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中文4400字LED的发展前景LED的巨大的市场注定其将发展成一个巨大的产业。总的来说,国内产业的规模一直不尽人意,典型案例是集成电路、液晶面板行业,国内集成电路产业现在是徘徊在产业尾部。液晶面板产业充斥着疾病,技术复杂。大型投资和基础设施薄弱是主要原因,而LED行业将打破诅咒,并且带来产业的升级换代。例如液晶驱动芯片的国内产业,由于液晶面板产业和巨大的市场支持,LED驱动IC预计在中国蓬勃发展,并且使国内企业更大更强,从而促进国内LCD驱动芯片的发展。中国LED行业目前所处劣势在于国内企业和国外的LED产品技术水平在追求高端客户方便有一定的差距。其次,相比国内集成电路制造业基地,日本、韩国、台湾,这些LDE发展较强的区域,LED拓展,芯片制造能力,技术水平和糟糕的外部支持,需要一些时间来加强。第三,国内LDE业务的规模仍相对较小,他们中的大多数没有超过100 kk /月的能源,这种状况在未来两年将得到改善。第四,国内研发集中在大学和研究机构、生产企业,缺乏研发成果快速产业化的转换机制。应借鉴台湾工业技术研究院的技术成果许可机制,加快科技成果的转化率和科学研究机构。不能为自己的行业不是最新技术的结果,及时转移产业,政府应该规范的发展相关的政策性行为。第五,国内缺乏核心专利,特别是相关行业长期发展的蓝光核心专利,专利缺乏光明,这将增强国内产业的长期发展的功能。中国本地企业在这个阶段主要处于初始阶段,规模较小的公司和制造商的专利不构成威胁,专利问题不是很突出。然而,随着国内企业的发展和扩张,一旦规模在一定程度上遵循“走出去”的发展战略,将成为一个潜在的专利问题。目前,国内企业逐渐变扩大,提高产品质量和技术水平是最重要的任务,是研发专利逐步突破的核心。我们相信我国LED产业具有良好的发展前景,基于以下几点:第一,在技术方面LED技术处于高速增长的瓶颈,国内长期积累在半导体领域研究资源为进一步研究打下了良好的基础。虽然集成电路制造的基础差,技术水平相对较低,但是随着一些国内企业海外技术人员加入,技术不断的突破,国内企业的良好技术水平、企业与台湾的技术水平与国际公司作为一个整体,已经缩小了差距。第二,投资相对较小的初始投资1亿,国内企业进入的门槛低,容易导致滚动发展。制造集成电路和液晶面板制造商数百亿数十亿元的投资都是“微不足道”的,更容易使国内企业形成产业集群。当然,还可能导致恶性竞争和发展阶段的市场整合。第三,国内市场大,LED市场主要是普通照明市场,消费者市场分散,难以形成垄断一个巨大的国内企业的生存空间。第四,一些企业的核心知识产权,如晶体硅光伏衬底项目,美国的面积和芯片的核心技术,具有全球竞争力的企业技术发展的示范效应容易形成和促进国内商业市场的健康发展。第五,成熟的技术导致下游的劳动密集型生产,包装和设备的发展与大陆劳动力具有成本优势。LED行业的开发过程中,全球的LED销售根据市场目前最大的手机背光市场,与手机销售增长放缓提高了LED屏幕手机液晶屏幕渗透的全球LED的增长率。技术进步降低了成本,在当前(甚至2010年以前)允许完全访问一般使用LED照明市场在全球经济增长下将成为下一个液晶笔记本和汽车室内灯背光市场。作为世界五大液晶面板(LG飞利浦、三星、友达、CMO和夏普)LED的一个高水平的技术,大量生产能力在日本、台湾、韩国。国内只有央行、波兰电力和五个龙光伏电池板三行,4.5代上海天马生产线需求后能使用LED背光,但整体需求不占主导地位,国内企业进入液晶屏背光使供应链收益不应太大面板背光手机市场非常相似。中国市场应用LED在这个阶段主要是在建筑照明、室内外显示屏。基于上述原因,下一波的主要力量可能出现在这些市场,手机、小尺寸液晶背光、汽车普及率将会增加。一些特殊照明等分散市场将开放更多的成本(特殊照明一般照明的要求不是那么苛刻)。替换后的几年前,LED交通信号灯是非常受欢迎的,LED的会持续更长的时间,短期内很难大规模的取代,这使得LED交通信号灯处于低需求期,国内大型轿车市场只要有优秀的产品质量,国内汽车灯LED背光和一个非常大的市场需求和经济增长在这个市场的需求是相对稳定的。LED显示由于容易组装、低能耗、高亮度的原因被广泛应用于银行、证券、广场、车站、体育场馆,这个市场的未来仍有很大的发展潜力。在奥运会、世博会的城市晚上项目的示范效应。以及很多有利的因素,建筑照明市场仍然是一个前景广阔。一般来说,许多大型国际公司专注于高端以及一般照明的巨大的潜在市场。一些产品技术要求相对较低,未来市场疲软具有分散性容易失控。因为它大量的专利,并不担心未来的市场。在这个阶段不是追求产能(每月日亚化学500 kk,丰田合成和克里族350 kk和300 kk),而是专注于技术领导市场潮流,当技术足够成熟市场的规模一般照明,据估计,其生产能力将迅速减少。这种“中心-外围”的竞争预计将维持很长一段时间。目前,主要制造商集中在大陆市场。芯片出口将面临两个挑战。首先,国际大型企业在申请专利诉讼(主要是蓝色和白色),事实上只要具有一定规模,无论出口专利是否会遇到挑战,专利诉讼的出口的希望更大。第二,其他外部供应商的竞争,尤其是台湾的制造商,台湾的传统制造商跟随他们的策略和技术跟踪国际公司,同时大力提高生产率,降低成本,生产能力世界上第一,有许多其他行业巨头进入这一领域时,会影响未来的台湾LED芯片的全球市场的价格波动。考虑到国内市场的巨大需求,国内芯片工厂,即使它可以适当依靠国内市场发展。如果海外光伏公司无限的进入国内市场,国内企业将面临持续的竞争压力,在长期的国内企业是一个非常消极的现象。LED行业的发展在这个阶段将导致国内制造商、外国投资者在大陆享受税收优惠政策,国内企业进入国内市场在一个不平等的竞争地位。应该鼓励外国投资者在中国设立工厂,芯片核心技术参与外展,例如这些企业可以促进人才培养,提高整体技术水平。应限制那些芯片核心技术的一部分占领外国市场的企业,一旦这样的名片在所有核心地区和当地企业不享受技术进步带来的好处,发展和空间将会有限,他们会争相依靠价格战,不是那么难讨好自己的东西,所以只处理当前包的一部分在中国限制外国投资,如进口关税征收芯片。从专利诉讼而言,它并不可怕,只要我们的主要竞争对手必须支付,我们仍然在同一起跑线上竞争。台湾主要涉及LED蓝白相间的芯片LED工厂在成长过程中经历了诉讼,诉讼达成和解获得专利,继续发展。现阶段最好的反应是大规模获得专利,同时加强自己的R & D改善交叉许可的专利诉讼的讨价还价的能力。国内企业的规模、厦门圣国安可能迎来增长的第一个“洗礼”。未来工业竞争力将取决于两个方面,首先是技术,包括提高发光效率和低成本的技术来提高功率器件技术,道路的方向在于扩展现有的技术。但也有路线的新技术,包括获得高质量科技产品以及外部系统,如照明设计和技术驱动芯片设计。第二是规模,一方面由于规模经济成本的降低,市场强大的讨价还价的能力。另一方面,使用的硅化合物与IC晶片制造是非常不同的,即使一个扩展在同一生产芯片的性能可能完全不同,这需要相对较高的一致性的应用领域(如一个典型的LCD背光)。只有不断的扩展,以满足需求,但大型企业的数量水平的市场结构可以用一个特定市场的需求,不一致的芯片产品部署到另一个市场,公司的总产量增加的效率。LED行业有一个光明的未来,但只有在上述两个方面行业领先的企业才是未来的领导者。结论:国内企业应该关注什么?在整个产业链开发过程中,哪五种企业具有投资价值。知识产权是一个核心业务。房产企业的发展在国内最广泛,南昌大学建立了联合私人股本基金光电晶体可以是一个典型代表,可以由硅基光电晶体氮化镓外延蓝光技术,世界上最大的三个蓝灯一个过程技术,突破国外专利日亚化学和克里族封锁,附近的公司设立行业需要检查的当前水平。另一个鲁明大连公司通过收购美国LED芯片制造商使芯片AXT技术增加,获得40多个专利核心技术。此外,大连鲁明原始以来从事稀土发光材料,白色荧光粉合成的用于生产是世界上生产的只有少数能生产发光发光材料可以芯片业务。此外,R & D的可能性鲁明新的稀土荧光粉,突破日亚化学,欧司朗白光技术。国内产业进入一般LED照明突破过去的障碍。白光LED照明只要两大“绊脚石”蓝光专利和白色的专利做出突破,国内LED行业的前途是光明的国内产业是测试行业的能力。芯片行业的其他企业和技术跟踪做生意更成功。能够进行实际的芯片设计和加工的绿色一定规模的扩展,主要集中在萨曼厦门、大连、美国(鲁明子公司)几家公司,当前生产规模与LED-ray相比的只有萨曼、厦门、台湾。