looks_in red while green clothes are nice _helen.【译文】 anne穿着红色的衣服很美,然而helen穿着绿色的衣服很不错。 a. good; on b. well; in c. good; at d. well; for【答案及简析】 a。 d不合题意。【164】 i advised that he _to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he quite well then.【译文】 我建议把他立即送到医院去,可他坚持说他觉得很好。 a. be sent; was feeling b. was sent; felt c. be sent; feel d. should be sent; should feel【答案及简析】 a。 taste,sound,feel,look,smell与形容词连用表示某人或某物的一种状态【165】 all the students went to see _ with her.【译文】 所有同学都去看她出了什么事? a. what the matter was b. what was the matter c. what wrong was d. what was the wrong【答案及简析】 b。 性质。这五个动词是系动词,故这几个动词没有被动语态形式,只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。【166】 -youve made great progress in your studies of english, havent you? -yes, but much _.【译文】 英语系上取得的了很大的进步,是吗?是的,但还有很多东西要学。 a. remains to do b. is remained to do c. remains to be done d. is remained to be done【答案及简析】 c。 remain作系动词用,本身不用于被动语态,有时与不定式的被动结构构成合成谓语,意为尚待。【167】 -why didnt you tell ann the truth?-_ .【译文】 -为什么你不把真相告诉ann。-我告诉过她了呀。 a. yes, i was afraid to be scolded by her b. no, but i wanted to c. but i did d. i always hate telling lies【答案及简析】 c。 特殊疑问句,答句不能用yes或no开头。【168】 hardly _ when the bus suddenly pulled away.【译文】 他们一到车站,车就开走了。 a. they had got to the bus stop b. they got to the bus stop c. did they get to the bus stop d. had they got to the bus stop【答案及简析】 d。 否定副词hardly放于句首构成倒装句。hardly+had+主语+done when.did.是固定的句式。选项a【169】 he is always_fault with other people though he doesnt do his own work properly.【译文】 他一天不认真干自己的工作总是在寻找他人的毛病。 a. seeking b. looking c. finding d. putting【答案及简析】 c。 b应用倒装语序【170】 -do you know anyone in paris?-no, ill make friends once_ .【译文】 -你在巴黎有熟人吗?-没有,一旦我在那儿安家会交朋友的。 a. im settled b. i have settled c. ill be settled d. im settling【答案及简析】 a。 seek探寻,look看(不及物动词,不加宾语),find找到,put放。【171】 -how is_ going with you?- so so.【译文】 -你近况如何?-就那样。 a. everything b. anything c. something d. nothing【答案及简析】 a。 everything在这里是一切的意思。【172】 im not very good at playing chess. he often _ me.【译文】 我不太擅长下棋。他经常赢我。 a. beats b. wins c. hits d. fights【答案及简析】 a。 在比赛中战胜对手用beat;win指赢得某项比赛,后接比赛项目的名词。【173】 he asked several questions_ the professor who gave us a lecture_the balance of nature.【译文】 他经常向那个教授提问,他给我们讲关于生态平衡的讲座。 a. with; for b. from; of c. to; about d. of; on【答案及简析】 d。 ask表示提出请求或问题时,其间接宾语可用of引出。后一空白填on表示书【174】 this colour tv is very expensive, but not_.【译文】 这个彩电很贵,而且质量也不太好。 a. so better b. as better c. so well d. as good【答案及简析】 d。 so应与形容词原级连用,so good表示质量好,so well只用于表示人身体健康状况时,well是形容词。如:i am feeling well.其他句式中well是副词【175】 more than_ of the workers_from paris.【译文】 超过百分之十的工人来自巴黎。 a. ten percents; is b. ten percent; are c. three times; was d. percents ten; comes【答案及简析】 b。 百分数+of+可数名词,谓语动词用复数形式;百分数+不可数名词,谓语动词应用单数第三人称形式。【176】 it worried her a bit that her hair_ grey.【译文】 她的头发变白了使得她有点着急。 a. was turning b. has turned c. turns d. will turn【答案及简析】 a。 从句的时态应该和主句的时态保持一致。【177】 _ she did was right. so everyone always believed(in)her.【译文】 无论她做什么都是对的。所以大家都信任她。 a. what b. whatever c. how d. when【答案及简析】 b。 主句中差主语,同时从句中差宾语;当what和whatever同时出现应首选whoever。【178】 mrs.green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she_ that the cloth_very well.【译文】 格林太太想买那种布料,因为她被告知那种布料耐洗。 a. has been told; washes b. has told; washes c. has been told; is washed d. is told; is washed【答案及简析】 a。 wash well好洗,容易洗。表示某物体状态的动词是不及物动词。一些及物动词也可充当不及物动词表示某一种状态,在动词后常用well好,easily break易碎,wear long耐穿。【179】 he was determined that his children_ to the best school available.【译文】 他决心让他的孩子上尽可能好的学校。 a. should go b. went c. ought to go d. would go【答案及简析】 a。 be determined引出从句用should do sth.。require,order,demand,recommend和be determined从句中,谓语动词用should do形式做谓语,或省去should,只用动词原形做【180】 _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.【译文】 他在会上所说的话使在场的人都感到惊讶。 a. what b. that c. the fact d. the matter【答案及简析】 a。 主句中差主语,同时从句中差宾语用引导what主语从句。【181】 thats the best way we should think of _the dying soldier.【译文】 这就是我们能想出来的最好的办法来救那临死的士兵。 a. helping b. saving c. operating d. to save【答案及简析】 d。 we should think of作the best way的定语,其后接不定式to save作目的状语。【182】 -you cant finish the book in less than an hour, i suppose? -_.【译文】 -我想,你不可能在不到一个小时之内的时间里看完这本书。-不。我肯定能看完它。 a. yes, im sure i can b. no, hardly c. sorry, i cant d. i dont think i can【答案及简析】 a。 问句为否定疑问句,回答该用yes或no开头,b项结构不完整,其完整形式应该是:no,i can hardly finish it.【183】 only when cl


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