



口语 Task 1 plan 1 Advantage and disadvantage of eating in class. plan 2 是说有些大学把paper books或者magazines给卖掉了,取而代之的是electronic books,你觉得可行不可行。 plan 3 如果学校得到一笔大投资,打算改建图书馆、健身房、科学实验室,你建议学校建哪一个,WHY? If your university got a large sum of money and the plans of rebuilding the library, Gym and Scientific Laboratories were made, which do you think should get the investment? Why? plan 4 Which of the three occupations do you think is the most hard? Civil servant, Doctor, Police officer; Explain with specific details and examples.plan 5你住的国家面临的问题 翻译的不知道对不对,原题似乎是:Explain your countrys problem or OOXX Describe the problems your country is facing now.Task 2 plan 1 Some people like collecting old things such as newspaper. How about you, explain. plan 2 Government该不该spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle. plan 3 你觉得学生应该focus on study或应该在求学期间做兼职part-time job? plan 4 Do you agree or disagree with schools arrangement for out-door curriculums like visiting museums and zoos? Why?plan 5你喜欢早做完事情还是等到快到deadline在做,为什么,你的意见是什么Do you prefer finishing your work once you got them (as quick as possible) or to wait until the due time(deadline). Why?Task 3plan 1 【公开信】the university is offering new internship opportunity to journalism student. And 【观点】the woman think it is great. 【理由】First, student will gain professional skills through this experience, and also this experience looks good on resume. Second, final course doesnt have regular schedule for student to attend. 补充:学校有一个通知,提供大四记者专业的学生到真正的报社实习,可以抵一个大四的课程,女生同意,自己也想去,因为可以写文章,和real editor一起工作,还可以不用去上课 plan 2 读短文,然后听听力总结:短文内容是说现在的Modern literature课越来越popular,有些大学就采取了两个方法让更多的同学enroll。 方法一:把小教室换成大教室; 方法二,把课时加到晚上,让更多的人来听。听力内容是一男一女,男的不同意学校的方法,理由是小教室更方便group discussion,大教室距离远了不好操作;而有的同学晚上有活动,有jobs to do,肯定没有时间来参加晚上的课时。 plan 3 阅读:医学院安排假期intern-ship的通知,要让医学院学生有机会做3个月的实习 听力:女的觉得its great news,理由有二 (1)可以让学生知道自己毕业是否有办法HANDLE; (2)学校课业很重,每天都读到很晚,3个月的实习不用每天FOCUS在学校课业。 plan 4Reading: 【学校通知】:学校职业中心( Career Center)将提供学生自传及Cover letter的修正服务,帮助学生建立更好地profile,方便学生的找工作时推销自己 Listening:【学生议论】:女生赞成。两个理由: 1)以前的学生在毕业时候的简历都不知道格式,如果Career Center能帮忙解决,学生就不用担心就业时候的简历问题 2)学生的自传能让公司更加了解学生的情况,方便找到对口的职业。plan 5The announcement of change in career survives from the school newspaper.2 changes: the first one is students are required to meet their career advisor at least once per semester. (because they can get more info貌似是这个意思,我改动了一些);the second one is participating summer internship program,原因我忘记了,然后那个女的非常同意,原因一是好多同学不去,但实际上去了可以得到很多有用的信息,她就上个学期去了一个学期,她的advisor就帮助她整理resume和写cover letter原因二是她姐姐就参加了去年program,然后毕业之后就从intern变成了full-time Reading: changes in career service. Listening: woman thinks its great. Reasons: 1.one day, she went the office (forget the name.), the adviser was really helpful. Told her what to put in her resume and how to do the cover letter.2.Changes will benefit the students in the program a lot. Last year, her sister had an internship. Because she was such a good writer (or, something? I forget), she was offered the job position after the graduation.Task 4 plan 1 【名词解释】planning fallacy.(“planning fallacy”讲的是人很难预测到潜在的问题)Fail to consider all the possible factors that affect the project and lead to the inaccuracy in estimate the time that cost to complete then lead to bad consequences. 【讲座例予】教授在大学时是好学生,有一天他的教授布置了10 pages的paper,他认为他很快可以写完,所以提前一天开始写,到了图书馆,借了书,回去发现材料不够,再去图书馆时,已经关门了,所以只能迟交作文,最后得了很低的分,虽然他教师觉得他的内容很好 plan 2 讲了一个叫:反映( response)难易度(effort)的名词。不知该怎么翻译,反正就是讲:完成一个任务需要的力气越少,人们完成的会越好。例子讲了一个幼儿园老师要求孩子们画完画后讲蜡笔放回原来的盒子里收好,可是很多人都没那么做。因为那个盒子太小了,孩子们方不进去,他们试了几次后就放弃了。然后老师要求把蜡笔放在一个塑料盆里,这个工作很简单,所有的孩子都做到了。 plan 3 阅读:说明sociology中的diversion技术。 听力:professor讲了个例子,电视节目上A,B两个哥们儿讨论关于政府投资建公园的事情,A反对花钱建公园;B不提钱的事情,只是说公园多好多好,举了好多例子,然后把观众的注意力转移,因为钱是大家敏感的,这就是diversion技术。 Task 5 plan 1 【1个问题】the man cant find his camera before his trip to Spain.男生在spring break要去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了 【2个建议】he can either buy a new one,or borrow one from his friend Jake.女生让他买,但是他说没有enough money,他自己说他朋友(貌似说了具体的名字)可以借给他,但是他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken或者stolen就不好了 plan 2 一男一女的对话,女的说她的父母weekend要来visit她,她很激动,但是她的apartment很脏乱。而她父母是晚上到,在晚上之前她有一个chemistry meeting,如果她逃掉meeting去打扫公寓,那么落下的知识很难补回来;如果她在meeting结束后rush home然后clean the house,即使没有完全clean,她的父母也会理解她。先总结听力,然后问你她的方案哪一个更好。 plan 3 一男一女讨论一个男的遇到的问题,女的给了建议,但是男的说的比女的多。男学生牙痛,两个解决办法: (1)明天去知道的医院看医生,但他有一门课好差,已经约了几个人去复习,有点time conflicts (2)那间医院的人说他要是紧急的话,可以去另一间30分钟车程的牙医诊所,他不知道路问怎么解决 plan 4【学生困难】:男生抱怨数学教授教得不好 【解决方案】:女生建议: 1) 换一个班学。2)自己组建一个读书会。plan 5首先,一个男人说,he works in the bookstore in college. His job is to carry heavy box which contains books. However, last week he went to help his friend to move to the new apartment. He injured himself. Doctor said that he cant carry heavy things for a month. So he went back to talk to his boss, his boss offered him a job to be a cashier in bookstore, however, the schedule for cashier only opens in the morning. He has a physic group study at that time. The physic group is important to him coz he improved grade OOXX. So he went to find a dish washer job in cafeteria which fits his schedule. However, if he takes thejob in cafeteria, he wont have the discount to buy books in bookstore, which saved him a lot every semester Task 6 plan 1 【讲座主题】mechanism that animal use to survive from water current. 【相关例子】one is attainment, black fly larva. The second is thick body, sculling.补充:两种动物,black fly larva和splice(音译)为什么可以在激流中保持不动,那个larva好像是因为hand hook,所以可以touch the bottom of river.第二个好像身体里有一个borrower(音译),可以让他在水中保持不动。 plan 2 一个教授的小讲座,说monkey常年住在树上,该怎么喝水。举了两个例子,第一个是一种monkey(记不得名字了,屏幕上会出现),这种monk


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