红筹股每月可以1000 kk,蓝筹股200 kk /月,技术在国内领先水平,与全彩超高亮度LED芯片生产能力。2006年销售收入近3亿,市场很受欢迎。此外,台湾光电工厂建立在厦门,地方产业集群的形成,增强工业和技术人员支持能力的流动发展的重要性的三个也有一个重要的推动作用。目前蓝筹100 kk /月,先进的芯片技术的水平,该公司将在8月两个新的有机,明年为两个,容量为蓝筹300 kk /月,当可用的亮红色和绿色和蓝色LED芯片、LED芯片销量在2007年将达到。一定规模的市场有一定的品牌,另一个优势在于其传统的集成电路设计公司在LED驱动器集成电路设计和制造可以发挥作用,公司的产品已经在这方面展开,它的发展前景持乐观态度。大连工业化在美国也众所周知,知识产权和工业化的成功发展两种类型的特点。前两类企业的核心优势更集中在投资价值。第三种类型的企业是下游企业,如厦门华联、佛山星电状态。国家性的集成电路发展的一个主要特点是当地企业发展的区域是更好的设计和制造领域。据估计,导致包装领域的企业也将是一个很好的发展机遇,甚至高于上游和中游的外延芯片业务发展。因为可以购买外国芯片公司以满足国内市场的需求,而国内企业将按照路线图芯片技术的进步。LED领域,白光LED光效应通过包来实现一些其他颜色的光源也必须打包成一个设备终端市场的包装技术水平将直接决定领导市场的全面发展。目前主要集中在下游的包装行业,但是大多数的低水平的企业计划,导致竞争激烈,终端市场的升级优秀的下游的包装越来越强大的品牌,技术越来越先进,它必将脱颖而出,投资的价值体现。第四类型的企业是未来的公共区域的照明。照明设计等专业品牌开发了一种白光LED普通照明光,因此,作为最大的LED应用市场,高投资价值的企业理所当然的事,只是个时间问题而已。第五类型的LED产业链在边远地区的电子材料,如硅、硅树脂、引线框架包装、冷却模块等。LED驱动器集成电路领域,目前在这些方面还相对薄弱,需要经历一个长期的发展。驱动芯片比其他偏远地区预计将增长得更快。LCD驱动IC国内工业化相当成功,受益很小,主要是由于市场的下游(电池板制造商)缺乏设计和制造集成电路基于相对较弱,而现在国内下游市场非常广泛的半导体照明产业发展芯片发展的机会,相信企业将会脱颖而出。上市公司前景,及其在蓝色突出显示的扩展芯片行业,如“核心价值”的技术突破功率LED驱动IC,也推出自己的产品在市场上有一定的声誉,在外延、芯片技术产业进一步成熟和达到一定规模,该公司预计将打包成下游市场,打开产业链。原文:The development prospects of the mainland State LED LED doomed its huge market will develop into a huge industry. Overall, the domestic industry in terms of size has been unsatisfactory, the typical case is the integrated circuit industry and the LCD panel industry, the domestic IC industry is now tail between its people, LCD panel industry is riddled with illness, technology complex, large investment and a weak infrastructure is the main reason, while the LED industry will break the curse, and can bring about the upgrading of industries, such as the domestic industry in LCD driver chips simply do not drive, because the LCD panel industry out of the country, support because of huge market, LED Driver IC is expected to flourish in the country to promote domestic enterprises bigger and stronger, which in turn will promote the domestic LCD driver chip or other chip-driven development. Chinas LED industry is currently a disadvantage lies in the fact that a LED products of domestic enterprises and overseas technical level there is a certain gap in the pursuit of high-end customers at a disadvantage; Second, the domestic IC manufacturing base compared to Japan, Korea and Taiwan, these strong LED weak areas, LED epitaxy, chip manufacturing capacity, technological level and poor external support of some materials, the learning curve longer will take some time to cultivate; Third, the size of the domestic LED business is still relatively small, most of them did not exceed 100kk / monthly energy (blue green), this state of affairs in the next two years will be improved; four, domestic R & D concentrated in universities and research institutes, production in the enterprises, the lack of R & D results of the rapid industrialization of the conversion mechanism, which should be learn from Taiwans Industrial Technology Research Institute of the technical achievements the licensing mechanism to speed up the conversion rate of technological achievements and scientific research institutes can not be for their own industry rather than the outcome of the latest technology and timely transfer to industry, the Government should regulate the development of relevant policy-related behavior; five domestic lack of core patents, in particular related to the industry in the long-term development of the Blu-ray core patents and patent lack of white light, which will enable long-term development of domestic industries to function. Chinas local enterprises at this stage is mainly at the initial