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Extensive Reading Course For English Majors Week 3 Contents This weeks topic: Maltreatment of food animals 2 Teaching Procedure Text Study Additional Task This Weeks Assignment 3 Text Study Reading 4, Unit 1: Cruel Slaughter of Food Hits a Nerve Text Study McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys These are the three biggest fast food companies in the US. They are among the biggest buyers of beef and chicken. B a c k g r o u n d Text Study Puppy mill A puppy mill, sometimes known as a puppy farm, is a commercial dog breeding facility that is operated with an emphasis upon profits above animal welfare. Puppy mills usually house dogs in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, without adequate food, water and medical care. B a c k g r o u n d Text Study The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) With more than 750,000 members, PETA is the largest animal rights organization in the world. Founded in 1980, PETA is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA focuses on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most: on factory farms, in laboratories, in the fur trade, and in the entertainment industry. B a c k g r o u n d Reading 4: Main Ideas Americans are becoming more sensitive to the mistreatment of food animals. Mistreatment of food animals is being criticized by the author. The animal rights movement overlooked the cruelty to food animals in the past. Since the late 1990s, PETA has waged a war against fast food companies for supporting a system of cruelty, and it has succeeded in many ways. Senator Byrd has publicly denounced the cruelty to food animals. Para 1-4 Para 5-8 Para 9-11 Para 12-15 Para 16-20 M a i n I d e a s Text Study The humane movement, too often ridiculed for its overwrought emotionalism and scattershot priorities, has begun chalking up solid, sensible gains against the unimaginable cruelty (Para. 2) Explain the words in red. According to the latter part of the article, what are the “scattershot priorities” of the movement? getting, achieving excessively nervous or anxious random, haphazard C o m p r e h e n s i o n Text Study They left many sympathizers uncomfortably on the sidelines. Me among them. I still eat meat, wear leather shoes and support ethical hunting. (Para 10) Can you infer the meaning of this phrase? Why does the author say the animal- rights activists leave many sympathizers “uncomfortably” on the sidelines? Watching what is happening while not taking an active part 旁观,置身事外 C o m p r e h e n s i o n Text Study hit a nervehit a nerve to upset someone by talking about something he is very sensitive about 触 到痛处 Obama and others have come under fire for allowing employees at failed insurance giant American International Group to give out $165 million in bonuses after the company received a $180 billion government bailout, an example of Wall Street excess that hit a nerve across America. (“Americans say too early to judge Obama performance”, Reuters, Mar 25, 2009 ) W o r d F o c u s Text Study Write a sentence of your own by using each of the following phrases: Hit a nerve Chalk up On the sidelines Be party to Add up to W o r d F o c u s Text Study Examples: I hit a nerve when I mentioned her ex- husband. The team has chalked up its fifth win in a row. His injury put him on the sidelines for the rest of the season. They refused to be party to any violence. His words add up to this: we ought to try the new technique. W o r d F o c u s Text Study Do the exercise “Check Your Comprehension” on page 20. Do the exercise “Check Your Vocabulary B” on page 21. Additional Task News reading: Read two news items about the ban on eating dog and cat meat in China and answer the following questions. 1. Inside the cat and dog meat market in China (CNN) 2. Chinese legal experts call for ban on eating cats and dogs (The Guardian) Additional Task Group discussion: Which news item has a more critical tone towards the tradition of eating dog and cat meat in China? Why do you think so? Which news item do you prefer? Provide your reasons. This Weeks Assignment l Download a news article about animal experiment from the internet and read it carefully; l Write a summary of the news and hand i


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