stage, smaller companies, the manufacturers of the master do not constitute a threat to the patent, patent issues is not very prominent. However, with the development and expansion of domestic enterprises, once the scale to a certain extent, the going out development strategy, will become a potential patent issues. At present, the domestic enterprises to grow bigger, to improve product quality and technical level of the most important task is to improve the future licensing companies asking price at the time, or to gradually break through the core of R & D patents. We believe that the LED industry in China has good prospects for development, based on the following points: First, in terms of the technology, LED technology has the bottleneck of high growth, low-threshold characteristics of the study, the domestic long-term accumulation in the semiconductor field of research resources can be useful with a good basis for further study. Although the manufacturing of integrated circuits based on weak, relatively low technological level, but some domestic enterprises to join overseas technical personnel, continue to make breakthroughs in technology, technological level of domestic enterprises with good companies with the technological level of Taiwan or less the same as with international companies as a whole has been narrowing the gap; Second, LED invested relatively small initial investment will be 100 million plant, the domestic enterprises to enter the threshold of the low, easy to achieve a rolling development and manufacture of integrated circuits and liquid crystal panel manufacturers easily to tens of billions of billions of yuan in investment it is insignificant easier access to the domestic enterprises to form industrial clusters, of course, may also lead to vicious competition and to a certain stage of development of market integration; Third, the domestic market great, LED market is the next major general lighting market, the market capacity, end-consumer market, scattered and difficult to form a monopoly, a vast living space of domestic enterprises; Fourth, some companies have a core of intellectual property rights, such as crystalline silicon photovoltaic substrate can GaN-ray projects, Dalian Road, the area of the United States and the core of the chip technology, has global competitiveness of these enterprises on technology development in the demonstration effect easy to form and promote the healthy growth of the domestic business market; five, after maturity of the technology, LED downstream packaging and devices are labor-intensive production, the development of the mainland with the labor cost advantage. The development process from the LED industry, the global sales of LED according to the market is currently the largest mobile phone backlight market, with mobile phone sales growth slowing down, as well as the OLED screen on the mobile phone TFT-LCD screen to enhance the penetration of the global growth rate of the LED . Technological progress as a result of cost reduction in the current (and even pre-2010) is not enoughto allow full access to general use LED lighting market, global growth will be the next notebook, LCD TVbacklighting, and automotive markets with the car interior lamp backlight market. As the worlds top five LCD panel (LG Philips, Samsung, AUO, CMO and Sharp) in a high level of LED technology, large production capacity in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, domestic only BOE, polish electricity and the Five Dragon PV panels of three lines, the 4.5-generation Shanghai Tianma production line will be able to after the demand for LED backlighting, but the overall demand is not dominant, the domestic enterprises to enter the LCD panel backlight LED supply chain proceeds should not be too large backlit panel with mobile phone market is quite similar. Application of the Chinese market at this stage mainly in the architectural lighting, indoor and outdoor display, based on the above reasons, the main force of the next wave may be present in these markets, but in mobile phones, small size LCD backlight, automobile penetration will increase, and some scattered markets such as special lighting will open up even more (the cost of special lighting requirements for general lighting is not so harsh). After the replacement of a few years ago, LED traffic lights is very popular, as the LEDs life is longer, the short term it is very difficult to replace in the event of large-scale work, which makes the LED traffic lights for a period of low demand period ; a large domestic sedan market, but higher, certification cycle length, as long as there is excellent product quality, domestic motor vehicle lights LED backlighting and a very large market demand and growth in demand in this market is relatively stable; and LED display its easy to assemble, low power consumption, high brightness, etc. has been widely applied to the banking, securities, squares, railway stations, sports venues, the future of this market there is still great potential for growth; in the Olympic Games, World Expo, a number of city night demonstration effect of the project, led by National SemiconductorLighting Project, as well as the many favorable factors, such as the promotion of, the architectural lighting market is still a broad prospect. Generally speaking, a number of large international companies focused on high-end, more concentrated target markets ready market, as well as general lighting of the huge potential market, and some of the products will be relatively low technical requirements that the future control of the decentralized nature of the market so weak out of hand because of its large number of patents, do not worry about the future was out of the market at this stage not to pursue production capacity (per month to Nichia 500kk, Toyoda Gosei and Cree were 350kk and 300kk), and focus on technology to lead the market trend, When the technology is mature enough to be the size of the market into the general lighting, it is estimated that its production capacity will be rapidly and at the same time to reduce external licensing. This center - periphery of the competition is expected to maintain a long period of time. At present, the major manufacturers in the Mainland market, if the fear of chip exports will encounter two challenges: First, large international companies in patent litigation (mainly blue and white), in fact, as long as a certain size, regardless of the export and whether the patent will encounter challenges, but the export of patent litigation is more likely that a number of; Second, the competitiveness of other external vendors, especially manufacturers in Taiwan, Taiwans traditional manufacturers followed their strategy - and technology to track the international companies, at the same time strongly improve productivity, reduce costs and production capacity in Taiwan the worlds first chip, there are a number of other industries such as the giant Hon Hai, the Mau, the total being good to enter this area, can influence the future of Taiwan LED chip global market price fluctuations . Given the huge domestic market demand, domestic chip plants, even if it can rely on the domestic market of the development of an adequate, if the photovoltaic companies overseas unlimited access to domestic markets, domestic companies will face continued competitive pressures, which in the long-term domestic enterprises is a very negative statement. LED industry is growing at this stage, but also the layout of the LED makers a view of domestic, foreign investment in the Mainland to enjoy tax incentives, domestic enterprises to compete in an unequal position to enter the domestic market to foreign investors should be encouraged to set up factories in China to engage in outreach, chip core technology, such as enterprises, these enterprises can promote personnel training and raising the overall skill level; should be limited to those packages in the country, epitaxial, chip, such as part of the core technology for the occupation in the foreign market from the enterprise, Once such a business card in all core areas, and local enterprises do not enjoy the benefits of technological progress, development and limited space, I am afraid they will scramble to rely on price war, not so hard to curry favor with their own thing, so deal with only part of the current package in China to limit foreign investment, such as import tariffs levied on the chip. From the patent litigation is concerned, its not terrible, as long as our main competitors, have to pay, we still compete in the same starting line, Taiwans major involving the blue and white LED chip factory in the growth process have experienced litigation LED , reached a settlement in the proceedings to obtain patents, continue to grow. The best response is to do at this stage a large-scale, access to patents, while at the same time strengthen its own R & D to improve the patent litigation in the bargaining power for cross-licensing. Domestic enterprises in terms of size, Xiamen Sanan may usher in the growth of the first baptism. The future industrial competitiveness will depend on two aspects, firstly, technology, including to improve light-emitting efficiency and lower the cost of technology to improve power device technology, the direction of the road there is an extension of existing technology, but also possible routes of new technologies; also including access to high-quality technology products, as well as external systems such as lighting design and technology-driven chip design; Second, the scale, on the one hand, due to large scale to reduce costs, the market strong bargaining power; On the other hand, compounds with IC wafer manufacture of silicon used is very different, even if an extension on the same production out of the chip performance may be quite different, which require relatively high consistency of application areas (such as a typical LCD backlight), the extension of an There is only a part of to meet the requirements, but large-scale enterprises, the number of levels of market structure, can be inconsistent with the requirements of a particular market deployment of chip products to another market, the companys total output to increase the efficiency of the full. LED industry a bright future, but only in the above-mentioned two aspects of the industrys leading enterprise is the future king. Conclusion: Company commented, domestic enterprises should be concerned about what? In the entire LED industry chain and which business concern? From the overall development process, the five companies most investment value. A class of intellectual property rights is a core business.


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